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The Portable Pastor Podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Applying ancient Biblical truth to today's challenges and discovering that God is pro-you in the process!


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Applying ancient Biblical truth to today's challenges and discovering that God is pro-you in the process!



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Achan and Ai

Achan and Ai Joshua 6-7 What can we learn from this? God's plan to save you. Research for yourself.


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The Tower of Babel

The Tower of Babel Genesis 11:1-9 Points: Application:


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Rahab's Situation

Rahab’s Situation Joshua 2; Rom. 12:2 Points:


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Abraham and Isaac

Abraham and Isaac Genesis 22:1-19 Points: How do we respond to this? Like Abraham, all disciples of Jesus must grow to the point where they are willing to say,


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Jesus Heals Large Groups of People

Jesus Heals Large Groups of People Matt. 14:34-36; 15:29-31 Concerning these healings by Jesus: Why does God heal some and not others? Concerning our part in the physical healing of another: Concerning our own healing:


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Jesus Feeds the Masses

Jesus Feeds the Masses Matt. 14:13-22; 15:32-39 Interpreting the stories through revelation and education: What do we glean from this story? We should:


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Missional Setbacks

Missional Setbacks Matthew 14:1-13 Concerning the mission: What does that mean to us, church?


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Jesus Faces Rejection at Home

Jesus Faces Rejection at Home Matthew 13:53-58 Points of the story: What does this story teach us? Question #1 - How do you personally handle gospel rejection? You should remind yourselves that: Question #2 - What do we do after our message has been rejected? Good Advice:


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Kingdom Parables Wrap-up

Kingdom Parables Wrap-up Matthew 13:51-52 Points of the wrap-up: Main Point: Maturing disciples will value and tell others about kingdom living. What do we do now? A kingdom citizen must be willing to:


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The Hidden Treasure and the Pearl

The Hidden Treasure and the Pearl Matthew 13:44-46 Points of the parable: The Main Point of this pair of parables:


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Easter 2024

The Mourning, the Miracle, and the Meeting 1 Cor. 15:1-8, ESV The gospel story has been retold today. The question is, "Do you believe that story?" Millions have, and I have to tell you, the trajectory of their lives was changed forever. I know it sounds crazy. But it's true. On My granddaddy's grave, it's true. Do you believe it? You might ask, "So what? Why do I have to believe that? " Oh friend, you don't have to believe it. God gives you that option. But if you do, and I hope you do, your life's destiny will change. Maybe not physically when it comes to your situation here. You still live on earth. You will still face today's problems, but your attitude will change towards those things. And catch this: Your eternal story will be rewritten, and your name will be recorded in His book with the millions of other people found worthy to live as citizens of heaven with Jesus forever. Can you believe His story today? You bet. I did. You see, the Bible is true. And it says that if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved for heaven. You will inherit citizenship in heaven. Do you want that? I know you do. And since you do, would you confess your sins to God today, right now, and believe he has the power over death, the ability to give you eternal life? Agree to live under His authority and for His glory, and it will be yours.


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Palm Sunday 2024

The Eating, the Examinations, and the Exit Luke 22:14-20, 66-71; 23:44-53 The Eating The Examination The Exit


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The Leaven

The Leaven Matthew 13:33 The Communicated Part The Learned Conclusion What do we do with that knowledge?


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The Mustard Seed

The Mustard Seed Matthew 13:31-32 The Growth of the Kingdom of Heaven


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The Parable of The Weeds

The Weeds Matthew 13:24-30; 36-43, ESV Ten explanations: 1. Jesus is the Sower. (37) 2. The field is the entire world. (38) 3. The seeds are the disciples of Jesus. (38) 4. The weeds are people who seek to thwart His work. (38) 5. The weeds are sown by the devil. (39) 6. The devil is the enemy of Jesus. (39) 7. The harvest happens at the end of days. (39) 8. The angels will do the harvesting. (39) 9. The enemies of Jesus will go to Hell. (40-42) 10. Righteous people will go into the Kingdom of God. (43) Points of the parable: 1. Every person on Earth is wheat or a weed. 2. Wheat will be saved and weeds will be burned.


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The Parable of the Four Soils

The Four Kinds of Soil Matthew 13:1-9; 18-23 Matthew 13:1-9 – The Parable 1. A reasonable context: teaching parables (1-3a) 2. A relatable character: a gardener (Jesus) (3b) 3. A regular occurrence: sowing seeds (sharing the gospel message) (4a) 4. A recognizable outcome: plant life (responses to the gospel message) (4b-9) Matthew 13:18-23 – The Explanation 1. Four Kinds of Soil (Hearts) a. Hardened (19) b. Rocky (20-21) c. Weedy (22) d. Fertile (23) 2. Points of the parable: a. Main – A person’s salvation is determined by the condition of their heart. b. Secondary –Salvation is more than a superficial belief. It is a faithful commitment proven by spiritual growth and fruitfulness.


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The Purpose of Parables

The Purpose of Parables Matthew 13:10-17, 34-35 Why did Jesus choose to teach in parables? In a general sense, In a spiritual sense, Jesus used parables because: How Jesus justifies His decision :


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The Family of Jesus

The Family of Jesus Matthew 22:46-50 Points: Application:


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That will only make it worse!

That will only make it worse! Matthew 12:43-45 The analogy: The Point: The Application:


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The Proof of Your Nature

The Proof of Your Nature Matthew 12:33-36 Jesus told the Pharisees: You should:
