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Stand Up For The Truth Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Addressing Issues & Topics Affecting Christians Across The Nation


United States


Addressing Issues & Topics Affecting Christians Across The Nation







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John Haller: A Tale of Two Speeches, a Tale of Two Parties – the Beat Goes On

Mary welcomes back John Haller for a look at the state of the world in the 2nd half of 2024. You can't tell the players without a scorecard anymore as things move forward at lighning speed with key changes and more. We look at the disparity between the electrifying speech by Netanyahu and the 13 minute "break up with America" Biden exit. Americans have long suspected that there are hand-in-puppet shenanigans going on but it's hard to hit a moving target. We also talk Paris, Israel, the Secret Service, the great recasting of Kamala Harris, and who is JD Vance? The neverending quest for truth about, well, anything in this sin-soaked, wearisome world is a full time job. Pastor, teacher, speaker, legal mind John Haller helps us sort it out. Shameless plug for swag for our listeners/donors! - Thanks for YOUR Support!


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Julaine Appling: Pro-Life, Polling, and Population Peaks

Julaine Appling is back with us today to discuss the 2nd half of 2024, pertaining to pro-life and polling issues that affect not just Wisconsin but are intertwined with state and national issues. We talk about the upcoming Wisconsin primary in August, and the importance of being educated about what the candidates stand for; also understanding the referenda being voted upon. These can be especially difficult to navigate if they are worded in a convoluted way. We also look at changes to the Wisconsin Constitution regarding enshrining abortion rights into this document. Is the state Supreme Court legislating instead of interpreting the law? How can that not be a power play? Another issue with the state court is how a governor might look at his role in spending federal funding, ie, Covid monies distributed to Wisconsin, in particular. Also on the podcast we look at global demographics that continue to plunge, and the what, why and how. Shameless plug for swag for our listeners/donors! - Thanks for YOUR Support!


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Replay – Heidi St. John: Armor On, Battle Ready, Grounded in Truth!

Heidi shares her heart about the hard lessons she learned in the last two years while running for Congress; we also discuss worldview issues and concerns about education, government, media, and politics. "We, Christians and conservatives, have lost the culture," and true believers must be battle ready, informed, vocal and active in our communities in order to save souls and glorify God in these last days.


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Todd Nettleton: Update on the Persecuted Church

Mary welcomes back Todd Nettleton of Voice of the Martyrs for another uplifting podcast on our persecuted brethren around the world. Todd just returned from Central Asia and having interviewed pastors and many brethren who have left all to serve the Lord, he brings their stories of seeing the hand of God in the Great Commission. We also talk about various hotspots around the world. With 50% of the world's population voting for their own national leadership, how does this affect persecution? Hotspots seem to change with geopolitical upheaval. We look at Israel also, and the nature of the life of a believer in Gaza. How many believers live in Gaza, and how do they serve the Lord in that chaos? An edifying - and challenging - hour with Todd. Shameless plug for swag for our listeners/donors! - Thanks for YOUR Support!


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Replay – Sean Patrick Tario: Stop Giving Big Tech Your Money

Sean Patrick Tario [Original airdate 7/31/23] Sean Patrick Tario is a father, husband, entrepreneur, seed stage investor, author, community organizer and Christ loving patriot seeking and sharing Truth in Love. After 15 years as an entrepreneur and executive for various high tech companies in Silicon Valley, Sean has dedicated the last few years of his life building infrastructure, companies and networks that will ensure those who stand behind their Christian, Conservative and Constitutional values are not cancelled from doing business online. One of his current ventures,, is the home for the Ghost Phone and Ghost Laptop which afford customers the ability to remove themselves entirely from the Google, Apple and Microsoft ecosystems and surveillance systems. The Matrix. Why has a science fiction movie series plot line become the buzz word among so-called conspiracy theorists? Are big tech and governments really spying on us? Are our handy phones trying to enslave us? Crash Connell & Sean Patrick Tario will scratch the surface of this big topic in today's podcast. Shameless plug for swag for our listeners/donors! - Thanks for YOUR Support!


