More Power Than You Think : Anatomy of a Christ-like Mind-logo

More Power Than You Think : Anatomy of a Christ-like Mind

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

This is not a podcast about self-reliance or pulling ourselves up with our own bootstraps but rather a focus on the fact that God has given us more power than we think! . Despite messy lives, mental illness, broken relationships, loss, and all the things, we can still live a lifestyle of peace, contentment, and joy. . This podcast will equip you with the tools, knowledge, and encouragement needed to control your thoughts and live abundant lives regardless of your circumstances and despite the enemy’s lies. . You’ll learn what renewing the mind looks like in the messiness of real life as we thoroughly explore the anatomy of a Christ-like mind. . What we think literally changes our brain and creates who we are physically, emotionally, and spiritually! Together, let’s take back control and get victory one thought and one neural pathway at a time! . . . To fast track your knowledge of renewing the mind, see my online Diving Deep Bible Study Course. . Find my free resources here. . Connect with me! . Email - . Website . Online Bible Study . Facebook


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This is not a podcast about self-reliance or pulling ourselves up with our own bootstraps but rather a focus on the fact that God has given us more power than we think! . Despite messy lives, mental illness, broken relationships, loss, and all the things, we can still live a lifestyle of peace, contentment, and joy. . This podcast will equip you with the tools, knowledge, and encouragement needed to control your thoughts and live abundant lives regardless of your circumstances and despite the enemy’s lies. . You’ll learn what renewing the mind looks like in the messiness of real life as we thoroughly explore the anatomy of a Christ-like mind. . What we think literally changes our brain and creates who we are physically, emotionally, and spiritually! Together, let’s take back control and get victory one thought and one neural pathway at a time! . . . To fast track your knowledge of renewing the mind, see my online Diving Deep Bible Study Course. . Find my free resources here. . Connect with me! . Email - . Website . Online Bible Study . Facebook



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34 | Last Episode in Mental Illness Series

Of all the episodes from this series, this last one pulls at my heart the most. I spend more time on stigma in this episode than any of the others. It is a sad topic, but it is the truth of what’s going on in our churches. I also am forthright about the harm in the approach many take in counseling, an approach that has much truth but is mixed with very little mercy, grace, or heavenly wisdom. I begin this episode by briefly going over the 6 key things that God used to bring me to stability from suicidal depression and bipolar. I spend quite a bit of time talking about how we all handle stress differently. For some, stress becomes illness and disease. For others, it leads to mental symptoms. We all respond to stress differently based on a variety of factors. We all have a different reserve of strength and health. This reserve, or lack thereof, affects how vulnerable we are to the consequence of life’s stressors. When it comes to trauma, I address how some biblical curriculums teach that any negative effects from these traumas reveal a spiritual problem. I don’t believe that is a balanced or realistic perspective and explain my thoughts on this teaching. I address the division, harm and discord the devil has been successful in achieving among the body of Christ. I emphasize that no matter the origin of any mental or physical battle we face, God’s Word and renewing the mind is part of the answer. Toward the end, I give my final thoughts, including identifying the real enemy, the father of lies. And I encourage folks that even if they don’t see eye to eye with their leadership on the topic of mental health, we can still have a wonderful relationship, stay teachable, and receive the blessings God will give through our leadership in other areas. I end this episode by highlighting our Savior, as He spent His last hours in the garden, heavy with physical, emotional, and spiritual pain, yet fully trusting and without sin. He again, is our example in all things. I am not a mental health professional, but I am a suicide attempt survivor and speak from first-hand experience of living with a mental illness called Bipolar Type II. If you are having an emergency, please call 988 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. Information on this podcast is not to be taken as medical advice or as a replacement for professional care but is for educational purposes only. Download your free mental Health Resource Guide Here Coaching: Book an appointment with Jennifer Email Jennifer . Online Bible Study


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33 | Counseling Part 2 – Mental Health Awareness

This is part 2 of my discussion on counseling. Today I reveal my concerns about both secular and Biblical counseling. Neither one can be blindly followed and neither one needs to be automatically excluded. I point out that none of the counseling types are intentionally trying to steer you away from truth, but I do highlight things you need to be aware of in both secular and Biblical counseling that could be harmful. I especially highlight the harmful Biblical counseling that says you must accept who your heart wants you to be while it emphasizes the sin rather than the provision of our new identity in Christ. I warn that if you are not an avid student of Scripture, you will have a lack of knowledge and may fail to see where your counseling, whether secular or spiritual, is steering you out of alignment with God’s Word. I give advice on what the spiritual outcome of your counseling should be. I advise you on the confidentiality level of the different counseling types. I talk about the availability struggles you may have finding a counselor. I talk more about the harmful blanket statement that mental health battles mean you are not right with God and use my own self as an example of how my failures this week with anxiety and depression does not mean I completely failed or that I was overall simply not right with God or living in the world as the stigma states. This episode definitely provides a lot to chew on and think about! Next week I will bring one more episode on this topic of mental illness before resuming back to my normal content. I am not a mental health professional, but I am a suicide attempt survivor and speak from first-hand experience of living with a mental illness called Bipolar Type II. If you are having an emergency, please call 988 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. Information on this podcast is not to be taken as medical advice or as a replacement for professional care but is for educational purposes only. Download your free mental Health Resource Guide Here Coaching: Book an appointment with Jennifer Email Jennifer . Online Bible Study


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32 | Secular, Biblical, and Christian Counseling – Part 1 – Mental Health Awareness Month

The discussion on counseling will cover two weeks. In today's episode, Part 1 on counseling, I start by giving a bird’s eye view of the different kinds of counseling that is available in both the Christian and secular community. I talk about price, credentials, availability, and what kind of confidentiality you can expect amongst the different counselors. I talk about mental health professionals that specialize in a specific area and why that may be beneficial to you. I discuss how counseling is a relationship where you have a say in your care. You and the counselor get the freedom to communicate your needs. You are not “stuck” with a counselor that isn’t working for you. You have the freedom to discontinue working with them if they end up not being a good fit. I talk about how you can communicate your needs with a secular counselor to facilitate a relationship that helps your needs get met in a way that aligns with your faith. I end Part 1 addressing some of the all-or-nothing statements regarding counseling. These statements are harmful and may keep someone from getting the care they need to be safe, live a better quality of life, or even stay alive. Part 2 will air next week, June 4th. I am not a mental health professional, but I am a suicide attempt survivor and speak from first-hand experience of living with a mental illness called Bipolar Type II. If you are having an emergency, please call 988 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. Information on this podcast is not to be taken as medical advice or as a replacement for professional care but is for educational purposes only. Download your free mental Health Resource Guide Here Coaching: Book an appointment here Email Jennifer . Online Bible Study . Website


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31 | Mental Illness Part 3 - This is Serious - So One More Book to Read

My plan today was to talk about all things counseling… secular, spiritual, and Biblical counseling. But God has given me more homework. More studying and reading one more book before He has me address this topic. The topic of counseling is serious and causing a lot of division in our churches. It’s even possible that lives have been lost based on counseling that was in error. God has challenged me to fine-tune my beliefs, and to be very careful about presenting information until I have researched it fully and present it as truth. I believe this is a challenge He has for all of us. Our beliefs should not be founded on emotions, our own agenda, the fear of man or on tradition but founded on truth. It is something we need to continually evaluate ourselves on, but especially as we spread opinions and beliefs on these topics around mental illness. This episode is an honest update on the behind-the-scenes preparation for these episodes as I continue to study for the remainder of Mental Health Awareness Month. There will be at least two more episodes, possibly three, on this topic before we return to our regular content. Do you have something you want me to address? Let me know. I am open to your feedback or questions! Email me at I am not a mental health professional, but I am a suicide attempt survivor and speak from first-hand experience of living with a mental illness called Bipolar Type II. If you are having an emergency, please call 988 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. Information on this podcast is not to be taken as medical advice or as a replacement for professional care but is for educational purposes only. Download your free mental Health Resource Guide Here Coaching: Do you need guidance from someone who loves the Bible AND has a mental illness? Book an appointment with me! Email Jennifer . Online Bible Study . Website


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30 | Mental Illness Part 2 – Are Medications a lack of faith?

