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The Christine Caine Equip & Empower Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

We live in a world that whispers that you’re not enough. That you are defeated. That you are disqualified because of your past. These lies are everywhere, everyday. You read about them, hear about them, and interact with them. But Christine Caine is here to speak above that noise with the truth of how God sees you, and who he’s created you to be, so you can make his name famous! She will equip and empower you to create change in this world and live out your God given destiny! If you desire to bring hope, create change, and see yourself the way God sees you, this podcast is for you. For Episode Reflection Guides and more, visit


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We live in a world that whispers that you’re not enough. That you are defeated. That you are disqualified because of your past. These lies are everywhere, everyday. You read about them, hear about them, and interact with them. But Christine Caine is here to speak above that noise with the truth of how God sees you, and who he’s created you to be, so you can make his name famous! She will equip and empower you to create change in this world and live out your God given destiny! If you desire to bring hope, create change, and see yourself the way God sees you, this podcast is for you. For Episode Reflection Guides and more, visit



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EP 298 How to Keep Praying When Nothing Seems to Happen

In this episode, Christine Caine will empower you to bring ‘it’ to God in prayer again, and again, and again - whatever ‘it’ may be for you - and trust that He will answer in His perfect time. From healing, to discernment, to salvation for a loved one, don’t let discouragement creep in simply because you haven’t seen God bring it to pass yet. If the odds seem stacked against you, remember that it’s our job to pray and it’s God’s job to perform the miracle. So let’s be resilient, persistent, and tenacious believers who don’t lose heart. Whether you’ve been praying for a long time or are just beginning, God wants you to keep talking to Him in prayer because He loves you, cares for you, and can make a way where there's no way. If it matters to you it matters to God. Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here. + + + + + Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and best-selling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. Each week she brings you a Gospel-centered message filled with Biblical truths that will equip and empower you to step into the life God has for you.


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EP 297 Different Setbacks, Same God

In this episode, Christine Caine will empower you with the truth that, though setbacks, disappointments, and hardships are very real, you have a very real God who is still in control in the midst of them. As we experience challenges, it can be so very tempting to want to throw in the towel and give into our fears; thinking that we must be too far gone for God to reach us. But no matter what you’re facing today, you can hold onto the fact that God sees, He knows, He cares, and He’s got you. In the midst of the chaos, we get to fix our eyes on Jesus as we discover that God is still our miracle-working God who is good, does good, and has good for us on the other side of whatever challenges we are facing. Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here. + + + + + Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and best-selling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. Each week she brings you a Gospel-centered message filled with Biblical truths that will equip and empower you to step into the life God has for you.


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EP 296 You Can Choose What You Focus On

In this episode, Christine Caine will empower you with the truth that you can choose what you focus your mind on, and encourage you to take inventory of the messages that are impacting your perspective. In order to fulfill God’s purpose for us in our generation, we have to jump on trains of thought that are going to take us to love and joy and peace and goodness and truth and beauty and grace. If you have experienced setbacks or failures or mistakes in your past, the enemy will bombard you with lies that you aren’t qualified to make a difference in this world, but in God’s Kingdom that is not true. If you are in Christ, you’re a child of God, you are beloved, and you have been given gifts and talents for the purpose of serving your generation - you can be certain of that! And you can choose to focus on that truth instead of the lies of the enemy. Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here. + + + + + Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and best-selling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. Each week she brings you a Gospel-centered message filled with Biblical truths that will equip and empower you to step into the life God has for you.


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EP 295 Using Prayer to Change the World

In this episode, Christine Caine will empower you to change the world by standing in faith against injustice through persistent prayer as you witness God accomplish the impossible. We don’t fight like the rest of the world does. We fight with a more powerful weapon - on our knees in prayer! Prayer is where we receive strategy and insight for our part to play on this earth in the face of injustice. When we cry out to God day and night in prayer, we can trust that His purposes both can and will prevail - even in the face of injustice! Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here. + + + + + Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and best-selling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. Each week she brings you a Gospel-centered message filled with Biblical truths that will equip and empower you to step into the life God has for you.


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EP 294 You Can't Stop Now

In this episode, Christine Caine will empower you to keep pressing forward when you feel like giving up. The reality is that there is an enemy that wants to deplete us of all of our strength to press on because he doesn’t want us to live out our God-given purpose. But this is not a time to pull back. This is not a time to quit. This is not a time to hide. This is a time to press on - not from a place of striving, but from a place of rest by leaning into the promises and character of God. If your God made a promise, your God will come through. You might not know how He is going to come through or when He is going to come through, but you do know that He will come through and as you continue to glorify Him by pressing on, you will see His promises and goodness come to pass in your life! Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here. + + + + + Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and best-selling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. Each week she brings you a Gospel-centered message filled with Biblical truths that will equip and empower you to step into the life God has for you.


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EP 293 How to Have Peace Like Jesus in the Midst of Your Storm

In this episode, Christine Caine will empower you to keep your heart and mind at peace - even in the midst of a storm in your life. Storms, setbacks, and challenges show us whether we believe that Jesus Christ is actually in control or not. Because the truth is, most of the storms that try to take us out in life, we never saw coming. Though you may be facing absolute chaos and you may be feeling absolutely terrified, you can rest assured knowing that the same God that brought peace to the storm in Scripture, is the same God that will bring peace to your storm now because our trust is not in the comfort of our circumstances but in the character of our unfailing God! Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here. + + + + + Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and best-selling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. Each week she brings you a Gospel-centered message filled with Biblical truths that will equip and empower you to step into the life God has for you.


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EP 292 Highs, Lows, and Pressing Through to Your Purpose

In this episode, Christine Caine will empower you to keep pressing forward toward God’s plan and purpose for you. It is a reality that sometimes life can be really challenging. But while there are highs and lows in your story, they don’t have to define you. You are more than what you acquire. You are more than what you accumulate. You are more than what you achieve or abandon. You have a higher purpose. You have a divine goal. And while there’s nothing safe about this calling, adventure and blessing await you every step of the way! Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here. + + + + + Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and best-selling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. Each week she brings you a Gospel-centered message filled with Biblical truths that will equip and empower you to step into the life God has for you.


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EP 291 Prayer: The Secret to a Life Beyond Limits

In this episode, Christine Caine will empower you to embrace the practice of prayer and be transformed to live on mission for Jesus. So many people are living beneath God’s best. Countless souls are overwhelmed by struggle and uncertainty. But God isn’t limited by what we see. He isn’t confined by how we feel or what we believe is possible. His power is miraculous. His wisdom is supernatural. His presence is boundless. There is nothing He cannot do! And when you embrace prayer in all its fullness — it’s practice, pattern, and purpose — you’re going to go where you’ve never been and see God move like you’ve never imagined. Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here. + + + + + Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and best-selling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. Each week she brings you a Gospel-centered message filled with Biblical truths that will equip and empower you to step into the life God has for you.


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EP 290 Four Truths to Help You Stand Firm in Your Faith

In this episode, Christine Caine will empower you to trust God’s nature so you can stand securely in uncertain times. Because the truth is, where you’re anchored is going to determine whether you stay stable when everything around you is unstable. Allowing your past disappointments or current circumstances to isolate you from God and others is exactly what the enemy wants. But your past or present reality doesn’t mean negativity or discouragement must define your days. There is a path to your purpose. You can anchor your hope firmly in Jesus. You can persist in prayer. And today, you can be equipped to live with an unshakable confidence in who God is and what He has made you to do! Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here. + + + + + Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and best-selling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. Each week she brings you a Gospel-centered message filled with Biblical truths that will equip and empower you to step into the life God has for you.


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EP 289 God is Calling You to Rise Up

In this episode, Christine Caine will empower you to shift your perspective, stand in faith, and rise up with hope for what God can do. In this world, we are faced with an onslaught of change, stress, anxiety, and fear. Amid such struggles, it’s so easy to inadvertently sit back and wait for our circumstances to change before we arise. But like the first rays of dawn ushering in a new day, God wants to pierce through the chaos and transform your outlook today so that, instead of looking back or giving up, you start to move forward as you look up at Jesus, experiencing His goodness and arising in His strength! Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here. + + + + + Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and best-selling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. Each week she brings you a Gospel-centered message filled with Biblical truths that will equip and empower you to step into the life God has for you.


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EP 288 The Starting Point for Sparking Revival

In this episode, Christine Caine will empower you with four words that will revolutionize the way you relate to God and others, words that could spark revival around you. Can you imagine being one of the women who first saw that Jesus’ tomb was empty? Unsurprisingly, their reaction was a mixture of shock, confusion, and fear. But when they received a divine message during an angelic visitation, their apprehension gave way to a mission. A mission you’re invited into today that will fill you with wonder and ignite you to spread the Gospel — sparking a revival in your own sphere of influence! Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here. + + + + + Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and best-selling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. Each week she brings you a Gospel-centered message filled with Biblical truths that will equip and empower you to step into the life God has for you.


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EP 287 It's Time to Walk in Freedom

In this episode, Christine Caine will empower you with three powerful yet practical gifts that the finished work of the cross offers each of us. Jesus did so much more than save us for eternity. He set us free forever. He covered our sin forever. He redeemed all of our shame. Today, you don’t have to live another moment beneath God’s best for you and your life. This is your time to take hold of what Jesus did on the cross for you, step into the freedom it brings, and be changed for the better forever! Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here. + + + + + Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and best-selling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. Each week she brings you a Gospel-centered message filled with Biblical truths that will equip and empower you to step into the life God has for you.


