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The Brave Woman Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

The Brave Woman podcast explores how to embody the brave woman so that you can take action on your dreams and desires, unapologetically speak your truth, and live life on your own terms. Your Host Tanya Lynn drops in and gets real, asking questions to get the truth about how to reclaim your power as a brave and unstoppable woman in the world. This is where your Heroine's journey comes alive as you apply and live the 5 principles of the B.R.A.V.E. woman: Bold, Responsible, Authentic, Vulnerable and Empathetic. Learn from world class leaders in the fields of women’s leadership, health, sexuality, hormones, parenting, body somatics, spirituality, embodiment, plant medicine, psychology, astrology, healing, racial equity, money, and more.


United States


The Brave Woman podcast explores how to embody the brave woman so that you can take action on your dreams and desires, unapologetically speak your truth, and live life on your own terms. Your Host Tanya Lynn drops in and gets real, asking questions to get the truth about how to reclaim your power as a brave and unstoppable woman in the world. This is where your Heroine's journey comes alive as you apply and live the 5 principles of the B.R.A.V.E. woman: Bold, Responsible, Authentic, Vulnerable and Empathetic. Learn from world class leaders in the fields of women’s leadership, health, sexuality, hormones, parenting, body somatics, spirituality, embodiment, plant medicine, psychology, astrology, healing, racial equity, money, and more.



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Vickie Gould on Healing Chronic Illness with Sound Healing and Self-Care

Vickie Gould shares her journey from chronic illness to becoming a sound and energy healer, offering insight into the power of sound healing, the impact of frequencies on the body, and the benefits of sound healing for children. She also discusses the struggles women face and the transformative effects of sound healing on trauma and negative energy. Vickie's journey from book coaching to sound healing events in Sedona is also highlighted. Vickie Gould shares her journey with Lyme disease, emphasizing the importance of self-care and setting boundaries. She discusses the impact of in-person events, networking, and the value of sleep. Vickie also explores the significance of positive self-talk and the power of sound and water in healing and self-discovery.


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Deya CacaoAmor on Cultivating Acceptance and Gratitude with Ceremonial Cacao



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Rachel Nuwer on How MDMA Assisted Therapy Will Revolutionize Mental Health

Rachel Neuer, an award-winning freelance journalist, discusses her journey from wildlife trafficking to MDMA and psychedelic therapy. She shares insights on wildlife trafficking, its impact, and how individuals can support the movement. She also delves into her personal experience with MDMA and its unexpected influence on her career and life choices. The conversation explores the therapeutic use of MDMA, the importance of testing, and the potential legalization of MDMA for therapeutic purposes. It delves into the clinical trials, the impact of MDMA-assisted therapy on PTSD, and the significance of legalizing MDMA for mental health treatment. The conversation also highlights the experiences of individuals who have benefited from MDMA-assisted therapy and the need for advocacy and awareness.


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Hayley Ebersol on Set Badass Boundaries with Goddess Kali for Sensual Embodiment

In this conversation, Hayley Ebersole shares her journey of healing and reconnecting with the feminine through yoga, embodiment, sensuality, and the power of boundaries. She emphasizes the importance of pleasure, sensuality, and sexuality on the divine feminine path, as well as the significance of Earth-based rituals and the moon cycle in unlocking the power of the womb. The conversation delves into the role of Kali as an archetype for establishing boundaries and the transformative potential of connecting with nature through our own bodies.


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Janet Rafis and Ina Luka on Discover Your Healer Archetype and Cyclical Living

In this conversation, Janet and Ina share their journey of co-creating a magical partnership and founding a year-long magical trade school. They discuss the power of cyclical living, healer archetypes, and the importance of embracing one's unique magic. The conversation emphasizes the need for women to step into their power and bring their gifts to the world.


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Mia Magik on Intuwitchin, Rage Ritual and the law of correspondence

Mia Magick shares her journey of reclaiming the power of womanhood, embracing witchery, and the transformative impact of rage rituals. She discusses the significance of the witch's hat, the law of correspondence, and the power of intuition. Mia also talks about her book 'Intuition' and the upcoming retreats in France and the Redwoods. She emphasizes the importance of authenticity, safety, and nature in her space-holding magic. Mia Magik shares her journey of personal growth, leadership, and uncoupling, emphasizing the importance of authenticity, self-awareness, and investing in personal development. She discusses the significance of embracing one's strengths, navigating feedback, and the initiation into the next level of leadership. Mia's story highlights the power of healing, self-investment, and the courage to lead authentically.


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The Power of Consistency & Staying True to the Mission to Build Sistership Circle

Tanya shares her journey of starting Sistership Circle, from hosting networking events to creating women's empowerment gatherings and eventually forming Sistership Circles. She talks about the evolution of the organization, including the development of training programs and the creation of books and products. Tanya emphasizes the importance of consistency and staying true to her mission, despite doubts and competition. She also discusses the role of her husband, Brent, in supporting and guiding the growth of Sistership Circle.


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EP73: KC Volard on How to Fill Your Circles, Retreats & Events to Build the Community of Your Dreams

If you are a spiritual entrepreneur who is struggling to fill your circles, programs or live events, this episode is for you. KC Volard has created a solid community with a live weekend event called As She Rises, attracting more than 100 participants and she's about to open the kimono to share all her secrets. It's the intersection of visionary leadership, business strategy and kundalini energy.


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EP 72: Bernadette Pleasant on The Emotional Tour: Reclaim & Boldly Display the Power of Your Feelings

One of the lessons we learned early on was not to be messy. And the thing about emotions is: THEY ARE MESSY. You can't control them. They are unpredictable. We have a lot of fear around them. That's why Bernadette takes people on an Emotional Tour, so that your emotions become less scary and more accessible. In this episode, we go on a tour of the "emotional gym" where you can go and workout to feel these emotions instead of casting them aside. If you are looking for more freedom of expression, this is for you.


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EP 71: Why I Took a Year Off From My Marriage

I did something a little untraditional ... I took a year off from my marriage. While we were physically separate, we were still 100% committed to our partnership. In this episode, I talk about why we did this, how we made it through and how we're doing on the other side. This is a vulnerable share to inspire other women to think outside the box and take care of their own needs, even when it may look bad to the outside world.


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EP 70: Introduction to Season 5 - Spreading Kindness

I turned 44 this year with the intention of expansion, satisfaction and power partnerships. At the heart of that is KINDNESS, which of course, starts with being kind to myself. Giving you a sneak peak at what's coming this season, it's rooted in compassionate accountability ... taking care of business while being kind to yourself and others.


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EP 69: How to Get Your Needs Met in Relationship Without Being a Self-Centered Narcissist

For the final episode of Season 4, we dive into the problem most women face in relationship: how to get your needs met. Women have been conditioned to be self-sacrificing martyrs, putting their own needs last. As women wake up and start to find their voice and power, they begin to reclaim their needs ... but it feels like a fight. You'll learn the single most important thing you must do to get your needs met without feeling selfish.


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EP 68: Amy Natalie on The Feminine Way: Reclaim your Feminine Energy to Create a Life of Pleasure, Aliveness, and Vitality

Mother Nature is our guide. The concepts of slowing down, replenishing, and listening to our body's needs are highly undervalued and have been viewed as inconvenient or unproductive in our Western culture. We receive constant messages from society such as work hard, play hard, you can rest when you're dead, don't be so lazy, or push through the pain. Through these messages, we've learned to ignore the wisdom of our bodies and disregard our fundamental need for rest and recovery. In this episode, Amy Natalie shares the secret to getting back in touch with the wisdom of our bodies to create a life of pleasure, aliveness, and vitality. Amy Natalie has launched her debut book, "The Feminine Way: Reclaim your Feminine Energy to Create a Life of Pleasure, Aliveness, and Vitality". Order her gorgeous book here: Get the full show notes here:


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EP 67: Kenlyn Kolleen on Becoming a Sovereign CEO with the 5 Divine Feminine Business Archetypes

Most medicine women, healers, and visionary leaders would rather work with clients than do marketing. Yet the pressure to build their businesses to earn more money makes them susceptible to the latest bright shiny offers (like starting a membership or running ads or creating a course) because they feel like they must do something. Stepping into your sovereignty starts with claiming that you can be a spiritual business owner and working a strategy based on your divine feminine business archetype.


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EP 66: How to Lead Women to Deeper Feminine Freedom and Embodiment

What does it mean to be truly free as a woman? And as a coach or healer, how do you guide a woman to embody that? More than ever, women are coming into their power and claiming their needs and desires. If you are a coach or healer, you have an extraordinary opportunity to guide women out of the patriarchal cage and into divine feminine freedom by understanding what keeps women blocked and how to release it.


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EP 65: Penelope Jane Van Hulle on Path to Prosperity: How to Become Financially Free Starting from Wherever You Are Right Now

Discover exactly what it’ll take for you personally to become financially free so you don’t have to depend on your business, a job, the government, a partner, or anyone else for money. You’ll also learn: • The Two Types of Passive Income (and How to Get More of Each) • Why It’s Important to Create a Clear Financial Freedom Vision • 3 Keys to Accelerating Your Journey to Financial Freedom • Simple Steps You Can Take Right Now That Your Future Self Will Thank You for (She’ll Have an Abundance of Money and Choice in Her Life!)


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EP 64: Elizabeth Purvis on 7 Figure Goddess: Making the Leap from 6 to 7 Figures in 2 Years or Less

If you want to collapse time to create wealth, Elizabeth Purvis has you covered. Elizabeth is one of the premiere offers strategists and metaphysical teachers in the transformation industry. Her book, 7-Figure Goddess®, is a guidebook on the energetics of making the leap from 6 to 7 figures in your [transformation] biz (coach – healer – spiritual teacher, etc) in record time.


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EP 63: Releasing Past Pain from the Women Who’ve Hurt You

Do you mistrust other women? Chances are, you were burned, hurt, ostracized, or cast out as a child by classmates, blood sisters or friends and it's still affecting you as a woman today. Tanya and Tara explore the ways we unwittingly hurt one another and how we can create opportunities for healing instead of perpetuating the sister wound.


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EP 62: The Circle Business Model - How to Make Money Leading Women's Circles

As a women's circle facilitator, you deserve to be compensated for the time, energy and skill it takes to hold transformational spaces for women to connect and heal. Here at Sistership Circle, we focus on both the masculine structure and the feminine flow of leading women's circles. We've developed our training programs around a business model to support you in integrating women's circles into your business. Learn more at:


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EP 61: Turn Your Circles into Transformational Experiences

For coaches, healers and therapists who want to shift from 1:1 work to transformational group work, this episode is for you! You can leverage the power of leading groups (and specifically with circle distinctions) to make more impact ... while still maintaining intimacy, potency and deep transformation. I'm going to cover the 3 things you need to know to make this work for you. Join us this weekend for our event Rise Into Your Leadership: Learn more about our training programs:
