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River of Life Tabernacle's Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

River of Life Tabernacle calls upon the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. (The Elohim of Israel). We study and teach the Scriptures from a Hebrew language perspective, which reveals the true meaning of the stories and instructions we are being told. Gather the people together, men, and women, and children, and thy stranger that is within thy gates, that they may hear, and that they may learn, and fear YHVH your Elohim, and observe to do all the words of this law: –Deut 31:1


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River of Life Tabernacle calls upon the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. (The Elohim of Israel). We study and teach the Scriptures from a Hebrew language perspective, which reveals the true meaning of the stories and instructions we are being told. Gather the people together, men, and women, and children, and thy stranger that is within thy gates, that they may hear, and that they may learn, and fear YHVH your Elohim, and observe to do all the words of this law: –Deut 31:1



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Episode 393: In God We Trust or in the gods We Trust

Pastor Mark brings a compelling exhortation to the body of Messiah to make sure that we are putting our trust in the one true Elohim and not the gods of this world that seek to turn its back on the One true Elohim, YHVH and His Son Yeshua.


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Episode 392: The Bread of the Bride ~ Tyler Merwin

Brother Tyler Merwin brings a message to encourage us as we continue our journey to Shavuot, the Feast of Weeks.


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Episode 391: Fear Not, Stand Firm & Watch the Salvation of YHVH

Pastor Mark gave an encouraging charge that as we face the difficult days we're in and that is ahead, that we fear not, stand firm and see the salvation of YHVH.


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Episode 390: As We Camp So Shall We Journey Part 2

Pastor Mark continues his series on As We Camp So Shall We Journey. This week's emphasis is about not fearing Pharaoh, but standing up for righteousness and being there as a support to one another.


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Episode 389: As We Camp So Shall We Journey

Pastor Mark gives an encouraging message to purpose to live in echad/unity with the community the Father has placed us in. If we learn to camp in unity, we will make our journey for great exodus in unity.


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Episode 388: Overcoming Spiritual Strongholds

Douglas Merritt, Jr. brought a convicting message for the last day of unleavened bread about spiritual strongholds and their effect on our lives and how to let go of them.


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Episode 387: How Guarding the Commandments Will in Turn Guard You Steve Hostetler

Steve and Hannah Hostetler brought an encouraging message to not grow weary in well doing for as we guard and keep the eternal commandments of our Father and Yeshua, they in turn will guard and keep us.


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Episode 386: Connections of the Prophet Elijah to the Feast of Unleavened Bread

Tyler brought a compelling message of tying in the connections of Elijah the prophet and the greater exodus that is prophesied to come.


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Episode 385: Yeshua Still Speaks

Pastor Mark shared about the importance and value of participating in the footwashing at Passover in keeping with Yeshua's example and words, as well as what the finished work of Yeshua's death, burial and resurrection accomplished for the world when received as Messiah. When we repent, we are forgiven and washed whiter than snow.


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Episode 384: Yahweh Elohim of Heaven and Earth

Pastor Mark continues his series of showing how the plagues of Egypt prior to Passover and the Exodus is a prophetic picture in understanding the end of days before the Greater Exodus.


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Episode 383: To Eat or Not to Eat

Pastor Mark taught on the commandments and principles for eating unleavened bread for seven days, while also being sure to remove all leaven from the borders of your property for the Feast of Unleavened Bread. During this time leaven is symbolic of sin and therefore it is a time to examine ourselves and remove the leaven from our lives.


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Episode 382: Liar, Liar Pants on Fire

Pastor Mark moves to the second plague in Egypt of frogs. He compares the false god to a lying spirit and how we must we very wise and discerning so that we are not listening to a lying spirit, but are led by the Holy Spirit.


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Episode 381: Purim Teachings 2024

Richard Killebrew & Tyler Merwin bring compelling and relevant points to ponder and live by for these days that we, too, like the days of Esther, are living in.


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Episode 380: Who is in Charge...YHVH Your Elohim is in Charge

Pastor Mark brings another message in preparation for the upcoming Passover and Unleavened Bread feasts. The truth that YHVH is OUR Elohim and His Son is our Savior. Therefore, we need to have faith and confidence in Them.


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Episode 379: The Forgiver & The Forgivee Part 1

Pastor Mark share part 1 of a message called "The Forgiver and The Forgivee". Today he shared from Matthew 17:9-13 & Matthew 3:1-10. These are the stories about Mount Transfiguration and John the Baptist who brought the message of repentance just before Yeshua the Messiah's ministry began. He was the one crying in the wilderness in the spirit of Elijah.


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Episode 378: Root of Bitterness

As Passover approaches, Pastor Mark began a new series in order for us to begin a deeper inspection into our lives to correct any wrongs that may be there so that we will be ready to participate with a clear conscience and start the feast cycle in right standing with our heavenly Father and each other. He began with a root of bitterness.


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Episode 377: The Jewel Thief ~ Dr. Hollisa Alewine

Dr. Alewine brought a beautiful and applicable message from the Torah Portion Terumah which is Exodus 25]27:19. We were encouraged to find the pearls through obedience to the Word and then return them to YHVH.


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Episode 376: Show Me the Money

Pastor Mark brought a combined message for Shabbat and the word for the month for Rosh Chodesh. It is a month of increased JOY!!! He shared through the Scriptures how we are being marked for the kingdom and how great our value is to our Heavenly Father, Yahweh and His Son Yeshua.


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Episode 375: Know the One Who Built It Part 2

Pastor Mark brought part 2 of Know the One Who Built It. In this teaching he focused on the value of marriage and understanding the purpose why He gave us one another to show forth the image of Elohim through our lives.


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Episode 374: Know the One Who Built It

Pastor Mark brought us back to the basics of faith and encouraged us to know the Creator and not just noticing the creation. If we have holes in our faith we must close them up.
