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The Bible Speaks to You: Think, Pray, Love like Jesus

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Have you ever poured out your heart, almost begging God to solve a problem, but it doesn’t feel like your prayer is ever answered? You wonder if there’s a better way to pray you don’t know about. Then some days, you really connect with God in prayer and it just makes you want to be closer to Him? Each week The Bible Speaks to You Podcast helps you rediscover the original Christianity of Jesus. Host James Early, Bible teacher and speaker, and an occasional guest dig deep into how to think, pray, and love like Jesus. And how to experience more of Jesus’s promise that “the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”


United States


Have you ever poured out your heart, almost begging God to solve a problem, but it doesn’t feel like your prayer is ever answered? You wonder if there’s a better way to pray you don’t know about. Then some days, you really connect with God in prayer and it just makes you want to be closer to Him? Each week The Bible Speaks to You Podcast helps you rediscover the original Christianity of Jesus. Host James Early, Bible teacher and speaker, and an occasional guest dig deep into how to think, pray, and love like Jesus. And how to experience more of Jesus’s promise that “the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”







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250 – Joshua Tapp: Learning from People with a Different Faith than Yours

250 – How often do you have a conversation with someone who has a different faith than you do? I know some Christians who won't talk to anyone except people they agree with 100%. They live in a "safe" little bubble. But over the years, I have learned so much from people in other faiths. In fact, it always ends up strengthening my own faith when I talk to someone I don't agree with on everything. That's what this week's podcast is all about. And to make things interesting, my guest, Joshua Tapp, interviews me for this milestone episode, Episode 250. We talk about what it means to In asking about why my faith is important to me, Josh uncovers one of the most pivotal moments in my faith journey. Listen now and let me know what you think. Contact info Check out Josh's podcast, The Lucky Titan To contact Josh, text him at 208-206-4652 Show notes Full transcript and Bible quotes: Thank you for helping The Bible Speaks to You reach this milestone of 250 episodes. Text me your questions or comments. Support the Show. _________________________ James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life. Reach out today if you need a speaker or Bible workshopSubscribe to the podcast Praying with the Mindset of Jesus Make a donation Schedule a free one hour coaching call Contact


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249 What Keeps You from Finding Your Self-Worth?

249 – What do you base your self-worth on? Have you ever met someone who seemed to be full of confidence , but when you got to know them, you realized they based their self-worth on things like how much money they have, where they went to school, what job they have, or where they're from? Or maybe how good looking they are or how many followers they have on Social Media? Unfortunately, when you define your worth based on these external factors, you'll never find your true self worth. In fact, this approach actually prevents you from seeing real spiritual self-worth as a child of God. All these external things can be lost or taken away. But the fact you are God's child can never change. In this week's episode, I talk about various folks in the Bible who didn't always have a good sense of self-worth. Sometimes they were worthy and didn't feel it. Sometimes they were basing their self-worth on the wrong things but didn't know it. Why is it so often the case that the ones who think they are not worthy – like Moses, Hannah, John the Baptist, and the Centurion – are actually very worthy? How does this apply to you? Listen now to discover how you can find what's keeping you from discovering your true self-worth. Previous episode mentioned: #153 Where Does Your Self-Worth Come From? Show notes: Full transcript and Bible quotes: Text me your questions or comments. Support the Show. _________________________ James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life. Reach out today if you need a speaker or Bible workshopSubscribe to the podcast Praying with the Mindset of Jesus Make a donation Schedule a free one hour coaching call Contact


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248 – That's Not the Jesus I Believe In.

248 – Have you ever heard someone talk about Jesus in a way that just didn’t quite fit with what was in the Bible? Or maybe you read a book or saw a movie or a play about Jesus that either fell short of capturing the true essence of Jesus or it kind of stretched the truth and over-exaggerated things? Recently in Season 4 of "The Chosen," there was a scene where Jesus made no effort to heal Ramah, when Thomas asked him to and openly confessed his faith that Jesus could heal her. And back in Season 3, Jesus explains to Little James, one of the twelve disciples, why he wasn't going to heal him. This is not the Jesus I believe in. There's nothing in the Bible that describes Jesus ever acting this way. Now, don't get me wrong. I love The Chosen. I've been deeply inspired by the show, but when it depicts Jesus in a way that's inconsistent with what the Bible reveals about Jesus, I have a hard time swallowing the story line. That's what this week's episode is all about: No matter what others say about who Jesus is or what he does, always come back to the Bible to find him. Don’t take The Chosen’s version of Jesus. Don’t accept a preacher’s version of Jesus. Don’t take the Church’s traditionalized view of Jesus without coming back to the Bible. When you do find Jesus in the Bible, you will find the Jesus you can follow and believe in. Previous episode mentioned: Episode 29: Is It Ever God’s Will You Are NOT Healed When You Pray? Show notes: To read a full transcript and the Bible quotes in this episode, go to Text me your questions or comments. Support the Show. _________________________ James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life. Reach out today if you need a speaker or Bible workshopSubscribe to the podcast Praying with the Mindset of Jesus Make a donation Schedule a free one hour coaching call Contact


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247 – Finding freedom from man-made doctrines

247 – Have you ever felt like some folks are preaching man-made doctrines without even realizing it? Have you ever felt intimidated by people insisting their doctrines are correct? And then someone with a different doctrine insists they are right and the other person is wrong? How do we tell if a doctrine is man-made or a God-ordained truth? This week's episode jumps into this and give some basic tools you can use to help determine if a doctrine is man-made or not. We talk about: I encourage you to take an honest look at your beliefs. Are they in line with what Jesus said and did? Do they express the love he lived? The best way to find out is to pay careful attention to everything Jesus said and did and follow his example and obey his teachings. Do this until it’s totally natural to love your enemies and forgive those who have wronged you, among other things. Then look through this practice and obedience to Jesus as a lens to evaluate your doctrines. Previous episode mentioned: Episode 224 – Why Should I Believe in the Nicene Creed? Show notes: Full transcript and Bible verses mentioned: Text me your questions or comments. Support the Show. _________________________ James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life. Reach out today if you need a speaker or Bible workshopSubscribe to the podcast Praying with the Mindset of Jesus Make a donation Schedule a free one hour coaching call Contact


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246 – How to Make Your Faith Your Own Instead of Copying Someone Else

246 – Is your faith based on what someone told you you're supposed to believe or on your relationship with God? I've talked to several people lately who have recently realized they believe what they were taught without questioning it. They never really made their faith their own. They have finally given themselves permission to ask questions, read the Bible for themselves, and focus on their relationship with God, instead of just believing and doing what other people tell them they should. This week's episode is about making your faith your own. Jesus's disciples had to learn this same lesson. It wasn't enough to just repeat Jesus's words. They had to practice what he taught them. How to make your faith your own: The best way to make your faith your own is to practice the basic teachings of Jesus and see where that leads you. If you just repeat what someone else says, or even the words of Jesus, without putting them into practice, it's like buying seeds and not planting them. When you practice your faith, it will grow, just as seeds grow when they're planted. Trust the process. Show notes: Full transcript of this episode and Bible Text me your questions or comments. Support the Show. _________________________ James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life. Reach out today if you need a speaker or Bible workshopSubscribe to the podcast Praying with the Mindset of Jesus Make a donation Schedule a free one hour coaching call Contact


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245 – How To Be Joyful No Matter What Happens

245 – What do you do when people or circumstances rob you of your joy? Have you ever been on top of the world and full of joy when something terrible happens, your joy vanishes, and you feel like you're sinking into a pit of quicksand? Is there a way to hold onto your joy when a challenging situation comes up? That's what this week's episode is all about. The Bible talks a lot about joy. But it's not the fleeting happiness that is like a weather vane, which shifts depending on which way the emotional winds are blowing. True joy goes deeper than that: The more you feel your deep spiritual connection with God, the less you’ll be influenced when terrible things happen or you get bad news. Jesus says nothing can take away your true joy, your connection with God. (John 16:22) There may be times when it feels like circumstances have robbed you of your joy. But your joy is actually still there, still part of who you are as a child of God. Are you ready to discover your true spiritual joy? Listen now. Show notes: Full transcript and Bible Previous episode mentioned: Episode 111 : What Was Jesus Thankful for? Text me your questions or comments. Support the Show. _________________________ James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life. Reach out today if you need a speaker or Bible workshopSubscribe to the podcast Praying with the Mindset of Jesus Make a donation Schedule a free one hour coaching call Contact


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244 – Raising Kids with Love and Faith with Jared Haley and Chris Wilson

