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The Heights Church Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Weekly messages from The Heights Church, Sydney Australia




Weekly messages from The Heights Church, Sydney Australia



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Courageous Faith: Embracing Godliness in a Challenging World

This episode dives into the profound teachings of 1 Timothy 6:11-20, exploring the essential virtues that followers of Christ should pursue. The speaker emphasises the importance of righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance, and gentleness, while urging believers to "fight the good fight of faith" and hold firmly to the eternal life promised through Jesus Christ. The discussion draws parallels between the challenges faced by early Christians and those encountered by modern believers. The episode also reflects on historical examples, such as the struggles of the Impressionist artists, to illustrate how courage and perseverance can lead to monumental change. Listeners are encouraged to remember their identity in Christ and to live out their faith boldly, even in the face of societal pressures and cultural opposition.


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Unmasking False Teachings

Welcome to the Heights Church podcast! In this episode, we delve into 1 Timothy 4 and explore the importance of discerning truth from falsehood within the church. Join us as Tony unpacks Apostle Paul's guidance to Timothy on how to establish and maintain godly conduct in the church, even in the face of false teachings. Through a fascinating analogy of identifying counterfeit banknotes, Tony illustrates how subtle deviations from the truth can lead believers astray. Learn about the characteristics of false teachers, their methods, and how to remain steadfast in the true gospel message. Discover the critical role of pastors in guiding their congregations and the collective responsibility of believers to uphold the integrity of their faith. This episode encourages us to train ourselves in godliness, support our church leaders, and stay vigilant against deceptive doctrines.


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The Character of Leadership

In this episode of the Heights Church podcast, we delve into the biblical standards for church leadership as outlined in 1 Timothy 3. The discussion focuses on the essential qualities and characteristics required for those aspiring to be elders and deacons. These principles, established by Paul, have guided churches for centuries in appointing and holding leaders accountable. The episode highlights the significance of character over charisma, emphasising the need for leaders to be above reproach, temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, and able to teach. The importance of managing one's family well and avoiding pitfalls like drunkenness and violence is also discussed. Whether you're directly involved in church leadership or simply a member of the congregation, this message underscores the impact that godly leadership can have on the entire church community. Tune in to explore how these timeless principles can be applied to modern church contexts and personal spiritual growth.


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Equality and Freedom in Christ

We are all equal in Christ and have the freedom and responsibility to exercise the gifts given to us by the Holy Spirit to serve His Church


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Prayers for Peace and Purpose: A Journey Through 1 Timothy

In this enlightening episode, we dive deep into 1 Timothy 2:1-8, exploring the call for prayers, intercessions, and thanksgiving for all people, including those in authority. Our discussion emphasises the importance of living peaceful, godly, and holy lives, which pleases God and aligns with His desire for all to be saved. The episode highlights the significance of praying for our leaders and governments, ensuring that we can continue to spread the gospel without hindrance. Join us as we examine the power of prayer, the necessity of godly living, and the critical role of the church in upholding and sharing the truth in today's world. Whether it's praying for our enemies or advocating for religious freedom, this episode encourages us to remain steadfast in faith and proactive in our spiritual duties.


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Embracing God's Mission: The Timeless Message of Grace

Welcome to the Heights Church podcast! In this episode, we delve into the importance of having a personal mission statement and explore how it aligns with God's timeless mission. We reflect on the teachings from 1 Timothy, emphasising the need to share God's passion for saving all people and spreading the knowledge of His truth. We discuss the significance of grace, as illustrated through Paul's life and his letters, highlighting how God's grace seeks and saves the undeserving. The episode also addresses the challenges of false teachings and the importance of staying true to the mission of spreading God's grace. Join us as we reaffirm our church's mission to Know Christ, Grow in His truth, and Show His love to each other and the world. We are reminded to stay focused on this mission, ensuring that we glorify God in all that we do. Tune in for an inspiring message that calls us to embrace and share God's incredible grace.


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Finding Comfort in Community: Embracing God's Compassion

Welcome to the Heights Church Podcast! Today’s message is rooted in 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 and explores the profound themes of receiving and sharing God’s comfort. Join us as we delve into how God’s compassion can transform our hardships and empower us to be a source of comfort to others. Our speaker Chris Eagles shares personal illustrations and biblical insights to illustrate the importance of being there for one another, especially during tough times. Drawing parallels with everyday experiences, such as the concept of hoarding and the need for community support, the message emphasises the role of empathy and compassion in our faith journey. Discover how God uses our trials to shape us into vessels of His love and comfort, inspiring us to reach out and support those around us. Whether you're going through a challenging season or feeling blessed, this episode encourages you to embrace the "so that" in your life - receiving God's comfort so that you can extend it to others. We hope this message resonates with you and motivates you to be a comforting presence in the lives of those around you. Join us at Heights Church, Sydney, for more inspiring messages and community fellowship. God bless!


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The Power of Intercession: Standing in the Gap

Welcome to the Heights Church podcast! Join us as Tony leads us in a reading from 1 Samuel chapter 11, where Samuel addresses the Israelites, reflecting on their history and God's faithfulness despite their repeated rebellion. He emphasizes the importance of obedience to God and introduces Saul as the newly anointed king. In this episode, Peter shares his personal experiences and insights on the significance of intercession in the Christian faith. He illustrates the powerful role of intercessors through biblical examples and personal testimonies, emphasizing how prayer can bring about profound changes and protection. Peter also discusses the importance of each member of the body of Christ, likening the church to a body where every part must support each other through prayer and intercession. He challenges us to see ourselves as missionaries in our daily lives, encouraging us to intercede for those around us and to recognize the immense power of prayer in transforming lives. Join us in understanding the critical role of intercession and how we can stand in the gap for others, fostering a supportive and prayerful community that reflects God's love and power.


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The Faith of Persistent Prayer: from Luke 18

Welcome to the Heights Church podcast! In today's episode, we delve into the parable of the persistent widow from Luke 18:1-8. Jesus teaches His disciples the importance of always praying and not giving up. Through the story of a powerless widow and an unjust judge, we explore the themes of justice, faith, and the power of persistent prayer. Our message emphasizes that, unlike the unjust judge, God is righteous, loving, and eager to hear our prayers. We are not like the helpless widow; as God's children, we are heirs with direct access to His grace and mercy. The episode encourages us to continue praying faithfully, trusting in God's promises and His perfect timing. Join us as we reflect on the significance of living in "pregnant anticipation" of Christ's return, feeling the movements of His promises, and remaining steadfast in our faith. Whether you're in Sydney or tuning in from afar, we invite you to be inspired and uplifted by today's message.


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The Golden Secret: Finding Refuge and Joy in God

Welcome to the Heights Church Podcast! Join us today as we delve into Psalm 16, often referred to as "the golden secret." This episode is part of our series on prayer, where we explore the profound ways God invites us to communicate with Him. Psalm 16, a miktam of David, offers rich insights into finding refuge, safety, and comfort in God, especially during challenging times. David's heartfelt prayer for preservation and his deep gratitude for God's presence, even in adversity, provide a powerful model for our own prayer lives. Discover how David's genuine gratitude and contentment, even when hiding in a cave, can inspire us to focus on the blessings within our own boundary lines. Learn how to resist the distractions of envy and comparison, and instead, embrace the unique portion God has assigned to each of us. Through the lens of Psalm 16 and the parable of the workers in the vineyard, we are reminded that true joy comes from being with God and fulfilling the good works He has prepared for us. Tune in as we explore the deep satisfaction found in a life centered on God, and how prayer can transform our perspective and bring us closer to Him.


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Never give up praying!

Welcome to the Heights Church Podcast! In today's episode, we delve into the profound and transformative power of persistent prayer. Our message highlights the importance of continually asking, seeking, and knocking, as Jesus teaches us in the scripture. Discover why prayer is an invitation to deepen our relationship with God and how it aligns our desires with His will. Join us as we encourage each other to persist in prayer, trust in God's goodness, and find comfort in knowing that He pursues us even when we struggle to seek Him. Whether you're a seasoned prayer warrior or someone finding it hard to pray, this episode offers hope, encouragement, and a deeper understanding of the divine relationship fostered through prayer.


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Hold That Thought!

The end of the year is a time when we often remember and reflect on the events of the year just gone by. Today's message encourages us through the example of Mary pondering and treasuring the events of her son Jesus.


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Dying of Thirst

Living water is offered by Jesus to a thirsty world in need of a drink. No matter who you are - what your need is life giving water is offered to us.


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What on earth could God be preparing me for?

We might not know, expect or even see in this life but God is preparing me for good.


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We have to pray - don’t we!

Paul's call for prayer is based on the reality that to God prayer is an urgent, sacrificial and a necessary response to ministry


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Who the heck is my Neighbour?

How we are to love our neighbour. In your freedom you can sacrifice for another.


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How long do you have left before you die?

What's important is what we do now on this earth.


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Present Your Whole Self!

It is amazing that as we present ourselves to Jesus for His service we’re not just serving the Creator but we are discovering our true self, the stroke of the Creators brush. It is in serving God that we find true purpose and meaning.


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Seconds ticking away!

24hrs with God


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In awe of a loving God

No rejection - no expectations - simply loved by a loving God
