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Sacred Playgrounds Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

We're turning insights to impact as we talk camp and why it matters based on the latest research. Each episode we'll focus on one thing that's making a difference right now in outdoor ministry.


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We're turning insights to impact as we talk camp and why it matters based on the latest research. Each episode we'll focus on one thing that's making a difference right now in outdoor ministry.



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Character at Camp

Self-confidence. Leadership. Resilience. Faith in daily life. These are all character traits we measure. There is real data that says camp in exceptional at building character through the highly experiential, highly relational programs you offer. And that's a good thing, because the research says parents and caregivers care as much about the character being built in their kids as anything else. On this episode we'll break down what character is from a lens of faith and why it matters at camp. Plus , we'll talk bit about what the American Camp Association and camps like yours are doing to bring another level of intentionality and energy to building character at camp (and even how you could receive grant funding for your best character-building idea or program). Stay connected with the Character at Camp Initiative at watch out for the opening of subgrant applications at Download the #StatOfTheWeek Come help camp thrive with us on Facebook, Instagram, or at


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Why Camp? From the Perspective of Moms, Church Leaders, and Camp Enthusiasts

Answer: because kids need a safe place to __________________. Question: Why Camp? This question matters to you, camp or church leaders, because it's a question the parents in your world are asking. They have to, for one reason or another. It's because they have a lot of options, and they are assessing the quality of any experience they sign their kids up for. It's because they are committed to making sure the time and dollar investments they make are worth it, and lead to things they want the most for their kids. It's because they want to trust you with their very hearts, and they need to know they can. On this episode, we'll chat with Anna and Anna, two women who wear m - as moms, church leaders, and camp enthusiasts. We asked them to "put on" each of those hats for a few minutes, sharing experiences and perspectives that resonate with families like the ones you serve. DOWNLOAD THE #STATOFTHEWEEK Come help camp thrive with us on Facebook, Instagram, or at


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2025 New Year's Resolutions for Camp!

Campy New Year! Our 4th annual New Year's resolutions for camp episode is here! We have a blast with this each year, and we've got 5 fresh data-backed resolutions for camps and their leaders in the year ahead. Here is your keyword teaser: Our #QuickQampQuestion is a fun, personal one, and our #StatOfTheWeek shares the #1 factor for faith retention. Join us for a fun kickoff to the new year and the rest of season 4 of podcast! Links Referenced: Merlin Bird ID 2024 Resolutions Chat with Travis Alison > Download the #StatOfTheWeek Come help camp thrive with us on Facebook, Instagram, or at


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Jesus is Camp!

Happy Advent and Merry Christmas from our sacred playgrounds to yours! We're donning Christmas hats and embracing Advent as we prepare for Jesus to camp! This season reminds us that our ministries have audiences of influence - those we serve, those who serve with us, and those we impact, sometimes without even knowing it. On this episode, we'll break down how Jesus comes to camp through these different perspectives and connect those audiences to characters in the Christmas story in scripture, being reminded that whatever we do for these who enter our sacred playground, we do for Jesus himself. Plus, a #QuickQampQuestion on our favorite camp skits. Add yours in the comments anywhere! > Download the #StatOfTheWeek Come help camp thrive with us on Facebook, Instagram, or at


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Camp Director Perspectives: Interviews with 4 Current Camp Leaders at Camp Conferences

Leaders who thrive learn from other leaders. Recently, Jake and Jared got to participate in and lead workshops at annual camp conferences for Lutheran Outdoor Ministries and the Campfire Collective (PCCCA, OMA-UCC, OMI, + more). They had the chance to sit down with 4 camp leaders from different locales and traditions to gather insightful perspectives and stories on 3 key questions. We asked these leaders to: These leader perspectives and stories match many of yours, and we'd love to hear your answers in the comments on our website, Facebook, or send us a message. Plus, since it's near Thanksgiving in the USA, we've got a whole "pie" chart for the #StatOfTheWeek. Download the graphics here. Come help camp thrive with us on Facebook, Instagram, or at


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"Scary" Stuff from Camp: A Story, A Truth, & A Statistic

What's your favorite scary movie? This week, we're embracing the spooky season with our #QuickQampQuestion. Post yours in the comments on our website, Facebook, or Instagram! On this episode, we've got 3 "scary" things to share about traditions we prioritize and the wellbeing of those we serve. We're sharing one scary story about a still-common camp activity, a scary truth about the campers and staff we work with, and a scary stat about the media and tech-driven realities of adolescents. The truth is, when we create camp spaces that are safe and unplugged, we give campers and families a gift they sometimes didn't even know they needed, or how deeply they needed it. Quick Links: #StatOfTheWeek Campwell CDC Mental Health Stats Come help camp thrive with us on Facebook, Instagram, or at


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Camper Recruitment & Retention with Special Guest Travis Allison

"The most effective way to get campers this summer is to get last summer's campers to come back." On this episode, Travis Allison from Go Camp Pro joins us to talk through what's actually effective in recruiting and retaining campers and their families. Built from a sense of frustration that so many camp leaders spend so much time, energy, and money on things that don't work, the Camper Recruitment & Retention Playbook by Travis Allison and Joanna Warren Smith lays out why, and most importantly how, to get campers and keep them coming back through clear, effective communication and intentionally improved experience. Plus, we've got a Quick Qamp Question answered from Jake and Travis' decades of camp experience on the strategic focus of staff versus camper experience, and an eye-opening Stat of the Week on professional leadership turnover from the Foundation on Jewish Camps. Note: The context of the statistic quoted in the episode is clarified in the graphic below so be sure to download that! Download the #StatOfTheWeek Graphic Read More in Our Review of the Camper Recruitment & Retention Playbook Get Your Copy of the Playbook Come help camp thrive with us on Facebook, Instagram, or at


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Promising Strategies for Connecting Camp, Church, & Home

A meaningful camp experience can be a powerful catalyst for family faith formation. That truth is at the heart of the Rhythms of Faith Project, the Lilly Endowment, Inc. funded project that Wheaton College/HoneyRock and Sacred Playgrounds are partnering on. We've spent the last year taking in current and past writing, qualitative and quantitative data, and powerful stories about the impacts of camping ministries on families and the faith formation rooted in home and church life. On this episode, co-directors Dr. Rob Ribbe and Dr. Jake Sorenson break down 6 promising strategies uncovered in this first phase of the project and share some stories and ways any camp can apply what's been learned so far. We'll also share a deep #QuickQampQuestion about the risks of camp and if they are worth it. Plus, be sure to download our #StatOfTheWeek sharing parent perspectives on if camp should be equipping and influencing faith at home. During the episode, we share one ready-to-take action step is to use the promising strategies infographic as a tool to consider what you may be able to apply in your ministry right now and in the months ahead. Download the infographic kit and read more about the promising strategies here. The Rhythms of Faith Project Phase 2 Sub-grant Request for Proposals is live! Proposals are due October 15, 2024 so be sure to get your camp's submitted to be one of the 9 camps we'll equip and follow for the next 3 years. Come help camp thrive with us on Facebook, Instagram, or at
