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Overcoming Our Fears

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Fear is apart of the human experience. No matter who we are or where we are it has the ability to ensnare us all and hold us back from destiny. But it is not all powerful. It can be Overcome. We can overcome it. This podcast is designed to help you over


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Fear is apart of the human experience. No matter who we are or where we are it has the ability to ensnare us all and hold us back from destiny. But it is not all powerful. It can be Overcome. We can overcome it. This podcast is designed to help you over



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What's Beyond Death?

Beyond Death Losing a loved one is hard. As Christians we don't have to grieve as those who have no hope. The Bible tells us that Jesus went to prepare a place for us. Heaven is that place. For the believer, death is not an end but a beginning. It is a transition from this realm with its challenges and limitations to the glories of Heaven. There is life beyond death. Kingdomrock.org


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God's Got A Plan to Protect You and Your Family!

Death and tragedy are commonplace in the world. It seems that behind every corner sudden disaster is waiting to consume us. Is there any safe place to run? Well, there is a safe place and His name is Jesus! God has a plan of protection that will save all humanity from the darkness. Join Pastor Mark Stroud as he teaches on the power of the Passover. This is a awesome image of what Christ has come to do in our lives. This message is entitled, The Final Judgment. You can also listen to it on the go through the Kingdom Rock Network. Find out more at Kingdomrock.org


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Turn Back to God!

Turn Back to God Our deadworks and self righteousness are not enough to pay our sin debt. Guess what. They don't have to be! Jesus came to pay our sin debt for us and as us. We need to realize we need a savior and turn back to God. Only He can cleanse us and make us whole. www.kingdomrock.org


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Stop the Bleeding | Why are you losing money?

Stop the Bleeding God has given us the power to get wealth. Instead of continually asking Him for money we need to ask Him for the wisdom to activate that power. He has declared that we are His wealthy place. We must believe it and agree with Him. We need to study money and let it work for us. Jesus is our Lord. Money is a tool that we use to bring about God's covenant in the earth. kingdomrock.org


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The Invasion Has Begun

Can You Believe It? pt 2 The Invasion Has Begun When Jesus told His disciples to "go into all the world", He never intended for them to go alone. He does not intend for us to go alone. He is going with us. He told us that signs will follow the believer. These signs followed Israel when they went forth into the Promised Land. These signs followed Jesus during His time on the earth. These signs followed the early church. Believe in Jesus, and these signs will also follow you. The Invasion has begun. Will you be part of it? www.kingdomrock.org


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Can You Believe It? - Part 1

We have all sinned - violated God's law. Sin carries the penalty of death. Because God is a just judge we are all subject to this death penalty. Jesus went to the cross to pay the penalty on our behalf. Will you believe in Him and trade your sin for His righteousness, or will you stand before a Holy God on Judgement Day covered in your sin? www.kingdomrock.org


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The Path of Salvation - Part 9

Love, forgiveness, grace, mercy, and victory are all words that describe the blessed hope that is available for the asking in the person of Jesus Christ. In this series we'll study the Book of John and how it relates to believing in Jesus to receive peace with God and eternal life. Join me on the journey of a lifetime as we discover the Path of Salvation. www.kingdomrock.org


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Get Some Rest

Jesus wants to give us a continuous flow of strength. He wants us to live a carefree life. How do we do this? We exchange the yoke of our worries for the yoke of His word. His yoke is easy, and His burden is light. Don't let the enemy wear you out with the cares of this life. Cast them upon Jesus and find rest for your soul. www.kingdomrock.org


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The Path of Salvation - Part 8

Love, forgiveness, grace, mercy, and victory are all words that describe the blessed hope that is available for the asking in the person of Jesus Christ. In this series we'll study the Book of John and how it relates to believing in Jesus to receive peace with God and eternal life. Join me on the journey of a lifetime as we discover the Path of Salvation. www.kingdomrock.org


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Rest for Your Soul

Rest Jesus is the giver of rest. Only He can cause us to recover and collect strength in our souls. Don't be weary and allow your heart to be hardened. Open your heart. Partner with Jesus. Serve others. Receive rest in your soul, and be refreshed in your body. www.kingdomrock.org


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The Path of Salvation - Part 7

Love, forgiveness, grace, mercy, and victory are all words that describe the blessed hope that is available for the asking in the person of Jesus Christ. In this series we'll study the Book of John and how it relates to believing in Jesus to receive peace with God and eternal life. Join me on the journey of a lifetime as we discover the Path of Salvation. www.kingdomrock.org


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Overcoming the Spirit of Dread

Are you living under a dark cloud of dread? Is your mind always preoccupied with bad thoughts of what "might happen"? Our lives should be full of peace not dread. I have good news for you! Jesus has given us the power of Overcome the Spirit of Dread. So, we'll talk about that today and much more. This message is part 9 of the series "Breaking Free". Please direct your prayer requests, comments, and donations to www.kingdomrock.org. Thanks so much everyone. Remember you are loved and appreciated. www.kingdomrock.org


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The Path of Salvation - Part 6

Love, forgiveness, grace, mercy, and victory are all words that describe the blessed hope that is available for the asking in the person of Jesus Christ. In this series we'll study the Book of John and how it relates to believing in Jesus to receive peace with God and eternal life. Join me on the journey of a lifetime as we discover the Path of Salvation. Let's seek The Lord together.


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God Knows My Heart by Pastor Mark Stroud

This message was ministered at Mount Holly Church in Bremen Georgia. We had a wonderful time honoring Christ in such a loving atmosphere. Enjoy this message entitled, "God Knows My Heart" by Pastor Mark Stroud. www.kingdomrock.org


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There's Something Greater Than Money

God gives us the power to get wealth so that His covenant may be established in the earth. He then observes how we handle that wealth. If we are faithful, He imparts to us the true riches of Heaven. This is the outpouring of the presence and power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. www.kingdomrock.org


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Fight Until It's Finished

Many of you are aware of the times we are living in believers compromising their beliefs to be in good standing with the world. Believers watering down their faith in God; instead of standing boldly with the Word. Believers dim their light to be liked. There is danger in the land, the enemy is out to not only hurt you BUT kill you he wants to have you so blinded by the battles of life that you forget the power that you possess I’m here today to tell you to GET UP, FIGHT BACK, & Don’t STOP Until You Win! We MUST Learn How To Fight: Join in this Sunday Morning with Shakana Scott as she teaches "Fight Back" kingdomrock.org


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Stop the Bleeding | Why are you losing money?

Stop the Bleeding God has given us the power to get wealth. Instead of continually asking Him for money we need to ask Him for the wisdom to activate that power. He has declared that we are His wealthy place. We must believe it and agree with Him. We need to study money and let it work for us. Jesus is our Lord. Money is a tool that we use to bring about God's covenant in the earth. kingdomrock.org


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God, Money, and Stuff

The road to receiving is based on what you do with what you have. Don't covet money and stuff. Instead, seek God and His way of doing things. Live in obedience knowing that you are doing what He called you to do. When wealth comes to you, you will know its purpose. God wants to establish His covenant through you that He promised to those who came before you. kingdomrock.org


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Beware of Bad Company

We were created to both originate and imitate behaviors. The behaviors of those we spend time with will eventually manifest in our lives. How can we be among sinners like Jesus was and not become like them? We must be insulated through the truth of the Word of God. Continually pursue the presence of Jesus and study the word. You will then release your potential like never before. But you must always beware of bad company. www.kingdomrock.org


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The Path of Salvation - Part 5

Mid Week Bible Study and Prayer Service Join us online at kingdomrock.org. Let's seek The Lord together.
