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Grace to Grow

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

God's precious Word is powerful! Our desire is that this podcast will help you foster a deeper relationship with God's Word and help you "...grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ...."


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God's precious Word is powerful! Our desire is that this podcast will help you foster a deeper relationship with God's Word and help you "...grow in grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ...."



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How to Obtain and Retain a Good Name - Part 7

The ninth principle in obtaining a good name is to guard our words and our thoughts. Our words can be used to guide and encourage, or they can be used to criticize and destroy. Difficult times often reveal what is in our hearts by the words that come out of our mouths. We need to learn to let our hearts and our words be guided by the Holy Spirit of God.


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How to Obtain and Retain a Good Name - Part 6

The eighth principle in obtaining a good name is to show kindness to the poor. God has a soft spot in His heart for the fatherless, the widows, and the poor. Because they cannot offer us compensation, helping them demonstrates the purest sincerity of our kindness. God pays attention to the way we treat the poor.


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How to Obtain and Retain a Good Name - Part 5

The seventh principle in obtaining a good name is to properly raise our children. The process of training children is long and difficult, but it is our privilege and responsibility to train them in a way that will prepare them for a life of service to God and to their fellow man.


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How to Obtain and Retain a Good Name - Part 4

The sixth principle in obtaining a good name is to handle finances with wisdom. Since other people notice how you handle money, your reputation is affected by your diligence in this area. This episode gives eight financial principles that will help you to be wise with your finances.


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How to Obtain and Retain a Good Name - Part 3

The fifth principle in obtaining a good name and loving favour is to train our children. This begins with a strong marriage and continues with proper time and attention toward our children. Every child is different, which magnifies the importance of wisdom and patience during the training process.


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How to Obtain and Retain a Good Name - Part 2

The third principle in obtaining a good name and loving favour is to practice humility. Humility is attractive to both God and man and brings the supernatural help of God. The fourth principle is to fear the Lord—to recognize God in our lives and know He is with us. This will provide us multiple benefits.


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How to Obtain and Retain a Good Name - Part 1

This episode is the beginning of a new series of lessons on relational responsibilities. Proverbs 22 talks about a “good name” and “loving favour,” both of which are essential to a good relationship. In order to have these two qualities, we must first deal with prejudice. Secondly, we must avoid questionable attitudes, actions, and associations.


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Financial Principles - Part 9

The seventh financial principle is to give to yourself—save some of your money for the future. Savings enables you to anticipate potential needs so you can have funds available when those needs arise. The eighth and final financial principle is to be generous with God and others. Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.


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Financial Principles - Part 8

The sixth financial principle is to get on a budget. Having a budget not only helps keep us out of debt, but it also gives us peace of mind about our financial condition and our ability to confidently make desired purchases.


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Financial Principles - Part 7

The fifth financial principle is to guard against debt. Not all debt is bad, but most debt is avoidable and creates additional “masters.” Debt brings about problems that can make life more difficult and disqualify us from opportunities God intended for us to enjoy.


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Financial Principles - Part 6

This episode continues the fourth financial principle: gain contentment. This is something that must be learned, and gratitude is a vital part of this process. Actually, all of us already have everything we need to be happy and content. Contentment is wanting what I have, not having what I want.


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Financial Principles - Part 5

The third financial principle is to go to work. Laziness is a scourge of society, but God honors hard work. Many are the benefits received by those who are diligent in their life. The fourth financial principle, gain contentment, is introduced and will continue in the next episode.


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Financial Principles - Part 4

The second way we give to God is through our offerings. This is what we give above and beyond the tithe. As tithing shows our obedience, the offering shows our love and gratitude to God. The third way we give to God is through alms—giving to others.


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Financial Principles - Part 3

Continuing the subject of tithing, this episode shows the main reason we should tithe—to help us learn the fear of the Lord. There is a vast array of benefits from having the fear of the Lord. Tithing also brings many other rewards to the child of God.


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Financial Principles - Part 2

This episode covers the first financial principle: God owns everything. All that we have comes from Him. We are simply managing it for Him. Therefore, we should consult with Him about everything we do with His possessions.


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Financial Principles - Part 1

We all think about money every day. The way we manage our finances significantly affects our thinking, family, and relationships. This episode is the beginning of a series of lessons on essential financial principles found in God's Word.


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Financial Principles - Introduction

In this episode, Pastor Wilkerson lays the Biblical foundation for the following series on financial principles.


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Marriage Principles - Part 8

When Adam and Eve sinned in the garden, they brought a curse upon themselves. Yet, in His love, God made a commitment to continue His relationship with them. Because of this, and their commitment to each other, they enjoyed great blessings throughout their lifetime.


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Marriage Principles - Part 7

Confessing faults is awkward. So, we offend our spouse and just expect them to ignore it. However, like confessing sin to God, we should “fess up” when we offend our spouse. In this episode, Pastor Wilkerson explains the importance of confession in marriage.


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Marriage Principles - Part 6

Connection between a husband and wife is a key ingredient to a God-honoring marriage. The world, the flesh, and the Devil are in a constant battle to destroy the connection in marriages. In this episode, Pastor Wilkerson shares some Biblical principles on this subject.
