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The Complete Sinner's Guide

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Our mission at CSG is simply this: Take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the Earth and make disciples of all nations through the preaching of God's Word (Matthew 28:19)!!! During that journey, we are searching through every page of the Bible in our pursuit to understand the TRUTH of what God Himself has revealed: about Himself, and about us, His creation. We invite special guests dedicated to their particular fields of study on the podcast, to give us their perspectives on current and historical questions and issues the Church as a whole as faced throughout the centuries! We ask the experts the questions and invite you to weigh in on the conversation with OPEN PHONES on nearly EVERY EPISODE! In other words, The whole CSG community is examining ALL PERSPECTIVES of the claims made about what God's Word "really says" (Acts 17:11), discerning them, to get to the bottom of God's truth! All of our content and resources are 💯% FREE as we believe the Gospel should be preached to all FREE OF CHARGE so we invite you to listen, weigh in, and share this ministry with loved ones! God bless you all and stay tuned...we're just getting started learning about The Triune God!


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Our mission at CSG is simply this: Take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the Earth and make disciples of all nations through the preaching of God's Word (Matthew 28:19)!!! During that journey, we are searching through every page of the Bible in our pursuit to understand the TRUTH of what God Himself has revealed: about Himself, and about us, His creation. We invite special guests dedicated to their particular fields of study on the podcast, to give us their perspectives on current and historical questions and issues the Church as a whole as faced throughout the centuries! We ask the experts the questions and invite you to weigh in on the conversation with OPEN PHONES on nearly EVERY EPISODE! In other words, The whole CSG community is examining ALL PERSPECTIVES of the claims made about what God's Word "really says" (Acts 17:11), discerning them, to get to the bottom of God's truth! All of our content and resources are 💯% FREE as we believe the Gospel should be preached to all FREE OF CHARGE so we invite you to listen, weigh in, and share this ministry with loved ones! God bless you all and stay tuned...we're just getting started learning about The Triune God!





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Episode 80: Practical Christianity Ep. 7: The Great Commission w/ Nicholas Soellner

We begin this episode with some background and a introduction to the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) as well as what Nicholas sees as the greatest difficulties to presenting the Gospel in a 21st Century context today! That segue’s us into a discussion about two types of evangelism, public and private! After that we discuss the emphasis the RCC places on personal evangelism and touch on RCC beliefs concerning different sacraments and the role of prayer within the life of a follower of Jesus! We wrap up this episode with the practicalities and importance of evangelism as well as the mental health and well being of Pastor’s and Priest’s, and how we ourselves, as Christian’s and Roman Catholic’s, must be praying for our leaders as they fulfill the important, yet stressful task they’ve been called to do! Priest’s and Pastor’s alike need us for encouragement, exhortation, and they are asking for our prayer’s as we ask them, so let us not forget to pray for and help as much as we can, the local shepherds of our communities! Absolutely loved having Nicholas on to discuss this with us and we hope you are blessed and take what you learn from this CSG episode and APPLY IT to your walk with Jesus! May God be praised and glorified and His children exhorted and edified!


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Episode 79: Practical Christianity Ep.6: The Importance of Scripture and Prayer

CSG host's Joshua Davidson and Tyler Fowler sit down with their good friend Michael Moore to discuss the practical benefits of STUDYING God's Word as well as the importance of having an active prayer life in our relationship with Jesus Christ! We are getting practical on our 6th episode of our Practical Christianity series about Scripture and Prayer and we begin by unpacking a definintion for prayer by John Piper. After that, Josh, Tyler and Michael address questions like "What if I can't find time to pray or study Scripture?", "What do I do if prayer or Bible study feel's like a routine/ritual?" and "What do I do if I don't feel like praying/studying Scripture?" and dive into Romans 8:22 to explain the Holy Spirit's role of intercession in the life of the follower of Jesus! We then turn to Ephesians and James to examine what the Apostles say about prayer and Bible study and the results of those activites!


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Episode 78: Practical Christianity Ep.5: Narrative Structure w/ Gerritt Schuitema

What is Narrative Structure and why should I even care about it? This was my (Tyler) initial thought when Josh first began talking to me about this topic, but WOW, I am ever so glad we had this conversation with our good friend Gerritt Schuitema! Josh and Gerritt break down the importance of PARTICIPATING in the story in order to achieve an end goal, namely to become as Christ. All who are born again are also being sanctified (becoming more like Jesus), and when participate in the things Jesus Himself has commanded us to do (baptism, the Eucharist aka the Lord's Supper, ect) we are transformed degree by degree into His Image! This episode of CSG dives into details of Narrative Structure, emergence and emanation, how narrative structure connects to the Imago Dei, why it's so important for all human beings to be participating in what Christ has commanded all people everywhere to do and what happens when we don't!


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Episode 77: Practical Christianity Ep.4.2: Temptation Tactics w/ Dane Van Eys & David Russell - CSG & PorA Collab

David Russell and Dane Van Eys are back with Josh and Tyler as we continue our Practical Christianity series and Part 2 of our episode on Temptation! This time we turn to Luke 4 to get the full picture of Jesus' temptation by Satan! What did Christ do and how did our King fight temptation? Hang out with us this hour to add to your own arsenal of practical tactics you can use the next time you find yourself staring temptation in the face!


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Episode 76: Practical Christianity Ep.4.1: Temptation Tactics w/ Dane Van Eys & David Russell - CSG & PorA Collab

David Russell (Proselytize or Apostatize – PorA) and Dane van Eys join Noah, Josh and Tyler to answer questions like “How do we handle temptation & sin practically” and “How do we help others that are struggling with temptation”. All temptation is circumstantial yet, for believers, God has promised a way out in every temptation (1 Cor. 10:13). As believers in Jesus Christ, sanctified by the Holy Spirit of God, we must, at times, grit our teeth, push through the pain, find the door that God has promised to put in every temptation, and walk through it, even when we don’t “feel like it”. In the second half, we offer exegesis of Matthew 4 so come hang out with us for an hour and let us know what you thought of this episode of The Complete Sinner’s Guide!


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Episode 75: Practical Christianity Ep.3: Fruit of the Spirit

In episode 3 of our 10 part series on Practical Christianity Josh, Noah and Tyler read through Galatians 5 and give you some practical application of the "Fruits of the Spirit" found verses 22 and 23!


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Episode 74: Practical Christianity Ep.2: God Became Man w/ Dane Van Eys

Get your Bible's out for this one ladies and gents as Josh, Tyler and their special guest Dane Van Eys dive into the Scripture's and expound the truth that is the incarnation of our Lord, God and Savior Jesus Christ! We show from texts like Isaiah 9, 43, 45; John 1; 2 Peter 1 that God indeed as come to save us in the person of Jesus Christ! We also discuss the practical importance of this Biblical truth as we look at Hebrews 4:14-16 and show WHY Jesus experientially became a man and how important it is to seek Him in times of trouble and tribulation!


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Episode 73: Practical Christianity Ep.1: Laying the Foundation w/ William Tanksley

In this first of 10 episodes in our “Practical Christianity” series, Josh, Tyler and they’re special guest William Tanksley begin with some elementary “what’s” and “why’s” of the faith to lay a solid foundation for our Christian worldview in order to build on that foundation in subsequent episodes! Subtopics touched on in this episode include Faith, Hope, Love; the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, His Death, Resurrection, Ascension & Second Advent and much more!!!


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Episode 72: Part 2 Oneness (Jesus Only) Theology w/ Andrew Elliott & Dr. Edward Dalcour

Andrew, Dr. Dalcour and I will be discussing oneness theology proper and theological implications of this doctrine as a whole. Get your Bible's ready because we are diving into the Scriptures to exegete passages oneness theologians use to support their claims as well as think through the logical and systematic outworking of oneness doctrine! We will also be looking back in time in Church history to see the origins of where this theology stems from as well as taking YOUR QUESTIONS about oneness theology in general! So join Andrew, Dr. Dalcour and me as we dive into this movement to see what exactly "Oneness" or "Jesus Only" theology has to bring to the table! This is part 2 of this episode so make sure to check out part 1 first over at!!! Find more Dr. Edward Dalcour & get his book here: Find more Andrew Elliott on TikTok here: @andrewdoesapologetics


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Episode 71: Part 1 Oneness (Jesus Only) Theology w/ Andrew Elliott & Dr. Edward Dalcour

Andrew, Dr. Dalcour and I will be discussing oneness theology proper and theological implications of this doctrine as a whole. Get your Bible's ready because we are diving into the Scriptures to exegete passages oneness theologians use to support their claims as well as think through the logical and systematic outworking of oneness doctrine! We will also be looking back in time in Church history to see the origins of where this theology stems from as well as taking YOUR QUESTIONS about oneness theology in general! So join Andrew, Dr. Dalcour and me as we dive into this movement to see what exactly "Oneness" or "Jesus Only" theology has to bring to the table! This is part 1 of a 2 part episode so make sure to check out part 2 over at!!! Find more Dr. Edward Dalcour & get his book here: Find more Andrew Elliott on TikTok here: @andrewdoesapologetics


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Episode 70: Reformed Theology with Chris Date, Andrew Elliott & Jeremiah Short

To begin Joshua Sherman (not reformed) brings up a few things that left a lot of people feeling confused with in the James White & William Lane Craig Debate, namely the nature of exactly HOW free will coincides with the Reformed/Calvinistic understanding of determinism. We then take audience Q&A and wrap up the episode with an encouraging message, calling Calvinist's and Non-Calvinist's alike to unite under the Gospel of Jesus Christ as we build on the groundwork laid by our brother's and sister's before us! I personally think this episode answered A LOT of questions that were left unanswered in the James White/WLC debate and an intro to a clearer understanding of what Calvinist's actually believe about determinism and compatibilism was laid! Let us know what you think and where YOU stand in the comments below! Find More CSG here: Find Chris Date & Rethinking Hell on YouTube here: Find Andrew Elliott on TikTok here: Find Jeremiah Short on TikTok here:


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Episode 69: Nephilim! Answering David Russell's Giant Questions w/ Tim Steadman - Genesis 6 and 1 Enoch PART 1

Join Joshua Davidson, Joshua Sherman, David Russell, Tim Steadman and myself as we discuss Giants, "Nephilim", Genesis 6 and ANE myths and legends concerning angels and humans!!! We invited Tim to come hang out with us and discuss these topics to help us better understand what Genesis 6 and other Biblical (and extra-biblical texts like Enoch for example) tell us concerning Nephilim/Giants!!! We are answering the big questions on this special episode of CSG and seeking to understand topics like the incarnation of Jesus Christ, Imago Dei, conspiracy theories about demon/angel-hybrids (Ancient Aliens, ect.) better and ultimately grasp why 4 verses in Genesis 6 matter to me today?! Join us for Part 1 of the discussion now!!! FIND PART 2 HERE: Buy Tim Steadman's book "Answer's to Giant Questions" here: Check out Tim's website and podcast here: Check out Joshua Sherman's YouTube channel here: Check out David Russell's YouTube channel here: Find more Complete Sinner's Guide here:


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Episode 68: Law and Gospel The Lutheran Perspective with Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller

Join Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller, Joshua Sherman (Tending Our Nets) and myself as we discuss Law and Gospel from the Lutheran perspective! In this episode we break the title up into two parts: Law & Gospel. In the first half, we seek to understand exactly what the New Testament author's mean when they use phrases like "the Law", "the Law of Moses", "the Law of Christ", ect.; how the Law applied to Israelite's under the Old Covenant and how it applies to Christians under the New Covenant today; and finally different uses of the Law for believers and unbelievers in Jesus Christ alike! Then, in the second half, after seeing our need for a Savior because the Law exposes the fact we are sinners, we dive into what exactly "The Gospel" is by examining promises found in the Old Testament as well as the New Testament for follower's of Jesus Christ! We also examine the Greek word "πίστις" (pistis - "faith/trust") as we learn what it really means to "believe in Jesus"! We also get into issues like the New Perspective on Paul, Karl Barth's arguments and Lutheran answers to his ideology, as well as a whole host of side topics you would expect when you sit a #Lutheran, #Calvinist and #Non-Calvinist down on a CSG episode!!! Had a blast with Pr. Bryan as well as Josh Sherman and cannot wait for Episode #3!!! Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller's YouTube Channel: Pastor Bryan's website: "Has American Christianity Failed?" Video (Our FIRST episode with Bryan!): Tending Our Nets (Joshua Sherman's) YouTube Channel: The Complete Sinner's Guide Episode Archive:


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Episode 67: Atheism & Apologetics w/ Dr. Braxton Hunter - Trinity Radio

We begin this discussion by going back in time to when Braxton first began interacting with atheists and discuss what it was that originally got him interested in apologetics in the first place. After some background on the events that unfolded that has lead him to where he is now with atheism and apologetics, we get into topics like our favorite arguments/evidences for God (Kalam Cosmological Argument); the role of the Imago Dei in asking questions like “Where do we come from?”; the Evidential Argument from Evil and other objections against the existence of God (and answers to those objections); then ending the show by looking into the future at the direction Braxton sees Christian apologetics going, especially with topics like consciousness and quantum physics! Highlights and Conclusions Overall I think the episode was fantastic! I love the Toy Story analogy Braxton used to describe Kalam and the practical direction the episode went when we began discussing evil and sin. I (as well as the rest of the CSG crew) really enjoyed having Dr. Braxton Hunter on and look forward to, Lord willing, doing more episodes with Braxton and Dr. Johnathan Pritchett in the future! Trinity Radio YouTube Channel: Trinity Bible College and Seminary Website:


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Episode 66: Personality Disorders (A Christian Approach w/ Dr. Chris Featherstone-ViZion United)

On this episode of CSG, Josh, Noah and I have the privilege to have Dr. Chris Featherstone (ViZion United Podcast) back for the 2nd time to discuss personality disorders and a Christian’s approach in respect to them! These are REAL disorders those created in the Imago Dei have to face daily, so we invited Chris, who works in the field of psychotherapy, back on CSG to give us a run-down of different types of personality disorders (to better understand what, exactly, those who have them are going through) as well as explain how we might better serve those with personality disorders, around us! Also where is the line between "sin" and "disorder"? Very engaging/practical discussion in my opinion and definitely believe seeds were planted in this episode. The question is, what are you going to do with them? :) God bless and a big thanks to Dr. Chris Featherstone for the fantastic conversation! Acronyms Used: (Cluster A) Weird - schizophrenia, paranoid, ect. (Cluster B) Wild - narcissistic, anti-social, ect. (Cluster C) Worried - O.C.D., dependent, ect. O.C.E.A.N - Big 5: Openness to Experience, Conscientousness, Extroversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism Find more Chris and ViZion United here: Check out our first discussion here: CSG YouTube: CSG Episode Archive:


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Episode 65: Has American Christianity Failed? An Interview w/ Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller

Join us on this special episode of CSG as Josh and I sit down with author, podcaster, husband and dad, Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller to discuss problems and solutions to those problems within the larger context that is "American Christianity". Pastor Bryan Wolfmueller is pastor of St. Paul and Jesus Deaf Lutheran Churches in Austin, TX. He is the author of Take They Our Life: Martin Luther’s Theology of Martyrdom (2019), A Martyr’s Faith for a Faithless World (CPH, 2019), Has American Christianity Failed? (CPH, 2016) and Final Victory: Contemplating the Death and Funeral of a Christian (CPH, 2010). He is the co-host of Table Talk Radio podcast, posts videos on YouTube at wolfmueller1, and has a number of other theological projects that all end up on his blog, Bryan is a member of the Doxology Collegium. He and his wife Keri live with their four children in Round Rock, TX. Find More Pastor Wolfmueller Here: Pastor Wolfmueller's Blog: Pastor Wolfmueller's YouTube Channel:


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Episode 64: Love Is Where We're At

We cover a wide range of topics in this one from practical advice for new believers, drinking from the fount of knowledge and understanding well, the extremes and dangers of complacency and arrogance in following Christ and how your actions (as God’s representative) affect other’s that are made in His Image. We also tackle what we see as a growing problem in the Body of Christ in the second half of this episode, namely, unnecessary division and a lack of genuine Christian love. Going through 1 Corinthians 13, Josh and I expound what “love” looks like in our walk with not only Christ, but others who we engage with on a daily! Can we, who are created in God’s Image, honestly love a God who we cannot see if we do not love other Image bearer’s who are right in front of our eyes?! 1 John 4:20 is pretty clear... so we remind ourselves of what the Biblical definition of love is and how to begin to apply that characteristic of every believer in Christ faithfully! Practical Advice 1. Don’t let a wealth of knowledge and understanding become a stumbling block. Pick and choose your battles. Don’t divide unnecessarily. Shoot for confidence, not arrogance. Never repay evil for evil, but love you’re enemy. Don’t spend too much time looking at yourself. Examine yourself but keep your eyes on Jesus. Biblical Texts Referenced 1 Corinthians 13 John 16:12-13 Matthew 5:9 Galatians 5:22


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Episode 63: Imago Dei (Image of God) Part 1

We begin this episode by welcoming back Jimmy D after being out of commission for a few weeks due to having covid! We then kick off this PART 1 by giving a brief overview of what we have already touched on in past episodes, such as the 3 main views of the Imago Dei (substantive, relational, functional). Then, Sherman poses a great question of how different systems of theology (I.e Calvinism/ Non Calvinism) can have an impact on how we view the Image. We then center the entirety of the two episodes on one very important question concerning Genesis 1-3….did something “go wrong” with God’s original intention in Creation with human beings? This episode really is a mashup of previous episodes we’ve had with Joshua S. and J.D. before and throughout the two parts, it is really cool to see how our personal view of what it means for humans to be created in God’s Image effect so many different aspects of our theology. I think bringing two differing systems of thought together, like we did in this episode, just makes the possibilities of how one can view theology in general, all the more incredible! It also shows that when we come together as family, we can truly do all things through Christ who gives us strength in His Name and through His Holy Spirit! God Bless everyone, and remember, if you like CSG’s content give us a big thumbs up and share our videos on social media! Also subscribe to our YouTube channel and check out our other platforms like Apple & Google Podcasts, Spotify, Audible, Listen Notes, etc! All CSG content is 100% FREE so head over to our website and get to listening, downloading and sharing with others!!! :) BIBLICAL TEXTS CITED Genesis 1-3 1 Corinthians 15 Romans 5 SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS: Imago Dei Part 2 CSG Episode Archive CSG Facebook CSG YouTube Tending Our Nets (Joshua Sherman’s YouTube) Exploring Theology (J.D. Martin’s YouTube)


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Episode 62: Creatio Ex Nihilo Part 1 (YouTube and TikTok Christian Collab)

After brief introductions, new stories about getting stung by bees #sharethesting! and all the fun things everyone else has been up to with their podcasts and personal lives, Joshua presents us with an introduction to the “functional” interpretation of Genesis 1. This view is currently being set forth by scholars like John Walton and Scot McKnight. David, however, takes a more traditional view of the text! The two bring out their similarities, for example, both denying “eternalism”, but there are differences the two handle with arguments laid out in a brilliant, Christ-like, and productive way! Meanwhile, Andrew and I offer engaging commentary as David and Joshua spar it out in the episode to END ALL EPISODES ON CREATIO EX NIHILO!!!!!……. …...jk :] Check this episode out if Genesis, creation, or different interpretations of Genesis 1 & 2 interests you!!! Extremely thought provoking in my opinion and a great starter episode for anyone interested in diving deeper in this subject! We also want to give a shout out to our co-host, Joshua Davidson, who is at home recovering from Covid 19. We have a fundraiser set up to help them out with their bills for the month pinned at the top of CSG’s Facebook Page! Since Josh is down & out of work, if you would like to give to him and his family you can on Facebook or Venmo @Joshua-Davidson-84 Also...make sure to check out PART 2 of this discussion on the CSG YouTube channel (as well as other content that’s not uploaded anywhere else)!!! Make sure to hit that big red SUBSCRIBE button and click “all” when you click that notification bell so you will get notified every time CSG goes LIVE and uploads a video on YouTube and Facebook!!! See links below! May God bless you! Genesis 1:1-2:4 ¹ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and void, and darkness was over the surface of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. And God saw that the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness He called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day. And God said, “Let there be an expanse between the waters, to separate the waters from the waters.” So God made the expanse and separated the waters beneath it from the waters above. And it was so. God called the expanse “sky.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the second day. And God said, “Let the waters under the sky be gathered into one place, so that the dry land may appear.” And it was so. God called the dry land “earth,” and the gathering of waters He called “seas.” And God saw that it was good. Then God said, “Let the earth bring forth vegetation: seed-bearing plants and fruit trees, each bearing fruit with seed according to its kind.” And it was so. The earth produced vegetation: seed-bearing plants according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day. And God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to distinguish between the day and the night, and let them be signs to mark the seasons and days and years. And let them serve as lights in the expanse of the sky to shine upon the earth.” And it was so. God made two great lights: the greater light to rule the day and the lesser light to rule the night. And He made the stars as well. God set these lights in the expanse of the sky to shine upon the earth, to preside over the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the fourth day. And God said, “Let the waters teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth in the open expanse of the sky.” So God created the great sea creatures and every living thing that moves, with which the waters teemed...


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Episode 61: The Eucharist w/ Joshua Sherman

THE SACRAMENTS AND WORSHIP OUTLINE • Heaven meeting earth ◦ In the beginning ▪ Image of God ▪ Temple cosmology ▪ Eden – the garden/mountain of God, where heaven meets earth (Genesis 2, Ezekiel 28:13-16) ◦ Old Covenant ▪ Tabernacle and temple modeled after Eden (Exodus 28, 1 Kings 7) ▪ Priests representing the people to God, and God to the people (Exodus 28) ◦ New Covenant ▪ Pentecost (Acts 2) ▪ “God has raised us up with Him…” (Ephesians 2:4-7) ▪ Heavenly temple (Hebrews 9) ▪ “You have now come” (Hebrews 12) ▪ Revelation and the New Jerusalem ▪ “The communion of saints” ◦ Does it feel like we come to worship with the expectation of heaven meeting earth? Do we sell short the concept of the “Communion of Saints” (ἁγίων κοινωνίαν)? • “Holy Ones” ◦ Qedosh’im/Hagioi ◦ Exodus 15:11, Psalm 89:5, 89:7, Romans 15:25, 1 Corinthians 1:2, 1 Corinthians 14:33, Ephesians 1:1, Ephesians 2:19, Revelation 5:8, Revelation 20:9 ◦ What does this mean? • “Sons of God” ◦ Bene Elohim/Huioi tou theou ◦ Job 38:7, Job 1:6, Job 2:1, Luke 20:36, Romans 8:14, Romans 8:19, Galatians 3:26, ◦ “You will judge angels” ◦ “Sons of God, equal to the angels” • “The Assembly” ◦ Edah/Ekklesia ◦ Leviticus 8:3, Psalm 82:1, Psalm 89:5, Acts 2:47, Hebrews 12:23; Revelation 2:1 • The Incarnation ◦ The Word became flesh (John 1) ◦ God incarnate in us “the Body of Christ” – 1 Corinthians 12:27, Ephesians 4:12, 1 Corinthians 10:16-22 (ἁγίαν καθολικὴν ἐκκλησίαν from the Apostle’s Creed) ◦ Early heretics denied that Christ came in the flesh (1 Timothy 3:16, 1 John 4:2, 2 John 1:7 • Why is the Eucharist just symbolic, then, and not incarnational? ◦ The Body: 1 Corinthians 10:16, 1 Corinthians 12:27 ◦ Partaking of the Lord’s Supper in an unworthy manner: 1 Corinthians 11:17-34 These were basically ubiquitous, in our collective experience of Communion, growing up. • Focus on remembering Jesus's death • Focus on "getting right with God" to avoid partaking in an unworthy manner These were very common • Focus on private relationship with God • Focus on the sacrifice's accomplishment, and forgiveness It looks like 25% or fewer of us had any of these as part of our Communion experience. • Focus on healing divisions, where possible • Focus on meeting with God corporately for a meal together • Focus on parting of the communion elements “in private” • Focus on being knit together as the Body of Christ, connected to Christ, our Head • Focus on proclaiming Jesus’s death • Focus on individually meeting with God for a meal together • Focus on “discerning the body” when partaking What I'm curious about - which of the items that were rare do you see specifically called out in 1 Corinthians 11:17-34? Do you feel like the practice of Communion that you grew up with was incomplete in some way, after reading this passage? I have some thoughts that hit me a few days ago on this, reading through the passage, and will post on these later today. I want to see what surfaces for all of this. DESCRIPTION Passover Jesus instituted the Eucharist on Passover. Passover was instituted by God through Moses on the night the final of the 10 plagues hit Egypt, death of every firstborn son. Each Israelite household was to take a lamb on the 10th day of Nisan, care for it for 4 days and then on the 14th, slaughter and eat it. This is meal was to be performed every year, in remembrance of God's Exodus of the Israelite's from out of Egypt. Moses describes it like this: "Now the length of time the Israelite's lived in Egypt was 430 years. At the end of the 430 years, on the very day, all the regiments of the Lord went out of the land of Egypt. It was a night of vigil for the Lord to bring them out from the land of Egypt, and so on this night all Israel is to keep the vigil to the Lord for generations to come. The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “This is the ordinance of the Passover. No foreigner may share in eating it. But everyone’s servant who is bought for money, after you have circumcised him, may eat it. A...