Is taking drugs for mental health reasons a lack of faith? Not in my opinion! The month of May is Mental Health Awareness month. I don’t normally talk exclusively about mental illness on this podcast, but I am taking the entire month of May to specifically address this topic. Not only are people suffering and dying, but unnecessary division is being caused in our church communities against those that are struggling. There is much harm being caused from stigma, a lack of knowledge, a judgmental, pious spirit, and passed down beliefs that have no scientific backing. There is also a lack of knowledge amongst those suffering. When we don’t know the power and promises of the word of God, we become victims to our minds and thoughts, remaining powerless over them. I don’t claim that the word of God will erase mental illness, but I have proved in my own battle with bipolar and suicidal depression that including scripture in the battle for the mind is of paramount importance, and for me, was lifesaving. This month as we discuss mental illness, I will address stigma, counseling, medication, suicide, and so much more. Do you have something you want me to address? Let me know. I am open to your feedback or questions! Email me at I am not a mental health professional, but I am a suicide attempt survivor and speak from first-hand experience of living with a mental illness called Bipolar Type II. If you are having an emergency, please call 988 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. Information on this podcast is not to be taken as medical advice or as a replacement for professional care but is for educational purposes only. Download your free mental Health Resource Guide Here Coaching: Do you need guidance from someone who loves the Bible AND has a mental illness? Book an appointment with me! Email Jennifer . Online Bible Study . Website


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29 | Mental Illness Part 1 – Helping Others, Stigma, and Happy Endings

The month of May is Mental Health Awareness month. I don’t normally talk exclusively about mental illness on this podcast, but I am taking the entire month of May to specifically address this topic. Not only are people suffering and dying, but unnecessary division is being caused in our church communities against those that are struggling. There is much harm being caused from stigma, a lack of knowledge, a judgmental, pious spirit, and passed down beliefs that have no scientific backing. There is also a lack of knowledge amongst those suffering. When we don’t know the power and promises of the word of God, we become victims to our minds and thoughts, remaining powerless over them. I don’t claim that the word of God will erase mental illness, but I have proved in my own battle with bipolar and suicidal depression that including scripture in the battle for the mind is of paramount importance, and for me, was life-saving. This month as we discuss mental illness, I will discuss stigma, counseling, medication, suicide, and so much more. I am open to your feedback or questions! Email me at I am not a mental health professional, but I am a suicide attempt survivor and speak from first-hand experience of living with a mental illness called Bipolar Type II. If you are having an emergency, please call 988 or the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. Information on this podcast is not to be taken as medical advice or as a replacement for professional care but is for educational purposes only. Download your free mental Health Resource Guide Here Coaching: Do you need guidance from someone who loves the Bible AND has a mental illness? Book an appointment with me! Email Jennifer . Online Bible Study . Website


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28 | Mundane Days and a Hodge Podge of Blessings

Have you ever felt your day was uneventful with nothing really happening in the spiritual realm? Maybe you felt nothing was accomplished, you didn’t grow, or God seemed quiet and distant. Thankfully, scripture tells us that even on the most mundane of days, God does behind-the-scenes miracles on a constant basis, and is always making our day spectacular! Even if you spent your whole day sick in bed, God was doing a plethora of beautiful things for you! In this episode, I give you lots of scripture promises. Plus, in a very hodge podge way, I share how God has been working in the past 10 days. Maybe my blessings can bless you too! I hope so! The blog post where all these promises for a mundane day can be found is below. Blog Post – Not Such a Mundane Day Don’t forget to email me ideas for Mental Health Awareness Month! . Online Video Bible Study Curriculum . Coaching . Email . Website


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27 | The No-Excuse Guide to Trials

The devil wants us to believe that we have to wait for circumstances to change before we can experience joy, peace, abundant life, and happiness. Praise the Lord that is not the case! In this episode we look at trails through the lens of Abundant life in Christ is not dependent on circumstances, so no need to wait. It is just one thought and one choice away! . Online Video Bible Study Curriculum . Coaching . Email . Website


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26 | Busy? Time is Never Wasted at Jesus' Feet. Five Tips for Deeper Fellowship During Busy Seasons of Life.

