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The Spiritual Cafe

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

My name is Ejay SoulGuide The Spiritual Therapist and I am a Psychic Oracle Card creator, aurhor and reader of the Animal Guidance and Aspect Oracle Deck. Apart form offering a package helping spiritual people understand their spiritual purpose and over come the misunderstanding that lead to blockages. I created and run this podcast.My mission is to invite extra-ordinary people to talk ordinarily about their spiritual understandings and teachings through conversation. My guest are from far flung place such as Sydney Austriala, to California, Miami, New Jersley, Mexico, london, Netherlands and too many to count talking all things spiritua. Multi disciplined – lightworkers, Earth Angels agents of change sharing their experiences learnings, struggles and teaching organically. If you are listening to this, and you do spiritual work drop me an email at Now, As you place your hand on top of mine and then mine on top of yours, let us begin this journey together in this epic advenuture of healing humanity one conversation at a time.


United States


My name is Ejay SoulGuide The Spiritual Therapist and I am a Psychic Oracle Card creator, aurhor and reader of the Animal Guidance and Aspect Oracle Deck. Apart form offering a package helping spiritual people understand their spiritual purpose and over come the misunderstanding that lead to blockages. I created and run this podcast.My mission is to invite extra-ordinary people to talk ordinarily about their spiritual understandings and teachings through conversation. My guest are from far flung place such as Sydney Austriala, to California, Miami, New Jersley, Mexico, london, Netherlands and too many to count talking all things spiritua. Multi disciplined – lightworkers, Earth Angels agents of change sharing their experiences learnings, struggles and teaching organically. If you are listening to this, and you do spiritual work drop me an email at Now, As you place your hand on top of mine and then mine on top of yours, let us begin this journey together in this epic advenuture of healing humanity one conversation at a time.



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Ejay SoulGuide talks to Brittany Yes That's Right I Am A Witch

Ejay SoulGuide talks to Brittany; Yes That's Right I Am A Witch. Brittney says it loud and says it proud she is a witch. Does that sound dramatic well it depends on your perspective and that is if you are not distracted by her magnificent Afro hair. She is funny engaging, seriously afrocentric and self ashored. We talked religion, God and the psychology of the African in the midst of colonial brainwashing. We talk about her journey from South Africa to United States pursuing her dreams and passions, to mental illness and spiritual acceptance. Phoenix her two year old son makes an appearance too. This is a women who knows her own mind and doesn't apologise for it. I am a witch she declare and here what I mean by it... Don’t take my word for it just press play. Ejay SoulGuides’ Deck of Animal Guidance and Aspects Oracle Cards: These unique deck of cards Animal Guidance and Animal Aspects are available by clicking on this link below. As part of your journey remember to feed back your divine experiences with them to me at and I will include it in my podcast. Testimonial: "Absolutely brilliant, Truly gifted works with the love of God within him" Clair @ejaysoulguideoffical Tiktok @ejaysoulguied instagram our spiritual clothing store, check it out loyal fans.


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Ambika Wauters Lady Of The Swan

Ejay SoulGuide Talks to Ambika Wauters Lady Of The Swan Ambika is an authors of 28 books and 4 decks of Oracle cards and we only scratched the surface on her spiritual path , because, her path is informed by many experiencecs. She is heavily infleunced in her view in the world by her experience of living in an African nation. What is her spiritual imprative apart from the slowing down her aging what can we learn from a 76 year old woman who has had multiple experiences in what seems to be a causual journey of self discovery and adventure. Sit back or put on that last bit of laundry and ........... Ejay SoulGuides’ Deck of Animal Guidance and Aspects Oracle Cards: These unique deck of cards Animal Guidance and Animal Aspects are available by clicking on this link below. As part of your journey remember to feed back your divine experiences with them to me at and I will include it in my podcast. Testimonial: "Ejay gave me such a wonderful and insightful reading that has given much clarity to my life and the struggles that I’ve been facing. He is very gifted and intuitive. Thank you so much." Vanessa @ejaysoulguideoffical Tiktok @ejaysoulguied instagram our spiritual clothing store, check it out loyal fans.


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Slapgate At The Oscars What Is The Spiritual Imperative

The Spiritual Cafe Ejay SoulGuide Talks To Slapgate At The Oscars What Is The Spiritual Imperative Out today SLAPGATE At The Oscars: What Is The Spiritual Imperative? Well last week was explosive for many with one celebrity #willsmith slapping #chrisrock because of what he said about #jadapinkettsmith. Could The Spiritual Café be silent in such blinding circumstances? The answer is no it cannot, because, we are dealing with the effects, fallout in the bosom of humanity. It is not uncommon for people only wanting to focus on the light, but, it is the shadow that ultimately defines us. Has it defined #willsmith ? Our shadow, it helps us to figure out if the shapes we are creating in the light are authentic and true or are they just simply surface level agreements to distract others, and in particular ourselves, from who we truly are and what we truly feel. We deep dive into the psych of the human condition and spiritual persuasions to investigate whether what we witnessed at the Oscars is a larger lesson or message to mankind. My two guests Kyra Simone Earthian and Sheerine Barrowes The Psychotherapist shared their wisdom as only they could with Ejay SoulGuide The Spiritual Therapist here at The Spiritual Café……Enjoy Ejay SoulGuides’ Deck of Animal Guidance and Aspects Oracle Cards: These unique deck of cards Animal Guidance and Animal Aspects are available by clicking on this link below. As part of your journey remember to feed back your divine experiences with them to me at and I will include it in my podcast. Testimonial: "Ejay gave me such a wonderful and insightful reading that has given much clarity to my life and the struggles that I’ve been facing. He is very gifted and intuitive. Thank you so much." Vanessa @ejaysoulguideoffical Tiktok @ejaysoulguied instagram our spiritual clothing store, check it out loyal fans.


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Ejay SoulGuide Chats to Kyra Simone The Earth-Tarian Karma isn't Real

The Spiritual Cafe Ejay SoulGuide Talks To Kyra Simone The Earth-Tarian Karma isn't Real. This young lady exposes her heart so naturally as she shares her prespective on spirituality and how it works for her. Is there a need for karma or is there something else to be considered. This sparkling young star dust is flexible within her conviction, exciting and deeply spiritual from her grand mothers, through to mother and father. Sit back or wash the dishes either way take in this much need adventure into the mind of Kyra The Earth-Tarian. Ejay SoulGuides’ Deck of Animal Guidance and Aspects Oracle Cards: These unique deck of cards Animal Guidance and Animal Aspects are available by clicking on this link below. As part of your journey remember to feed back your divine experiences with them to me at and I will include it in my podcast. Testimonial: "I'm listening now...and YES they are ridiculously accurate. I'll leave you a messae about my first pull and also my 18 year old son." Emily Akashic Mentor @ejaysoulguideoffical Tiktok @ejaysoulguied instagram our spiritual clothing store, check it out loyal fans.


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Sherrine Barrowes What To Do About Child Q

The Spiritual Cafe Ejay SoulGuide Talks To Sherrine Barrowes What To Do About Child Q Sometimes when you decide to talk about one thing, but, you hit on another topic as a lead in and that lead ends up being the whole interview it is a indication that the spiritual café is organic. My guest today Sherrine Barrowes is a psychotherapist and the second time on the show. We talk about racism, trauma and the recent news of the day, Child Q. We deep dive into what we think is the central cause of this dehumanising act to a 15 year old black girl. What was missed? What should be done? And is the community right to be outraged? We talked, discussed what may seem for some an uncomfortable topic, however, if we are going to honour the mission healing humanity one conversation at a time we have to tackle it to bring awareness, exposure, healing and closure. Sit back relax and take it all in. If you are listening on any of your platforms comment, follow and recommend. If you can’t comment on your platform then please send me an email @ Ejay SoulGuides’ Deck of Animal Guidance and Aspects Oracle Cards: These unique deck of cards Animal Guidance and Animal Aspects are available by clicking on this link below. As part of your journey remember to feed back your divine experiences with them to me at and I will include it in my podcast. Testimonial: “I was impressed with the cards even before I had a reading from them. The design of them is beautiful and clearly a lot of thought went into it. The poems linked to each animal are lovely! When I did the reading I was thinking about my work situation and the result was so accurate - a 100% accurate in fact. There was no question about what I should do and what I’m going through. I’d recommend everyone get a set of these cards. Thank you Ejay Soulguide for bringing these beautiful cards out into the world’ Harriate P


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Kayt Raymond Talks To Angels Part two

