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Open the Bible UK Broadcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Open the Bible UK presents engaging and accessible Bible teaching from Pastor Colin Smith. This programme is the radio broadcast also available on our website ( and at 7:30pm each weekday evening on Premier Christian Radio.


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Open the Bible UK presents engaging and accessible Bible teaching from Pastor Colin Smith. This programme is the radio broadcast also available on our website ( and at 7:30pm each weekday evening on Premier Christian Radio.



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Saving Your Soul, Part 2

Welcome to this enlightening instalment of Open the Bible with Pastor Colin Smith. In today's broadcast, we delve into the complex topic of cultural distortions within Christianity, particularly the notion that a mere affirmation of being on a 'spiritual journey' is sufficient for salvation. Pastor Colin continues to explore what it genuinely means to embark on a spiritual journey, deciphering common misconceptions and offering crucial insights into the essence of being saved. Through the message, we learn that salvation involves far more than just belief—it requires a definitive return to Jesus Christ as the Shepherd, the Overseer, and the Lord of our lives, guiding us towards a path of righteousness. The broadcast is anchored in 1 Peter chapter 2, where we are reminded that stray sheep can indeed return to their Shepherd, who graciously watches over their souls. It is an invitation to shed the spiritual equivalent of stuffing one’s wealth under the mattress and instead, trust our souls to the care of Jesus Christ, who promises a life of growth and prosperity under His guidance.


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Saving Your Soul, Part 1

Welcome to Open the Bible with Pastor Colin Smith. In today's episode, we delve into perhaps the most anticipated message of our entire series: "Saving Your Soul". Pastor Colin explores the invaluable worth of your soul and how it can be saved according to the Bible. This message is tailored for everyone, as it directly concerns the essence of your life and eternal future. Pastor Colin bases his teachings on the letter of 1 Peter, which places significant emphasis on the soul. By turning to this scripture, particularly focusing on chapter 2, verses 24 and 25, we gain profound insights into the spiritual significance of our existence. Throughout today's broadcast, Pastor Colin discusses three common distortions of the gospel, helping us to identify and correct misunderstandings that could lead us astray.


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Valuing Your Soul, Part 2

Today, we're delving into the profound and essential topic of your soul's worth. Pastor Colin unpacks why caring for your soul should be a priority over everything else, explaining the eternal impact of neglecting this vital aspect of our being. We're starting with a thought-provoking discussion on how modern culture often values physical wellness over spiritual health. Pastor Colin shares insights on how this shift has led many away from church, emphasising the critical importance of maintaining a healthy inner life. Our message today, "Valuing Your Soul," will explore why your soul is of unparalleled importance. Through intriguing metaphors and biblical references, Pastor Colin highlights how temptations stick to our souls if they are not guarded, nurtured, and steadfastly rooted in faith. If you'd like to follow along, we'll be diving into the passages from Mark Chapter 8. It's a journey that not only addresses why your soul matters but also the eternal consequences of how it's cared for—or neglected.


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Valuing Your Soul, Part 1

Welcome to Open The Bible with Pastor Colin Smith. Today we're diving into a fascinating topic: our souls. In today's discussion, we'll explore what the soul truly is, why it is of supreme value, and how to care for it. Pastor Colin will lead us through various Scriptures, starting with Mark 8, to understand more about the eternal nature of our souls. Pastor Colin shares a delightful way he taught his children about the soul: "I have a soul, it's inside me, I cannot see it, it lasts forever." This simple yet profound statement reminds us that our soul, unlike the body, is eternal and immensely valuable. Are you unclear about what a soul is? Is it even a term we hear in everyday conversations anymore? In our secular world, we've moved away from spiritual language, but the Bible brings it back into focus. C.S. Lewis once wisely said, "You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body." This highlights that your soul is at the core of your being and is indispensable to your identity. As we begin our new series titled "Soul Care," today's message is aptly named "Valuing Your Soul." Pastor Colin will help us understand the importance of caring for our souls by exploring why it's of such great value, how it can be lost, and how it can be saved. He'll guide us through powerful teachings of Jesus, who spoke about saving and losing one's soul, emphasizing its eternal significance and the need for proper spiritual care. If you ever miss one of our messages, remember, you can always visit our website at where you can download past messages or find our podcast. Simply search for "Open The Bible UK" on your regular podcasting site, subscribe, and stay updated. We hope today's message inspires you to reflect deeply on your soul's worth and encourages you to take steps towards caring for it. Don't miss the start of this transformative series!


