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Spiritual Life and Leadership

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Ministry leadership is about more than just growing your church or organization. It’s about participating in God’s mission in the world. But how can leaders know God’s mission or their unique place in it? Faithful ministry leadership is rooted in a life of deep and abiding faithfulness to Jesus. In “Spiritual Life and Leadership,” Markus Watson and his guests explore what it means to be faithful leaders whose ministry flows from their ever-deepening relationship with God.


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Ministry leadership is about more than just growing your church or organization. It’s about participating in God’s mission in the world. But how can leaders know God’s mission or their unique place in it? Faithful ministry leadership is rooted in a life of deep and abiding faithfulness to Jesus. In “Spiritual Life and Leadership,” Markus Watson and his guests explore what it means to be faithful leaders whose ministry flows from their ever-deepening relationship with God.





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233. Aligning with God's Work in the World, a Quick Conversation with Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking! Markus Watson and Tod Bolsinger explore how to discern and join in what God is doing in the world. They discuss the importance of humility, recognizing God's ongoing work beyond the church, and adopting practical spiritual disciplines. Tod shares personal practices, like evening prayers of gratitude and a mindset that sees God's activity through the night, to better align with God’s work. They emphasize listening to both God and others to understand the broader context of God's presence and action. Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson discuss this quote from Tim Soerens in Ep 204, How to Cultivate Presence in Your Community: “What is God up to? And how do I join in it? And what are the practices and postures and prompts that we need to keep asking ourselves in order to join in what God's doing?” THIS EPISODE'S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: Did you know Spiritual Life and Leadership has been named the #1 Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Feedspot Podcasters Database? Check it out HERE!


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232. Learning from Jesus, with Yolanda Solomon, author of Discipleship as Holy Collaboration

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking! How does Jesus go about transforming individual lives and entire societies? And what role do we play in that work of transformation? Yolanda Solomon, author of Discipleship as Holy Collaboration, helps us get clarity on these questions as she shares her insights on how to build a nurturing community in the Church, the challenges of modern discipleship, and the importance of addressing marginalized groups through a radically inclusive kingdom perspective. THIS EPISODE'S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: RELEVANT RESOURCES AND LINKS: www.yolandasolomon.siteDiscipleship as Holy Collaboration,Kingdom, Church, and WorldBuilding a Multi-inclusive Church, with Efrem Smith and Dan KreissUnlearning Old Paradigms for Kingdom Leadership, with Terry WallingFrom Sunday Services to Real Transformation, with E.K. StrawserThe Muppets, “She Drives Me Crazy”Did you know Spiritual Life and Leadership has been named the #1 Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Feedspot Podcasters Database? Check it out HERE!


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231. Navigating Grief and Life Transitions, a Quick Conversation with Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking! Markus Watson and Tod Bolsinger unpack a poignant quote from Adam McHugh, discussing the often-overlooked grief experienced during life transitions such as career changes and identity shifts. They reflect on Adam's personal journey from pastoral ministry to becoming a wine sommelier, emphasizing how letting go of deeply ingrained identities can be a difficult yet necessary process for embracing new seasons of life. The conversation underscores the importance of grief in these transitions and challenges the notion that Christians should always be joyful, highlighting that genuine grief prepares the way for new beginnings and deeper hope. Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson discuss this quote from Adam McHugh in Ep 208, Letting Go in Leadership to Move Forward in Life: “You know, we talk about grief when you lose a loved one or when you lose something very specific. But there's a real grieving process, I think, that comes along with life transition, with career loss, with job loss, with identity loss." THIS EPISODE'S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: Did you know Spiritual Life and Leadership has been named the #1 Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Feedspot Podcasters Database? Check it out HERE!


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230. The Power of an 8-word Mission Statement, with Tod Bolsinger

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking! Tod Bolsinger, Executive director of the Church Leadership Institute, discusses how to maintain a commitment to your mission even in the face of resistance. He also unpacks the importance of trust in leadership, as well as how to craft and use a powerful mission statement guide you in your church’s or organization’s decision-making. THIS EPISODE'S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: RELEVANT RESOURCES AND LINKS: Church Leadership InstituteHow Not to Waste a Crisis: Quit Trying HarderInvest in Transformation: Quit Relying on TrustLeading Through Resistance: Quit Pushing BackThe Mission Always Wins: Quit Appeasing StakeholdersCanoeing the Mountains, with Tod BolsingerDisorientation and Spiritual Leadership, with Tod BolsingerThe Spiritual Life of a Leader, with Tod BolsingerForming Leadership Resilience, with Tod BolsingerDid you know Spiritual Life and Leadership has been named the #1 Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Feedspot Podcasters Database? Check it out HERE!


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229. The Fear-Driven Church, a Quick Conversation with Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking! Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson discuss a quote from episode 216 with guests Brad Strawn and Warren Brown. The quote highlights the perception that contemporary Christianity in the United States is more known for what it opposes than for what it supports. Tod Bolsinger explores this phenomenon, attributing it to the psychological tendency to focus on fears rather than potential gains. The discussion delves into how this fear-based mindset influences church leadership and community actions, emphasizing the need for churches to rally around positive and constructive goals rather than being driven by anxiety and opposition. Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson discuss this quote from Brad Strawn in Ep 216, Overcoming ‘Puny’ Spirituality: "I think one of the sad things about the state of contemporary Christianity in the United States is that we're known for, not what we do, but what we're against." THIS EPISODE'S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: Did you know Spiritual Life and Leadership has been named the #1 Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Feedspot Podcasters Database? Check it out HERE!


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228. Dismantling the Myth of the White God, with Grace Ji-Sun Kim, author of When God Became White

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking! Grace Ji-Sun Kim, theology professor at Earlham School of Religion and the author of When God Became White, discusses how cultural forces throughout history have shaped the portrayal of both God and Jesus as white males, and how that portrayal has hurt our ability to be the leaders we need to be. THIS EPISODE'S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: RELEVANT RESOURCES AND LINKS: Earlham School of ReligionMadang PodcastLoving Life SubstackWhen God Became WhiteBuilding a Multi-Inclusive Church, with Efrem Smith and Dan KreissCultivating Cultural Competence, with Daniel LeeCalled to Each Other, with Claude AlexanderMinistry Leadership in a Racialized Society, with David SwansonDid you know Spiritual Life and Leadership has been named the #1 Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Feedspot Podcasters Database? Check it out HERE!


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227. Effective Team Management, a Quick Conversation withTod Bolsinger and Markus Watson

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking! Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson discuss a quote from Mike Bonem, which underscores the importance of empowering team members to fulfill their roles. They explore the necessity of recruiting the right people and then giving them the freedom to execute their tasks effectively. Tod emphasizes the value of clarity in mission and supportive leadership, allowing team members to excel in their areas of expertise without micromanagement. He also introduces the concept of "the commander's intent" to highlight the balance between freedom and direction in team management. Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson discuss this quote from Mike Bonem in Ep 218, Trust, Teams, and Transformational Leadership: “If you’re gonna recruit the right people to be on the team, then you need to release them to do the work that God has called them to do.” THIS EPISODE'S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: Mike Bonem's quote emphasizes the importance of recruiting the right people and then empowering them to fulfill their roles. Tod Bolsinger advises that effective leaders clearly communicate their mission to their team members. A good leader recruits talented individuals and grants them autonomy. Leaders should provide clarity and support to their team members. Leaders should hire people who are experts in their roles and trust them to perform their tasks independently. Did you know Spiritual Life and Leadership has been named the #1 Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Feedspot Podcasters Database? Check it out HERE!


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226. Tackling Toxic Polarization in Your Church, with Allen Hilton and Andrew Hanauer

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking! Allen Hilton, Executive Director of A House United, and Andrew Hanauer, CEO of One America Movement, bring a wealth of experience and practical insight into how our churches can navigate political and cultural division, especially during this very divisive election season. We explore their strategies for "courageous conversations" and the importance of understanding and empathy in overcoming polarization—crucial topics for any ministry leader aiming to foster a congregation of love and unity. THIS EPISODE'S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: RELEVANT RESOURCES AND LINKS: House United MovementOne America MovementLeading Your Church Through Political Division, with Allen HiltonIs American Unity Possible?Prayer for a President in PainGrace-Filled Politics, with Aaron SchaferDid you know Spiritual Life and Leadership has been named the #1 Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Feedspot Podcasters Database? Check it out HERE!


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225. God's Work in the In-Between, a Quick Conversation withTod Bolsinger and Markus Watson

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking! Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson discuss the importance of transitions in both individual and organizational life, as highlighted by a quote from Terry Walling. They explore the concept of the "in between," likening it to the liminal space where significant transformation occurs. Bolsinger emphasizes that these periods of uncertainty are essential for faith and growth, encouraging leaders to embrace learning and personal journey as they guide their communities through times of change. The episode explores the challenges of these transitions and provides insights on how leaders can navigate them effectively. Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson discuss this quote from Terry Walling in Ep 212, Unlearning Old Paradigms for Kingdom Leadership: “Transitions are the most important moments in an individual’s life and in an organization’s life because God does some of his greatest work in the in-between.” THIS EPISODE'S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: Did you know Spiritual Life and Leadership has been named the #1 Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Feedspot Podcasters Database? Check it out HERE!


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224. Leadership Through the Lens of Hebrews, with Amy Peeler, author of Hebrews: Commentaries for Christian Formation

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking! Amy Peeler, author of Hebrews: Commentaries for Christian Formation, shares her insights on leadership through the lens of the book of Hebrews, drawing parallels between Jesus’ steadfast priesthood and the role of modern pastors and leaders. Her reflections on enduring hope, resilience, and the practicalities of leading a post-COVID church are valuable for all who are in ministry leadership. THIS EPISODE'S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: RELEVANT RESOURCES AND LINKS: www.amypeeler.comWheaton CollegeHebrews: Commentaries for Christian FormationWomen and the Gender of GodPower, Vulnerability, Rest, with Tod BolsingerLeading Like Jesus, with Ken BlanchardDid you know Spiritual Life and Leadership has been named the #1 Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Feedspot Podcasters Database? Check it out HERE!


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223. Discovering Where God is Already at Work, a Quick Conversation with Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking! Markus Watson and Tod Bolsinger engage in a discerning conversation about the leadership and mission implications of the idea that God is already pesent in every culture. They consider the respect and humility required when entering new cultures and relationships, especially with the understanding that God's presence and work precede us. Through personal stories and theological insights, they explore the posture of listening and joining in what God is already doing, rather than imposing our preconceptions. Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson discuss this quote from Justin Bailey in Episode 173, The Art of Interpreting Culture: “You never go to another culture where God is not already present and at work.” THIS EPISODE'S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: Did you know Spiritual Life and Leadership has been named the #1 Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Feedspot Podcasters Database? Check it out HERE!


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222. Building a Multi-Inclusive Church, with Efrem Smith and Dan Kreiss, authors of Church for Everyone

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking! Efrem Smith and Dan Kreiss, the authors of Church For Everyone: Building a Multi-Inclusive Community, explore the importance of multi-inclusivity in church leadership, the need to empower young people in decision-making, and the steps required to break down socio-economic and cultural barriers within our faith communities. THIS EPISODE'S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: RELEVANT RESOURCES AND LINKS: Mid-town ChurchInfluential Global MinistriesRoswell Presbyterian ChurchChurch for EveryoneCalled to Each Other, with Claude AlexanderMinistry Leadership in a Racialized Society, with David SwansonIdentity, Belonging, and Purpose, with Kara PowellDid you know Spiritual Life and Leadership has been named the #1 Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Feedspot Podcasters Database? Check it out HERE!


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221. Miroslav Volf's Take on Moving Forward, a Quick Conversation with Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking! Tod Bolsinger brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to this conversation, challenging us to resist nostalgia and the allure of a past era—like the 1960s, when the church thrived in a very different context. Reflecting on a quote from Miroslav Volf, Bolsinger, together with Markus Watson, contemplates the dangers of yearning for what no longer exists and the pressing need to adapt to a future we can't fully see yet. Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson discuss this quote from MIroslav Volf in Episode 169, TThe Materiality of God’s Mission: “We can’t orient ourselves around the old world; it would be dumb for us to do that. And we don’t know how to orient ourselves with a world that hasn’t yet been born.” THIS EPISODE'S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: Did you know Spiritual Life and Leadership has been named the #1 Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Feedspot Podcasters Database? Check it out HERE!


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220. Leading Through Tragedy, Adversity, and Crisis, with Gayle Beebe, author of The Crucibles that Shape Us

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking! In ministry leadership, how we respond to crises significantly impacts not just our journey, but also the communities we serve. Painful experiences like this can be crucibles that mold our character, highlight the importance of emotional presence, and underscore the need for institutional stamina—how do we get through this together? Gayle Beebe is the president of Westmont College and author of The Crucibles That Shape Us. In this conversation, and he shares some of the ways he has had to lead through tragedy and crisis. He unpacks concepts like competing commitments which are exposed in times of crisis. He talks about the importance of having processing partners in our leadership. And he shares some of the profound lessons he learned from both the personal and institutional tragedies that he has had to lead through. This episode's highlights include: Gayle Beebe’s bookRelevant Resources and Links: Westmont CollegeThe Crucibles that Shape UsPenséesThinking Fast and SlowEmbracing Limitations as a Ministry Resource, with Tod BolsingerADid you know Spiritual Life and Leadership has been named the #1 Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Feedspot Podcasters Database? Check it out HERE!


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219. The Role of Joy in Effective Church Leadership, a Quick Conversation with Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking! This episode explores the critical role of joy in fostering deep connections within our communities. As Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson consider how an atmosphere of joy can be crafted and communicated through our actions, they discuss how this translates to effective ministry and church leadership. Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson discuss this quote from Jim Wilder in Episode 179, The Neuroscience of Spiritual Formation: "In order to get people to attach to each other you have to create an environment of joy where people are glad to be together." THIS EPISODE'S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: Did you know Spiritual Life and Leadership has been named the #1 Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Feedspot Podcasters Database? Check it out HERE!