In this episode I talk about deepening our fellowship and praise of God during busy seasons of life. Please join me as we unfold the following 5 mindsets. . My online Bible Study Curriculum . Free resources . Email . Website


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25 | What Is So Bad About Praying for Patience? God Says,” Well Done,” Not “I Told You So.”

There is a subtle but powerful lie the devil is telling us that tremendously limits our impact for Christ. This lie keeps us full of enough fear to prevent us from taking action, thus preventing God from demonstrating His power in us and through us. If I said, “I prayed and asked God to teach me patience,” what would most people say in response? “Oh you are really asking for it now!” “You have no idea what you have done!” “That was foolish!” But why are we responding this way? Why is there such opposition and negativity towards praying such a prayer? The devil wants us to believe that if we ask God a bold prayer such as teaching us patience then 1) We are on our own and 2) The process will be a horrible ordeal. Well, let’s kick his lies to the curb and view this kind of bold prayer from God’s perspective! . My online Bible Study Curriculum . Free resources . Email . Website


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24 | Renewing the Mind Vs. Positive Thinking

The power of positive thinking alone, from a bird’s eye view, is scriptural. It is part of renewing the mind. Thinking positive thoughts and choosing to see the good in circumstances aligns with scripture. But, gaining peace by thinking positive things alone, without the correct motive, anchor, or compass of the word of God can lead to error and get us out of alignment with Christ. We aren’t just to focus on good, happy things but on the eternal, living God. “For in him we live, and move, and have our being.” Acts 17:28a In this episode, we look at traps we can fall into if we are simply thinking positively without anchoring our purpose for those positive thoughts in the word of God. . My online Bible Study Curriculum . Free resources . Email . Website


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23 | Finding the Balance of Self-Love in Scripture. A Continuation of Episode #21

“We are not loving ourselves because of who we are, but Whose we are and who we are in Him!” There is so much we need to add to our last discussion on self-love (Episode 21) to make sure we are staying in alignment with scripture. We want to be sure we are not applying this truth in a worldly way because then it will be mixed with error. In this episode, I clarify what loving ourselves is not, and bring in scriptures that help us get a clearer picture of how to apply self-compassion into our lives. I also address the bondage of staying in condemnation and living with a cast-down spirit. We are not trapped in a sin we have committed. We have provision through Christ to acknowledge, repent, and receive forgiveness for our daily sin. We then get to move immediately back into abundant life with the Savior. When we struggle to recover in our spirit for a sin we have committed, we can stay out of the despair of our sin by yes, acknowledging our sin, but then focusing on the provision instead of the failure. Focusing on God’s power, instead of our weakness. I end this episode with the song Via Dolorosa and an Easter reminder to include into your life the provisions God offers us as a result of Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. This episode has the potential to help you get unstuck in many ways! . My online Bible Study Curriculum . Free resources . Email . Website


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22 | Are Trials Putting Your Life on Hold? How Can You Keep Moving Forward? The Highway of Life. (Another Car-Ride Episode.)

Has a big trial entered your life and you feel like everything is now standing still? Is there something you are waiting for and life feels stuck until it arrives? Feeling stuck, trapped, or paralyzed by circumstances is not where God wants us to live. Have you considered that the trial or what you are waiting for is not a roadblock, but is actually part of the journey and that you don't have to wait for it to be over to move forward? Our trials can flow along the highway of life with us rather than keeping everything at a standstill. It all has to do with perspective. In the midst of trials or in the midst of waiting, we still have life in us and around us. We don't want to miss it! . See my online Bible Study to fast track your knowledge of renewing the mind. . Find my free resources here. . Email me . Website . My Online Bible Study


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21 | Dear Jennifer, I love you. Are we allowed to love ourselves, or is that selfish and worldly?

I had a rough morning over the weekend, with a lot of bullying going on in the battleground of my mind. I had to make a decision in those moments to either stay in a pit of defeat or put forth the energy to renew my mind. I chose to renew my mind and take a more compassionate mindset toward myself. Listen in as I contemplate how God wants us to feel about ourselves. Disclaimer: How to carry out this truth of loving ourselves in combination with all the principals scripture entails will take much more study and unfolding on my part. We are to be selfless, and God’s mercy does keep us from being consumed. Without Christ we are nothing. There are many instructions in scripture on humility, servanthood, selflessness, etc. But that does not mean we are to condemn ourselves, trash-talk ourselves, or walk with our head down. There is a balance and I am on the journey of figuring out what that is. Today’s episode is only the beginning of the unfolding of me studying how God wants us to feel about ourselves in a way that aligns with the abundant life Christ wants us to have. Please give me grace as I share what I learn and trust that God has the answer in His precious word. He wants us to know this answer! Episodes mentioned in this episode. 02 | Exactly HOW to Cast Your Thoughts Down: The Greatest Weapon in Your Arsenal! 04 | Our Thoughts Have Superpowers! Rewiring the Brain - The Miracle of Neuroplasticity. 06 | Valuable or Worthless? Are You Letting Someone Else Determine Your Value? . . See my online Bible Study to fast track your knowledge of renewing the mind. . Find my free resources here. . Email me . Website . Online Bible Study


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20 | Does God Want Us Happy or Holy? And What Does Motive And Love Got to Do With It?

I got to spend some time talking with a friend last week, and she mentioned briefly that some people hold the belief that God doesn’t want to make us happy, He wants to make us holy. My friend believes scripture supports the idea that God wants us happy, and so do I. But that statement got my wheels ‘a turnin.’ Is our purpose to be holy, or is being holy the fruit of fulfilling our purpose? What IS our purpose? And as we try to be holy, what happens if we have the wrong motive? Have you ever served with all your heart but still felt lean in your soul or relationship with God? I pray this episode can help bring some clarity on why that might be and how to fix it. In my Diving Deep Bible Study, I talk about the subject of motive extensively because a correct motive is vital to our Christian lives. It is the difference between bondage and freedom, and is the key to having a best-friend relationship with God. You can find that Bible Study here Sermon link - Dr. John Van Gelderen (Sermon is from 16:49 – 57:15) . See my online Bible Study to fast track your knowledge of renewing the mind. . Find my free resources here. . Email me . Website . My Online Bible Study


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19 | Lessons from My Coffee Shop, Your First Car-ride Episode, and Yes, I’m Still Sick :o

This week God revealed His subtle wisdom found in an ordinary moment of my life by using the chaotic ambiance of my coffee shop as a backdrop for a lesson on carrying burdens and taking on the stress around us. Are you shouldering the burdens of loved ones and the world and finding it too heavy to bear? Are you sacrificing your well-being for burdens that aren't yours to carry? If you've ever felt the weight of the world on your shoulders, this episode is a gentle reminder to reassess the burdens we carry. Not all burdens are meant for us. And what about the car ride? Well, I couldn’t wait till I got home to push record on this episode, so I recorded it on my way home. And the part about being sick? Well, I promise my voice won’t always sound this way! (Although I am starting to wonder…) Week 5 of being unwell but I still wanted us to hang out and learn together! Join me as we try to discern which burdens are meant for us to carry and which ones we must set aside. . See my online Bible Study to fast track your knowledge of renewing the mind. . Find my free resources here. . Email me . Website . Online Bible Study


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18 | Discouraged? Do you feel invisible as you work and labor for the Lord? Is God still working when we see little fruit?