The Spiritual Cafe Ejay SoulGuide Talks To Kayt Raymond Who Talks To Angels Part Two imagine this for a conversation when your boyfriends meets your parents for the first time. "Mum, dad this is James" "Hello Mr and Mrs Unwoke, pleased to meet you" says James "Pleased to meet you James," says Mrs Unwoke "Hello young man," says Mr Unwoke "Charmed, I'm sure" "So Penny says you are very special. James what do you do?" Asks Mrs Unwoke wait for it. "I speak to Angels. I am an Angel Consultant." In some peoples world this is science fiction, however, in Kayt Raymonds world it is fact. Kayt tell us of her journey from Corporate to consecrate. Her gentle soul still intrigued and excited about talking to the most well known and well recognised ArchAngels and a chorus of others divine Angelic beings. Kayt brings her unique presective to the table in the Spiritual Cafe, allowing herself to be vunerable and open about what she can do and the messages and comfort she brings to others. She is gentle and polite, approachable and with her background in the corporate business environment anticipates your needs for an easier line of communication. So if you are Mr or Mrs Awakening or Mr and Mrs Unwoke sit right back, that right just a little further and enjoy part one of this fascinating journey. Ejay SoulGuides’ Deck of Animal Guidance and Aspects Oracle Cards: These unique deck of cards Animal Guidance and Animal Aspects are available by clicking on this link below. As part of your journey remember to feed back your divine experiences with them to me at and I will include it in my podcast. Testimonial: Gosh funny thing is the shadow aspect was how I used to be, you know and that is what I have been working on this time to basically avoid that energy as it say here, best to avoid this energy at all cost becasue the cost is too high. Yep so true so yes. They are beautiful cards, absolutely beautiful, i love the artistry, the silver on the sides is a really lovely touch, i like the lion faces on the front of the box. It looks like star dust. It's beautiful absolutely beautiful.


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Kayt Raymond Talks To Angels Part One

The Spiritual Cafe Ejay SoulGuide Talks To Kayt Raymond Who Talks To Angels imagine this for a conversation when your boyfriends meets your parents for the first time. "Mum, dad this is James" "Hello Mr and Mrs Unwoke, pleased to meet you" says James "Pleased to meet you James," says Mrs Unwoke "Hello young man," says Mr Unwoke "Charmed, I'm sure" "So Penny says you are very special. James what do you do?" Asks Mrs Unwoke wait for it. "I speak to Angels. I am an Angel Consultant." In some peoples world this is science fiction, however, in Kayt Raymonds world it is fact. Kayt tell us of her journey from Corporate to consecrate. Her gentle soul still intrigued and excited about talking to the most well known and well recognised ArchAngels and a chorus of others divine Angelic beings. Kayt brings her unique presective to the table in the Spiritual Cafe, allowing herself to be vunerable and open about what she can do and the messages and comfort she brings to others. She is gentle and polite, approachable and with her background in the corporate business environment anticipates your needs for an easier line of communication. So if you are Mr or Mrs Awakening or Mr and Mrs Unwoke sit right back, that right just a little further and enjoy part one of this fascinating journey. Ejay SoulGuides’ Deck of Animal Guidance and Aspects Oracle Cards: These unique deck of cards Animal Guidance and Animal Aspects are available by clicking on this link below. As part of your journey remember to feed back your divine experiences with them to me at and I will include it in my podcast. Testimonial: Gosh funny thing is the shadow aspect was how I used to be, you know and that is what I have been working on this time to basically avoid that energy as it say here, best to avoid this energy at all cost becasue the cost is too high. Yep so true so yes. They are beautiful cards, absolutely beautiful, i love the artistry, the silver on the sides is a really lovely touch, i like the lion faces on the front of the box. It looks like star dust. It's beautiful absolutely beautiful.


