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Satanists Nextdoor's Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Welcome to The Satanists Nextdoor, the most devilishly delightful podcast around! Join our charming Satanic couple as they challenge stereotypes and occasionally summon extraordinary guests who bring their unique perspectives to the mix. Get ready for a wickedly fun and enlightening ride through the realms of life, parenting, relationships, politics, and everything that makes existence intriguing.


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Welcome to The Satanists Nextdoor, the most devilishly delightful podcast around! Join our charming Satanic couple as they challenge stereotypes and occasionally summon extraordinary guests who bring their unique perspectives to the mix. Get ready for a wickedly fun and enlightening ride through the realms of life, parenting, relationships, politics, and everything that makes existence intriguing.





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Ep.47: The Fight for Choice - A Personal Perspective

Welcome to Satanist Next Door. After a brief hiatus, Tommy and Lilin discuss the personal and political impact of restrictive abortion laws, using their daughter's recent pregnancy as a backdrop. They discuss the fear and danger these laws create, not just for those seeking abortions but also for women wanting to carry pregnancies to term. They debunk anti-abortion myths and highlight the importance of bodily autonomy and informed choice. This episode challenges listeners to think critically about the real-world consequences of these draconian laws and the urgent need for change. Tune in for a candid conversation on the intersections of personal experience and public policy in the fight for reproductive rights. Support the Show.


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Ep.46: Internal Strife and the Path Forward for TST

In this episode, Tommy and Lilin shift their focus from the planned discussion on abortion laws in Texas to address the recent internal conflicts within The Satanic Temple (TST). Joined by Lucien Greaves, they delve into the controversy surrounding TST leadership and ministerial disputes that have erupted over the past week. The conversation begins with Lilin recounting her experience of discovering and confronting a group within TST that was sharing derogatory memes and discussing potentially harmful actions against the organization. As the situation escalated, it became clear that this was more than just idle chatter, leading to serious concerns about the intentions of some members. Lucien provides his perspective on the matter, explaining the gravity of the situation and the steps taken to address it. He highlights the importance of maintaining professionalism and the challenges of managing an organization where internal strife can easily undermine the collective mission. The discussion also touches on the broader implications of these internal issues, especially in the context of the upcoming election year and the ongoing fight for religious and reproductive rights. Throughout the episode, the hosts emphasize the need for transparency, accountability, and unity within TST. They call on members to engage constructively, uphold the organization's values, and support each other in the face of external and internal challenges. This episode serves as a reminder of the importance of solidarity and the collective effort required to advance TST's mission. Join Tommy, Lilin, and Lucien as they navigate this complex and contentious topic, urging listeners to stay informed, get involved by contacting, and contribute to a stronger, healthier, more cohesive TST community. Support the Show.


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Ep.45: Man Versus Bear - The Frightening Truth About Men & Violence

Trigger Warning - This subject covers topics that could be triggering including abuse and SA. In this episode, Tommy and Lilin tackle a provocative question from social media: Would you rather encounter a bear or a man in the woods? This seemingly simple query opens up vital discussions about safety, perceptions, and the real dangers women face from men. The hosts discuss why many women prefer the bear, emphasizing the threats posed by men, rooted in widespread societal experiences. They challenge deep-seated attitudes towards violence and gender, examining how these perspectives influence laws and personal safety. This episode goes beyond casual conversation, confronting everyday misogyny and systemic issues. Tommy and Lilin urge listeners to question societal norms, engage in changing dialogues about safety and respect across genders, and speak out against injustice. Join them as they delve into this viral topic's broader implications, inviting you to add your voice to this essential debate. Support the Show.


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Ep.44: First They Came for the Satanists - Florida's Exclusionary Tactics

In this episode, Tommy and Lilin are fired up over yet another chaplain program pushed through legislation in Florida. They discuss Governor DeSantis’s controversial statements about the roles of chaplains in schools, specifically his exclusion of Satanists while pushing for Christian presence. Tommy and Lilin rip into the hypocrisy of claiming religious freedom while systematically denying it to Satanists. They lay out how, despite legal recognitions, including by the IRS, that define Satanism as a legitimate religion, folks like DeSantis still push to marginalize our beliefs. They also circle back to a chilling similarity between past religious freedoms and today’s twisting of those principles. It’s not just about whether you believe or not, it’s about whether anyone's belief can be sidelined by someone else’s dogma. So, plug-in and get ready as they break down these moves against our rights and call for a united front to ensure that Satanism, alongside all other beliefs, is respected and protected. Because, as they put it, if it’s happening to us, it’s only a matter of time before it happens to someone else. Support the Show.


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Ep.43: In Defense of Diversity - Satanic Rights and the Fight Against Hate

Join Tommy and Lilin in this episode where they discuss violence targeting the Satanic community. With unflinching honesty, they discuss the alarming rise in hate crimes and domestic terrorism against their religion, reflecting on a series of unsettling events from pipe bombs to arson at their headquarters. Amidst these threats, they uphold the principles of peace and equality, challenging the hypocrisy of attackers hiding behind religious justifications. Tune in as they affirm the rights of all religious communities, urging a stand against extremism and advocating for justice and understanding across all faiths. Support the Show.


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Ep.42: The Satanic Invocation - A Tool for Personal Sovereignty

In this episode, Tommy and Lilin discuss "Open Office", a monthly virtual gathering where the Houston Congregation of The Satanic Temple invites both Satanists and the Satan-curious to explore various aspects of Satanism. Throughout the episode, Tommy and Lilin reflect on how the Satanic Invocation, written by Lucien Greaves and used during city council meetings as well as religious services, touches on themes of personal sovereignty, arbitrary authority, and personal growth. They share feedback from participants, many new to Satanism, who found the invocation particularly moving and relevant against the backdrop of current social issues and for introspective reflection. Let us stand now, unbowed and unfettered by arcane doctrines borne of fearful minds in darkened times. Let us embrace the Luciferian impulse to eat of the Tree of Knowledge and dissipate our blissful and comforting delusions of old. Let us demand that individuals be judged for their concrete actions, not their fealty to arbitrary social norms and illusory categorizations. Let us reason our solutions with agnosticism in all things, Holding fast only to that which is demonstrably true, Let us stand firm against any and all arbitrary authority that threatens the personal sovereignty of One or All. That which will not bend must break, and that which can be destroyed by truth should never be spared its demise. It is Done. Hail Satan! Support the Show.


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Ep.41: The Art of Ritual - The Diversity & Significance of Rituals in Satanism

In this episode of Satanists Nextdoor, Tommy and Lilin discuss their perspective on rituals within Satanism, exploring how rituals can be tailored to individual needs, fostering a sense of empowerment and self-discovery, serving as a powerful tool for self-expression, healing, and transformation, allowing individuals to reclaim their autonomy and celebrate their journey away from imposed beliefs. They explore the concept of rituals as psychodrama rather than invoking supernatural forces, while sharing their personal experiences and insights into creating meaningful rituals that resonate on a personal level, whether performed solo or within a community. Listeners are invited to reflect on the role rituals can play in their lives as a means to process emotions, mark significant life changes, or simply engage more deeply with their own beliefs and desires. Support the Show.


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Ep.40: Guns & Grit - A Satanist's Take on the Right to Bear Arms

In this episode of Satanists Nextdoor, Tommy and Lilin respond to a listener's inquiry from Shannon about the Satanist perspective on gun ownership. Shannon's email ignites a frank discussion on the fine line between supporting responsible gun ownership and upholding the personal right to steer clear of firearms. This episode delves into the complexities of gun rights within the Satanist community and beyond, without evasion. Operating from their distinctive standpoint in Texas—a state known for its notably lenient gun laws—Tommy and Lilin divulge their personal views on firearms. They talk about being gun owners who place a premium on safety, education, and discretion, setting their methods apart from the more conspicuous and sometimes disconcerting public display of firearms. Through a blend of personal stories and insightful analysis, they examine gun ownership from a Satanist perspective, highlighting the significance of individual rights, community safety, and the necessity for informed, responsible practices. Support the Show.