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218. Trust, Teams, and Transformational Leadership, with Mike Bonem, author of The Art of Leading Change

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking! Strong sermons, pastoral care and counseling, leading Bible studies. These are all really important for effective ministry leadership. But leading a church or organization is more than just that, isn’t it? In this episode, Mike Bonem--consultant, coach, and author of The Art of Leading Change--offers invaluable insights into how trust, effective team-building, and adept communication can transform your leadership and help you navigate the complexities of ministry. THIS EPISODE'S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: "The Business of Ministry" RELEVANT RESOURCES AND LINKS: mikebonem.comBusiness of MinistryThe Art of Leading ChangeLeading from the Second ChairStrengthening the Soul of Your LeadershipSacred RhythmsGood to GreatHow Did God Intend Us to Experience SaDid you know Spiritual Life and Leadership has been named the #1 Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Feedspot Podcasters Database? Check it out HERE!


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217. Holding on or Venturing Forth, a Quick Conversation with Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking! Markus Watson and Tod Bolsinger reflect on their passion for exploration as an essential element of leadership, discussing the current crisis where the church often resists change and clings to the past rather than venturing into the unknown. Together, they explore the challenges in embracing exploration within the church, examine the role faith plays in embarking on new journeys, and contemplate how our structures often dissuade us from the very essence of adventure that following Jesus entails. Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson discuss this quote from Dwight Gibson in Episode 25, Organizational Change and the Way of Exploration: “As people of faith I would like to believe we have a greater capacity for exploration because we do recognize there is something beyond ourselves.” THIS EPISODE'S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: Did you know Spiritual Life and Leadership has been named the #1 Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Feedspot Podcasters Database? Check it out HERE!


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216. Overcoming 'Puny' Spirituality, with Warren Brown and Brad Strawn, authors of Enhancing Christian Life

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking! In this episode, Warren Brown and Brad Strawn, authors of Enhancing Christian Life, explain how contemporary Christian practices can often lead to what they call a 'puny' experience of Christianity that elevates personal feelings of closeness to God over outward expressions of faith. They argue for a robust, 'supersized' form of Christian life, where followers of Jesus are deeply connected with their church community, contributing to and drawing from a shared life that reflects the teachings of Jesus in tangible and embodied ways. THIS EPISODE'S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: RELEVANT RESOURCES AND LINKS: Enhancing Christian LifeThe Physical Nature of Christian LifeDid My Neurons Make Me Do It? The Extended MindFuller Studio - Brad Strawn lecturesA Crisis of Adult Discipleship, with Brian WallaceSpiritual Leadership in the Digital Space, with Laura MurrayeDid you know Spiritual Life and Leadership has been named the #1 Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Feedspot Podcasters Database? Check it out HERE!


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215. The Contagion of Anxiety in Spiritual Leadership, a Quick Conversation with Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking! This episode unpacks the concept of differentiation—how it allows us to recognize when someone else's anxiety affects us and vice versa, and the significance of maintaining our personal identity while staying connected in relationships. With vivid examples and relatable scenarios, we'll explore strategies to navigate crises and anxiety within our congregations and leadership teams without succumbing to the contagious nature of anxiety. Tod Bolsinger and Markus Watson discuss this quote from Steve Cuss in Episode 47, Leadership, Anxiety, and Family Systems: “[Differentiation] is your ability to notice when you’re getting infected by someone else’s anxiety, and how to stop your anxiety from infecting someone else.” THIS EPISODE'S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: Did you know Spiritual Life and Leadership has been named the #1 Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Feedspot Podcasters Database? Check it out HERE!


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214. Leading with Purpose and Authenticity, with Tommy Nixon, CEO of Urban Youth Workers Initiative

Send me a text! I’d love to know what you're thinking! Healthy leadership is about paying attention to what God is up to in the people we’re leading. Our job, then, is not to force people to be something they’re not so they can support our own initiatives. Our job is to take note of how our people are wired and then help them live that out for the sake of God’s mission. This is true, by the way, not only for the people we lead; it's true for the leader, too. In this episode, Tommy Nixon, the CEO of Urban Youth Workers Initiative, does an amazing job unpacking that reality. THIS EPISODE'S HIGHLIGHTS INCLUDE: Urban Youth Workers Institute RELEVANT RESOURCES AND LINKS: Urban Youth Workers InstituteThe Radical Middle Podcast The Future is Here PodcastThe Beatitudes and Spiritual Leadership, with Mark ScandretteYou Can’t Be Found if You’re Never Lost, with Steve CarterDid you know Spiritual Life and Leadership has been named the #1 Spiritual Leadership Podcast by the Feedspot Podcasters Database? Check it out HERE!
