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The Hope Club Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Everyone is in need of hope. Without hope the heart is sick. The "Hope Club" podcast will help you to find the hope you need to keep on keeping on. You will find hope for today, hope from your past and hope for the future. If you become a faithful listener, you will definitely see a change in your life.Join the Club today and get others to join as well. You won't be disappointed.


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Everyone is in need of hope. Without hope the heart is sick. The "Hope Club" podcast will help you to find the hope you need to keep on keeping on. You will find hope for today, hope from your past and hope for the future. If you become a faithful listener, you will definitely see a change in your life.Join the Club today and get others to join as well. You won't be disappointed.



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Episode 618 Why I'm Glad To Be Alive

How many people can say they are glad they are alive? Perhaps not as many as would like. But there is a way that all people can say that. If you are glad to be alive, that's beautiful. If you are not there, then listen closely and things can change for you very quicky.


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Episode 619 Christ Died For Me So I Can Live For Him

When you purchase something of value, it is because you have a use for it. It will bring joy to your life as well. Maybe a new car, or a new instrument. But you have an intention for it. Well, Jesus purchased you with His very own precious blood. This means you have great value to Him. He also has use for you and that will give Him joy. Now, your life has new meaning and purpose so that you csn see the value you have before God. This message could be life-changing for you or someone you know. Be sure to share it.


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Episode 616 Episode Why I'm Glad To Be Alive

How many people can say they are glad to be alive? Most people, I hope but there are those who are having second thoughts. But it doesn't have to be that way. Life is a gift and therefore, God has made a way for us to be thankful for the gift of life. In this message you will find 5 ways to help you be thankful that you are alive. The are based on the letters F - A - I - T - H. Listen carefully and be encouraged.


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Episode 617 Sometimes I Feel Like A Flea Market

What do we find in a flea market but things people no longer want that may be out of use, broken and have lost their value. Sometimes we can feel like that. But the good news is, Jesus is in the flea market business. He goes into the market and looks for those rejected things and He make them like brand new. And he can do this with you. If you have feelings of unworthiness or low value, Jesus is looking for you to make you beautiful again. Let Him in and watch what He will do. He is in the business to rescue and repair.


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Episode 615 Decorating The Vessel

With every vessel the potter makes, he always considers its beauty. His craftsmanship is not only seen in the vessel's strength and functionality but in its visual appeal. As God is creating you, he making you beautiful But you may be surprised at how that process takes place. This message will help you to understand the uncomfortable situations in your life.


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Episode 613 The Potter's Intentions

When the potter sets out to make a vessel, he already knows exactly what he wants to make and what it is going to look like. He also has its purpose in mind. And so it was when God created you. He knows His intentions for your life. And like that vessel, He wants to make you beautiful and functional. Listen carefully and try to discover God's purpose for your life.


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Episode 614 The Greatest Vessel Ever Made

The Potter makes many vessels but do you think there is one that stand out from them all? Perhaps! Think of all the people God has created, shaped and made beautiful. Is there One that stands our from them all? Indeed there is. Do you know Him? Listen as you discover His beauty and the purpose God the Father has given Him.


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Episode 612 Sometimes I Feel Like A Flea Market

A flea market is usually a place where people want to sell the stuff that is no longer useful to them. We could even call it junk! Perhaps you have felt like that at one time or another. May be you feel like that now. Well, Jesus is shopping and He is looking for you. He is in the business of rescue and repair. If you feel rejected in this life or that ife is passing you by, the Lord will not pass you by. Let Him put you back together again. He will take you home and show you off to the angels.


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Episode 611 The Boat Has Left The Dock

There are all kinds of boats for various reasons. Sone are for fun, some for finding food and others for military defense. But they are most efficient when they leave the dock and go out into the open water. Another thing about boats is that they are manned by people. Well, God has called His people to get into the Gospel ship, leave the dock and sail out into the world with the good news of Jesus. The question is, Are you in the boat or still on the dock? Listen carefully and sense the urgency of this message as time is getting shorter.