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Brooke Novello: A Close Up On Distant Healing

The Spiritual Cafe Ejay SoulGuide Talks To Brooke Novello: A Close Up On Distant Healing. There are people out there in the world who work well in their craft. They create spaces where others can heal and become the best version of themselves. While such people do not carry big names like a Tony Robbins or a Deepak Chopra none the less they affect lives in a deep and meaningful way too. Brooke Novello is one such person and as a distant healer she speaks about why she prefers to work from a distance as opposed to being in the same room as the individual. She has studied and practiced numerology for years started off by someone unlikely but very special in her life. This confident speaker comfortably shares with us her life story and the pleasant matter-of-fact way she take us on the journey of her life. Press play and enjoy the ride. Ejay SoulGuides’ Deck of Animal Guidance and Aspects Oracle Cards: These unique deck of cards Animal Guidance and Animal Aspects are available by clicking on this link below. As part of your journey remember to feed back your divine experiences with them to me at and I will include it in my podcast. Testimonial: “I was impressed with the cards even before I had a reading from them. The design of them is beautiful and clearly a lot of thought went into it. The poems linked to each animal are lovely! When I did the reading I was thinking about my work situation and the result was so accurate - a 100% accurate in fact. There was no question about what I should do and what I’m going through. I’d recommend everyone get a set of these cards. Thank you Ejay Soulguide for bringing these beautiful cards out into the world’ Harriate P


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Charlotte Tamason The Intuitive Channeller

The Spiritual Cafe Ejay SoulGuide Talks To Charlotte Tamason The Intuitive Channeller. The Spiritual Café was once again glad to invite into it warm and cosy establishment another great guest who has a deep connection to her craft. Her name Charlotte Tamason. She is an channeller and has a unique way of getting other people to connect to their higher selves. She is charming, friendly and open about her journey and her mission. She has a strong belief of letting go as she had to in order to discover who she really is and what her true purpure in this plain and space and time requires of her. Listen to this podcast as Charlotte and Ejay SoulGuide explore the world of channelling and personal journeys. Ejay SoulGuides’ Deck of Animal Guidance and Aspects Oracle Cards: These unique deck of cards Animal Guidance and Animal Aspects are available by clicking on this link below. As part of your journey remember to feed back your divine experiences with them to me at and I will include it in my podcast. Testimonial: "I'm listening now...and YES they are ridiculously accurate. I'll leave you a messae about my first pull and also my 18 year old son." Emily Akashic Mentor


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Dr Marni Hill Foderaro From Domestic Violence to becoming A Time Bender

The Spiritual Cafe Ejay SoulGuide Talks To Dr Marni Hill Foderaro From Domestic Violence to becoming A Time Bender. Jounerys are special because you don't alway know your destination but you are delighted to be on the road. Imagine what it is like being on a road you think is your destiny or destination only to discover that it is a completely different road than you imagined. Perhaps and even more exciting a fantastical new adventure. Dr Marni Hill has a facinating story that simply collided with my world in order to reveal to her that she is indeed a time traveller. Something she never contempted or considered. However, this podcast explores and reveals her story that took a bit of a left turn. So sit back switch on and listen to Ejay SoulGuide investigate the deep patterns that uncover and reveal, display and connect to Dr Marni Hill Foderaro life experiences. Ejay SoulGuides’ Deck of Oracle Cards: These unique deck of cards Animal Guidance and Animal Aspects are available by clicking on this link below. As part of your journey remember to feed back your divine experiences with them to me at and I will include it in my podcast. Testimonial: "Hi Ejay, I received your cards.... they are absolutely beautiful. I am going to take my friends her cards we already looked at them and we are going to use them soon. " Nicole


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Season 2

It's good to be back and reading for another cosmic ride of our lives. The last two years has been challenging for so many people and navigating this terrain hasn't been easy for any of us. So let The Spiritual Cafe shine some light into the world, your world as we move towards an amazing alighnment this year the second day of the week 22/02/2022 at 22:22 100 hours. For those of you who have asked about my deck of card Animal Guidance and Aspects click the link below and purchase your deck of cards created and blessed by me. Lets have an amazing experience together. Divine Blessing Ejay SoulGuide The Spiritual Therapist


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Sarah Strong A Moment Of Meaning.

The Spiritual Cafe Ejay SoulGuide Talks To Sarah Strong A Moment Of Meaning.. I would describe Sarah Strong as a wild free-spirited women. Who just wants to soak up what spiritual life has to offer her. She believes that you can discover your own journey on your own and on your own terms. Sure, you can have a teacher, but, you have do the learning while the teachers teaches. These two things my friends are not the same thing. She is a Spiritual alignment coach who lives wild and lives free, helps people to align with their higher purpose. Healing relationships with self and others. She is the author of two books which can be found on Amazon: Book of Mantra: Bible of Ascension and Live Wild Live Free. He website is check her out Sit back and bask in the energy that is Sarah Strong. These unique deck of cards Animal Guidance and Animal Aspects are available by clicking on this link below. As part of your journey remember to feed back your divine experiences with them to me at and I will include it in my podcast. Testimonial: "What lovely cards which are easy to hold and shuffle. What really stands out is the imagery which is striking and powerful and helps with readings. A lot has gone into these cards and they will make a great gift and tool." Shaz


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Ejay SoulGuide Talks To Dawn Renalds Who Talks To Houses.