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Restore Creation, Part 2

Pastor Colin delves deeply into concepts of heaven, hell, and Christ's profound love and sacrifice. He explains the Christian understanding of Jesus entering hell so that we might never have to experience it. Pastor Colin shares the astonishing demonstration of God's love for us through Jesus' journey to the cross. Moreover, we explore the book of Isaiah, where we catch a rare glimpse of both heaven and hell and reflect upon our dire need for a saviour. The scripture’s insights unveil the profound joy, vigour, and community that await in heaven, while painting a harrowing picture of the eternal separation from God's love in hell. Pastor Colin articulates the essential Christian belief: Jesus faced hell on our behalf, offering salvation and hope to all who believe. As we conclude our inspiring series, "Restore My Soul," we're reminded of God's enduring promise of restoration and the ultimate choice that lies before us. Whether you're a longtime believer or simply curious about faith, today's message offers significant reflections for the soul. For those feeling the call to deepening their faith or learning more about Christ, you're encouraged to seek community in a church fellowship or explore resources like the Alpha program.


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Restore Creation, Part 1

In today’s message titled "Restore Worship", taken from our series "Restore My Soul", we will explore the last verses of Isaiah’s prophecy concerning the miseries of Hell, the joy of Heaven, and how both of these realities should shape our worship and lives today. As we navigate through Isaiah's words, we are invited to consider our own journey, the choices we make, and the eternal implications they hold. Whether it's a reflection on the narrow road that leads to life or the broad road to destruction, the sermon prompts us to ponder deeply our individual paths. Furthermore, the broadcast will discuss the contrasting fates of the righteous and the wicked, as seen through the lens of Scripture. It provides a moment to visualise the joy of those embracing salvation and the sorrow of those facing judgment. Join us as we open the Bible and receive encouragement, wisdom, and challenge from God's word. If you happen to miss any part of this message or wish to revisit past teachings, remember that you can always catch up online at


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Restore Worship, Part 2

Welcome to Open The Bible with Pastor Colin Smith, where we explore the power and message of the gospel and its impact on our daily lives. Are actions alone enough to communicate the gospel, or do we need to speak it too? Join us as we delve into this topic and more, continuing our enlightening series Restore My Soul. In today's broadcast, Pastor Colin tackles the often-quoted phrase, "Preach the gospel at all times. If necessary, use words," and why it's crucial to articulate the gospel message clearly. He explores the teachings from Isaiah 66, offering key insights into missionary calling, the character of an effective missionary, and the priority and reward of Missions. Get ready for an inspiring message about the joy of bringing people from all nations to Christ. Should you be keen to revisit any part of this series or explore previous messages, please feel free to visit our website We also invite you to join us in supporting the ministry and, as a token of appreciation, we'll send you a special gift this month when you commit to a new monthly donation. Find out more on our website or get in touch with us to contribute to spreading hope and encouragement through God’s Word.


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Restore Worship, Part 1

In today's broadcast, we delve into a fascinating conversation about worship and mission, exploring how they intertwine and fuel each other in a church's life. Whether you're a church leader, a member of a congregation, or simply curious about the connection between a church's dedication to worship and its commitment to outreach, this episode will offer insightful perspectives drawn from Isaiah Chapter 66. Pastor Colin Smith guides us through the concept that true worship of God naturally extends to a passion for mission. If you've ever pondered the authenticity of worship within a church or the relationship between experiencing God's glory and the drive to spread the Gospel, today's message promises to open your eyes to the inseparable bond between these two crucial aspects of Christian life. Join us as we embark on a scriptural journey, understanding how worship that is genuinely centred on God's glory can ignite a powerful mission-focused heart within his people. We're excited to share this enlightening message with you and hope it inspires your faith and participation in your own local church and community. Don't miss out on this opportunity to see worship and mission in a new light.


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Restore People, Part 2

We delve into the curious concept that religious places, including evangelical churches, can be spaces where people inadvertently hide from God. Pastor Colin goes on to explain how even amid ritual and routine, God recognises those who are concealing themselves within the congregation. We take an insightful journey through Isaiah Chapter 65, where six forms of offensive religion to God are outlined. These include hypocritical, personalised, ritualistic, dark, rebellious, and arrogant religions. Each one is uniquely addressed through the teachings of both the Old Testament and the words of Jesus as he spoke against the Pharisees and Sadducees in the New Testament. The surprising revelation, however, lies in God's persistent grace. Despite provocation and steadfast avoidance, God extends His hands to guide and save the lost. Pastor Colin emphasises the role of Jesus in this redemptive process—His birth, life, and crucifixion are central to understanding God's unwavering commitment to seeking and saving those lost in the mire of faulty religion and disbelief. If today's message has moved you and you're considering a relationship with God or have lingering questions about faith, Pastor Colin encourages reaching out to a local church community or engaging with Christian friends and family for support. And remember, grace is always extended to those who seek it.


