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That's in the Bible

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Everyday people asking a range of questions about life, faith, and the Bible. Viewers will have their questions answered by the best-selling book of all time – the Bible.


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Everyday people asking a range of questions about life, faith, and the Bible. Viewers will have their questions answered by the best-selling book of all time – the Bible.



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Why Believe the Bible?

How do we know there is truth in the Bible? It’s a religious book, but how is truth measured? Is there a way to make sure this book isn’t fictional?


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Why Use a Different Bible Translation?

Why are there different Bible translations? Do versions and translations change spiritual truth? Which version of the Bible is correct to use?


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When is Easter? Why Does the Date Change?

Should Christians celebrate Easter? Leading up to Easter in March 2024, it's important to understand the pagan traditions around Easter and Palm Sunday


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How many gods are there?

People ask: Who is Jesus? Is there one God, or many gods? Is there a true god among them? How can God be three: Father, Son and Spirit? The Bible clarifies.


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Are God and Jesus Christ the Same Person?

What is the difference between God and Jesus? What is the nature of Christ and is that the difference between God and Jesus? Hear the discussion in this live studio recording.


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Why Does God Allow Suffering?

Does a compassionate God allow suffering? If we suffer because we all have sinned, how do we receive the forgiveness of our sins? How do we stop suffering?


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How should husbands treat their wives?

A viewer asked “Should men dictate the lives of women?” What are God’s commandments for how husbands and wives should treat each other for a happy and peaceful life? You asked, the Bible answers.


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Interfaith Relationships: Do They Work?

Interfaith relationships are common in today’s world, but what is the role of religion in the family when there are different beliefs at play?


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Is Sex Before Marriage a Sin?

What does the Bible say about sex before marriage? Is it considered adultery and fornication? Is being sexually active before marriage really a sin in today’s world?


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What does “Born Again” Mean in John 3:3?

To be a Christian do you need to be “Born Again”? Is that what John 3:3 is teaching us about baptism and following Christ? You asked, the Bible answers.


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True Church: Law of God & Testimony of Jesus

How do we determine who is preaching the true religion? How is God’s authority, or law, and the testimony of Jesus parts of finding truth and being saved?


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How to Decide on a Religion?

Is there a true religion? And if you find the right church can you even change your religion, or is that a sin? How do you decide on a religion?


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Why is it Wrong to Celebrate Christmas?

As one of the most popular holidays of the year, Christmas is celebrated worldwide in a variety of different ways. But is Christmas found in the Bible?


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Was Thomas Wrong in John 20:28?

When Apostle Thomas said to Jesus “My Lord and my God!” in John 20:28, was he proclaiming Jesus to be God? Was he wrong, or was he right?


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If God is All Powerful, Why Does Evil Exist?

Some might ask “Why doesn’t God stop bad things from happening to us?” Why does evil exist at all then if God is all-powerful?


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Is the Bible Fact or Fiction?

How do I know the Bible is the truth? Or is the Bible a work of fiction? Why are so many people interested in the Bible? You asked, the Bible answers.


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Is Your Devotion to God Misguided?

What does the Bible say about worshiping created images? Is it pagan worship or worshiping more than one God? Are we worshiping idols or God?


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What Does the Bible Say About Sorcerers?

What does God think of those who practice sorcery? You asked, the Bible answers.


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The Influencer We All Need in Life

How do you feed your spirituality? Is the Bible your guide or are you guided by spiritual influencers on social media? There is one influencer we all need.


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Can Faithful Christians be Frenemies?

Can we be just “nice enough” to each other in the brotherhood in the Church? How do we deal with friendships and conflicts as Christians?