The Spiritual Cafe Ejay SoulGuide Talks To Dawn Renalds Who Talks To Houses. It is said that the state of your home is the state of your mind. This is so true. If you look at your home and it is an organised mess it say a lot about how you prioritize or organise your life. Your environment, where you live is a build-up of or a reflection of your energy. As energy, is everything discovering why you may be experiencing stuck states, lack of financial growth, and lack of motivation? This is one of the reasons Dawn Renald steps in. I say she talks to houses, she says that she does Feng Shui. Listening to her talk about it with the joy in her voice is like drinking a cup of hot chocolate as she shares her stories and learnings behind her gifts which will grow even beyond what she is doing now. Press play… Remember if you have enjoyed this and any other of these podcast episodes, remember to comment so that we can continue to bring you the podcast that will not only entertain but educate. Give a 5 Star rating, in that way this podcast series will be pushed up to the top of the rank making it easier to find. And finally share amongst those tribes or soul families who you believe will benefit from any part of these spiritual experiences. Do this and become part of the movement Healing Humanity One Conversation At A Time. Ejay SOULGUIDE.


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Ejay SoulGuide Chats to Sherrine Barrowes The Unwitting Spiritual Psychotherapist

The Spiritual Cafe Ejay SoulGuide Chats to Sherrine Barrowes The Unwitting Spiritual Psychotherapist Every once in a while, we peer into our little tool box of life and see all the various sized equipment we have created and collected. What do I mean? Well simply this. Our tools present as a career or careers, our stops and starts, our hobbies, parenting skill, education, love, relationship, intimacy, pain, trauma all these leave behind a learning and skills in your tool box. You will be surprised at the amount of people who never look in that tool box, and even more fascinating fact is they don’t realise that if they match the all the learnings in that tool box it paints a picture. It also reveals a secret about something that you thought was innocuous, but, in fact was the biggest clue to your life’s purpose and in many cases your spiritual experiences and hidden gifts. Sherrine Barrowes is not exception to this. As you listen to this amazing psychotherapist speak on her life and work and intention you can begin to piece together her sign posts. Sherrine becoming a psychotherapist as her vehicle, you begin to understand her latent and dormant gift as she intuitively supports her client. Sherrine also shares a deep pain of loss and how she use spirituality to seek answers and comfort. A journey worth keeping your eye on…. Remember if you have enjoyed this and any other of these podcast episodes, remember to comment so that we can continue to bring you the podcast that will not only entertain but educate. Give a 5 Star rating, in that way this podcast series will be pushed up to the top of the rank making it easier to find. And finally share amongst those tribes or soul families who you believe will benefit from any part of these spiritual experiences. Do this and become part of the movement Healing Humanity One Conversation At A Time. Ejay SOULGUIDE.


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Supriya Prasad What Is Spirit Digital And How Can It Help You?

The Spiritual Café Ejay SoulGuide chats to Supriya Prasad What Is Spirit Digital And How Can It Help You? The world of spiritual development like all concerns on this planet requires some structure and direction. You maybe able to speak to spirit, but what are the rules and protocols. You may have gifts, but no way of accessing those who need the very gifts you have. Spiritually inspired business are no exempted from these constraints, rules or if you prefer guidance. When we want to do great things in this world, we are filled with good intentions and you know where that leads to without proper guidance, supervision, support and direction. This is where Supriya Prasad steps in. She talks about her journey, discovering her spiritual self and how she realised what she was able to do with her gift in a way that supports others seeking a path of spiritual imprint in this world. At 22 her dream was to have a fortune 500 company at 32 she is now an executive of a future fortune 500 company. Remember if you have enjoyed this and any other of these podcast episodes, remember to comment so that we can continue to bring you the podcast that will not only entertain but educate. Give a 5 Star rating, in that way this podcast series will be pushed up to the top of the rank making it easier to find. And finally share amongst those tribes or soul families who you believe will benefit from any part of these spiritual experiences. Do this and become part of the movement Healing Humanity One Conversation At A Time. Ejay SOULGUIDE.


