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Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Having seen so many around me suffering from stress, addiction, suicidal thoughts, anxiety and depression, I decided to embark upon a 9-year journey that would take me to over 35 countries living with and learning from shamans, gurus, monks and tribes. I studied 16 religions and spiritualities, ancient wisdom and modern science, and spent 50 days meditating in total solitude, all in an effort to discover the secrets to a peaceful mind. If you’re ready to let go of your negative thoughts and the baggage that is weighing you down, if you’re ready for a life filled with joy, purpose and meaning, please join me on the Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter.


United States


Having seen so many around me suffering from stress, addiction, suicidal thoughts, anxiety and depression, I decided to embark upon a 9-year journey that would take me to over 35 countries living with and learning from shamans, gurus, monks and tribes. I studied 16 religions and spiritualities, ancient wisdom and modern science, and spent 50 days meditating in total solitude, all in an effort to discover the secrets to a peaceful mind. If you’re ready to let go of your negative thoughts and the baggage that is weighing you down, if you’re ready for a life filled with joy, purpose and meaning, please join me on the Path to Peace with Todd Perelmuter.





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The Difference Between Religion and Spirituality

Spirituality is a word that has about 8 billion definitions. So what the heck is it? How does it relate to religion? Can you have one without the other? Are they mutually exclusive or do we need both to reach our ultimate potential? In this podcast, I explore the history of religion spirituality. I talk about their impact they've had on people and on society as a whole. And I share how we can navigate the confusing terrain of a world full of people who all claim to possess the secret and sacred truth. Please enjoy other episodes where I share meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons from around the world for peaceful and stress-free living. Remember to subscribe to stay up-to-date. ***** If you ever feel like my words brought a change in your life, and want to show your SUPPORT for what I am doing, click here. Find all of my BOOKS for wherever you are on your spiritual journey: Want to gift a book to a prisoner? Go here.


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How to Not Let Pleasure Turn into Addiction

All addictions rob us of the chance to be at deep peace and rest. They take over our mind, and chasing the high becomes our full-time job with overtime. Only when we don’t know the deep peace within do we search for it in vain outside of ourselves. Enjoying our favorite activities without attachment and craving is the key to freedom. It is when we become attached that we sacrifice our future well being for short term relief and escape. In this podcast, I share how to get in touch with your inner peace and bliss, rise above addiction, and become free from the impulses and whims of the ego. Please enjoy other episodes where I share meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons from around the world for peaceful and stress-free living. Remember to subscribe to stay up-to-date. ***** If you ever feel like my words brought a change in your life, and want to show your SUPPORT for what I am doing, click here. Find all of my BOOKS for wherever you are on your spiritual journey: Want to gift a book to a prisoner? Go here.


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The Whole Universe Conspired for You to Be Here

Without every single part of bicycle, a bike would cease to be a bike. Like each link in a bike chain, every part is integral to the form and function of the bicycle. So too, every single one of us is an expression of the universe in this moment, inseparable and indistinguishable. When we realize we are the oneness of the universe, we stop falling for the illusion of separateness and isolation. All the self-pressure, self-consciousness and self-doubt fades away as we realize there is no self. In today's podcast, see beyond the veil of duality, discover your true nature, and feel the universe within. Please enjoy other episodes where I share meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons from around the world for peaceful and stress-free living. Remember to subscribe to stay up-to-date. ***** If you ever feel like my words brought a change in your life, and want to show your SUPPORT for what I am doing, click here. Find all of my BOOKS for wherever you are on your spiritual journey: Want to gift a book to a prisoner? Go here.


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Two-Step Process to Master the Mind and Clear the Chaos Within

There is only one way to overcome our worries, fears, anger and mental suffering — we must understand the nature of our mind. When we understand the mind's nature, we become free from its tricks, games and neurotic tendencies. In today's podcast, I share two simple steps to understanding the mind and freeing ourselves from the inner chaos. I talk about what the mind is, how to deal with it when it becomes obsessive and negative, and how to break free from the illusion that the mind is who we truly are. Please enjoy other episodes where I share meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons from around the world for peaceful and stress-free living. Remember to subscribe to stay up-to-date. ***** If you ever feel like my words brought a change in your life, and want to show your SUPPORT for what I am doing, click here. Find all of my BOOKS for wherever you are on your spiritual journey: Want to gift a book to a prisoner? Go here.