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Ep.39: To Reveal or Conceal - Satanyms in Satanism

In this episode, Tommy and Lilin sit down with Jessy Aumiou'xx, the East Coast's very own Satanic baker and owner of Sugar Anarchy, to chew over the big question: to use a satanym or not? It's all about the decision of whether or not to use a pseudonym in the Satanic community. Jessy shares their life as a public Satanist running their bakery and how that intertwines with their personal beliefs and business operations. Jessy is all about being out there, using their real name, and what that means for them in both the Satanic and local communities. Tommy and Lilin share their own take, too, balancing between their online personas and real-life activism. They speak about reasons why some in the community opt for satanyms, from avoiding unwanted attention to feeling safer in their expressions of faith. Listeners get a front-row seat to the conversation on how names, or the choice of not using one's given name, play a huge role in the identity of Satanists. It's a mix of serious talk, personal stories, and a dash of humor, reflecting on what it means to balance safety, public perception, & staying true to oneself. ________ Sugar Anarchy Facebook - Sugar Anarchy website - After School Satan - Satanic Temple Hellion Academy of Independent Learning (Hail) program - After School Satan Hail program with Sugar Anarchy Support the Show.


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Ep.38: Satanic Advocacy and Community Engagement - A Week in Review

In this episode, Tommy and Lilin unpack a whirlwind of activism, community engagement, and satanic representation, discussing their recent endeavors and the power of local involvement. From confronting the Texas chaplaincy programs at a recent school board meeting to engaging with secular and pagan communities, this episode explores the heart of satanic advocacy and the importance of standing up for secularism and inclusivity in public spaces. The hosts recount their recent participation speaking at a local school board meeting convened by the CFISD school board to discuss its implementation of a school Chaplin program in their district, some community events, including a screening of the newly released documentary God and Country produced by Rob Reiner which looks at the dangers of Christian nationalism hosted by Secular Houston, and the 2024 Ostara Market & Egg Hunt hosted by the Polk County Pagan Market, illustrating the diverse ways Satanists can engage with and contribute to their communities. They discuss the importance of visibility, dialogue, and support among various faiths and no faiths, challenging misconceptions and fostering a more inclusive society. Whether it's speaking at a school board meeting, joining community discussions, or simply being an informed and active member of your community, every effort counts in the fight for a more equitable and secular world. Join Tommy and Lilin as they share their journey of satanic advocacy, the challenges they've faced, the victories they've celebrated, and the lessons they've learned along the way. This episode reviews the effect dedicated individuals can have on their communities and the broader fight for satanic rights and secularism. Correction from the Podcast the book was The Founding Myth: Why Christian Nationalism Is Un-American by Andrew Seidel - Video link for Lilin T. Lavin speaking at the school board meeting - Support the Show.


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Ep.37: Frontlines of Freedom - Battling Anti-Satanic Legislation

In this episode of "Satanists Nextdoor," Tommy and Lilin, alongside Lucien Greaves, Tanooki Liz Sailhatan (Nooki), Murphy Fawkes, and Lilith Starr, from The Satanic Temple, discuss the ridiculous yet dangerous tide of anti-Satanic legislation that's been cropping up like a bad rash across the country. This lineup of Satanic heavyweights doesn't just talk the talk; they've been walking the walk, fighting on the front lines against the kind of laws that sound like they were cooked up during a satanic panic fever dream. Lucien brings his razor-sharp analysis, Nooki her fiery activism, Murphy Fawkes her strategic genius, and Lilith draws from her extensive background as a Satanic insider and author, to dissect these ludicrous laws. From the so-called "Reject Escalating Satanism by Preserving Essential Core (RESPECT) Acts" to other legislative monstrosities, the panel exposes how these acts are not just an attack on Satanists but a full-frontal assault on the very principles of freedom and democracy. This isn't just another podcast episode; it's a rallying call for every Satanist, ally, and lover of liberty out there. Tommy, Lilin, and their guests don't just dissect the problem; they're here to stoke the fires of resistance, to inspire action, and to remind us all that when it comes to fighting for our rights, silence is not an option. So, if you're tired of seeing your freedoms threatened by the kind of people who probably think "The Crucible" is a documentary, this is the episode for you. Join our hosts and their guests as they lay bare the absurdity of anti-Satanic legislation, share laughs in the face of adversity, and chart a course for safeguarding the rights and freedoms that belong to us all, Satanist or not. It's time to get loud, get active, and show these legislative zealots that they've picked a fight with the wrong community. Support the Show.