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Episode 610 Faith Is The Beginning Of Hope

There is so much despair in the world. Maybe you right now you are despairing of something. The antidote for despairing is Hope. Hope is not a desire it is more than that. With God, Hope is a certainty. You can have this Hope but it begins with Faith. We could say Hope is the fruit of Faith. Build your Faith and your Hope will grow. Listen and learn how.


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Episode 608 The Truth About Government Schools Pt. 2

As the government continues to train up our children and young adults, we find them moving farther away from God. Character is no longer being shaped, nor is proper understanding of the purpose of life. When it comes to the educational system, the government is not family friendly. Pay close attention to what is happeing.


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Episode 609 How To Understand The Bible

The Bible is is the number one best seller of all time. It is also the Word of God spoken to mankind. Do you think a book, inspired by our Creator is worth noting? If so, that takes understanding. That's where this message will take you. When you attain the wisdom of God, you have attained the highest form of wisdom.


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Episode 605 Beautiful Feet

People have all kinds of feet; big feet, little feet, hairy feet and much much more. But to God there are beautiful feet and anyone can have them. They are feet that bring you to someone to share who Jesus is with someone. That's it! Do you have beautiful feet? You can. Let's listen how.


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Episode 606 The King Desires Your Beauty

Many people have their own idea of a beautiful person. every culture hs their own design n beauty. And God does too. Do you think you are beautiful? Do you think you are beautiful to God? Did you know that He desires you because of your beauty? This is such a positive message for everyone to hear. be sure to share it wherever you can.


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Episode 607 the Truth About Government Schools Pt. 1

At one time the one room schoolhouse was the place of learning for our young people. The Bible was part of the curriculum and also used for reading exercises. But then the education of children was turned over to the government and a Marxist system was incorporated. Now, children are being shaped and molded according to the system of the world rather than the morality of God. Listen carefully so you will be informed regarding what your child is being exposed to in the public school.


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Episode 602 Who Is Jehovah

Do you think it's important to know who God is? Many people do but unfortunately, many do not. It is vital tht everyone give an audience to discover the One True God. In this message you will learn who the Jehovah God really is and hopefully find acceptance, forgiveness and security in Him.


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Episode 603 Beauty For Ashes

What are ashes but that which is left after loss. Loss of anything is painful. It leaves us in a place of despair. But God is not unaware of that. He offers us beauty in place of our ashes. Do you think He can come into your life and make you beautiful? That's what this short series will be about. We begin with God picking up the pieces of your life and exchanging them for His beauty. Get ready for an extreme makeover.


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Episode 604 A Crown Of Beauty

We have seen people wear crowns. The king, the queen, even the beauty pageant winner all wear a crown. The Lord, Jesus will wear a crown as the King of kings and Lord of Lords. A crown is regal and adds majesty to one's appearance. But there is also a crown for certain followers of Jesus. In this message, we talk about the Crown of Beauty. What is it and how does one get it? Now, that is a noble question in you will shortly find the answer.


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Episode 601 The New Creation

One day this world will be rolled away and every remembrance of it. God will bring in a brand new creation. One in which all the former things have passed away, including all the pain and sorrow. this new creation will be a perfect creation because Jesus will be here in the flesh. It is reall served for believers in Him. Do you think it is worthwhile to life your life in such a way that this new creation will be a certainty for you? And if so, to live a life of gratitude for what God has in store for you. What does He have? Let's listen and see.


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Episode 600 The Great White Throne Judgment

A time will come when the heavens and earth will be swept away. The wicked, those who rejected Christ as Savior, will be resurrected to a final judgment. they will stand before a great, white throne of purity with the Lord Jesus sitting in judgment. There, they will receive their sentence into the eternal lake of fire and brimstone which was not prepared for them but for the devil and his angels. But there is no where else to go for they refused the righteousness that Jesus offered them to dwell in Heaven with Him. This will be the final a terrible time for them that stretches into eternity.