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Restore People, Part 1

Pastor Colin tackles a surprisingly comforting truth: even those who don't seek or even acknowledge God are not overlooked by Him. Contrary to what some might think, God actively reaches out to the indifferent, the non-believers, and the secular hearts in our world. With a deep dive into Isaiah chapter 65, we explore the nature of God's compassion towards both those who ignore Him and those who claim to follow Him yet live in ways that do not honour Him. Pastor Colin reveals how the Bible differentiates between genuine faith and forms of religion that might actually provoke God. As we open our Bibles and hearts, let's prepare to discover the powerful and persistent love of God who always takes the first step towards us. So grab your Bible, find Isaiah 65, and let's delve into another enriching lesson on how God seeks to restore people to Himself.


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Restore Prayer, Part 2

Facing a sense of personal unworthiness can be a barrier to prayer for many. As we delve into Isaiah's heartfelt appeal to God, Pastor Colin addresses the critical topic of prayer despite feeling unclean, unrighteous, dried out, and unstable. It's a lesson in understanding that our approach to God relies on grace, not our merits. In today's broadcast, titled "Restore Prayer", Pastor Colin takes us through the profound concept that when we pray, it's not about convincing God to do our bidding, but offering ourselves to be moulded according to His divine will — much like clay in the potter's hands. If you've ever questioned how to come before God in prayer or felt discouraged by your perceived unworthiness, this message provides comfort and clarity. Tune in as we explore the essence of true prayer and the liberating power of divine grace. For those interested in deepening their biblical understanding, don't forget to visit our website at for more resources, or to catch up with past episodes via our podcast. Be sure to join us next time on Open the Bible for more insights into God's word.


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Restore Prayer, Part 1

Delve into the fascinating topic of prayer; something many of us find challenging. We'll be encouraged to discover that prayer is something we can learn and improve upon. Pastor Colin takes us through the prayer life of Isaiah the Prophet and examines how he approached God, what he asked for, and what we can learn from this one significant prayer. It's an inspiring message that will surely stimulate our own communication with God. If you've ever felt your prayer life was less than satisfactory, this broadcast is for you. As Christians, we are continually growing, and understanding the depths of prayer found in the Bible is one of the best ways to nurture that growth. Join us as we explore Isaiah chapter 63, and be sure to open up your Bible as we begin our message, "Restore Prayer". Let's ask God to make His presence felt among us in such a way that we are transformed, and in turn, can impact those around us.


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Restore Hope, Part 2

We delve into the profound concept of the Jubilee, the year of the Lord's favour, as proclaimed by Jesus Christ himself. Discover the compassionate laws intended for the Old Testament people and how Jesus embodies the fulfilment of what was never enacted throughout history. Join us as Pastor Colin shares the significance of the Jubilee, touching on themes of freedom, redemption, and the profound cost borne by Christ for humanity's sake. Listen attentively as we explore the bridge between the hopeful beginnings in Jesus' first coming and the ultimate fulfilment projected in His second coming—a conquering warrior triumphant over all darkness and evil. Whether you're new to the Christian faith or seeking deeper understanding, this episode will leave you with a renewed sense of hope, grounding you in the reality of Christ's victory and His unchanging promise. So tune in, embrace the encouragement, and let your soul be restored with the life-changing message of hope in Christ.


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Restore Hope, Part 1

We explore a fascinating aspect of God's law that, despite its profound compassion for the poor, has never been enacted in history. Join us as we unpack the reasons behind this and discover the person anointed to finally bring this divine proclamation to fruition. In the programme, Pastor Colin takes us through a powerful message titled "Restore Hope," examining the year of the Lord's favour – a concept from Isaiah that finds its ultimate fulfilment in Jesus Christ. Pastor Colin explains how Christ's mission embodied the spirit of the jubilee that Israel never observed, freeing us from spiritual debts, releasing us from sin's hold, and restoring our lost inheritance. As we navigate these rich biblical narratives, the message emphasises the compassion of Jesus and the hope that shines brightly through His sacrificial love and grace. If you're seeking encouragement and a deeper understanding of your faith, take this opportunity to tune in and open your Bible to Isaiah chapters 61 and 63, ready to be transformed by the powerful insights Pastor Colin shares.


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Restore Justice, Part 2

In today's episode, we delve into a deeply relevant discussion on truth, justice, and how society is grappling with these concepts in a post-modern era. As Pastor Colin navigates through Isaiah chapters 58 and 59, he invites us to contemplate the poignant imagery of God donning the armour of salvation—armour that Christ wore for us and that we, as Christians, now humbly bear. Amidst a culture that often feels as if it's losing sight of objective truth, Pastor Colin offers insight and encouragement, reminding us that divine hope comes from God intervening on our behalf. This broadcast challenges us to reflect on the character of Christ and to pursue opportunities to act justly and love mercy, promising that such actions bring us closer to the presence of God. Venture into the Scriptures with us and explore the transformative message of "Restore Justice," ensuring that no matter where you find yourself in the journey of faith, you are not alone. For those who embrace the call to righteousness and act with the selfless spirit of Jesus, the broadcast affirms that your light will indeed "break forth like the dawn."