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EP 286 Jesus Invites YOU to Make a Difference

In this episode, Christine Caine will empower you to see God’s goodness regardless of your perceived mistakes, failures, or limitations; preparing you to make a difference in the world by sharing that goodness with others. There’s truly no greater moment in history than Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. But do you know who, despite their own failures, mistakes, and limitations, heard the news of His resurrection first and then was tasked with the mission to tell the world about it? Christine will reveal these impactful answers, showing that you, too, have a significant role in Jesus’ mission to share His message of hope with others! Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here. + + + + + Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and best-selling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. Each week she brings you a Gospel-centered message filled with Biblical truths that will equip and empower you to step into the life God has for you.


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EP 285 The Word that Changed Everything - Tetelestai

In this episode, Christine Caine will empower you with the hope and truth of what Jesus did for you on the cross. When He said, “It is finished,” everything changed. When He died and rose again, He made it so you could receive forgiveness for your past, a brand-new life today, and hope for your future. The question is, have you embraced what Jesus did for you? The abundant life He has for you isn’t about doing. It’s about believing and simply being in relationship with Him. It requires receiving. And today is your day to experience just how good the good news of the Gospel really is! Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here. + + + + + Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and best-selling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. Each week she brings you a Gospel-centered message filled with Biblical truths that will equip and empower you to step into the life God has for you.


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EP 284 Your Purpose and God's Presence

In this episode, Christine Caine will empower you with the one thing you must have to fulfill your calling. It can be easy to think that what you need most is what God gives you, whether it’s His provision, protection, or power. But what ultimately matters isn’t so much found in God’s blessings. It’s God Himself and having a relationship with Him. His presence — and His presence alone — is what you need to fulfill your purpose, make the most of every day, and bring Him glory! Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here. + + + + + + Christine Caine is a speaker, activist, and best-selling author. She and her husband, Nick, founded the anti-human trafficking organization The A21 Campaign. They also founded Propel Women, an initiative that is dedicated to coming alongside women all over the globe to activate their God-given purpose. Each week she brings you a Gospel-centered message filled with Biblical truths that will equip and empower you to step into the life God has for you.


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EP 283 Your Purpose Requires Resilience and Endurance

In this episode, Christine Caine will empower you to break out of what’s hindering you, press through what’s come against you, and ultimately experience all that God has for you! There are miracles God wants to perform, chains He wants to break, and power He wants to release — for you and through you! The question is, are you prepared to endure the tests and challenges that may come along the way to experiencing His plan and purpose for your life? Because fulfilling your purpose will require resilience and endurance, but it will all be worth it in the end. Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here.


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EP 282 Four Keys to Overcoming Chaotic and Uncertain Times

In this episode, Christine Caine will empower you with four keys to overcoming in these uncertain times. We undoubtedly live in chaotic and unstable times. And it can be easy to let that uncertainty hurt your hope, decrease your faith, and erode your expectations for the future. But just because the world is going crazy doesn’t mean you have to. There is still a path to purpose and a way to effect change around you in the midst of uncertainty. Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here.


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EP 281 What to Do When it Seems Your Prayers Aren't Answered

In this episode, Christine Caine empowers us with the truth that even when our prayers are met with silence, we should pray again. That if there’s a dream in our hearts, or a need weighing heavily on our minds and it seems nothing’s happening yet, we should believe again, hope again, and trust God again. Waiting is never easy, especially when standing in faith feels foolish. But don’t give up. Your breakthrough is closer than you think! Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here.


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EP 280 The Key to Peace and Joy

In this episode, Christine Caine will empower you to access the transformative power of God’s presence. It’s all too easy to go from one thing to the next in this life — hurrying, rushing, and rarely taking a moment to rest or even simply be with God. But if you will pause to be with Him, unimaginable peace and joy are waiting to be unlocked. If you will linger with Him, not only will you get to experience His healing, His supernatural peace, and life-altering power, but you will be empowered to bring His hope and change to the world around you as well! Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here.


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EP 279 Are You Ready to Say "Yes" to God This Year?

Have you ever felt like you’re just not cut out for the amazing things you dream of? Do you feel ill-equipped, and perhaps poorly placed, to experience God’s best in and through your life? In this episode, Christine Caine will empower you with the truth that the fulfillment of your destiny doesn’t require your ability or resources. God is the One who blesses. He is the One who multiplies. He is the One who qualifies. And this is your moment to say “Yes” to God by placing what you have into His hands and experiencing His miraculous power in and through you! Get your free Episode Reflection Guide here.
