Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Troof (TRUTH) Revealed Podcast focus is winning souls for our Lord, Jesus Christ! We warn the nations of the world of the upcoming events, from the biblical outlook, by the help of God's Holy Spirit! We understand that everyone will not agree with our platform, however we're looking for those who want change in their lives by the help of our Lord. God's Word is a seed that is planted by Troof Revealed and must die in an individual to produce a harvest. It must be planted in the fertile grounds of our hearts & take root within us to change our outer circumstances, through the Power of God's Support this podcast:


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Troof (TRUTH) Revealed Podcast focus is winning souls for our Lord, Jesus Christ! We warn the nations of the world of the upcoming events, from the biblical outlook, by the help of God's Holy Spirit! We understand that everyone will not agree with our platform, however we're looking for those who want change in their lives by the help of our Lord. God's Word is a seed that is planted by Troof Revealed and must die in an individual to produce a harvest. It must be planted in the fertile grounds of our hearts & take root within us to change our outer circumstances, through the Power of God's Support this podcast:



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Satan's ultimate plan for the USA (Must Hear)

Please just listen carefully to this message beloved! Amen ❤️ --- Support this podcast:


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Have an enjoyable day under God's Mercy! (Must Hear)

Just having fun & teaching the mind of the hungry & thirsty for The Bread of Life, Yeshua (Jesus Christ). Amen 🙏 Donates are welcomed from our fellow brothers & sisters among those fighting for truth in these perilous times. We love you! ❤️ --- Support this podcast:


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Bonus Clip: It will affect you soon!

In this bonus clip, we just vent about the current society conditions and how turning a blind eye to truth will return to your door step soon enough. Enjoy! --- Support this podcast:


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They say they are JEWS, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

In this episode, we delve into the book of Revelation chapter 2 verse 9 & chapter 3 verses 8 & 9. We explain how these fake jews are exposed by the Word of God in their actions against law & order, creating the lawlessness we're experiencing today! George Soros is a major part of what USA involved in with his funded Demoncrat Party. They're pushing this lawlessness agenda to make way for the Anti-Christ. Listen carefully beloved and take heed of how Satan uses those who people think have their best interests at heart. Amen ❤️ --- Support this podcast:


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Black & White division caused by satan.

In this episode, we delve into the lies created long ago by satan to divide humans from one another. We see this continuing as a major factor in the upcoming election. Listen carefully to our description of why it's important to stay away from this type of talk. Amen ❤️ --- Support this podcast:


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For evidence when the NEW Disease X arrives! Truth in GOD not Them!

In this episode, we delve into what narrative was pushed during the height of the C19 vaccinations, which turned out to be TOTALLY FALSE INFORMATION designed to push Satan's agenda (666 DNA change). Listen carefully to how these celebrities and elitist told everyone who did not comply with Satan's rules were horrible despicable people & all unvaccinated needed to die literally, only a few years ago! We're informing everyone who will listen, not to trust these Satanist ever, because their plan is to turn God's creation into the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION through these immunization therapeutic vaccines (new technologies created with CRISPR CAS9). Please pay attention to this message & know that on the horizon they have more plans to continue Satan's agenda to change the world into the kingdom of darkness. --- Support this podcast:


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The Trump Trial (distraction)

In this episode, we delve into the Trump trial. 1st Kings 3 is a reminder of this whole ordeal. Listen to Troof Revealed about this situation & may God bless the hearer of this message! Amen ❤️ --- Support this podcast:


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The Journey Of Both Parties - If Trump Wins again, what's the goal?

In this episode, we delve into the hypothetical situation of Satan's political agenda for ultimately controlling USA & bringing forth the Anti-Christ! It ALL starts with Digital ID, along with their next virus "Disease X". Please listen carefully & be patient while we build the foundation for our hypothetical claims. Enjoy! $MikiBlik --- Support this podcast:


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Is Spandex Of The Devil? What does Matthew 18:7 say about temptation?

