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An (unofficial) Sexaholics Anonymous podcast featuring SA speaker meetings, workshops, conventions and marathons. An SA meeting in a Podcast


United States


An (unofficial) Sexaholics Anonymous podcast featuring SA speaker meetings, workshops, conventions and marathons. An SA meeting in a Podcast





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Monday Speaker Series - Dennis T

Finding Freedom from Lust in Marriage: A Sexaholic's Journey Towards Recovery In this episode of The Daily Reprieve, our guest, Dennis, shares his story of overcoming sexaholism. After stuggling with uncontainable lustful urges that led him to live a life of affairs, frequent encounters with prostitutes, and insatiable masturbation, Dennis shares how his journey towards recovery began with a challenging resolution: 90 meetings in 90 days and 90 days of abstinence. His sponsor emphasized the importance of this journey, explaining how abstaining from sexual acts for 90 days can help rewire the brain and show that sex is optional. The struggle was enormous, but Dennis emerged victorious, realizing that sex truly was a choice rather than a necessity. Through the process, Dennis discovered intimacy outside of sexual contexts with his wife. Their relationship flourished as they spent time together, engaging in simple activities such as taking walks or getting a cup of coffee. As Dennis experienced freedom from his sexaholic tendencies, he was better able to appreciate his wife, which led to a deepened connection and profound love. Despite the fear of falling back into old habits, Dennis managed to maintain a healthy and fulfilling sexual relationship with his wife without succumbing to lust. This recovery story provides hope, strength, and inspiration to others similarly struggling, with a powerful underlying message: freedom from lust in marriage is possible through dedication, communication, and application of the right strategies. Be sure to tune in to hear more recovery stories from sexaholism and find solace knowing that you aren't alone in your battle.


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Monday Speaker Series - Debbie

Overcoming Resentments and Embracing Gratitude: A Journey to SobrietyIn this episode of The Daily Reprieve, we hear from Debbie, a grateful believer in Jesus Christ and a recovering sex addict. She shares her powerful journey of recovery and self-discovery—one that has been filled with overcoming resentments, learning to practice gratitude, and establishing a deep connection with her higher power. Debbie expresses the struggle she faced in dealing with resentments, a hurdle many in recovery are all too familiar with. Her key to sobriety has been learning not only to recognize these resentments but also to surrender them to God. However, she reminds us that such a process is a daily practice that requires continuous effort. She discusses the tools she's utilized on her journey, including journaling, utilizing a 10th-step app, and daily self-reflection. One of Debbie's main focuses in this talk is replacing resentments with an attitude of gratitude. She reflects on the importance of being grateful for all experiences, not just the good ones. The growth that comes with overcoming challenges is part of what has ultimately led to her sobriety. The episode reflects Debbie's commitment to continuous growth and self-improvement. Admitting her wrongs, taking ownership, and seeking to change are steps she undergoes with humility and faith. It's a powerful listen, filled with valuable insights and practices for anyone overcoming addiction or seeking personal growth. As she concludes her talk, Debbie encourages the listeners to keep coming back, reinforcing the message that recovery is indeed possible with determination, faith, and support. She ends with a prayer, hoping to be of use to her creator and her peers. This episode promises to leave you moved and inspired, a testament to the transformative power of recovery and the strength of the human spirit.


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Monday Speaker Series - Steve M

Welcome to a revealing episode of The Daily Reprieve, titled 'Triumph Over Temptation: A True Testimony of a Recovering Sexaholic, Steve.' Unearth valuable lessons as you immerse yourself in Steve's mesmerizing narrative of overcoming extreme personal struggles that include childhood trauma, relationship tribulations, and, more starkly, sex addiction. Facing the harsh realities of his infidelity, Steve embarks on the arduous yet necessary path of recovery. Experience his exploration of various addiction support groups as he grapples with his condition. The podcast traces his poignant realization that overcoming addiction was not about 'fitting' into a group but acknowledging and fighting the adversary within. 'Triumph Over Temptation' offers an unvarnished glance into the depths of a sexaholic's torment and the redemption found in acceptance, community support, humility, and faith. Steve's candid confessions serve as an audacious beacon of hope for others ensnared in similar battles, illuminating the path to recovery through resilience, acceptance, and faith. This potent episode stands as an authentic testament to the power of surrender and the transformative pledges of recovery, making it a must-listen! Regardless if you're fighting addiction, are in recovery, or have the desire to understand the realities of sexaholism better, we invite you to tune in to Steve's compelling life narrative.


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Monday Speaker Series - Dominic

Episode: Dominic's Journey of Recovery - The Daily ReprieveIn this inspiring episode of The Daily Reprieve, we have Dominic, who shares his personal journey of recovery from sex addicition. He's been sober for 2013 days since January 6, 2016, and he attributes this remarkable feat to faith, resilience, and the intervention of his higher power. Dominic shares that his story started right from his birth in 1977. His acting out began in his teenage years and spiraled out of control. By the time he was 18, he was losing interest in his relationships and succumbing to the allure of pornography. After realizing he was powerless on his own, Dominic decided to seek help from his higher power, actively involving Him in all his affairs. Your heart will be moved by Dominic's struggles to overcome his addiction. Talking about his attempts in trying filters on his computer, seeking help from his community, and many other things which all didn't work, until he stumbled upon a self-help group in 2016. A turning point in his life came when he received a call back from a group and has been sober ever since. Dominic admits that he's still not an expert and continues to grapple with his addiction every day, but his faith in his higher power helps him stay on the course of recovery. He emphasizes the significance of working hard on the recovery steps, surrendering to your higher power, and seeking help from a sponsor. Since Dominic's first meeting on January 9th, 2016, his life started to improve dramatically. He reveals how he cleansed his apartment of any triggers and started living anew without acting out.. This heartening story of personal triumph over addiction is a must-listen. Dominic's honest and courageous account will serve as an encouragement to those struggling with similar problems. We hope Dominic's story inspires you to seek help and strive for change, just like he did. Keep tuned in to the Daily Reprieve for more stories of strength, hope, and recovery. We are an ad-free podcast and rely on the support of our listeners to continue this mission. You can make a difference by choosing to donate at


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Monday Speaker Series - Cal

From Shame to Strength: A Sexaholic's Journey to RecoveryWelcome to this episode of 'The Daily Reprieve', a podcast dedicated to inspiring recovery with engaging conversations, deep insights, and practical tips. We're an advertisement-free platform, sustained only by our listeners. If you find value in our episodes, please consider supporting us at In this episode, our guest, Cal, shares his poignant journey from being a tormented sexaholic to a resilient survivor. Cal admits to being a sex addict since his early years, leading a double life that was fuelled by secrecy, shame, and deception. This battle with addiction not only brought him personal torment but also caused immense pain to his family. Cal's story takes a dramatic turn after the devastating consequences of his actions result in the loss of his good name, business, and family. It was then that he turned to his higher power - guiding him to recovery and redemption. Determined to transform his life, Cal attended over 700 12-step recovery meetings and involved himself in five fellowships. His relentless pursuit of recovery also led him to seek help from therapy, sponsorships, and eventually, teaching medical psychology. Cal's story is not just about the adverse effects of addiction; it's also an inspirational testament to human resilience, highlighting the transformative power of recovery. Despite the enormous challenges faced, the episode celebrates Cal's undying spirit and unwavering dedication to rebuilding a healthier and happier life. Stay tuned till the end of the episode as Cal explores the joy of recovery, the deep friendships formed along the way, and his renewed purpose in life. His healing journey serves as a beacon of hope, shedding light on the possibilities of recovery, growth, and self-discovery. Thank you for tuning in, and we hope you find strength and motivation in Cal's story. Please help us continue to provide content like this by supporting The Daily Reprieve. Visit to help. Stay tuned for more episodes filled with experience, strength, and hope for SA members.


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Monday Speaker Series - Solomon

Breaking Chains: Overcoming Fears, Resentments, and EgoIn this inspiring episode of The Daily Reprieve podcast, our speaker takes listeners through his gripping journey to resilience. Facing adversity due to his diagnosis of Asperger’s, the speaker enlightens listeners about his struggles in communication and social interaction. He recounts how bullying and a constant feeling of alienation affected his life, leading him to seek solace in the supportive space provided by the SA programs. The Speaker chronicles his experiences with various steps in his recovery journey, providing a detailed and emotional recounting of his struggles. He deeply reflects on the prominent issues that led him to seek help – fears, resentments, and ego. The podcast episode provides a raw and heartfelt illustration of the transformative power of faith, resilience, and profound self-introspection, shedding light on the fundamental steps in his sobriety journey. The speaker mentions how important it was for him to recognize his weaknesses, accept his shortcomings and ask the God of his understanding to help him overcome them. He also shares valuable insights into his thoughts and experiences with working through the 12-step programme—including examples of amends he made and those he didn’t, due to potential harm, and his struggles with maintaining perfect adherence to these steps. In this compelling episode, listeners will find messages of hope, strength, and resilience as the speaker emphasizes heavily on the transformational power of internal change and spiritual growth he gained through the SA programs. Please make sure not to miss this inspiring ride of hope and resilience!


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Monday Speaker Series - Dennis T

Humble Steps to Healing: An Inspiring Journey from Self-Pity to Self-DiscoveryIn this deeply inspiring episode of 'The Daily Reprieve', Monday speakers meeting features a moving story of recovery and self-discovery by Dennis, a recovering sexaholic. He candidly narrates his journey towards freedom from addictive behaviors, and the life-altering lessons he learned through genuine communication and self-awareness. Dennis takes us through his early struggles with addiction, the transition to sobriety, and the confronting of his deeper defects. He brilliantly portrays how he used lust as a refuge from his inner suffering. The episode vividly highlights the power of acknowledging one’s own feelings for self-growth and mutual healing. Dennis shared his intimate experiences of learning to be supportive amidst the pain of his loved ones and his own. Profound lessons from his traumatic past and their importance in improving his relationships, particularly with his wife, serve as the episode's cornerstone. His account illustrates the necessity of quiet listening in order to understand and navigate shared pain together. The speaker urges us to trust the process of finding light in the darkest valleys of life, thus offering hope, courage, and practical insights for anyone on a similar journey towards self-recovery and healing. The impact of having no expectations in life to avoid future resentments is emphasized, as Dennis ends his inspiring talk with a heartening message he learned from his transformative journey.


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Monday Speaker Series - Stan H

Join us in this engrossing episode of ‘The Daily Reprieve’ as we welcome Stan H. from Albany, New York, to share about his remarkable journey of battling addiction and uncovering the power of self-recovery. Garner deep insights into the importance of understanding and dealing with emotions effectively, and learn how valuing faith and gratitude can pave a clear path to sobriety. Stan recounts his struggles, and more importantly, his victories, as he learnt to understand the underlying emotional distress fuelling his recurring addictions. He shares his enlightening experiences from joining Sexaholics Anonymous in 2006, emphasizing on the crucial tools he discovered within the program that helped him overcome resentment, anger, unworthiness, sadness, and fear. Stan provides a revealing look into his unique two-fold recovery technique - turning to God for guidance and maintaining an attitude of gratitude. Embodying this resilient spirit, Stan's story serves as an inspiring testament of acceptance, trust, and positivity. In the second part of the conversation, Stan delves into his method of 'faking it till making it' and how choosing happiness over being right, and preferring patience over instant solutions, helped him avoid unnecessary conflicts. He shares his path of personal growth, converting potential confrontations into opportunities of empathy and understanding. Stan's powerful message leaves listeners contemplating the significance of self-awareness, acceptance, patience, and resilience in the face of emotional disruptions. This episode is a beacon of hope and an invaluable guide for anyone embarking on their journey towards overcoming addiction. Tune in to ‘The Daily Reprieve’ for a handful of practical tools and a powerhouse of inspiration from Stan’s narrative.


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Monday Speaker Series - Gregory T (Father)

Overcoming Sex Addiction: A Powerful Journey of Hope, Recovery, and MiraclesJoin us on this episode of The Daily Reprieve, a podcast dedicated to providing a podium for speakers, workshops, and conferences. In this special 'ad-free' edition, our guest, Gregory T. a recovering sexaholic, takes us through his life-changing journey from addiction to recovery, detailing the hope, miracles, and powerful lessons he's experienced along the way. Starting with a childhood steeped in abuse that led him spiraling into obsessive pornography use and sexually risky behavior, Gregory T. opens up on how he rose from the abyss, finding strength and resilience in the SA program. His tale is a token of encouragement to all those still battling addiction, signifying that no matter how deep the struggle, there's always hope for everyone. His dramatic story takes us from early days of addiction to a profound period of spiritual awakening, during which he was forced to face the pain and collateral damage of his actions. Whether it was the humiliation of being exposed to law enforcement or the critical self-realization that came in handcuffs, Gregory T. explains how these moments of despair became catalysts for recovery and transformation. Emphasizing the importance of the SA program, he sheds light on how he navigated the tricky road of sobriety. From exploring the intrinsic benefits of accountability, support, and service to others, to handing over to a higher power, Gregory T. dissects the three-pronged approach that has helped him maintain sobriety for over 12 years. Be inspired by the ultimate lesson of his story – that the miracles we often seek in life can be found, not by fighting against our addictions, but by surrendering entirely to a higher power and embracing the potential of a miraculous every day. Here's a testament to the transformative power of the SA program, a beacon of hope for anyone searching for a way out of the throes of addiction. Enjoy the eye-opening, soul-nourishing experiences shared in this episode of The Daily Reprieve. Do show your support for our mission by subscribing and donating to our podcast at We look forward to continuing to inspire and uplift with robust episodes.


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Rock Bottom Group - Samual Shares

Welcome to The Daily Reprieve, an episode that delves deeply into the world of sobriety and shares heartening stories of triumphs over addiction. In today's episode, listen to an emotional and riveting narration of life-changing recovery from addiction, unfolding the ups and downs, the relapses, the struggles, and eventually, the victory. This episode features a brave individual who began his journey of addiction at a tender age of 13-14. He shares his struggles from the descent into the abyss of lust and temptation, into the promising path of recovery. Through his story, get a firsthand account of the chaotic reality of addiction and the refreshing allure of sobriety. Explore how the lure of addiction hijacked his life, only to be fiercely reclaimed with the help of a higher power, the SA program, and invaluable support from a sponsor and other SA members. The speaker in today's episode offers a valuable lesson on overcoming feelings of self-pity, focusing on the positive, and realigning thoughts towards gratitude and contentment. He also highlights his struggles with deep-rooted resentments and how forgiveness and acceptance have set him free. Join him in this episode as he navigates through the actions and reflections of the 12-step program that helped him stride through challenging life situations, eventually accomplishing his educational goals despite the myriad of obstacles. Relish his account of newfound freedom, happiness, and the transformation of isolation to reconnection with people. Delve into this emotional rollercoaster ride of overcoming addiction and experience the raw, genuine stories of resilience, strength, and hope. Enjoy this episode of The Daily Reprieve, and stay tuned for more.


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Rock Bottom Group - Philip Shares

In this stirring episode of The Daily Reprieve, our host introduces a brave individual marked by years of struggles with both drug addiction and sexaholism. The speaker narrates his poignant journey and offers a firsthand account of addiction, recovery, and hope. He shares how he fought his internal demons facilitated by the nurturing environment provided by The Daily Reprieve. The speaker takes us on an intimate journey, starting from his childhood, spotlighting the earliest stages of his addiction and the realization of his problems. His battle with his personal demons and breakthroughs are all laid out with unparalleled sincerity and raw emotion. This episode further highlights the transformative power of sobriety, faith, and resilience even in the face of chronic addiction. One of the most moving moments in his story is the reconciliation with his father after thirty years, evoking a sense of hope and relief. The speaker's story is a testament to the healing potential of understanding and forgiveness. This episode eventually culminates in a touching tribute to his late mother—his first step towards healing and recovery, finally letting go of guilt and remorse. Filled with lessons on self-awareness, turmoil, transformation, and the struggles of recovery, this episode of The Daily Reprieve makes for a deeply engaging and inspiring listen. For those seeking affirmation of the potential to overcome seemingly insurmountable hurdles, this episode serves as a beacon of hope to draw inspiration from.


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Rock Bottom Group - Ondro Shares

Following the life story of a recovering addict turned participant in 'The Daily Reprieve' program, this episode drills down into the depths of personal trials, triumphs, and reflections on the road to recovery. The tale includes an exploration of childhood trauma, reasons behind addiction, and the decision to take charge and join the program. Ad-free and reliant on financial support from its listeners, it reminds the audience of its donation options, princely a monthly scheme or a one-time payment. The chronicle dives into the protagonist's early family life, a painful yet pivotal incident, and his journey into both sobriety and a faith-driven life. It further narrates the struggles with pornography addiction, broken relationships, work troubles, which eventually become catalysts for joining The Daily Reprieve. The protagonist shares his ongoing journey of recovery alongside the program's impact on understanding himself, his defects, and his strengths. The key focus is not just on maintaining sobriety but fostering healthier relationships with family and friends in the process. Towards the end, the story expresses hope for a better future aligned with God's will and a longing for a healthy family life. This powerful narration shines a light on the complexities of addiction, the importance of recovery programs, and the determination to overcome personal turmoils. The episode concludes with a heartfelt thank you to the listeners for their time and a reminder about staying tuned in for the next episode of 'The Daily Reprieve', bringing this invaluable story to life. Experience the changes, the struggles, and ultimately, the redemption of a life in recovery, all set to a soundtrack that will tug at your heartstrings.


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Rock Bottom Group - Noel Shares

Welcome to another episode of The Daily Reprieve, your go-to podcast for essays, speakers, workshops, and conferences. This episode delves into the captivating, raw, and incredibly inspiring story of recovery narrated by our guest, Noah. Noah opens up about his 45-year struggle with sex addiction, and how he found his way to sobriety through the 12 steps of Sexaholics Anonymous. His story takes us through a journey of addiction, hitting rock bottom, self-discovery, introspection, and recovery. Noah speaks candidly about his compulsive behavior, the guilt and shame that consumed him, the strain on his personal relationships, and the despair that was ever-present in his life. Despite dealing with personal adversities, he acknowledges his fears and displays determination in his path towards sobriety. In a monumental and transformative step, his pursuit to heal himself led him to SA where he found solace, guidance and belonging. Noah’s story is not just about his struggles as a sexaholic but about his remarkable journey to recovery, raw courage, and strength. His journey serves as a testament to the power of seeking help, the process of healing and the grace of second chances. Noah's narrative shines light on how acknowledging and addressing his weakest points with support from SA and his loved ones led to his resurgence. Join us in this moving episode that celebrates the resilience of the human spirit. We hope you will find motivation, strength, and hope from Noah’s journey and realize that you are never alone in your struggles. Listen, reflect, and connect with us on another thought-provoking episode on The Daily Reprieve.


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Rock Bottom Group - Nicholas Shares

Welcome to 'The Daily Reprieve', a place devoted to thought-provoking conversations, potent presentations and life-altering workshops in the format of a podcast. This ad-free listener-supported community thrives on your contributions by visiting In today's compelling episode, our speaker, Nicholas, shares a brutally honest account of his transformation from a successful career-oriented lifestyle to hitting a personal nadir as a victim of lust addiction. Despite his adversity, he has sustained sobriety for 28 years with sheer will power, a solid support system and reliance on a higher spiritual power. Nicholas takes the listeners on a heartfelt journey through his childhood aspirations, military career, rattling marriages, and the turbulent effect of lust addiction on his life and wellbeing. His brave narrative uncovers his struggles with addiction, euphemized as a coping mechanism, revealing a deeply scarred childhood traumatized by sexual abuse. These revelations sparked an epiphany that lust wasn't just a part of his life, but he was held captive by it, making him lose his grip over his life and relationships. In his awe-inspiring journey towards recovery, Nicholas enlightens his listeners that it's never too late to seek guidance and implement positive changes in life. He offers hope and wisdom encapsulated in his life story of battling the dichotomy of love and lust through two failed marriages, resisting the temptation of a third marriage and career for his commitment to a recovery program. In his quest towards true sobriety, he faced many challenges. Upon slipping back into a 'sober' sexual relationship, he realized that his definition of sobriety needs refining. Redefining sobriety as 'no sex outside a marriage' aided his path towards healing, allowing him to join a recovery fellowship aligning with his adjusted definition of sobriety. Towards the end of the episode, the speaker shares a gratifying anecdote about his son's career pivot and an unexpected job offer, serving as a personal demonstration that life can surprised us when we face our fears and embrace the journey. The speaker underlines the significance of resilience and encourages listeners to keep faith in the process, for miracles are just around the corner. Tune into this moving episode of 'The Daily Reprieve' that uncovers a poignant narrative of desire, love, recovery and the power of human resilience.


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Rock Bottom Group - Natash Shares

Join us on 'The Daily Reprieve' podcast for an incredibly moving episode featuring the journey of one of our members, Natasha. A recovering sexaholic, Natasha shares her powerful and inspiring story of hitting rock bottom, coping with suicidal thoughts and struggling with relapses to find strength, hope, and sobriety. Despite working tirelessly in the program and maintaining long periods of sobriety, Natasha shares her struggles with self-will, burdensome fears, and the pressures of her work that led to a heartbreaking relapse, a revelation of unaccountable access to cash being a trigger, and her heart-rending struggle with continuous masturbation. All this led her to an all-time low where she laid out plans to take her life, a situation she describes as the most hopeless of despair. However, it's not all darkness and despair. There is a shimmering beacon of light at the end of the tunnel. Natasha offers a deep insight into her path to recovery and sobriety. Drawn back from the brink of suicide by the love of her family and the patient guidance of her sponsor, Natasha found solace in attending physical meetings and embracing the aid of the 12 steps program. Tune in for an honest and compelling story of her recovery journey that involves embracing surrender, understanding her limits, and accepting the grace of God. Natasha’s story highlights the importance of fellowship, the effectiveness of the program, and the integral role of God in the path to recovery. Her account is an affirmation that even the deepest despair can be defeated with support, understanding, and faith. Subscribe to 'The Daily Reprieve' podcast to keep up with our latest episodes. To donate and show your support for our ad-free podcast, please visit Each dollar donated allows us to continue providing hope and strength to members and listeners worldwide.


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Rock Bottom Group - Max Shares

In this gripping episode of The Daily Reprieve, we go on an intimate journey with Max, a self-confessed sexaholic. He guides us through his tough battle against addiction, exposing the fallacies surrounding lust addiction and sharing insights from his struggles and victories. From daily societal pressures to severe experiences leading to relapse, Max's candid story can resonate with both those facing a similar battle and those seeking to understand this debilitating addiction. Max addresses the idea of lust being a dangerous fire that cannot be toyed with. He emphasizes the importance of acknowledging one's inability to healthily lust without subsequently falling into addiction. He challenges the common misconception that not desiring to lust is a strong enough deterrent and stresses the need to comprehend one's real inability to resist the temptation of lust. The episode explores the crucial role humility plays in recognizing this life-ruining weakness, leading to the arduous path to unstable sobriety. Max offers his empathetic perspective on the harsh reality of addiction undermining personal desires and forcing individuals to traverse unfamiliar emotional landscapes. Max also shares his past struggles with pornography and masturbation, expressing his gratitude for not having faced graver repercussions like STDs or ruptured relationships. Drawing on his life experiences, he provides an unfiltered portrayal of the damaging effects of his behavior on his marriage and personal life. His insightful reflections on hitting rock bottom and his decision to stop digging further make for a riveting listen. He highlights the importance of seeing oneself as an equal in the recovery community, regardless of past actions. His journey to permanently breaking free from the cyclic pattern of lustful thoughts, planning, acting out, and guilt makes for a compelling end. Stay tuned to The Daily Reprieve podcast for more inspiring stories of strength, hope, and resilience from SA members. Support our mission by making a donation to help keep these messages accessible to everyone.


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Rock Bottom Group - Jason C Shares

Welcome in another enlightening episode of The Daily Reprieve, an ad-free podcast that regularly offers useful insights through speaker meetings, essays, workshops, and conferences. As we continue to strive for excellence in delivering valuable content, we'd like to request our dear listeners to support us by making a contribution on You can either opt for a monthly donation or contribute a one-time amount. Today's episode beams light on the transformative journey of a recovering addict who has faced and surpassed extreme challenges along the path of redemption. Our speaker shares his experiences with the SA Prison Service, expressing his deep gratitude for your presence and participation. He likens the simple act of turning your camera on during meetings to an act of service and emphasizes the strength of connection in combating isolation. He goes on to share the dreadful history of sexual abuse that he suffered growing up, hinting at the reasons that triggered his addictive behavior. He reveals that he shares these painful experiences with the hope that his story can inspire listeners to help people in prison. His interpretation of Tradition One expands beyond the semblance of the fellowship to the unity of the entire universe, stressing on treating everyone equally. Our speaker further expresses his transformed perspective around service, once considered a lifeless function to now, an act of deep love. He unravels his journey of sobriety and softly touches upon the anger and desire for revenge for his abusers that initially fuelled his prison services. With a changed heart and attitude, however, he highlights the challenging yet rewarding path of helping prisoners, and how these acts of service have gradually morphed into acts of love and sacrifice for him. In the spirit of love and unity, he talks about his upcoming five-day session with the prisoners, sharing his initial reluctance but eventual acceptance of God's plan for him. Our speaker's heartwarming journey, defined by deep acts of service and love, thus reveals the captivating power of the program, motivating listeners to surrender completely to God's plans and contribute to society with a genuine heart, for every life is equally important. We are glad that you joined us for this enlightening episode and hope our speaker's journey inspired you in some way. Don't forget to join us for the next episode of The Daily Reprieve for enriching content and cherished interactions. And, if you wish to support our SA Correctional Facilities Committee as mentioned in seventh tradition, kindly add 'CFC' in the description while making your donation. Thank you and stay tuned!


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Rock Bottom Group - Ilona Shares

Dive deeper into the insightful journey of addiction recovery with Ilona in this episode of The Daily Reprieve. As she courageously shares her personal story of how she overcame her sexual addiction and got ready to approach a unique concept: Progressive Victory Over Lust. Ilona details the significance of recognizing 'lust' as a driving force behind unwanted behaviors and how it permeates all areas of her life. She reveals how she found sobriety through the fellowship and her journey from physical to emotional sobriety. She reflects on the importance of maintaining openness, communication, and self-awareness as she battles her 'lust monster'. Ilona underscores the importance of recognizing triggers, channeling distractions, and maintaining self-discipline for successful recovery. She also shares her experience of dealing with relapses and how she uses prayer to maintain sobriety in her dreams. You'll hear her talk about the role of honesty, continuous support from sponsors, and maintaining work-life balance in her sobriety. She also unveils the importance of humor in the recovery journey to keep the process engaging and fun. By the end of the episode, Ilona leaves you pondering upon the propagation of lust in modern society and the ways to fight it. Tune in to this thought-provoking episode of The Daily Reprieve always provides a safe space to share, learn, grow, and recover together.


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Rock Bottom Group - Hadassa D Shares

This episode of 'The Daily Reprieve' podcast features an riveting personal account of the speaker's struggle with sex addiction, emphasizing on their experience with Step One of the 12-Step recovery program and what it means to hit rock bottom. Rather than focusing on the sensational examples of addictive behaviour, the speaker demonstrates how her addiction controlled her life by instilling incessant, lustful fantasies which dictated her actions and preoccupied her thoughts. Through an introspective journey into her addiction and subsequent recovery, she discusses the fine line between leading a seemingly 'normal' life, while silently grappling with the dissonance between perception and reality. Moreover, the episode delineates the essence of lust, its pervasive nature, impact on one's psyche, and relationship dynamics. The speaker imparts her understanding of Tradition Three and encourages others who may be downplaying their own addiction due to comparative analysis with seemingly 'worse' stories. She concludes by emphasizing the significance of admitting to powerlessness over multiple facets of life, and the path to recovery by surrendering control to a Higher Power. Listen to this powerful personal narrative to gain insights into the subtle complexities of sex addiction, the insidious nature of lust, and the possibility for renewal through honest self-reflection and acceptance.


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Rock Bottom Group - Elaine Shares

In this episode of The Daily Reprieve, we share an unbelievable account of survival, courage, and recovery. We dive into the life of a woman who has witnessed the depths of suffering and has found resilience in the face of adversity. Born in Germany into a broken family, she faced numerous hardships from a young age, suffered from chronic loneliness, issues of self-worth, and used sex as an escapism. Her struggle began in her early years when her parents' divorce led her to be raised in an orphanage, where she experienced traumas that would shape her relationships and her sense of identity. These early experiences led her down a dark path of self-destruction, characterized by chronic masturbation, indulging in pornography, and longing for sexual fulfillment outside of healthy relationships. However, her story doesn't end there. After a failed relationship, multiple therapy sessions, and hitting her lowest point, she found salvation in the Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) program. For the first time, she found a place where she could share her deepest anxieties and urges, and learn how to navigate them. Her journey wasn't easy, requiring daily commitment and relapses along the way, but she persevered. Her recovery journey is a testament to her courage and resilience. This story highlights the complexities of addiction and the potential for positive change even in the most difficult circumstances. Drawing on years of experience in therapy, SA meetings, and individual efforts, she learned to accept her past, manage her addiction, and build a healthier, more fulfilling life. Stay tuned to The Daily Reprieve podcast for more inspiring stories and practical advice on addiction recovery. Remember, there's always hope, and it's never too late to change your life for the better.