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Restore Justice, Part 1

We delve into the heartfelt cries of believers who, despite their devout worship, prayer, Bible reading, and fasting, find themselves frustrated with God. They're left wondering why they're grappling with unanswered prayers and trouble befalling their nation. We'll explore the profound message of Isaiah, chapter 58, and the vital concepts of truth, justice, integrity, and what it truly means to have a transformative relationship with God—as individuals and within our communities. So grab your Bible and discover the illuminating insights from Pastor Colin on how understanding Jesus Christ makes a difference not only to our personal lives but to our communities, nations, and indeed, the world. If you missed any part of the series or would like to revisit our discussions, you can stream previous broadcasts at


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Restore Repentance, Part 2

Pastor Colin challenges common misconceptions about revival as he unfolds the true biblical meaning of a contrite heart and a genuine encounter with the Spirit of God. Learn about the kindness that leads to repentance and the divine process of restoration that can bring new life, peace, joy, and hope into our being. Join us as we delve into Isaiah Chapter 57 and uncover significant truths about confronting our sinfulness, the indispensable need for a Saviour, and the transformative presence of God in our lives. Hear testimonies of lives radically changed by revival and be encouraged to seek that immediate awareness of God's nearness. As we continue our series on the message 'Restore Repentance', let's be reminded that it's not through judgment that our stubborn hearts are softened but through the undeserving mercy that flows from the cross of Christ. May this broadcast inspire you to echo the prayer for God to restore repentance in your own heart, leading to a closer walk with Him.


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Restore Repentance, Part 1

Have you ever felt a sense of distance from God, as if your faith has gone cold and your heart's leaning towards spiritual barrenness? Well, you're not alone, and today's message aims to gently guide you back to a place where you can polish off the slate and rekindle that warm, near presence of God once more. Pastor Colin delves into Isaiah Chapter 57, exploring themes of revival, repentance, and the profound truth that God chooses to dwell not just in high and holy places, but also with those who are contrite and humble in spirit. It's a message that speaks directly to those yearning for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit, a revival in their hearts, and a restored connection with the divine. Whether you feel far from God due to life’s challenges or a sense of spiritual desolation, this episode affirms that the Lord reaches out to clear the path back to Him. So, if you're ready to rediscover the joy of your faith and find restorative peace in the arms of Jesus, this broadcast is for you. Join us as we unwrap the answers to the pivotal question: Where can I find God?


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Restore Joy, Part 2

Today, we unravel the comforting truth that through sorrow, we may very well discover the backdoor to joy—an experience that intertwines with our spiritual growth and our deeper longing to be like Jesus. Through Isaiah chapters 54 and 55, Pastor Colin reveals that in times of despair, when happiness seems unattainable, there lies a profound opportunity for us to encounter God in a tremendous way. He enlightens us that, often, God uses our sorrow to spark a thirst for joy within our souls, leading us to find fullness and happiness as we align our desires with His. It's about how when we truly understand our soul's need for restoration, we can earnestly ask for and receive God's joy. We're reminded of the importance of building community within the church, supporting and finding joy in each other through Jesus Christ. Pastor Colin reassures us that whether you have faced significant life challenges or feel stuck in contentment, everyone has the potential to access this divine joy. He encourages us to come, seek, listen, and turn, as a continous practice to cultivate this joy that transcends our earthly experiences.


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Restore Joy, Part 1

Today's episode focuses on finding joy amidst our most challenging experiences – a theme that resonates with many. Pastor Colin delves into Isaiah chapters 54 and 55, painting vivid scenes of human sorrow: the barren woman, the deserted wife, and the afflicted city reeling from storms. Yet, in these images of despair, Isaiah identifies an unexpected undercurrent of joy. Through the saving grace of Jesus Christ, those who have known great sorrow can discover profound joy in God's people, His love, and His coming city. It's a message of hope for all, regardless of our struggles or pain. This episode is not just insightful teachings but a guiding light for anyone seeking solace and strength in their faith journey. Pastor Colin's empathy and understanding of human suffering offer a lifeline, assuring us that through faith, we can turn our deepest sorrows into our greatest joys. If you've ever questioned where joy can be found during life's storms, this broadcast is a must-listen. Don't miss out on the full episode, and remember, you can always catch up or re-listen at or on your favourite podcast platform by searching for Open the Bible UK. Join us in embracing the message that joy, even in sorrow, is possible with Jesus Christ.