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Ep.36: In Memory of Nex - A Stand Against Silence and Hate

In this episode of "Satanists Nextdoor," Tommy and Lilin discuss the tragic loss of Nex Benedict, a 16-year-old non-binary student whose life was cut short, reflecting the broader, systemic issues facing the LGBTQIA+ community today. Their discussion stresses the importance of addressing these issues head-on. Nex Benedict was more than a statistic; Nex was a cherished member of their community, loved by family and friends for their passion, creativity, and zest for life. Through an exploration of Nex's life, interests, and legacy, Tommy and Lilin aim to celebrate the vibrant life Nex led. They confront the unsettling truth that Nex's story is not an isolated incident but part of a disturbing pattern of violence and discrimination against LGBTQIA+ individuals. They discuss the alarming escalation of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation, insights from the HRC's 2023 LGBTQ+ Youth Report, and the critical role of family support and acceptance for LGBTQ+ youth. Exploring these challenging topics, Tommy and Lilin also share a message of hope, focusing on our collective responsibility to foster a world where every LGBTQIA+ individual can live openly, safely, and authentically. This episode represents their commitment to shining a continuous light on these atrocities, advocating for change, and offering support as allies. They invite listeners to join them in solidarity with Nex Benedict and all LGBTQIA+ individuals facing hate and discrimination. Together, they argue, it's possible to champion a future where love, acceptance, and safety are the realities for everyone. Resources: Help and Support for the LGBTQIA+ community Nex Benedict Support the Show.


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Ep.35: Echoes of Navalny - A Satanic Perspective on Defiance and Freedom

In this episode of "Satanists Nextdoor," hosts Tommy and Lilin Lavin discuss the legacy of Alexei Navalny, whose fight against corruption and authoritarianism in Russia has resonated with people across the globe. Navalny's unwavering spirit and his ultimate sacrifice for the vision of a free Russia starkly embody the values of justice, personal freedom, and the relentless pursuit of truth. Through the lens of Satanism, we explore how Navalny's activism reflects the principles of compassion, justice, and resistance against tyranny—principles that illuminate our path as Satanists. In paying tribute to Navalny's memory, we are inspired by his profound words: "We are incredibly strong. We need to utilize this power to not give up, and to remember we are a huge power that is being oppressed. We don't realize how strong we actually are." Let these words motivate us to persist in our fight, harnessing our strength and standing firm against adversity. Support the Show.


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Ep.34: Satanism in the Crosshairs - Legislating Belief

Join Lilin and Tommy in this episode as they delve into the contentious issue of religious freedom, with a specific focus on recent legislative attempts to marginalize Satanism, including the implications of Arizona's SB1279 and Iowa's SF2210. This episode goes beyond a mere rundown of legal challenges; it's a candid conversation about how these legislative moves reflect a deeper societal struggle with pluralism and the foundational principles of the United States. They explore the misuse of the Establishment Clause, the outright criminalization of Satanic symbols and practices, and the potential consequences of these bills—not just for Satanists but for all minority religions and the fabric of American secularism. Whether you're deeply engaged in the fight for religious freedom or tuning in to grasp the stakes, this episode offers a thought-provoking analysis of the collision between legislation and liberty. Tune in to navigate the complex interplay of religious rights, legislative overreach, and the enduring spirit of those who refuse to be silenced. ------------------------------------------- Additional historical resources on the topic: Support the Show.


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Ep.33: Satanism Under the Gavel - Legal Frontiers of Religious Liberty

In this episode, Tommy and Lilin touch on the heart of a matter that's all too familiar for many of us: the ongoing fight for Satanism to be recognized and respected amidst the wider conversation on religious rights. Discussing the latest legislative actions in Arizona (SB1279) and the incident in Iowa, where vandalism against a Satanic display was officially labeled a hate crime, this moment is a wake-up call on the real threats to religious expression and a reminder that legal protections need to cover all faiths, Satanism included. But we're not just talking about Satanism here. This episode is about how the pushback against Satanism is really a litmus test for religious freedom across the board. What happens when certain beliefs are sidelined or outright attacked? It's a question that affects us all. Resources: Support the Show.


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Ep.32: Lone Star Standoff - Chaos at the Border

In this episode of Satanists Nextdoor, Tommy and Lilin confront the tumultuous Texas border crisis and the broader harsh realities of our current political landscape through a Satanic lens. They challenge the status quo while advocating for a world where compassion and reason triumph over fear and manipulation. Expect a candid discussion that cuts through the noise, tackling the political games surrounding the border, the vindictive anger of the GOP base, and the disturbing trend of using religion as a weapon. Tommy and Lilin don't hold back in calling out the absurdities and dangers of the current situation, including the manipulation of immigration narratives and the human cost at the border. This episode is a call to action, urging listeners to look beyond the surface and understand the deeper currents shaping our society. It's a reminder that what's happening in Texas isn't just a local issue but a bellwether for national trends, with implications that reach far beyond the Lone Star State. Join them as they navigate these complex issues with passion, insight, and their trademark touch of dark humor, staying true to their Satanic roots and commitment to standing up against tyranny and oppression. Resources -'t%20legally,that%20a%20state%20cannot%20secede Support the Show.


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Ep.31: Beyond the Shadows - A Satanic Perspective on Mental Health

In this episode of Satanists Nextdoor, Tommy and Lilin explore the gritty reality of depression, focusing on the unique challenges it presents, especially in the Satanic community. They confront the many stigmas of mental health and the unique challenges faced by individuals in leadership roles, and they stress the importance of supportive conversations. Their discussion covers personal experiences and societal pressures, illustrating how the tenets of Satanism can be a practical tool for not only understanding but actively confronting and working through depression. Join them as they navigate these tough topics with a grounded and honest approach. If you or someone you love are struggling with thoughts of self-harm, please seek help! Here are some resources: 988: Suicide Crisis Helpline (Call, Text) (Chat) SMS: 988 International Suicide Hotlines & Resources (Call, Text, Websites) The Trevor Project - LGBTQIA Focus - (Chat, Call, Text) Tel: 1-866-488-7386 SMS: 678678 TST Sober Faction Support the Show.


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Ep.30: Satanism and the Mind - Unraveling Cognitive Dissonance

Join us in this episode of Satanists Nextdoor as we discuss cognitive dissonance with our special guest, Tim Baxter from 'Satan's Therapist.' In this episode, we explore cognitive dissonance, which can be characterized as the mental discomfort one experiences when holding conflicting beliefs or when faced with new information that challenges existing views. We discuss why understanding cognitive dissonance is important, especially in the context of Satanism, where questioning established norms and challenging ingrained beliefs is an overarching theme. Tim shares insights on how recognizing cognitive dissonance can lead to greater self-awareness, personal growth, and improved decision-making. We also examine its role in fostering critical thinking and open-mindedness within the Satanic community and beyond. Tune in for a conversation that not only shines a light on the concept of cognitive dissonance but also offers practical advice on how to use it for personal development and a better understanding of not only ourselves but also the world around us. Support the Show.


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Ep.29: 2024 - The Year of Satanic Solidarity and Action

In this episode of Satanists Nextdoor, Tommy and Lilin tackle 2024, a year that's shaping up to be a focus on the battleground against theocracy. Kicking off with the Executive Ministry's statement on postponing SatanCon to 2025, they discuss the community's response - a blend of unity and determination to strengthen TST's mission. Tommy and Lilin don't shy away from the hard-hitting issues: LGBTQIA+ rights, reproductive rights, and the looming threat of theocratic policies. They call for proactive engagement and collective action to safeguard personal freedoms and the separation of church and state. This episode is more than just a discussion; it's a rallying cry for Satanists and allies to come together, to be politically active, and to shape a future that honors autonomy and diversity. It's a reminder that in the face of adversity, the Satanic community stands united, ready to face the challenges of 2024 head-on. Hail Satan! Support the Show.


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Ep.28: Victory is a Spirit - Unity and Resilience in the Face of Adversity

In this compelling episode of Satanists Nextdoor, join hosts Tommy and Lilin as they engage in a profound discussion with special guests Nooki, Murphy Fawkes, Kaelea, and Lilith Starr. Inspired by a powerful collection of letters following the David Silverman photo debacle as well as other internal challenges within The Satanic Temple community. Our guests share their perspectives on the importance of maintaining unity, the dangers of purity spirals, and the need for constructive conflict resolution. We explore the balance between personal agendas and the overarching mission of defending pluralism and religious liberty. This episode is a call for introspection and solidarity, urging us to rise above internal conflicts and refocus on the core values that bind us. Tune in for an insightful journey into the spirit of victory that sustains our community through trials and triumphs. Hail Satan! Support the Show.
