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Psalms Cast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

A fresh journey through the book of Psalms monthly. Daily revealing 5 chapters; to completely cover all 150 chapters of this message to reveal the beauty, grandeur, and message of the book of Psalms by the end of each month. Support this podcast:


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A fresh journey through the book of Psalms monthly. Daily revealing 5 chapters; to completely cover all 150 chapters of this message to reveal the beauty, grandeur, and message of the book of Psalms by the end of each month. Support this podcast:





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The Power of GOD’s WORD (Five Psalms: Ps 11, 41, 71, 101, 131)

What we choose to think on, our thoughts, are so very powerful. When we give into our thought of fear, disaster, the unknown, our emotions often run amuck and we are cast into confusion and darkness. GOD’s powerful words ILLUMINATE in every place where we bring it. If we will take the time to take a portion of scripture that the LORD brings before us and chew on it … think about it. Pray to the LORD for Him to unpack it for us; oh my golly goodness, LIGHT shines forth and chases all the...


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Watching for God’s Goodness (Five Psalms: Ps 10, 40, 70, 100, 130)

Giving our heart’s attention to the things of GOD draws us closer to the Heart of Worship. Listening for His whispers of wisdom and direction. Thinking and speaking forth the words of the psalms back to GOD as prayers over our life. The more we actively seek the LORD, the more we will be given the ability to see GOD at work all around us. Come and drink deeply of God’s Living Water. Be refreshed, revived and strengthened to walk in His mercy and grace. Reminder: there is a psalm for every...


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Continue to Praise GOD (Five Psalms: Ps 9, 39, 69, 99, 129)

The essence of Praise is simply expressing gratitude for all God has done, is doing, and will continue doing. It is taking the time and energy to say THANK YOU. The LORD is very aware and involved in the lives of those who seek Him. And YES, that alone is worthy of our heartfelt expressions of praise. Come and drink deeply of God’s Living Water. Be refreshed, revived and strengthened to walk in His mercy and grace. Reminder: there is a psalm for every season of life. GOD sees, GOD hears, GOD...


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God Scatters Enemies (Five Psalms: Ps 8, 38, 68, 98, 128)

Enemies … from without or within. The struggle is very personal and very real. There are so many aspects of life that can shift and cause any one of us to lose focus, balance, and the measure of ourselves. BUT GOD … He is present and desires for us to come and receive from HIM help for the battles of life. Come and drink deeply of God’s Living Water. Be refreshed, revived, and strengthened to walk in His mercy and grace. Reminder: there is a psalm for every season of life. GOD sees, GOD...


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Navigating in the dark (Five Psalms: Ps 7, 37, 67, 97, 127)

Every day on every side the voices of this current generation make claims about what Jesus would do if he was here but they are clueless about wanting to walk with the LORD JESUS day to day. God’s word is clear for those who will take the time to dive in. To engage the Holy Spirit to seek God’s wisdom and truth. Come and drink deeply of God’s Living Water. Be refreshed, revived and strengthened to walk in His mercy and grace. Reminder: there is a psalm for every season of life. GOD sees, GOD...


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Sowing in Tears Reaps Blessings (Five Psalms: Ps 6, 36, 66, 96, 126)

Oftentimes when we are walking out a humble path of giving and serving in obedience to where God has planted us, we may feel small and insignificant. More burden than blessings. And it is hard and yeah, tears of frustration, wanting more or different that THIS … Yet, the LORD calls us to a life of walking with HIM instead of running off to please our momentary passions or pleasures. So WHEN LORD will we see the fruits of our labor?? Come and drink deeply of God’s Living Water. Be refreshed,...


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Seeking blessings in the Psalms. (Five Psalms: Ps 5, 35, 65, 95, 125)

Life is filled with challenges a plenty; challenges that often catch us unaware and that knock us off center. So what can we do for answers? Often we need to have a check up with the One who brought us into existence and has known every breath we have taken. He is not just along for the journey; He desires to be your Shepherd to provide everything you need for each step along the way. Come and drink deeply of God’s Living Water. Be refreshed, revived and strengthened to walk in His mercy and...


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Power of the Name of the LORD (Five Psalms: Ps 4, 34, 64, 94, 124)

Every day God’s Word add value to the coming and goings of life. For the mundane and for the heartbreaking to the mountaintop experiences. God is there with you as you are going through them. When life gets challenging, difficult, or hard, there is a NAME that holds power: When we call out to the LORD and are expectantly waiting on Him to guide us through the dark valleys and hardships, He is faithful. Come and drink deeply of God’s Living Water. Be refreshed, revived and strengthened to...


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Cry out your needs to the LORD (Five Psalms: Ps 3, 33, 63, 93, 123)

How frequently do you spend time fellowshipping and just spending time with your dearest friend? Is this someone you could tell your deepest darkest secrets and they would love you regardless? If you were to do something to harm them, do you know with certainty that they would forgive you and welcome you back into their life? Most people do not have a safe haven of friendship or relationship where they can get that real and transparent. This is why many turn to counselors or struggle with...


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Who Can You Trust in the Storm (Five Psalms: Ps 2, 32, 62, 92, 122)

Two things we can count on from life per the pundits: death and taxes. That is dark and THIS is why each day the Psalms are spoken aloud and cast into the airwaves. We need the LIVING WATER of God’s Word flowing into our life. We need to hear from the Father that what we see and hear played ad nauseum on the digital devices is NOT what He has for us. He provides safety and security even in the midst of chaos, even in the midst of storms, death, natural disasters. He IS and He will walk with...


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New Month, Fresh Beginning (Five Psalms: Ps 1, 31, 61, 91, 121)

At the beginning of another month of days. What questions or hopes are you bringing before the LORD this month? Friends when we draw close to the LORD honestly, humbly, He will meet us. For those who are His beloved He will lead us along the right paths; He will reveal the plans that He has that are uniquely for you. Come and drink deeply of God’s Living Water. Be refreshed, revived and strengthened to walk in His mercy and grace. Reminder: there is a psalm for every season of life. GOD...


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Faithful (Five Psalms: Ps 20, 50, 80, 110, 140)

The LORD is faithful to do all that He has promised. Sometimes we cannot see it at first glance. Keeping praying for the LORD to light the way for you to follow. Reminder: there is a psalm for every season of life. GOD sees, GOD hears, GOD will provide the correct way. Come and drink deeply of the refreshing River of God. . Featured chapters: Psalm 20, Psalm 50, Psalm 80, Psalm 110, and Psalm 140. Copyright Psalm Cast 2023. Today’s Daily Reading from the New International Reader’s...


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Big and small, the LORD GOD made them all (Five Psalms: Ps 19, 40, 79, 109, 139)

From the vast cosmos that lights up the night sky, to the tiniest cell of our body, the LORD GOD crafted it all. No details was left out. All of nature speaks to the glory of its Creator and yet so often we overlook His Majesty and we withhold our worship and praise. Come and see; consider how you can express your gratitude. Reminder: there is a psalm for every season of life. GOD sees, GOD hears, GOD will provide the correct way. Come and drink deeply of the refreshing River of...


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Recounting God's Miracles (Five Psalms: Ps 18, 48, 78, 108, 138)

Do you struggle with GOD not answering your prayers in the way you expected? Often God works in ways that do not make sense in that moment but later we come to know that God’s answer to our moment of need was BETTER than what we had hoped for. Remember God’s provision paves the way for us to know that our GOD is always faithful and true. Reminder: there is a psalm for every season of life. GOD sees, GOD hears, GOD will provide the correct way. Come and drink deeply of the refreshing River of...


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Can You Trust God’s Goodness? (Five Psalms: Ps 17, 47, 77, 107, 137)

Difficulties are normal for life during our earth journey from cradle to grave. Are we just supposed to shoulder it as best as we can or is there someone we can call for help in the midst of our distress?? YES, the entirety of God’s LIVING Word known as “The Bible” gives us proof that GOD is listening for us to call on Him. Come and consider with us the message of God’s provision for those who will and do call on Him. Reminder: there is a psalm for every season of life. GOD sees, GOD hears,...


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Is Anxiety Stealing Your Joy? ? (Five Psalms: Ps 16, 46, 76, 106, 136)

Anxiety can hinder our day to day enjoyment of life’s journey. It can steal our joy and leave us sad, confused, filled with an unpleasant state of inner turmoil and feelings of dread over anticipated events. The LORD GOD offers us a tried and true method of casting anxiety to the wind so that we can soar to new heights in our life journey. Reminder: there is a psalm for every season of life. GOD sees, GOD hears, GOD will provide the correct way. Come and drink deeply of the refreshing River...


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What will the wrath of God be like? (Five Psalms: Ps 15, 45, 75, 105, 135)

God does not desire anyone to suffer the wrath of His anger and yet a day is coming when the LORD will return just as He promised. He will not come an a small infant but as a mighty warrior King to bring judgment upon humans. We want to be found FOR GOD in tha moment as none will survive drinking the cup of His Wrath. Reminder: there is a psalm for every season of life. GOD sees, GOD hears, GOD will provide the correct way. Come and drink deeply of the refreshing River of God. . Featured...


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Where is God when I am in trouble? (Five Psalms: Ps 14, 44, 74, 104, 134)

This is a real question many of us struggle with every single day. Perhaps that troubling situation is health, financial, relationship that went sideways, loss, mental anguish. The list goes on and on. Does GOD “owe” us? Is God less if He does not immediately provide what we are praying for? Does this mean God does not love us? One truth I know and it is this: God is GOOD all the time and ALL. THE. TIME … GOD is good!! Come allow God’s word to speak to your situation. Reminder: there is a...


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SIN: How far is the East from the West?? (Five Psalms: Ps 13, 43, 73, 103, 133)

Do you struggle with the evil one taunting you for all the ways you have sinned or fallen short?? Do you ever wonder if GOD has really truly forgiven you for “that” thing, action, word, deed, thought?? Is the evil one shackling you to “that” bad stuff to keep you captive and way from accepting the mercy and grace that Jesus hung on the cross to cover and remove that sin from you?? Oh friend, today God has a powerful, powerful word for you!! Come join the celebration of freedom in forgiveness...


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It’s okay to be needy. God will provide abundantly. (Five Psalms: Ps 12, 42, 72, 102, 132)

Being a needy is frowned on in our culture and society. Regardless of age, from infant to elder, being needy is a sign of weakness. And the norms of society are often unkind to anyone who exhibits such behaviors. YET there is ONE who hears the cry of the least of these: those that are hurt, those that are weak, that that are poor and yes, those that are needy. The LORD GOD is present and will provide a way. Reminder: there is a psalm for every season of life. GOD sees, GOD hears, GOD will...