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How to Get Through Life's Most Difficult Situations

No life will be free from pain. We will see it in the people we love and we will see it in ourselves. Pain and loss are intricately intertwined in the journey of life. But this pain does not define us unless we let it. In today's podcast, I talk about the difference between pain and suffering. I share how we can start to look at pain without fear. And I discuss how we can turn pain into purpose. Please enjoy other episodes where I share meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons from around the world for peaceful and stress-free living. Remember to subscribe to stay up-to-date. ***** If you ever feel like my words brought a change in your life, and want to show your SUPPORT for what I am doing, click here. Find all of my BOOKS for wherever you are on your spiritual journey: Want to gift a book to a prisoner? Go here.


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How to Make the Mind and Heart One

What does it mean to listen to our heart? How do we even do that? And how do we resolve the inner conflict between our head and our heart? We need the mind's critical thinking, but we also need the heart's trust. We need the mind's protection, but we wouldn't be here without the heart's love. For most of us, this creates an imbalance inside ourselves. In today's podcast, I share the difference between the mind's intelligence and the heart's wisdom. I talk about how to connect the two. And I discuss two simple ways we can make sure they are working together in harmony and alignment. Please enjoy other episodes where I share meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons from around the world for peaceful and stress-free living. Remember to subscribe to stay up-to-date. ***** If you ever feel like my words brought a change in your life, and want to show your SUPPORT for what I am doing, click here. Find all of my BOOKS for wherever you are on your spiritual journey: Want to gift a book to a prisoner? Go here.


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Self Heal Before You Hurt Others

When we hurt, we hurt others. When others hurt, they hurt us. It's a vicious cycle that has spread its tentacles to every corner of this planet. If we are going to create a more peaceful and loving planet, it's starts with healing ourselves. In today's podcast, I talk about what causes this unbreakable chain of pain, I share how to see beyond our hurt, and I give two easy ways we can all start the healing journey right now. Please enjoy other episodes where I share meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons from around the world for peaceful and stress-free living. Remember to subscribe to stay up-to-date. ***** If you ever feel like my words brought a change in your life, and want to show your SUPPORT for what I am doing, click here. Find all of my BOOKS for wherever you are on your spiritual journey: Want to gift a book to a prisoner? Go here.


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How to Avoid Impulsive Decisions When You're Not Thinking Straight

When we're anxious, stressed, angry, unhappy, depressed or grieving, impulsive thinking and behavior can easily creep into our lives. This is when we are most likely to succumb to destructive and risky behavior that can make bad problems even worse. So how do we avoid short-term thinking and behavior? How can we can avoid making bad decisions we'll only regret later? How do we recenter ourselves, see the bigger picture, and stay focused on our long-term well being? In today's podcast, I share two of the most important ways we can stay present and keep our wits about us when life gets tumultuous. Please enjoy other episodes where I share meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons from around the world for peaceful and stress-free living. Remember to subscribe to stay up-to-date. ***** If you ever feel like my words brought a change in your life, and want to show your SUPPORT for what I am doing, click here. Find all of my BOOKS for wherever you are on your spiritual journey: Want to gift a book to a prisoner? Go here.


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Feel Confident Being Seen, Heard, and Taking Up Space

All of us to some degree have a fear of being seen, truly seen. We put up walls, we build barriers, and we project an outward appearance that we think will be the most universally accepted. But this artificial persona we create actually causes us great stress and insecurity. We constantly fear we'll be found out, we'll feel like imposters, and our needy insecurity will make us doubt ourselves. In today's podcast, I share the reasons why we put up these walls of inauthenticity, and I share some simple ways we can tear them down so we can live true to ourselves and to what makes us truly happy. Please enjoy other episodes where I share meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons from around the world for peaceful and stress-free living. Remember to subscribe to stay up-to-date. ***** If you ever feel like my words brought a change in your life, and want to show your SUPPORT for what I am doing, click here. Find all of my BOOKS for wherever you are on your spiritual journey: Want to gift a book to a prisoner? Go here.


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Not Feeling Good Enough? Do This

Everyone will have failures in life. The more success we have, the more times we'll have failed. That's the nature of learning, growth and success. We will all have things that we feel inadequate about. Michael Jordan might be a great basketball player, but his Mandarin might be atrocious. The reason we feel inadequate is not because we're imperfect, it's because we are comparing our unique selves to other people's unique skills and advantages. In today's podcast, I share how we can go from feeling inadequate to confident, master any skill, and love ourselves exactly as we are. Please enjoy other episodes where I share meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons from around the world for peaceful and stress-free living. Remember to subscribe to stay up-to-date. ***** If you ever feel like my words brought a change in your life, and want to show your SUPPORT for what I am doing, click here. Find all of my BOOKS for wherever you are on your spiritual journey: Want to gift a book to a prisoner? Go here.


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How to Live Authentically in a Fake World

To live authentically, we have to know ourselves. To know ourselves, we have to spend a little time tuning out the influencers and tuning into our heart's intentions, values and instincts. This is how we go beyond the mind's thoughts and into our true calling in life. We are being influenced everywhere we look, from the advertisements we see to the social media we consume. In today's podcast, I share some simple ways we can block out the noise, reconnect with ourselves, and start living in alignment so that we are less stressed, more focused, and confidently living the life of purpose that was meant for us. In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month, my book, Digital Ego: A How-To Survival Guide for the Internet, is just $2.99. An important message for everyone, but a must read for the young people in your life. Please enjoy other episodes where I share meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons from around the world for peaceful and stress-free living. Remember to subscribe to stay up-to-date. ***** If you ever feel like my words brought a change in your life, and want to show your SUPPORT for what I am doing, click here. Find all of my BOOKS for wherever you are on your spiritual journey: Want to gift a book to a prisoner? Go here.


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How to Master Your Emotions

Mastering your emotions is much like mastering a foreign language. At first, you will feel you are not making any progress. For some time, it will take a great deal of sustained effort to translate basic sentences in your head. But eventually, it it will seep into your subconscious and you will realize you are fluent. And every day you practice, your skill will grow and grow. In today's podcast, I share simple techniques to practice mastering your emotions. I discuss what can cause a person to become emotional, how to keep your cool, and why doing this one thing can make you not just the master of your emotions, but the master of your life as well. Please enjoy other episodes where I share meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons from around the world for peaceful and stress-free living. Remember to subscribe to stay up-to-date. ***** If you ever feel like my words brought a change in your life, and want to show your SUPPORT for what I am doing, click here. Find all of my BOOKS for wherever you are on your spiritual journey: Want to gift a book to a prisoner? Go here.


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Dealing with a Negative Experience

What is the root causes of experiencing negative situations in our lives? How can we remove those causes? What can we do when the inevitable unfortunate circumstances of our life do happen? How can we face those most challenging times? And what can we do to prevent them altogether? I answer these questions and more in today's podcast. Please enjoy other episodes where I share meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons from around the world for peaceful and stress-free living. Remember to subscribe to stay up-to-date. ***** If you ever feel like my words brought a change in your life, and want to show your SUPPORT for what I am doing, click here. Find all of my BOOKS for wherever you are on your spiritual journey: Want to gift a book to a prisoner? Go here.


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How to Survive a Dysfunctional Family

We live in a dysfunctional society. We have big problems that seem intractable. The well being of every person is not the priority of our global governments. So it is no wonder that many of us come from dysfunctional families. How can we survive the trauma that was normalized as children? How can we heal from the anxiety and PTSD we've developed? How can we unlearn the negative, critical voice in our head that we inherited from our family? And how can we mend the wounds of broken relationships? I answer these questions and more in today's podcast. Please enjoy other episodes where I share meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons from around the world for peaceful and stress-free living. Remember to subscribe to stay up-to-date. ***** If you ever feel like my words brought a change in your life, and want to show your SUPPORT for what I am doing, click here. Find all of my BOOKS for wherever you are on your spiritual journey: Want to gift a book to a prisoner? Go here.


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#1 Reason Why Relationships Fail

Not every relationship will last forever. Not every person is meant to be in our life. But whether someone is in our life for a brief moment or for the rest of our life, every relationship has something to teach us. How we relate to ourselves, others, and the world around us is what determines the quality of our life. When we live in harmony, we feel peaceful. When our relationships with those three things are strained, life becomes strenuous. In today's podcast, I talk about the secret to living in wise relation with everyone and everything around us, including ourself. I talk about how we can know when to give grace, and when we need to create boundaries. And I share how even when relationship do end, we can walk away with peace and love. Please enjoy other episodes where I share meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons from around the world for peaceful and stress-free living. Remember to subscribe to stay up-to-date. ***** If you ever feel like my words brought a change in your life, and want to show your SUPPORT for what I am doing, click here. Find all of my BOOKS for wherever you are on your spiritual journey: Want to gift a book to a prisoner? Go here.


