Telling the Truth for Women on

Telling the Truth for Women on

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Telling the Truthexists to make available sound biblical teaching, practically applied, with a view to producing lives that glorify God and draw people to Christ. The whole of our ministry is to encourage, console, strengthen, teach, and train.


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Telling the Truthexists to make available sound biblical teaching, practically applied, with a view to producing lives that glorify God and draw people to Christ. The whole of our ministry is to encourage, console, strengthen, teach, and train.





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Blessed Are Those Who Are Persecuted

The storms of life can sweep you away unless your foundation is built on something immovable and unchanging - a relationship with Jesus Christ. Jill explores the Beatitudes and gives practical guidelines about the outward actions and inward attitudes of believers. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Blessed Are the Peacemakers

You can’t be a peacemaker if you don’t have peace with Jesus, the Prince of Peace. We’ve all heard this before, but do we really understand what that means and how to practice it in our lives? In this message, Jill Briscoe talks about the path to finding our peace with Jesus and making peace with others. It’s an important topicbecause we can’t mend our marriages, settle family conflicts, or resolve issues with others if we don’t truly understand what having peace means. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Blessed Are Those Who Hunger and Thirst

The storms of life can sweep you away unless your foundation is built on something immovable and unchanging - a relationship with Jesus Christ. Jill explores the Beatitudes and gives practical guidelines about the outward actions and inward attitudes of believers. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Blessed Are the Meek

The storms of life can sweep you away unless your foundation is built on something immovable and unchanging - a relationship with Jesus Christ. Jill explores the Beatitudes and gives practical guidelines about the outward actions and inward attitudes of believers. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

The storms of life can sweep you away unless your foundation is built on something immovable and unchanging - a relationship with Jesus Christ. Jill explores the Beatitudes and gives practical guidelines about the outward actions and inward attitudes of believers. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Blessed Are the Poor in Spirit

The storms of life can sweep you away unless your foundation is built on something immovable and unchanging - a relationship with Jesus Christ. Jill explores the Beatitudes and gives practical guidelines about the outward actions and inward attitudes of believers. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Silent Years

Luke is the only Gospel writer who records this part of Jesus' life. Jesus is now a pre-adolescent. These years are known as "the silent years." To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Transformed by God

Gale force winds can come at any time and in any season. Sometimes storm clouds warn of their imminent arrival, but other times you wake up surprised by the strong gusts that have pushed in under the cover of darkness. But what about when the storms aren't outside your window, but inside your life? Where should you turn? One place to find the answer is in the book of Isaiah, one of Jill's favorite books in the Bible. Jill teaches about the character of God by sharing how He cared for the Israelites and Isaiah, but she also shares practical stories from her many years of ministry to illustrate God's promise to shelter us when things get difficult. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Used by God

If you have little children in your life, you may have heard of teachable moments. That’s when you take an ordinary occurrence and tie it to a bigger, more important lesson. In this message, Jill shares how Jesus never missed a teachable moment, and we have the opportunity to use them to share Christ. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Sustained by God

Gale force winds can come at any time and in any season. Sometimes storm clouds warn of their imminent arrival, but other times you wake up surprised by the strong gusts that have pushed in under the cover of darkness. But what about when the storms aren't outside your window, but inside your life? Where should you turn? One place to find the answer is in the book of Isaiah, one of Jill's favorite books in the Bible. Jill teaches about the character of God by sharing how He cared for the Israelites and Isaiah, but she also shares practical stories from her many years of ministry to illustrate God's promise to shelter us when things get difficult. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Rejoicing in God

Have you lost your joy? It can be hard when life is swirling around you and beating you down, but true joy is found in praising God for who He is and what He’s doing, even when you can’t see it. ’To whom will you compare me? Or who is my equal?’ says the Holy One. Lift up your eyes and look to the heavens: Who created all these? He who brings out the starry host one by one and calls forth each of them by name. Isaiah 40:25-26 To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Honoring God

In many of the remaining monarchies, the kings and queens are much beloved by their people, but they have very little real power. Sadly, many believers relate to Jesus the same way. They proclaim Jesus to be King of Kings and the Lord of their lives, but they make all the decisions! When we let Christ truly reign, amazing things happen. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Worshiping God

Imagine opening a door to heaven and seeing God on His glorious throne. That’s something the prophet Isaiah was blessed to see, and it changed his understanding of God forever! In this message, Jill Briscoe highlights God’s life-changing character as revealed in Isaiah’s heavenly visionencouraging you to answer His call in faith and worship. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Loving God

We belong to God because He created us. He loves us, and it pains Him when we when we go after other lovers. He longs for us to turn from our worldly ways and run into His arms. "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine." Isaiah 43:1 To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Knowing God

Relationships need nurturing, and that takes time and effort. It’s the same with God. You may have been introduced to Him, and even initiated a relationship with Him, but how well do you really know Him? To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Cry of My Heart

Even though the Bible continues to be the leading best seller, fewer people are actually reading it. That’s unfortunate because God’s Word is just as powerful and life changing today as it has always been! To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Long Walk Home

The Word of God tells us that there are two life roadsone leads to eternal life, the other to eternal death. There is an art to staying on the right road. There will be pitfalls and enemies who seek to trip us up and distract, divert, and destroy us along the way. But Jill Briscoe shows us that the Holy Spirit will guide, direct, and empower us to keep on walking in the everlasting way! To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Getting on Track

What does it mean to live in the Word? How do you hear His voice and apply it to your daily life? Jill Briscoe shows us that it starts with bringing your heart, your mind, and your will when you sit down and spend time reading His Word. Psalm 119:18 says, Open my eyes that I may see wonderful things in your law. To support this ministry financially, visit:


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The Cutting Edge

Are you going through the motions with no real passion for your faith or God? Are you dull and ineffective? If so, you’ve lost your spiritual edge, and there’s nothing that delights the devil more. Find out how to sharpen your faith again in this single message from Jill Briscoe. Teaching from the story of Elisha and a lost ax in 2 Kings 6, Jill encourages you to uncover how and where you lost your edge. Ask yourself honestlyhave you lost it to bitterness, unforgiveness, lust, materialism, willfulness, laziness, or just plain selfishness? Be encouraged that the lost ax is not the end of the storyit can be found, with God’s help! To support this ministry financially, visit:


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Prodigal Sons - Rebellion

Some of the most well-known Bible characters had bad daysjust as we do. No matter what your struggle may be todaydepression, low self-esteem, bitterness, disappointment, anger, jealousy, weariness, even a lost will to livethere is a person in the Bible who felt those exact same feelings. Jill takes us through this familiar story to reveal the Father's heart. To support this ministry financially, visit:
