

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Blurring the lines between sacred and secular. Explorations of hope, inspiration from all religions, without dogma, shame, or judgment.


United States


Blurring the lines between sacred and secular. Explorations of hope, inspiration from all religions, without dogma, shame, or judgment.





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99.39 - The Key to Ecstasy

Host Andrew Chirch is an Interfaith minister and spiritual guide for real people like you. The idea for 99 comes from the Islamic teaching that there are 99 names for the divine, and each one has its own meaning. Each week, we meet up for 9-minutes to explore teachings from ALL the world’s religions to help us make sense of our lives. ************* From this episode: "...even in the midst of despair, with this key, we can awaken to love and ecstasy. What's that about? Love and ecstasy? I gotta admit that those aren't words I use very often... and in the midst of despair? Come on. But what if that really is what it's all about? Being able to expand ourselves - to stretch our own beings enough to be able to hold those two extremes at the same time. Love - even the ecstasy kind of love, right their with despair. At.The.Same.Time." ************** is about people & ideas that illuminate the world. Find me on Twitter or Instagram @Prolificate or send me an email at


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99.38 - He Made Me Do it!

Host Andrew Chirch is an Interfaith minister and spiritual coach for real people like you. The idea for 99 comes from the Islamic teaching that there are 99 names for the divine, and each one has its own meaning. Each week, we meet up for 9-minutes to explore teachings from ALL the world’s religions to help us make sense of our lives. ************* I’m a minister and - One of the things I hate most about religions is how they get used to justify hurtful actions and words. An example: “Why did this bad thing happen to me?” or “why is this innocent person suffering so much?” You might hear “oh they didn’t lead a good enough life – or they’re being punished for this or that.” I think that’s just plain wrongheaded. Even more, I think it’s a lazy or cowardly way to hide from the difficult truths that find us – all of us – at one time or another as human beings. Let's explore this a little, shall we? ************** is about people & ideas that illuminate the world. Find me on Twitter or Instagram @Prolificate or send me an email at


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99.37 WTF? - Wasn't That Fascinating?

Host Andrew Chirch is an Interfaith minister and spiritual coach for real people like you. The idea for 99 comes from the Islamic teaching that there are 99 names for the divine, and each one has its own meaning. Each week, we meet up for 9-minutes to explore teachings from this and ALL the world’s traditions to help us make sense of our lives. ************* This week, we explore what it would be like if we each had a guardian to keep us safe through life's bumps and bruises - and then we discover that we actually DO have access to this kind of protection. Learn how to say WTF? (Wasn't That Fascinating?) as a tool to tap in to this inner guidance. ************** is about people & ideas that illuminate the world. Find me on Twitter or Instagram @Prolificate or send me an email at


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99.36 Why You Should Sometimes Welcome Dying

Host Andrew Chirch is an Interfaith minister and spiritual coach for real people like you. The idea for 99 comes from the Islamic teaching that there are 99 names for the divine, and each one has its own meaning. Each week, we meet up for 9-minutes to explore teachings from ALL the world’s religions to help us make sense of our lives. ************* This episode, we're talking about the divine name, Ya Mumit which means literally "the one who brings death." Now before you click skip on the audio recording, or head over to Netflix because death is off limits, I want you to know that I'm a happy guy! I'm actually full of joy right now as I share this. And part of that reason is because of what I learned (from dying people) in that hospital. ************** is about people & ideas that illuminate the world. Find me on Twitter or Instagram @Prolificate or send me an email at


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Meet Ann Marie Coletta - of Raising Sparks Interfaith Street Ministry

Welcome to another special Interview Episode of Prolificate where we get to hear from Ann Marie Coletta, the fierce and authentic founder of Raising Sparks Interfaith Ministry in one of San Francisco’s toughest neighborhoods, The Tenderloin. Ann Marie is one of the most moving interviews I’ve done, and for good reason. She has a way of sharing her experiences – which are incredible and can be a little scary – with a gentleness and care that’s unlike anyone you’ll ever meet. If you want to connect with Raising Sparks, you can find their website (coming soon at the time I’m writing this) at Their phone number is (415) 933 5955 or email


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99.35 Your Life is This Book

Host Andrew Chirch is an Interfaith minister and spiritual coach for real people like you. The idea for 99 comes from the Islamic teaching that there are 99 names for the divine, and each one has its own meaning. Each week, we meet up for 9-minutes to explore teachings from ALL the world’s religions to help us make sense of our lives. ************* What if instead of looking to someone or someTHING else to complete you, you started to assume that you were actually amazing? What if you just don't know it yet? What if you discover that everyone has some parts of themselves that aren't welcome? ... And what if you started to invite ALL of you to participate in life? ************** is about people & ideas that illuminate the world. Find me on Twitter or Instagram @Prolificate or send me an email at


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99.34 Forgive Yourself Before it's Too Late

Host Andrew Chirch is an Interfaith minister and spiritual coach for real people like you. The idea for 99 comes from the Islamic teaching that there are 99 names for the divine, and each one has its own meaning. Each week, we meet up for 9-minutes to explore teachings from ALL the world’s religions to help us make sense of our lives. ************* A Sufi Holy man was asked what forgiveness is. He said, "It is the fragrance that flowers give when they are crushed." This episode, our topic is forgiveness. Specifically, At Tawwab...the forgiveness that enables you to let go of grudges. The forgiveness that isn't about endorsing bad behavior of others, but rather, it's about releasing yourself from being bound up in those actions. I have worked with people who are dying and one of the things that comes up most is forgiveness. People wish they'd asked for it from those they hurt sooner. They wish they'd forgiven others sooner. What are you carrying that weighs you down? What if you released it right now? Let's explore... ************** is about people & ideas that illuminate the world. Find me on Twitter or Instagram @Prolificate or send me an email at


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99.33 The Advice you would give yourself

Host Andrew Chirch is an Interfaith minister and spiritual coach for real people like you. The idea for 99 comes from the Islamic teaching that there are 99 names for the divine, and each one has its own meaning. Each week, we meet up for 9-minutes to explore teachings from ALL the world’s religions to help us make sense of our lives. ************* If "today you" would reassure "younger you" that (even though life would be hard, and things would hurt,) it’d be okay anyway…. THAT is Ya Latif. I bring you the words of the prophet Lionel. Why in the world would anybody put chains on me. I've paid my dues to make it. Everybody wants me to be what they want me to be I'm not happy when I try to fake it. That's why I'm Sunday morning. ************** is about people & ideas that illuminate the world. Please support us at Find me on Twitter or Instagram @Prolificate or send me an email at


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99.32 What Life Story Are You Writing?

Host Andrew Chirch is an Interfaith minister and spiritual coach for real people like you. The idea for 99 comes from the Islamic teaching that there are 99 names for the divine, and each one has its own meaning. Each week, we meet up for 9-minutes to explore teachings from ALL the world’s religions to help us make sense of our lives. ************* This week, the name is one of the most famous ones – Ar Rahman. It means endless love. (I know… great song by Lionel Richie and Diana Ross). No matter what you’ve been through, no matter what the story that your life has written so far. Part of that story has always been love – and will always be love. ************** What do you think? I'd love to hear from you with questions, or story ideas. You can find all my links at or just send me an email:


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99.31- Donuts for Your Soul

Host Andrew Chirch is an Interfaith minister and spiritual coach for real people like you. The idea for 99 comes from the Islamic teaching that there are 99 names for the divine, and each one has its own meaning. Each week, we meet up for 9-minutes to explore teachings from ALL the world’s religions to help us make sense of our lives. ************* Do you have one of those people in your life who will sit you down when you need it? I didn't think I did until one day, he sat me down and said, "Andy, in Spanish, we have this saying called Cura da Alma.... care of the soul. How are you caring for your soul?" Physically, our bodies need nourishment with decent sustenance. Sure, a trip to the donut shop is tasty (and I'm a big fan of donut shops), but we both know that isn't sustenance. You eat like that regularly, you begin to live with a body that is perpetually unwell. What my mentor was saying was akin to that. If you live your life habitually feeding your soul with junk, you will get soul-sick. ************** is about people & ideas that illuminate the world. Find me on Twitter or Instagram @Prolificate or send me an email at


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99.30 The One Thing to Remember When Life Gets Tough

Host Andrew Chirch is an Interfaith minister and spiritual coach for real people like you. The idea for 99 comes from the Islamic teaching that there are 99 names for the divine, and each one has its own meaning. Each week, we meet up for 9-minutes to explore teachings from ALL the world’s religions to help us make sense of our lives. ************* This week's topic, based off the divine name Ya-Majid, is all about divine super-abundance. It's about both awareness "...the kind of awareness that pervades your whole being. As if you're a sponge and you're drinking up this warm, sweet water that permeates you every. which. way." ************** is about people & ideas that illuminate the world. Find me on Twitter or Instagram @Prolificate or send me an email at


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99.29 Wake Up to the Abundance All Around You!