In this episode, we delve in a major conversation dealing with Spandex! May God bless the hearer of His Word & this message. Amen 🙏 --- Support this podcast:


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The Truth Behind Student Loan Forgiveness (Must Hear)

In this episode, a BOMBSHELL OF INFORMATION is REVEALED to us by Larry Kudlow of FOX Business News about Biden's debt forgiveness plan for student loans. This information ties into what we've been talking about for years in Revelation 13! Listen carefully & May God bless the hearer of this message! Amen 🙏 --- Support this podcast:


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An Exhale About Joe Biden (Just Venting)

Just getting things off our chest about this Biden society. Enjoy! --- Support this podcast:


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Celebrity Fraternal Organization - Omega PSI PHI & some members.

In this episode, we delve into the celebrity cults that are produced in colleges across America. These satanic fraternities are breeding grounds for young adults who join to propel their lives into oaths of secrecy to obtain high paying jobs & worldly fame & celebrity status. Taking an oath or pledge, is believed to give them connections in life they would not get if they didn't join. Satan manipulate these prominent star athletes & journalists into believing their apart of a historical Greek family that can change their lives forever. But what they don't realize is they have given their wills to obtain a place in HELL FOREVER! We give you the truths about these fraternities & sororities that are essentially cults of the devil! Listeners discretion is advised. --- Support this podcast:


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What are abortions really about to a Satanist that society doesn't understand but agree with today?

In this episode, a mature audience is advised to hear the horrible truth about abortions. Ex-satanist Zachary King explains what he did as a high priest in the satanic order, while a member of his coven. Again, listeners discretion is advised! --- Support this podcast:


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Ex-satanist Reveals The Truth About Abortions

In this episode, we hear from ex-satanist Zachary King, speaking about his time as a Satanist & he exposes how they use abortions to sacrifice to Satan for witchcraft purposes. King used to be involved in the practice, but now he fights against it, spreading the truth behind this dark ritual, that goes back to ancient times. The Bible speaks about child sacrifice to demon gods of Molech, Baal, & Chemosh, just to name a few. This is a very real issues that we're dealing with as a society & the kingdom of darkness is its foundation. Amen. So take listen to what the abortion act really entails. God bless the hearer of this message! 🙏 ❤ --- Support this podcast:


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Pinocchio Truth behind The Epstein & P Diddy Island

This is an incredibly POWERFUL message explaining the TROOF (Truth) behind the original 1940 Pinocchio cartoon movie dealing with Pedophilia. Listen carefully beloved & take heed! Amen ❤️ --- Support this podcast:


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In this episode, we delve into the transformation of Resurrection Day into Transgender Day by President Joseph R. Biden. May God add a blessing to you and all who hear this message of TROOF (TRUTH) REVEALED! Amen ❤️ --- Support this podcast:


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Pro-Abortion Clergymen Stunned By Question

In this episode, Pro-Abortion Clergymen begins to stammer when confronted with true facts about Jesus. Take a listen beloved! --- Support this podcast:


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Romans 8 breakdown & the world's deception

In this episode, we breakdown Romans 8 & give reasons for the misconception of being "saved" by being a so-called "good person" without having the Spirit of God in you. Listen carefully beloved & take heed of the message that's been presented to you! Amen ❤️ 🙏 --- Support this podcast:


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A dream received of the End Time horrors

This dream was a WARNING ⚠️ to people of the Horrible End Times we are about to face! Beloved, please understand that those who relie on "The Rapture" thinking that we WILL NOT have to endure some of the end time prophesy MUST take into account what Jesus said in Matthew 24. We, here at Troof Revealed believe in the "Harvest" mentioned in Revelation 14:14-16 of the Apostle John written account. The preparation of these coming event for God's people are crucial so that when their "Rapture" doesn't take place like they've been preaching (False Doctrine) many won't fall away from the FAITH IN CHRIST JESUS! We believe that Satan is setting the false notion of God's people not experiencing the horrors beginning with the Dispensation of Trials & Tribulations. So please understand that the "Harvest" happens after the fall of USA, The New Babylon! Please understand what we're saying & know the TROOF (TRUTH) about God's Word! 2nd Timothy 2:15 Amen 🙏 ❤️ --- Support this podcast:


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We're in the days of Noah & the world is READY for the Anti-Christ. Who is he?

In the episode, we listen to the bible scriptures in Genesis & Matthew, which gives us a fantastic idea of why the world is in its current condition. Jesus gave prophetic words to His disciples that has become true within our society and the world, showing that His return is imminent! Buckle up as we break down the who, what, why, where, when & how of the world in the last days of civilization. Amen ❤️ --- Support this podcast:
