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The Father Pursuit

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

The Father Pursuit is an M46 Ministries podcast about fathers who want to pursue their children. As God, our Father, pursues us, we want to encourage fathers as they pursue their kids. And for those of you trying to figure it all out, we walk this road together. No shame, no judgment, no condemnation. Just a real look at what it means to be an intentional father, and how we can learn from our mistakes and grow forward in love and grace. Together, we are learning to be the father - our Father - wants us to be.


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The Father Pursuit is an M46 Ministries podcast about fathers who want to pursue their children. As God, our Father, pursues us, we want to encourage fathers as they pursue their kids. And for those of you trying to figure it all out, we walk this road together. No shame, no judgment, no condemnation. Just a real look at what it means to be an intentional father, and how we can learn from our mistakes and grow forward in love and grace. Together, we are learning to be the father - our Father - wants us to be.





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Hope, Holding On, And Heaven’s Perspective

If you've ever watched a movie and felt the tension as the protagonist struggles to find a way out of their darkest moment, then you can relate to what it's like to walk through suffering. We all face this journey at some point in our lives—one that is rife with heartache and pain. But I want to remind you today that there is hope even in our darkest moments. Perspective really is everything. What's hard to endure in this life can be seen differently when we approach it with the eyes of Heaven. Hope in the midst of suffering is possible. Today, on The Father Pursuit, we talk about hope, holding on and heaven's perspective.


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The Blessing Of Suffering?

Suffering is a reality that none of us can escape throughout life. It can be a source of pain and frustration, but suffering can also be an opportunity for growth and blessing. We believe in the power of embracing our challenges in life with Jesus - by sharing our burdens so that we can experience His peace and hope in the midst of hard times. By connecting with Jesus through suffering, our hardships become real opportunities to draw near to Him and learn how He is transforming our lives, even through the toughest times. We invite you to explore these ideas with us during this episode as we encourage each other to seek out the blessings that come from navigating life’s struggles with Jesus leading the way. "But we have this treasure in jars of clay to show that this all-surpassing power is from God and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that His life may also be revealed in our mortal body. So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you." —2 Corinthians 4:7-12


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Why Suffering

No one willingly enters into suffering, or do they? From martyrs to missionaries, there is a throughline and a history of saints who have put themselves in places of suffering for the sake of the gospel and for communion with Jesus. Unless you've been there, the entire thought of it seems crazy. But how great is Jesus if there is nothing better on this Earth than that intimacy and sharing the suffering? Today on the The Father Pursuit Podcast, Bryan and Bryn share their stories of suffering and why suffering alongside Jesus makes all the difference.


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Growing Good Fruit

In the gospel of Matthew, it says, "By their fruit you will recognize them." Known by our fruit. We may be able to talk a good game and sound spiritual, but the fruit in our lives will reveal WHO we truly are, and WHOSE truly are. Our actions and our words are a reflection of the work that is being done in us, but what is this important process called sanctification? When it comes down to it, the entire point of our Christian lives is to be like Jesus. How can we replicate and imitate Christ? In this episode of The Father Pursuit, we'll unpack what sanctification looks like in our lives and how this ties into us loving one another.


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Faith To Rest

Sabbath is not dependent upon our readiness to stop. We do not stop when we are finished. We do not stop when we complete our phone calls, finish our project, get through this stack of messages, or get out this report that is due tomorrow. We stop because it is time to stop. Sabbath requires surrender. If we only stop when we are finished with all our work, we will never stop--because our work is never completely done. With every accomplishment there arises a new responsibility. Every swept floor invites another sweeping, every child bathed invites another bathing. When all life moves in such cycles, what is ever finished? The sun goes 'round, the moon goes 'round, the tides and seasons go 'round, people are born and die, and when are we finished? If we refuse rest until we are finished, we will never rest until we die. Sabbath dissolves the artificial urgency of our days, because it liberates us from the need to be finished. On this episode of The Father Pursuit, we discuss what it looks like to have faith and rest, and the faith it actually takes TO REST. We will look at our experiences with rest over the years, how it has helped process emotions, and find peace with God in the midst of a chaotic world.


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When Forgiveness Feels Impossible

How often have we been hurt by people and felt that forgiving them is an impossible task? We are all guilty of holding onto grudges and allowing resentment to fester in our hearts, but the truth is, forgiveness is an act of strength. We have been asked to forgive murderers, rapists and child abusers, yet how can we even begin to consider forgiving these heinous acts? Does repentance come before forgiveness? When faced with the prospect of having to forgive such terrible wrongs, it can be hard not to let hatred and unforgiveness creep into our hearts. And what about all the little things? How can we practice forgiveness on a daily basis? This episode of The Father Pursuit Podcast will explore these questions and more as we journey together in pursuit of God's grace and loving mercy.


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Listening For His Voice

If God truly spoke to us, many of us would second guess it. Can God be heard today, and if this is true, what does His voice sound like? In the Bible, God speaks to individuals like Abraham, Moses, Isaiah and Peter, but ask most Christians, and they might tell you about a time when they heard the voice of God. For Bryn and Bryan Elliott, this is not a once in a lifetime experience, nor does God want that to be the case. What if God is always speaking and we can attune not just our ears, but our entire lives to listen for His voice? Today we talk about the process of hearing from God, and how anyone can learn to listen.


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An Invitation To Prayer And Worship

Chances are, if you haven't truly met Jesus in relationship, prayer and worship probably feel like an impersonal task list or chore. Maybe you have heard that heaven will be an eternity of singing with the angels, and frankly, you'd rather watch football. Today we are talking about prayer and worship, two critically important parts of our relationship with God. Despite how fundamental these aspects are to the Christian faith, it can be difficult to know how to approach them in a meaningful way. It's easy to feel like we're not good enough or don't know how to pray or worship correctly. We can feel like we're just going through the motions without ever connecting with God. Prayer and worship are two critically important aspects of our relationship with God, but they can be difficult to approach in a meaningful way. In this episode of The Father Pursuit Podcast, we break down these barriers that keep us from drawing close to a life God is inviting us into. We talk about prayer and worship in a way that is compassionate, inspiring, and invitational. You can actually have a life where you WANT to pray and worship Jesus.


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Living As Sons And Daughters

Is it possible that a relationship with Jesus could impact every part of your life? If we're honest, we live compartmentalized lives that are all in on Sunday morning, and the rest of the week we live as agnostics. But if we truly lived as sons and daughters of God, what would that mean in every part of our lives. On this episode of The Father Pursuit, we discuss how a relationship with God can impact our family, our business, and every other part of our life.


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Out Of Religion And Into Relationship

Have you ever met someone you would put into the category of religious? It often feels like when we lean toward religion, rather than God's intention of relationship, we miss out on a better way. Sometimes we just need to remind ourselves that God is far better than we can imagine. The question to ask yourself is, "Do I enjoy God?" If you've missed the relationship for the rules, this episode of The Father Pursuit is for you.


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The (Often) Missing Link In The Church

Why don’t people always experience transformation after making Jesus Lord of their lives? Why do some people find themselves recommitting their lives to Jesus after repeatedly going astray? The answer is because they have not been discipled. They have not been parented in the faith, and as a result, they remain “only converts.” Salvation is the inception point of entering the kingdom and beginning our journey with God. Today, on the Father Pursuit podcast, find out what we often miss in the church, and why it makes all the difference.


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Starting With The Gospel

Many people feel like they are walking around with a big hole in their heart where their father should be. This can lead to all sorts of problems, including a lack of purpose or feeling lost. You're not alone. Millions of people are walking around with this same problem. You can experience the absence of a father whether your father was in the home or not. Whether at work 24/7 or just emotionally checked out, you can still feel the impact of a fatherless life. In this episode of The Father Pursuit, Bryan Elliott, co-founder of M46 Ministries shares his story of what life looked like to have a father who checked out, to be a father who checked out, and the road back to redemption as he finds God, family and purpose in the journey.


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A Story Of A Father, A Daughter, And God

Is there truly power in telling your story? What happens when we step out of our comfort zone and share the truth - even when it hurts, even when it's uncomfortable, and even when it's means reliving a painful part of our past? As we launch this first episode of The Father Pursuit, today we hear not just the stories, but the testimonies of our hosts Bryn and Bryan Elliott, how they've experienced God's grace and goodness in the midst of tremendous brokenness and despair.


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Welcome To The Father Pursuit

Welcome to the Father Pursuit Podcast. This is an M46 Ministries podcast about fathers who want to pursue their children. As God, our Father, pursues us, we want to encourage fathers as they pursue their kids. And for those of you trying to figure it all out, we walk this road together. No shame. No judgment. No condemnation. Just a real look at what it means to be an intentional father, and how we can learn from our mistakes and grow forward in love and grace. Together, we are learning to be the father - our Father - wants us to be.
