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Sadhguru talks

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Jaggi Vasudev (born 3 September 1957) known publicly as Sadhguru is an Indian yogi and author. In 1992, he established Isha Foundation near Coimbatore, which runs an ashram, hosts a yoga center, and has been involved in various activities in spirituality, education, and the environment. In this podcast you will hear about the various topics sadhguru has been speaking and we invite you on this journey of knowledge and wisdom.


United States


Jaggi Vasudev (born 3 September 1957) known publicly as Sadhguru is an Indian yogi and author. In 1992, he established Isha Foundation near Coimbatore, which runs an ashram, hosts a yoga center, and has been involved in various activities in spirituality, education, and the environment. In this podcast you will hear about the various topics sadhguru has been speaking and we invite you on this journey of knowledge and wisdom.



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What to do when we are troubled by others ?

When asked by a seeker what should I do if I get troubled by others. Please follow the podcast for more interesting episodes.


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The origins of Shaolin Kung fu by Sadhguru

In this episode Sadhguru talks about the origins of Shaolin Kung fu.


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Shivanga- Becoming a limb of shiva

Sadhguru speaks about the shivanga sadhana.


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Chris rado and Sadhguru

Chris rado and Sadhguru.


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Pandit Jasraj With Sadhguru The Power of Sound

Pandit Jasraj With Sadhguru The Power of Sound


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Sadhguru's Earth Day 2011 Message

Sadhguru's Earth Day 2011 Message


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What is a Guru's role ? Sadhguru

Sadhguru explains the meaning of the word "Guru", and speaks of how the extent of a Guru's role in a seeker's life is in the seeker's own hands.


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How to become available to grace | Sadhguru

In response to a seeker's question, Sadhguru looks at the nature of Grace and how to allow it to function in our lives. How to become available to grace.


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How does one find a guru ?

In this episode sadhguru answers how to find a guru.


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When the first guru was born | Sadhguru

In this episode we hear from sadhguru about the first guru , when the first guru was born.


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How to find your Guru ?

Sadhguru in this episode talks about what does it mean by a guru and how to find your guru.


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How to manage your diet ?

A seeker asks Sadhguru for information on managing their diet. Link for free Ebook :


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What is the significance of dreams?

What is the significance of dreams?


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Brahmananda Swaroopa Chant by sadhguru

Brahmananda Swaroopa Chant by sadhguru - The chant is significant not just for its meaning, but because it is a consecrated chant. So here in Isha, we have consecrated these sounds. And it is the simplest way for you to connect with what you refer to as Isha - you can use this as my ID.


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What is the purpose of human life?

What is the purpose of human life?


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The pain of ignorance

Sadhguru explores the spiritual process from its origin to the ultimate realization.


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“Dhyana” in Sanskrit means meditation and “linga” means the form. Dhyanalinga is a profound meditative space that does not ascribe to any particular belief or faith, and requires no ritual, prayer or worship. A powerful and unique energy form, Dhyanalinga is a doorway to enlightenment and spiritual liberation. In the metaphysical sense, Dhyanalinga is a guru, offering spiritual seekers the opportunity to do spiritual practices in the utmost intimacy of a live guru, something traditionally available only to a few. Though it has always existed in the yogic lore, there is no reference to a Dhyanalinga in the scriptures. It has always been the dream of many enlightened beings, but the complexities involved in its creation are such that it rarely materialized. The closest attempt to consecrate a Linga like this took place almost one thousand years ago in Bhopal, India. The process, though grand, failed in the final stages.


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Is enlightenment possible for people who are living in family situations?

When a seeker asks Sadhguru a very burning question that he had, Sadhguru explains the answer in his own way and also provides more details on the topic.


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Isha kriya meditation by sadhguru

Isha Kriya is a simple yet potent process rooted in the timeless wisdom of the yogic sciences. Offered by Sadhguru, it has the potential to transform the life of anyone willing to invest just 12 minutes a day. The purpose of Isha Kriya is to help an individual get in touch with the source of his existence, to create life according to his own wish and vision. Daily practice of Isha Kriya helps brings health, dynamism, peace and wellbeing. It is a powerful tool to cope with the hectic pace of modern life. Today, for most people, the word “yoga” usually conjures up images of twisting the body into impossible postures. The physical aspect of yoga is only one facet of this multi-dimensional science. Yoga is a technology to bring the body and mind to the peak of their capabilities – allowing one to live life to the fullest. It is Sadhguru’s vision to offer “one drop of spirituality” to every individual. Through the Isha Kriya guided meditation, the possibilities of a spiritual process can now be offered to every human being in the comfort of their own home.


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Sadhguru talks about success

Hello in this video sadhguru talks about success.