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William Federer: Fighting the Good Fight in America

Mary Danielsen chats with author and speaker William Federer, a walking history book about our American heritage. Today we discuss the topic of evil and the role of the church in combating it. Leaving a legacy of freedom for our children and grandchildren is wise and yet are we doing all we can to preserve our liberty? We can't say that the church is doing nothing, we have no way to measure that; we are in the last days besides. But can we do more to be salt and light? Does the church really understand what wickedness is, what injustice is and how God hates it? An hour to challenge what some might describe as armchair Christianity. His latest book, "Silence Equals Consent", can be found here. Shameless plug for swag for our listeners/donors! - Thanks for YOUR Support! .


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JB Hixson: Plot Twist – the State of Dis-Union

Mary welcomes back pastor and author JB Hixson to discuss what can only be described as a "turn of the page" in the drama that is American politics. The latest plot twist is something that everyone will remember- where they were and what they were doing - and also necessitates the need to continue to look for answers in a bizarre series of events. We talk about the state of the state and the clarification that the Trump shooting brings in the realm of great disunity, unlike anything we have seen - and it just may get worse. To vote, that is not the question, but is there such a thing as the lesser of two evils? We also look at Israel and the disgruntlement of the citizens of the north who feel abandoned by their government, sitting ducks who have to live with rockets and shelters around the clock. In addition, we look at the 2nd largest teachers' union in America and their upcoming conference agenda. Shameless plug for swag for our listeners/donors! - Thanks for YOUR Support!


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Replay – Scott Lively: Pushing Back Against PRIDE, Nonstop LGBT ‘Telethon’

We discuss Scott’s "30 Days of Pride-Month Pushback" - a topical blog for each day of June. We also address the intolerance of the LGBTQ activists, censoring "de-transitioners," corporate wokeness, DEI, keeping graphic books from parents in school libraries, and the Democrats renewed push for the so-called, "Equality Act."


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Debbie Wuthnow: Voting Wisely, Praying Fervently

Mary Danielsen chats with Debbie Wuthnow of iVoterGuide on getting educated about the candidates that best reflect our morals and mandates as believers. iVoterGuide is dedicated to equipping Americans to be informed and educated on the candidates and the process. Debbie is the vice-president of AFA Action and a member of the board. She has been with iVoter since 2011 and in that time, they have evaluated 13,000 candidates. In this important and contentious voting cycle, America appears to be at a critical juncture in so many ways. Issues such as right to life, religious liberty, immigration and inflation, to name a few, are very important to our citizenry, and yet there are so few answers and even more division. We talk about our responsibilities in the area of hard won freedom and also how to pray for our leaders, when often we neglect this responsibility because of the compromise of the politicians. A thoughtful hour. Shameless plug for swag for our listeners/donors! - Thanks for YOUR Support!


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Replay – Terry Reynolds: A Testimony of Grace; AI and the Middle East

[Original airdate 6/2/23] Terry Reynolds and Mary Danielsen look at Terry’s many years in ministry and the tremendous resources he brings to come alongside the believer to grow in the Word and matters of faith. Terry’s testimony is one of the great grace of God and how He sustains us in all things. In the 2nd half of the podcast, headlines include the Turkey election, Ai, Elon Musk’s brain implants and the latest from Israel and how they fit into bible prophecy.


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Brian Young: Epigenetics and Supernatural Selection

Mary Danielsen chats with Creation instructor Brian Young about the genetic code of life and how God designed it to adapt to life in a fallen world. In Colossians we learn that God holds all things together until the day He dissolves it all in favor of a new heavens and a new earth. Until then, all of creation is groaning and travailing. How was the curse manifested in all we see and perceive? Epigenetics is the latest subject in the area of DNA and genetics and further combats evolution. Brian is an internationally known speaker and author, was a teacher and principal for ten years before becoming director of Creation Instruction Association and has a creation museum in Broken Bow, Nebraska. He has been doing high energy talks on the topic of creation and Biblical authority for over 25 years, doing debates at Universities, going into prisons, and sharing at churches, schools and camps around the world to kids and adults alike. He uses scientific demonstrations and high-energy talks filled with Scripture and science, all to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to lift up Biblical authority in every aspect of life. A fascinating hour. Shameless plug for swag for our listeners/donors! - Thanks for YOUR Support!


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Headlines: The Great Election Reset; The Wise and the Foolish; Bird Flu Angst

In today's headlines, the biggest story of the week is the EU election sabotage. Both France and the UK have given things over to the scoundrels who work out back room politics - and to what end? The Spirit of the Age, in this late hour, is a socialist, Marxist paradigm that can only be implemented by thievery and sabotage - anything to keep conservatives and the will of the people out of the picture completely. Is there a pattern both here and in the EU? You decide 2024 but keep your expectations very low for the US as far as results go. We also look at bird flu conferences and some pre-hysteria and the inevitable increase in control over the masses. We also take a look at the parable of the wise and foolish virgins in the closing season of the church, a passage that we need to take seriously with all the compromise in the pulpits and pews. Shameless plug for swag for our listeners/donors! - Thanks for YOUR Support!


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Replay – Frank Figueroa: The Resurrection – The Pivotal Point in all of History; Creation and the Glory of God

[Original airdate: 3/15/24] Mary chats with Frank Figueroa of Reasons for Hope about the upcoming Easter season and what it means not just for believers, but all mankind. Should Christians celebrate Easter? Some may choose not to, relegating it to just another pagan holiday but they are missing the point. Easter is nothing if not a representation of the complete gospel, and what a great opportunity to share it and the sure hope we too have of rising from the dead to spend eternity with our Lord and Savior. We also talk about creation and how this branch of apologetics points to a God who cares about the smallest details in the smallest of species. And we will look at as many "reasons for hope" we can in an informative hour with speaker, apologist, former pastor, and author Frank Figueroa. Shameless plug for swag for our listeners/donors! - Thanks for YOUR Support!


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Headlines: Elections, Gatekeepers, and Kingmakers

A look at the post Independence Day headlines suggests that elections and electors are on everyone's minds. We will revisit expectations across Europe as it seemed that back in June, the right side/conservatives were set to bring populism back. So what has happened since? Has France put out a full stop and brought the left another victory? And who exactly is running our nation - since the debate at least? While most Americans knew that our current president is being handled by gatekeepers, the left seems to think this is all shocking. Or maybe they finally realize that what they had been doing is no longer working. At any rate, we will look at some commentary that will keep us on our toes. We also take a look at what's happening globally in the "wars and rumors" department, where rhetoric is always on the table and the staff puts in a lot of overtime. And then there's Klaus Schwab selling his usual wares of forcing change on us all because he can. A full hour of nations raging and people plotting vain things. Shameless plug for swag for our listeners/donors! - Thanks for YOUR Support!


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Replay – Sheri Few: A Blueprint for the States to Take Back Education

[Original airdate: 3/14/24] Mary Danielsen chats with Sheri Few of USPIE (United States Parents Involved in Education) and the ways they encourage parents to take back responsibility for their child's education. As daunting a task as it sounds to bring the multiple federal education mandates such as CRT, Marxist ideology and sex-ed to a close, Sheri is a tireless worker toward that end and believes it is possible for the states to take responsibility for educating the kids. At the very least, parents should be empowered to choose how and what their children learn, whether it is through the public schools, private schools, or homeschooling. The recent pandemic shone a light on just how much the parents of government school kids had lost touch with what was going on in the classroom. We chat about the blueprint for removing federal mandates over education, and how to engage governors and state legislators on the issue. Last year, USPIE released a documentary entitled, "Truth and Lies in American Education" and the link is found here. Shameless plug for swag for our listeners/donors! - Thanks for YOUR Support!