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Is Success More Important Than Happiness?

Society rewards success. It is the most alluring addiction there is because it is the only addiction that we are celebrated for having. It becomes ingrained into everyone of us that we should delay our happiness until we have achieved success later in life. But what happens when we postpone our happiness? Is happiness greater than success? Will wealth bring us happiness? Can we have both success and happiness? In today's podcast, I talk about the current debate between happiness and success. I share some ways we can think about what success really means. And I answer the age old question of how we can truly live a meaningful and fulfilling life. Please enjoy other episodes where I share meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons from around the world for peaceful and stress-free living. Remember to subscribe to stay up-to-date. ***** If you ever feel like my words brought a change in your life, and want to show your SUPPORT for what I am doing, click here. Find all of my BOOKS for wherever you are on your spiritual journey: Want to gift a book to a prisoner? Go here.


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The Spiritual Path to Material Wealth

There is an infinite amount of success and wealth in the world. There is no limit except by our own beliefs and mindset. The economy is not me versus my neighbor. Others don't have to fail so we can succeed. In the information age where any creative idea can become a success, every one of us can achieve our dreams. We just need to know how to do it. In today's podcast, I share 3 simple steps to recognizing the pathway to your career success, how you can achieve your dreams, and love the journey. Spirituality and success are not mutually exclusive. We all need to provide for ourselves and our loved ones. But we also have spiritual needs. Here's how we can have both. Please enjoy other episodes where I share meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons from around the world for peaceful and stress-free living. Remember to subscribe to stay up-to-date. ***** If you ever feel like my words brought a change in your life, and want to show your SUPPORT for what I am doing, click here. Find all of my BOOKS for wherever you are on your spiritual journey: Want to gift a book to a prisoner? Go here.


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See Every Moment Like It Were the Aurora Borealis

There is a dazzling light show happening right before our eyes all the time. The way the energetic photons from the sun bounce off the objects around us in dazzling color every minute is astounding. Most of us simply fail to see the brilliance, vibrance and newness in each moment. In today's podcast, I talk about what prevents us from seeing the magic all around us, how we can regain our childlike wonder and awe, and how we can bring an end to boredom and monotony in our lives. Please enjoy other episodes where I share meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons from around the world for peaceful and stress-free living. Remember to subscribe to stay up-to-date. ***** If you ever feel like my words brought a change in your life, and want to show your SUPPORT for what I am doing, click here. Find all of my BOOKS for wherever you are on your spiritual journey: Want to gift a book to a prisoner? Go here.


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How to Stay Positive When Everyone Else is Doing Better Than You

What happens inside us when we get angry or jealous because other people are doing better than us? What can we do when our ambitions and goals are not being achieved according to our timetable? And how can we reach for the stars but still be happy if we only catch the moon? In today's podcast episode, I talk about the 5 obstacles to peace and happiness when other people around us are doing better, or when we are not doing as well as we'd like. And, I talk about how to overcome each of them so that nothing can stop us from having a joyful life. Please enjoy other episodes where I share meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons from around the world for peaceful and stress-free living. Remember to subscribe to stay up-to-date. ***** If you ever feel like my words brought a change in your life, and want to show your SUPPORT for what I am doing, click here. Find all of my BOOKS for wherever you are on your spiritual journey: Want to gift a book to a prisoner? Go here.


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How to Overcome Impatience to Improve Your Life

In our fast-paced world, it's very easy to internalize the hyper speed frenzy all around us. But this frantic pace is destroying our mental health, our relationships, and our lives. We may feel like we're getting more done, but in truth that chaos comes at a price we will pay later. We are human beings, not corporate ladder climbers. We need rest to perform our best. And if our mind is always racing, eventually we will burn out. So how can we get done all that we need to get done without becoming stressed or impatient? How can we relax into our work and the rat race? How can we slow down our mind so that we can improve our focus, perform better at work and home, avoid the scatterbrain, and appreciate our lives more? In today's podcast, I share simple ways we can do exactly that. Please enjoy other episodes where I share meditation techniques, tips and spiritual lessons from around the world for peaceful and stress-free living. Remember to subscribe to stay up-to-date. ***** If you ever feel like my words brought a change in your life, and want to show your SUPPORT for what I am doing, click here. Find all of my BOOKS for wherever you are on your spiritual journey: Want to gift a book to a prisoner? Go here.