Do you ever get discouraged when you don't see much fruit from your labor for Christ? God doesn't always allow us to see the results of our ministry, our service, our parenting, our sacrifice. This can make it feel we are not having an impact on those around us. It can make us feel that our work is wasted, unseen, or in vain. But God has some very encouraging scriptures that He includes in His word that confirm He is working and fruit is happening. Along with some great scriptures, in today's episode I use my own salvation testimony to highlight the ways that God used faithful servants to bring me, as a young girl, to Christ. The servants I mention never got to see the fruit of their labors, the end of the story... a girl that grew up to serve the Lord fully. But God saw their labor! And it bore fruit!! God doesn't just use people to plant seeds, but also uses circumstances that will eventually lead to Him. Are you wondering how God will reach your loved one? In my salvation testimony I highlight some interesting circumstance God used to reach me. And if He did it for me, He will do it for your loved one! I pray you will be encouraged by this episode. God sees you! He sees your labor and service, even if He doesn't allow you to see the fruit or impact that it brings. Keep believing that God is working! He is faithful! . . See my online Bible Study to fast track your knowledge of renewing the mind. . Find my free resources here. . Email me . Website . Online Bible Study


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17 | Limbic System Repair: Square Breathing and Prayer. Using breathing and prayer to help heal and repair the limbic system and disrupt the stress response.

When we have stress that has compounded over time, it can cause the limbic system to malfunction, resulting in a chronic stress response which then results in symptoms. Renewing the mind is a key factor in disrupting this stress response. When we combine renewing the mind with prayer and breathing, we can help this healing process take place on an even deeper level. This benefits both our physical health and our relationship with God. In today's episode, I take you through a 24 minute guided breathing and prayer session that can help relieve and disrupt the chronic stress response. It serves as an example of an additional way you can pray to incorporate renewing the mind with the proven benefits of breath exercises and gratitude. The audio you hear today has a video that accompanies it. You can find the video here . . See my online Bible Study to fast track your knowledge of renewing the mind. . Find my free resources here. . Email me . Website . Online Bible Study


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16 | The Revival Killer: How to Avoid It and the Key Ingredient to Ignite Personal and Global Revival Today.

How does revival happen? When we look at how our world is today and we say, “Our country needs revival,” are we expecting someone else to start it? Are we thinking it’s someone else’s job? Are we wondering how it can even be done? In today’s episode, we talk about how revival actually starts with us, one person at a time. It starts with you. It starts with me. And the exciting thing is that we have the tools to begin revival today! Find out the one thing that kills revival before it can even start and learn how to avoid it. Get encouraged that that our amazing God is not limited to bring revival to us, our family or our world. With God, all things are possible. Let’s go back to believing that truth. I pray after today’s episode you are encouraged to believe big, pray big, and be revived in your heart that the power we see in biblical times is still available to us today because our God is still the same. God is still the God of the impossible! . . See my online Bible Study to fast track your knowledge of renewing the mind. . Find my free resources here. . Email me . Website . Online Bible Study


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15 | Super Capes, Racing Stripes, and Trying to Save the World. How to Find Balance While Going All In For Christ.

Have you ever felt like you are supposed to live everyday as if it were your last? That you are supposed to make every decision as if it was your final chance to have an impact for Christ? Have you felt the pressure of living with the same zeal and energy you would live if it really was your last day? But then have you realized that maintaining that level of zeal on an ongoing basis is exhausting and you wonder where the balance is? How do we go all in for Jesus but not drive ourselves into the ground with our super cape and racing stripe to go a hundred miles an hour and accomplish every task to perfection? That’s what I am addressing in today’s episode. I pray it brings you some clarity, balance, and freedom as you strive to live fully for Christ. . Resources Mentioned in This Episode . Song “While You Wait . Jennifer’s YouTube Channel . Bonus Episode Part 1 . Bonus Episode Part 2 . . . See my online Bible Study to fast track your knowledge of renewing the mind. . Find my free resources here. . Email me . Website . Online Bible Study