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Replay – Dr. Brad Maston: When the Unseen Becomes the Seen

[Original airdate: 3/8/24] Guest host JB Hixson visits today with Dr. Brad Maston (Fort Collins Bible Church). What you cannot see really can hurt you! Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against dark forces in the unseen realm (Ephesians 6:12). On today’s program, Dr. Brad Maston ( discusses the seen versus the unseen and explains the reality beyond our own eyes. Shameless plug for swag for our listeners/donors! - Thanks for YOUR Support!


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TA McMahon: Enter Through the Strait Gate

Mary chats with TA McMahon of The Berean Call about the nature of so many false teachings today, and the various reactions by the church as to what, if anything, can be done about it. Why is there so much apostasy? The bible says we have a choice, that we must choose to enter by the strait gate, and yet "few there be that find it." When the church started to go through many different phases in the last 30 years or so, many believers didn't follow up on warnings, and as such it has become very difficult to keep up. And to say there is sorcery in the church, that is something many may not understand; but through the New Age and experientially-based Christianity, this has indeed become the case. Times ahead may get tougher, so we have to ask ourselves, are we standing firm on the foundation of truth? Shameless plug for swag for our listeners/donors! - Thanks for YOUR Support!


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Replay – Why Stand Up for the Truth? How We Got Here…

TODAY: David Fiorazo and Mary Danielsen review recent church history going back to the seminaries and the church growth movement. This led to what was known as the Emergent Church. This apostate movement crept and slithered through America infecting countless victims. Its goals were compromise, ambiguity, tolerance, globalism, mysticism, and in some cases, universalism. It left a path of destruction seen today because the unbiblical, secular influence on American Christians has been great. Why discuss this? Because many listeners have no idea what led to the launch of Stand Up for the Truth podcast.


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Headline Day: Containment Uncontained – the Dulles Brothers and the Lukewarm War

Today we look at the story of the Dulles Brothers, movers and shakers, or unravellers, actually - in the earliest years of the 20th century. Their influence in American politics is astonishing on several levels. You may have heard of Dulles International Airport, so the name might ring a bell. But their lives of privilege and influence shaped this nation like no other men could have. From a season of espionage following the first World War, on up to the Bay of Pigs disaster under Kennedy, the entire span of that time belongs to them. Why should we care? Because God is allowing us to see the curtain pulled back just enough to reinforce the fact that spiritual influences in high places enslave more people than we can possibly comprehend. The Cold War, the CIA, regime changes in the 50s, Vietnam - all of these things have the Dulles signature all over them. Only the gospel frees a man. A fascinating hour of dot connecting. Shameless plug for swag for our listeners/donors! - Thanks for YOUR Support!


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Kyle Peart and Flynn Huseby: The Narrow Road of Truth, The Broad Path of Tradition

We welcome back Kyle Peart and Flynn Huseby of Once Lost Ministries, apologists and evangelists who work tirelessly to bring truth and clarity to those caught up in false teaching. Today we discuss the Catholic faith and the various aspects that are unscriptural: Tradition, relics, sacraments, purgatory, and veneration of Mary. With all the religious aspects, extra-biblical focus and gospel of good works, how is it that a Catholic can never be assured of salvation? There is a lot of busy-ness, as in all religions, but none of it ever seems to produce the fruit of repentance and a biblical understanding of the new birth. We also discuss the ecumenical bent that has long been part of this huge denomination but we have to ask ourselves, to what end? Dominionism, or something more sneaky - the desire to bring all Protestants "home to Rome". A thoughtful discussion that will hopefully open eyes to the vanity of religiousity. Shameless plug for swag for our listeners/donors! - Thanks for YOUR Support!