Host Andrew Chirch is an interfaith minister and spiritual coach for folks just like you. The idea for 99 comes from the Islamic teaching that there are 99 names for the divine, and each one has its own meaning. ************* The abundance of the harvest can be seen at the bottom of the well. Let's unpack this a little. What I think this bit of wisdom is saying is that there is hope for us... if we work to bring the water from the bottom of the well to the surface, and then we use it to water the soil in the garden we've prepared and planted, then eventually that garden - or those date palms - will grow and bear fruit. At the end of this little line of reasoning, we're able to pick the dates and enjoy their sweetness as our reward. ************** is about people & ideas that illuminate the world. One of those people – is you. – and 99 is a weekly 9-minute spiritual practice designed to challenge you, just the right amount, and remind you to take care of yourself. Illuminating the world is hard work, so we need you whole. Find me on Twitter or Instagram @Prolificate or send me an email at


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Notes from the Field - Elation and Disappointment

This was a rough day for me. One of my favorite patients was dying, which led me to realize that I have favorite patients, which I haven't given myself permission to have. Also: Blood. Lots of it. Just another day as an Interfaith Chaplain.


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99.28 Rediscovering God through Your Desire

Host Andrew Chirch is an interfaith minister and coach to the Non-Religious, skeptics, and doubters. The idea for 99 comes from the Islamic teaching that there are 99 names for the divine, and each one has its own meaning. ************* In Arabic there is this word, Ya Wadud, which translates as Divine love. To me, this kind of love is the most powerful, least disguised, and even a little scary. The kind of love this is talking about includes sexual intimacy. (I know, right?!). If you're like me, using the words sex and love and the divine in the same sentence feels a little off limits. I mean, growing up in European-centered culture, the divine is code for "God" and whether I believe this or not, the face of God is culturally programmed to be an old white guy with a beard. Eww! ************** is about people & ideas that illuminate the world. One of those people – is you. – and 99 is a weekly 9-minute spiritual practice designed to challenge you, just the right amount, and remind you to take care of yourself. Illuminating the world is hard work, so we need you whole. Find me on Twitter or Instagram @Prolificate or send me an email at


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99.27 - How to Never Run Out of Love

Host Andrew Chirch is an interfaith student, coach, and ministers to the Non-Religious, skeptics, and doubters. The idea for 99 comes from the Islamic teaching that there are 99 names for the divine, and each one has its own meaning. ************* This week's episode gets its start from the qualities behind the word, Al Mu'izz, and I'm using a translation of that word that means something like "giver of praise or self-esteem." It's one of the 99 names of the divine and it's talking about a quality of G-d that gives us self-esteem. If you're new to this series, you may not know that I never make assumptions about what you believe - or If a belief in a God plays any part in what keeps you going. Whatever you believe, where does your assurance and comfort and self-esteem come from? Are you a compulsive pleaser—needing to be liked at almost any cost? Are you defensive and guarded—just sure that people will hurt you if you let them? Think about where those parts of your personality come from—where they got their start. It's possible you were just born lonely, or confident, or whatever. And it's also possible that part of this is a sort of programming, from your earliest time in this life. ************** is about people & ideas that illuminate the world. One of those people – is you. – and 99 is a weekly 9-minute spiritual practice designed to challenge you, just the right amount, and remind you to take care of yourself. Illuminating the world is hard work, so we need you whole. Find me on Twitter or Instagram @Prolificate or send me an email at


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99.26 Some Advice from Job about your Suffering

Host Andrew Chirch is an interfaith student, coach, and ministers to the Non-Religious, skeptics, and doubters. The idea for 99 comes from the Islamic teaching that there are 99 names for the divine, and each one has its own meaning. ************* This week's message is just for you if you've ever wondered why bad things happen to good people. It's inspired by the Arabic Ya-Adl, meaning something like just mercy, but in a meta sense that also is about balance, and flow, and a sort of cosmic or divine evening out of things that are way beyond our ability to grasp. Here's a quote by Paulo Coelho from his book, By the River Piedra, I Sat Down and Wept: “Joy is sometimes a blessing, but it is often a conquest. Our magic moment helps us to change and sends us off in search of our dreams. Yes, we are going to suffer, we will have difficult times, and we will experience many disappointments — but all of this is transitory it leaves no permanent mark. And one day we will look back with pride and faith at the journey we have taken.” Those words are comforting to me. Are they to you? ************** is about people & ideas that illuminate the world. One of those people – is you. – and 99 is a weekly 9-minute spiritual practice designed to challenge you, just the right amount, and remind you to take care of yourself. Illuminating the world is hard work, so we need you whole. Find me on Twitter or Instagram @Prolificate or send me an email at


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99.25 The Antidote for your inner critic

Host Andrew Chirch is an interfaith student, coach, and ministers to the Non-Religious, skeptics, and doubters. The idea for 99 comes from the Islamic teaching that there are 99 names for the divine, and each one has its own meaning. ************* This week we're talking about the Forgiver.... From one of the Arabic names for the Divine - Ya Ghaffar. I'm told that this name shares linguistic roots with beeswax - a substance that gets used as a salve or like a soothing lotion for dried, cracked skin. If your internal critic is anything like mine, dried and cracked is a pretty good way to describe the effect it can have on me, so I love this notion of an antidote. My friend, I don't know what battles you face, or what lies ahead for you. I do know that you are not alone. I know that you are amazing and strong and kind in ways that no one may ever realize, but YOU realize it. ************** is about people & ideas that illuminate the world. One of those people – is you. – and 99 is a weekly 9-minute spiritual practice designed to challenge you, just the right amount, and remind you to take care of yourself. Illuminating the world is hard work, so we need you whole. Find me on Twitter or Instagram @Prolificate or send me an email at


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Ashes Dust Tears and Laughter

This week, I started an intense experience as a Chaplain Intern at a local hospital. Some observations based on this powerful, intense experience. or email me your thoughts at


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99.24 - The ONE person you must meet

Host Andrew Chirch is an interfaith student, coach, and ministers to the Non-Religious, skeptics, and doubters. The idea for 99 comes from the Islamic teaching that there are 99 names for the divine, and each one has its own meaning. ************* Think of a moment when you were confident, kind, poised and you were in the zone. Have you located that feeling? Ok. Hold on to it. Now if you can, I invite you to bring back a painful moment - maybe the worst thing that has ever happened to you... but be gentle with yourself. Only what you feel you can handle. Now almost like these two feelings are two separate people, or two versions of you.... I invite you to introduce them to each other. ************** is about people & ideas that illuminate the world. One of those people – is you. – and 99 is a weekly 9-minute spiritual practice designed to challenge you, just the right amount, and remind you to take care of yourself. Illuminating the world is hard work, so we need you whole. Find me on Twitter or Instagram @Prolificate or send me an email at


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99.23 - Tending the Garden of your Soul

Host Andrew Chirch is an interfaith student, coach, and ministers to the Non-Religious, skeptics, and doubters. The idea for 99 comes from the Islamic teaching that there are 99 names for the divine, and each one has its own meaning. ************* Today's subject comes from a word that in the Arabic, I'm told, means inner knowledge - the kind that comes from cultivation. How long since you have been in the garden of your soul? How is it? Overworked and exhausted? Wild and overgrown with brambles? Lush and green with new life? All the little deaths and big ones you have suffered were not in vain. They're there in your garden—slowly decomposing into their component parts so something amazing can grow. ************** is about people & ideas that illuminate the world. One of those people – is you. – and 99 is a weekly 9-minute spiritual practice designed to challenge you, just the right amount, and remind you to take care of yourself. Illuminating the world is hard work, so we need you whole. Find me on Twitter or Instagram @Prolificate or send me an email at
