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These are the sermons of One Covenant Church, Singapore, every Sunday morning.


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These are the sermons of One Covenant Church, Singapore, every Sunday morning.



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Doubts on Trial (Psalm 73)

Sermon series: Reflections on the Psalms The psalmist Asaph shows us how we can handle doubts in our lives. Doubts often arise through experiences that seem incoherent with the faith. This means that we should be willing to doubt our doubts in order to engage them fairly. For Asaph, he was redirected to God through participation in sanctuary worship, which provided an eternal perspective as he reconsidered the prosperity of the wicked. Preacher: Joel Sim Date: 16 June 2024


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Ode to Joy (Psalm 42)

In Psalm 42, the psalmist expresses his longing to commune with God. As he finds himself away from the sanctuary of God, the psalmist shows us the importance of lament in the face of pain and anguish. The purpose of lament is not to drive us away from God but to drive us towards Him and His good purposes. When we do so, we're enabled to live with hope, leading to praise of the living God.


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The Righteous Way (Psalm 1)

Sermon series: Reflections on the Psalms In this opening, defining psalm, the psalmist draws our attention to the importance of walking in the way of wisdom. This comes through meditating, day and night, on the Word of God. By internalising it, we become a fruit-bearing tree that can resist sin, as well as prosper according to God's economy. This is possible because of our union with the true vine, Jesus Christ. Preacher: Aaron Akins Date: 2 June 2024


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I Believe in the Resurrection and the Life (Romans 6:4-5; John 3:36, 4:14, 15:5, 17:3; Luke 16:22-25, 23:43; Philippians 1:23; Romans 8:23, John 5:28-29)

Sermon series: This I Believe -- The Apostles' Creed The Creed ends with a reminder that Jesus gives us hope in the present life, in life after death, and in life after life after death. Our final hope as Christians is not to live as disembodied beings in eternity, but to be with God in resurrected physical bodies in a restored creation. Preacher: Tan Huai Tze Date: 26 May 2024


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I Believe In the Forgiveness of Sins (1 John 3:4, John 14:15, Genesis 2:16-17, Isaiah 59:2, Isaiah 64:6, Exodus 34:6-7, Isaiah 53:5-6, Matthew 9:6, Matthew 26:28, Luke 23:34, Luke 24:46-47, Mark 1:15)

Sermon series: This I Believe -- the Apostles' Creed In Jesus, God can mercifully forgive our sins without compromising His justice, and so be perfectly merciful and perfectly just at the same time (Exodus 34:6-7). He is just, because sin has been punished in Jesus. And he is merciful, because He can now freely forgive. This forgiveness cannot be earned, but can only be received humbly as a free gift. Knowing a forgiveness that doesn’t compromise justice enables us to truly rejoice that we are forgiven (Psalm 32:1-2), and helps us to create a safe space for sinners in our church (Matthew 18:21-22, Colossians 3:13). Preacher: Tan Huai Tze Date: 19 May 2024


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I Believe in the Church (1 Corinthians 3:16-17; 1 Peter 2:9-12; Matthew 28:18-20; Revelation 7:9-10; 1 John 1:1-3)

Sermon series: This I Believe -- The Apostles' Creed After its description of the persons of the Trinity, the Apostles' Creed transitions to a description of the church as God's people. The church is the gathering of saints who have been set apart by God for the sacred mission of proclaiming the Gospel to the ends of the earth. As believers, we have communion with one another through our common union in Christ. This provides a foretaste of the fellowship that we'll have in eternity with every believer in Christ from every nation, tribe, people, and language. Preacher: Joel Sim Date: 12 May 2024


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I Believe in the Holy Spirit (Genesis 1:1-3, Luke 3:21-22, John 14:15-17, John 14:25-27, 1 Cor 12:3; Rom 8:15-17)

Sermon series: This I Believe -- The Apostles' Creed After confessing about God the Father and the Son, the Apostles’ Creed turns to the third person of the Trinity, the Holy Spirit, in the third paragraph (“I believe in the Holy Spirit”). Theologian J. I. Packer says that this paragraph “turns to the re-creating work of the Spirit, whereby we are actually made new in and through Christ.” In order to appreciate better what it means to be a believer, we need to understand the person, presence, and power of the Holy Spirit as He applies the work that Christ accomplished to us. Preacher: Aaron Akins Date: 5 May 2024


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I Believe Jesus Rose (1 Corinthians 15:3-8, 17-20, Romans 6:4-5, Acts 1:6-11, Hebrews 9:24, Hebrews 8:1-2, Romans 8:34, Acts 17:30-31, 2 Timothy 4:1-2, Revelation 1:7)

Sermon series: This I Believe -- The Apostles' Creed The Creed teaches us that Jesus rose on the third day, ascended to heaven, is seated at the right hand of God and will return to judge the living and the dead. Through this Jesus obtains for us a secure and sure salvation, and gives us eternal hope. Preacher: Tan Huai Tze Date: 28 April 2024


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I Believe Jesus Suffered (Matthew 27:11-14, 20-26, 45-50, 57-60; Acts 2:27-31; Isaiah 53:6)