244 – Do you want to be a more effective dad, or know someone who does? This week I talk with Jared Haley and Chris Wilson about what it means to be a good dad, to nurture your kids and support their spiritual growth. Jared and Chris are both passionate about being good dads, spending quality time with their families, and guiding their kids spiritually as they grow up. But most important of all, loving and respecting them under all circumstances. We talked about all kind of dad things. I asked each of them: And of course, I asked my famous three last questions. Listen now to hear the answers to these questions. Show notes: To download a pdf transcript and to see all Bible quotes, check out the show notes: Text me your questions or comments. Support the Show. _________________________ James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life. Reach out today if you need a speaker or Bible workshopSubscribe to the podcast Praying with the Mindset of Jesus Make a donation Schedule a free one hour coaching call Contact


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243 – The Secret to Spiritual Restoration

243 – What's the best way to experience spiritual restoration? Have you ever felt like you needed some spiritual restoration in your life? I sure have. The key word here is "restoration." It means that God is restoring us to the original condition of how He made us in His image and likeness. It's kind of like someone cleaning an old oil painting, removing all the dirt and varnish from so you can see the original intention of the artist in the original colors. Check out the video below. Spiritual restoration God removes from our hearts and minds everything that is not in keeping with His original intention for us: past hurts and fears, sins we’ve committed and bad choices we’ve made, pride or self-depreciation, to name a few. The secret of spiritual restoration is the simple fact that God originally created you in all glory, beauty, purity, and wholeness. Whatever has covered that up is not part of God’s original intention for you, any more than layers of dirt on a painting are part of an artist’s original intention for a piece of art. It's not that is not that God transforms you from a sinner into a saint. He removes the sin, the hurts, the fears, whatever it is that’s covered up God’s original creation, because these things are not part of the original way God created you. Resources mentioned: Episode 227: God Still Loves You YouTube video of painting being restored Show notes: Transcript and Bible quotes: Text me your questions or comments. Support the Show. _________________________ James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life. Reach out today if you need a speaker or Bible workshopSubscribe to the podcast Praying with the Mindset of Jesus Make a donation Schedule a free one hour coaching call Contact


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242 – Which is more important, the Great Commission or feeding the sheep of Jesus?

242 – What is your priority at church, getting new members or taking care of the sheep you have? I used to think my church should focus only on reaching out to the community, sharing the gospel, and getting more people to come to church. But over the years I've realized it's equally important to nurture and care for the members we already have. This week's podcast episode talks about the difference between the Great Commission and, what I call, the Great Shepherding of the flock. Sharing your faith with others and caring for the sheep are both very important but they should not be mixed up. Each one has its place and each works together to enrich the other. I encourage you to take an honest look at the way you as an individual, and your church (if you’re a member of one) fulfill or don’t fulfill the Great Commission and the Great Shepherding, sharing your faith and feeding the sheep of Jesus. How can you get closer to the way Jesus preached and fed his sheep? Previous episode mentioned: Episode 155: Aramaic in the New Testament with Roy Gessford Show notes: Full transcript and Bible quotes: Text me your questions or comments. Support the Show. _________________________ James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life. Reach out today if you need a speaker or Bible workshopSubscribe to the podcast Praying with the Mindset of Jesus Make a donation Schedule a free one hour coaching call Contact


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241 – Keith Giles: How the Gospel of Thomas Helps Us Follow Jesus

241 – Why should you read the Gospel of Thomas? Well, do you want to be closer to Christ? Then the Gospel of Thomas is for you. But you have to learn how to decode it. That's where Kieth Giles comes in. His book helps find the deeper meaning: The Quantum Sayings of Jesus: Decoding the Lost Gospel of Thomas* This week I talk with Keith Giles about the Gospel of Thomas. Keith explains why this ancient text is really important and how it helps us get a really deep insight into how to follow Jesus. We dig into all the questions you have about the Gospel of Thomas: Keith was on The Bible Speaks to You Podcast on a previous episode: Episode 76: Keith Giles and the Atonement of Christ Other resources mentioned: Book by Elaine Pagels: Beyond Belief–The Secret Gospel of Thomas* Book by William Duffy: The Hidden Gospel of Thomas: Commentaries on the Non-Dual Sayings of Jesus* Blog: Quoir Publishing Company: Happy Heretic Podcast Second Cup with Keith Podcast Show notes: Full transcript and Bible references: * Amazon affiliate link Text me your questions or comments. Support the Show. _________________________ James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life. Reach out today if you need a speaker or Bible workshopSubscribe to the podcast Praying with the Mindset of Jesus Make a donation Schedule a free one hour coaching call Contact


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240 – How Would Jesus Heal Political Divsion?

240 – If Jesus was here today, would he get involved in politics? Do you think he would be a member of your political party? Would he take sides at all? Or would he take a different approach to solving the problems people are facing today? How would Jesus bring healing to the political divisions in today’s society? Would he go to Washington, D.C. and make a speech in congress? Would he meet with opposing political opponents and try to get them to agree on things? Or would he hold a political rally and campaign for one candidate over another? I don’t think so. In this week's episode: Jesus never got involved in the politics of his times. He never made it a priority to resolve the conflicts with the government of Rome, with its intrigues and powerful personalities. He never tried to resolve the disputes between the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Zealots, and the Essenes. As we get closer and closer to the election this fall in the United States, and as you see the political scene do whatever the political scene will do, don’t be impressed or get absorbed in what’s going on. Don’t be alarmed or fearful. Don’t believe everything you hear. Don’t judge any situation by the outward appearance of things pro or con. If you really want to bring healing to the political scene, start with yourself, surrender your personal opinions and perspectives and see everyone and everything from the perspective of what is true in heaven right now. This will bring healing to you, to others, and that can and will, in turn, bring healing on a larger scale, even to the political arena. Show notes: Read the full transcript and all Bible citations: Text me your questions or comments. Support the Show. _________________________ James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life. Reach out today if you need a speaker or Bible workshopSubscribe to the podcast Praying with the Mindset of Jesus Make a donation Schedule a free one hour coaching call Contact


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239 – God Is Always with You, No Matter What

239 – Have you ever felt far away from God? Maybe you've made some huge mistakes, or someone had done something that harmed you. But no matter what has happened in your life, God is always with you, even if you're not aware of it. This week's episode digs deep into this idea that God is always with us, no matter what. Highlights this week: But whatever the situation is, even if it is a direct attempt to keep God out of things, it doesn’t mean God went away. No person, policy, or procedure has the power to make God disappear. Nothing can separate you from God. Nothing can separate God from you. Under every circumstance, God is with us. Whatever tempts you to think you are separated from God, you cannot be deceived to believe that lie. God is always with you, no matter what. Previous episodes mentioned: Episode 126 – You Can Never Be Separated from God Episode 238 – Everything Jesus Did Proves How Much God Loves You Show notes: Full transcript and Bible quotes: Text me your questions or comments. Support the Show. _________________________ James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life. Reach out today if you need a speaker or Bible workshopSubscribe to the podcast Praying with the Mindset of Jesus Make a donation Schedule a free one hour coaching call Contact


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238 – Everything Jesus Did Proves How Much God Loves You

238 – Have you ever wondered if there's a way to really know God loves you? Does God's love ever seem far away? Or maybe you know theoretically that God loves you, but you just don't feel it? Maybe you've made bad life choices that makes it hard to imagine God still loves you. When I'm discouraged, it's been really helpful to remember that God sent Jesus because He loves us so much, all of us. Jesus's whole life, everything he said and did, is an example of how God loves you and me, not just the people he talked to and healed 2,000 years ago. In this week's episode I share some examples of how Jesus's life, and how he treated someone with love, is actually proof that God loves us just as much as He loves the people in Jesus's time. In both these cases, Jesus loved these people because he could see God loving them, even though society had rejected them to some degree. The ultimate "proof" in Jesus's life that God's love us is the crucifixion. Jesus won the victory over death, not just for himself but for you and me as well. Nothing you do can ever make God stop loving you. Jesus proved this. No matter how terrible someone's life choices or circumstances were, Jesus treated them with compassion, love, and healing. That gives us hope that God loves us, no matter what life mistakes we may have made. Jesus wants us to love each other the way he loved his disciples. And you can do this. Previous episode mentioned: Episode 165: How Did Jesus Love His Disciples? Show notes: Full transcript and Bible verses mentioned: Text me your questions or comments. Support the Show. _________________________ James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life. Reach out today if you need a speaker or Bible workshopSubscribe to the podcast Praying with the Mindset of Jesus Make a donation Schedule a free one hour coaching call Contact


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237 – Healing the Effects of Trauma and Abuse with Marina Carrier

237 – Is it possible to find healing from the effects of trauma and abuse? Have you or someone you know been in an abusive or traumatic situation or relationship? This episode is for you. Marina Carrier shares how she overcame the residual effects of being an unwanted child and sexual abuse at the age of nine. It was only through the power of the Holy Spirit, which brought her back to the church and the study of the Bible, which started her journey of healing. Some important steps along the way were Marina talks about how important it is to have a working relationship with God, but points out there's a difference between head-knowledge and heart-knowledge of God. She loves when John the Baptist sends his disciples to ask Jesus if he is the Messiah. She can relate to what it's like to be in prison full of doubts. Her solution is always to keep turning to God and listening for His voice. Don't close the door on God, on others, or yourself. And if you haven't experienced abuse and trauma in your life, remember that those who have need your love and compassion. Don't try to fix them. Don't give them platitudes or quote Bible verses to them. Just love them. Just listen with your heart. Contact info for Marina Carrier: Facebook YouTube Show notes: Full transcript and Bible quotes: Text me your questions or comments. Support the Show. _________________________ James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life. Reach out today if you need a speaker or Bible workshopSubscribe to the podcast Praying with the Mindset of Jesus Make a donation Schedule a free one hour coaching call Contact


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236 – What Would Paul Say to Your Chruch?

236 – If the Apostle Paul wrote a letter to your church, what would he say? First, imagine if you had lived back in the days of the early Christian Church. Paul may have come to your church to preach. And you may have received a letter from him later with some helpful ideas, prayers, and reminders of what he told you when he was there. Of course, he might also rebuke you for a couple of things your church was doing that wasn't faithful to Christ. Now, think of your church today. What would Paul say to your church? In this week's episode, I create an imaginary church in Franklin, Tennessee in the United States. I talk about some of it's strengths and some of its challenges, in particular, a couple of members who are real sticklers for the letter of the law. Legalism is keeping this church from growing. I write a letter to this church, in the style of Paul, just to give an idea of what he might have said. All this is to get you to think about what Paul would have said to your church. Do you want your church to grow? Here's a prayer project for you and your whole church. Please choose one of Paul's letters to a church and read it as if he had written it to your church. What can you learn about how to follow Jesus collectively as a church from this? Please contact me to let me know what you discover in this process. Show notes: For a full transcript of this episode and all Bible quotes referred to, go to Previous episode mentioned: 235: How to Be Filled with the Fullness of God Text me your questions or comments. Support the Show. _________________________ James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life. Reach out today if you need a speaker or Bible workshopSubscribe to the podcast Praying with the Mindset of Jesus Make a donation Schedule a free one hour coaching call Contact


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235 – How To Be Filled With The Fullness Of God

235 – What does it even mean to be filled with God's fullness? In his letter to the Ephesians, at the end of Chapter 3, Paul prays that the church members would know the love of Christ and be filled with all the fullness of God. But is that even possible? Most Christians I talk to think that's the sort of thing that happens after they die and go to heaven. But Paul is praying for the Ephesians to experience here on earth. In this week's episode, I talk about Paul's prayer (there's a lot more in there that applies to you and me as well). Fortunately Paul gives some really helpful guidance in chapters 4, 5, and 6, which helps prepare us to be able to receive the fullness of God. You know this passage, (Ephesians 4:22-24) but think about it as a roadmap to experiencing the love of Christ and the fullness of God. How do we put off our sinful nature? Paul makes it sound so simple. In this episode I share two key points that will help you let go of the sin mindset and embrace the mindset of holiness and righteousness. Your sin does not define you A previous episode mentioned this week has some great insights on how to get rid of your sinful nature, change your mindset, and accept your true identity as a child of God. Check out Episode 144: Finding Your Identity in the Bible with Keith Ferrin. Show notes For a full transcript and all Bible verses mentioned in this episode, go to Text me your questions or comments. Support the Show. _________________________ James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life. Reach out today if you need a speaker or Bible workshopSubscribe to the podcast Praying with the Mindset of Jesus Make a donation Schedule a free one hour coaching call Contact


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234 – Learning to Forgive Yourself

234 – Do you have a hard time forgiving yourself? Right. Join the club. It's not easy to forgive yourself. But it's something we need to do. And we can. This week I look at several Bible characters who, in one way or another, had to come to terms with the mistakes they made and their sins. The Bible doesn't tell us what these folks were thinking and if they ever forgave themselves or if it was enough just to feel God's forgiveness. Here are the people I talk about this week. Do you think they ever forgave themselves? If you had done what they did, would you be able to forgive yourself? When you have a hard time forgiving yourself, what may be going on is that you haven’t felt worthy of, accepted, or experienced God’s forgiveness of your sin, perhaps because there’s someone you need to forgive. When you forgive, you’ll be able to accept and experience God’s forgiveness. When God has washed away your sins, even the tiniest mistake, there is nothing left to forgive, no longer a need to forgive yourself. Wherever you are on the path of forgiveness, whether of someone else or yourself, take a moment right now to take a humble look at any situation where you need to forgive someone else or yourself. And then…forgive. Previous episodes on forgiveness Episode 18: Forgiving 70 x 7: How I Forgave My 8th Grade Gym Teacher Episode 97: Mark Sowersby - Forgiveness Brings Freedom Show notes: For full transcript and Bible references: Text me your questions or comments. Support the Show. _________________________ James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life. Reach out today if you need a speaker or Bible workshopSubscribe to the podcast Praying with the Mindset of Jesus Make a donation Schedule a free one hour coaching call Contact


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233 – Are You Looking For Jesus in the Wrong Place?

233 – Where are you looking for Jesus? A lot of people are looking for Jesus these days, the real Jesus. Unfortunately, a lot of people have become disillusioned by the difference between what they’re discovering about Jesus in the Bible and the way their churches have followed, or rather not followed, Jesus. This week's episode is about where to look for Jesus and where not look for him. The Bible gives some pretty good insights on this. Where NOT to look for Jesus: Where TO look for Jesus: But your motives in looking for Jesus are just as important as where you look for him. Take a moment and ask yourself: The only real place to look for and find Jesus, the real Jesus, is in his pure spiritual dwelling place in heaven, the realm of God, the realm of Spirit. The best way to find Jesus is to close your material eyes and open your spiritual eyes. You will find Jesus when you look through the honest and sincere lens of your own heart: every time you follow and obey his teachings, every time you search for him in Scripture, every time you help others and heal in his name. When you do these things, you can say with Stephen, “I see heaven open and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” (Acts 7:56 NIV) Show notes: Full transcript of the episode and all Bible quotes: Text me your questions or comments. Support the Show. _________________________ James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life. Reach out today if you need a speaker or Bible workshopSubscribe to the podcast Praying with the Mindset of Jesus Make a donation Schedule a free one hour coaching call Contact


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232 – You Don’t Need Someone Else’s Permission to Do What God Has Called You to Do

232 – Is anything keeping you from doing what God has called you to do? Do you have a strong sense of purpose in your life but it seems things keep getting in the way of you doing what God has called you to do? Or maybe you're still waiting to see what God wants you to do with your life. Sometimes, even when we know what God's will is for our lives, we haven't really pursued it because somehow we're waiting to get permission and approval from someone else. This week's episode is all about not waiting for someone to give you permission to do what God has called you to do. There are lots of people in the Bible who didn't wait for someone else to give them the green light before they jumped in and did what God wanted them to. Here are the folks I talk about this week: The bottom line is: when God calls you to do or say something, you don't need anyone's permission or approval. Previous episode mentioned: Episode 19: How to Discover Your Spiritual Purpose in Life Show notes: For a full transcript and Bible quotes: Text me your questions or comments. Support the Show. _________________________ James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life. Reach out today if you need a speaker or Bible workshopSubscribe to the podcast Praying with the Mindset of Jesus Make a donation Schedule a free one hour coaching call Contact


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231 – How Does God Get Your Attention?

231 – Do you notice when God is trying to get your attention? God talks to us in lots of ways. But how often do we notice? Take a minute to think of all the ways God tries to get your attention. Sometimes it might be because you're doing something you shouldn't. Sometimes it's because you're not doing something you should. And sometimes it's because your doing exactly what God wants you to do and He's confirming that you're right where you need to be. In this week's episode, I talk about how God got the attention of several Bible characters. And it wasn't always rainbows and butterflies. And how God used others to get their attention MosesJonahThe IsraelitesJohn the BaptistJesusHow does all this apply to you and me? God is always trying to get your attention. Why? Because He loves you and He wants the very best for you. Please take some time to look back on your life and ponder all the ways God has spoken to you, protected you, directed you, rebuked you, provided for you, healed you. Every time these things happen, even if you don’t realize God is there doing it, God is calling out to you, saying, “I see you. Do you see Me? Look for Me everywhere in your life. Trust Me. Love Me. Lean on Me. Ask Me for what you need. I am here for you. Pay attention to Me and all the love I have for you." How is God getting your attention today? Then... what will you do next? Show notes: Full transcript of Episode 231 and Bible verses Text me your questions or comments. Support the Show. _________________________ James Early, the Jesus Mindset Coach, is a Bible teacher, speaker, and podcaster. His focus is on getting back to the original Christianity of Jesus by embracing the mindset of Christ in daily life. Reach out today if you need a speaker or Bible workshopSubscribe to the podcast Praying with the Mindset of Jesus Make a donation Schedule a free one hour coaching call Contact