Sermon series: This I Believe -- The Apostles' Creed The creed helps us confess that we believe Jesus died unjustly, innocently, but historically at the hands of Pontius Pilate. He died a cruel and shameful death by crucifixion to forgive our sins and cover our shame. His death, burial and descent to the place of the dead show us that Jesus died as a human being, in our place, and for our salvation. Jesus deals not just with our fear of death, but with death itself. Preacher: Tan Huai Tze Date: 21 April 2024


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I Believe in Jesus Christ (John 1:1-3,14; 5:16-18; 8:18-19; Matthew 1:18-25; Philippians 2:5-11)

Sermon series: This I Believe -- The Apostles' Creed Christians throughout the ages have believed that Jesus is fully God and fully human at the same time. This means that God has broken into history, showing us that He is real, and that He has come to save us, conquer evil, and restore what is broken by sin. Preacher: Tan Huai Tze Date: 14 April 2024


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I Believe in God the Father (Romans 1:16-23; Romans 8:14-17, 28; Revelation 4:8-11)

Sermon series: This I Believe, The Apostles' Creed The Apostles' Creed, which gives us a summarised picture of the Gospel, begins by telling us who is this very God that Christians believe in. He is our Father Almighty and the Creator of all things. Those who trust in Jesus are adopted into God's family, and God becomes their ever-present help. Preacher: Joel Sim Date: 7 April 2024


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Rising into Light (Psalm 118)

Sermon series: Easter Sunday In Psalm 118, King David is in distress because of his enemies, internal strife and a personal indiscretion. God rescues him and he leads his people to worship and praise God for all God had done for them. Jesus is the true and better King David who died and rose again so that we who have faith in Him might also delight in God’s rescue. Preacher: Tan Huai Tze Date: 31 March 2024


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Descending into Darkness (Psalm 22)

Sermon series: Good Friday Psalm 22 is a passionate portrayal of a righteous, believing man. It provides us with a model for how we can deal with grief and sorrow as believers. Above all, the psalm points to Jesus Christ and provides us with a vivid description of His suffering and agony on the cross. Through His death, Jesus, the light of the world, descended into the darkness so that we may be delivered from eternal darkness. Preacher: Joel Sim Date: 29 March 2024


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The Inside-Out Kingdom (Luke 6:37-49)

Sermon series: Hearing the Saviour The power to live Jesus’ Upside-Down Kingdom values is in knowing that it is also an Inside-Out Kingdom. The Kingdom has a generous and gracious culture that flows genuinely from the heart and is evidenced by hearing and obeying God’s Word. When our hearts are changed by God’s grace and generosity toward us in the Cross, we will live for Him from the heart. Preacher: Tan Huai Tze Date: 24 March 2024


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Love Your Enemies (Luke 6:27-36)

Sermon series: Hearing the Saviour In Jesus’s Upside-Down Kingdom, he calls us to love our enemies and do good to those who hate us. This is impossible to do in our own strength. Only seeing that God has loved us in Christ even when we were his enemies will fill us with the love that enables us to love our enemies. Preacher: Tan Huai Tze Date: 17 March 2024


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The Upside-Down Kingdom (Luke 6:20-26)

Sermon series: Hearing the Saviour In the beginning of his sermon, Jesus explains tells us the ‘upside-down’ values of his kingdom. He says that with him, even if you lose wealth, comfort, success and recognition you can still rejoice. But without him, even if you have all of those things, you will end up weeping because they are fleeting. Preacher: Tan Huai Tze Date: 10 March 2024


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Commissioned for Mission (Luke 6:12-19)

Sermon series: Hearing the Saviour After recovering the true meaning of Sabbath rest (Luke 6:1-11), he now helps us recover the true meaning of work and mission (Luke 6:12-19). We learn the need for prayer, how Jesus assigns us to different vocations graciously and how in small and big ways we can take part in what God is doing to redeem souls and restore the world today. Preacher: Tan Huai Tze Date: 3 March 2024


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Lord of Sabbath Rest (Luke 6:1-11)

Sermon series: Hearing the Saviour In his conflict with the religious elite, Jesus reveals to us God’s original intention for Sabbath rest. It is for nourishment and restoration. A nourishment and restoration that can only be ours through the Gospel. Preacher: Tan Huai Tze Date: 25 February 2024


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Embrace the New (Luke 5:33-39)

Sermon series: Hearing the Saviour Jesus responds to the religious leaders who are questioning what His disciples were doing. In this passage, Jesus' teachings are emphatic: our old ways of self-righteousness are incompatible with the new ways of Jesus. As such, we need to lay aside our self-worked religion before we can receive the new wine of divine grace. Preacher: Joel Sim Date: 18 February 2024


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Calling and Controversy (Luke 5:27-32)

Jesus called Levi to follow him. This is controversial because Levi is a despised “tax collector”, a traitor to his people, and one who is unscrupulous and dishonest. But as grace touches Levi’s heart, he leaves his former ways behind and now uses all his resources to celebrate Jesus and propagate the good news. On the other hand, the religious Pharisees who depend on their own righteousness grumble against Jesus’ disciples. This gives Jesus the opportunity to spell out clearly that his mission is to come for the sick, unrighteous and sinful. Preacher: Tan Huai Tze Date: 12 February 2024