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Emily Harrison Akashic Recorder Mentor from Hollywood to Holistic

The Spiritual Café Ejay SoulGuide chats to Emily Harrison Akashic Recorder Mentor from Hollywood to Holistic Every once in a while, on a spin of a coin you encounter a person so immersed in their convictions, their passion, all you need is to stand back and stand aside and let the magic unfold. At this point you probably think I am talking about myself, but you would be wrong on this occasion. I was happy in this circumstance to be out magic’d (If there is such a word) I jest, but not about my guest Emily Harrison who is fun, querky, deeply spiritual and an all-round explosive Akashic Record Mentor takes us on her journey of self-discovery and what new projects she has been working on. The conversation is open and honest and Emily’s commitment to her belief, her work and her mission is both infectious and heart-warming. So grab your favourite tea and sit back with your cat on your lap, your dog by your side, your loved one in tune and listen to this podcast. Remember if you have enjoyed this and any other of these podcast episodes, remember to comment so that we can continue to bring you the podcast that will not only entertain but educate. Give a 5 Star rating, in that way this podcast series will be pushed up to the top of the rank making it easier to find. And finally share amongst those tribes or soul families who you believe will benefit from any part of these spiritual experiences. Do this and become part of the movement Healing Humanity One Conversation At A Time. Ejay SOULGUIDE.


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Ejay SoulGuide Chats to Sandra Mendez From Personal Pain To Enlightenment

The Spiritual Café Ejay SoulGuide chats to Sandra Mendez From Personal Pain To Enlightenment. There are so many people in this world who experience life changing events. Sandra Mendez is no exception. Her story is one of a woman who is figuring out who she is in a world she can’t explain with others. She speaks on her predicted death at a young age and how that shaped her thoughts and the unexpected consequence of facing death. Fascinated by her amazing gift she stretched it to help law enforcement and to become a psychic investigator. She is charming, smart and kind of heart. Listen to her story with an open heart, enjoy. Remember if you have enjoyed this and any other of these podcast episodes, remember to comment so that we can continue to bring you the podcast that will not only entertain but educate. Give a 5 Star rating, in that way this podcast series will be pushed up to the top of the rank making it easier to find. And finally share amongst those tribes or soul families who you believe will benefit from any part of these spiritual experiences. Do this and become part of the movement Healing Humanity One Conversation At A Time. Ejay SOULGUIDE.


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Paul Boogie Bare foot Dragon Dog Cloud Whisperer Say What Now?

The Spiritual Café Ejay SoulGuide chats to Paul Boogie Bare foot Dragon Dog Cloud Whisperer Say What Now? This explosive interview is with an incredible man full of knowledge, zest for life and energy. He is unapologetically a teacher, healer, motivator and a multi-disciplined martial arts teacher, well a master really, to put a fine point on it. He shares his journey from an unassuming baker to becoming a barefoot doctor. This was one of the easiest interviews to have. Just give him the microphone and listen to his super journey of discovery and his ability to make you understand what it means to live a spiritual way of life. So, strap on your seat belt and join us on this fantastic ride with Sifu Boogie, the Bare foot Dragon Dog Cloud Whisperer, superfragalisticespialodoish, there are three disciplines here lol, I’ll just let him explain it. Remember if you have enjoyed this and any other of these podcast episodes, remember to comment so that we can continue to bring you the podcast that will not only entertain but educate. Give a 5 Star rating, in that way this podcast series will be pushed up to the top of the rank making it easier to find. And finally share amongst those tribes or soul families who you believe will benefit from any part of these spiritual experiences. Do this and become part of the movement Healing Humanity One Conversation At A Time. Ejay SOULGUIDE.


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Giah Patel Understanding Spiritual Practices In Every Day Life

The Spiritual Café Ejay SoulGuide chats to Giah Patel Understanding Spiritual Practices In Every Day Life Spirituality is a very magical experience and for many people they want to dazzled by paranormal phenomena and loud, visible extra-ordinary event. Which is probably created by the realm of television and well-crafted books. But there is magic in all things that we do. However, there is a school of thought that says, the loudest noise shouldn’t always be where the attention goes or flows. The beauty is also in the subtle and the every day disciplines that presents as a way of life. A cool summer breeze, or the grass dancing in the wind. A flock of birds flying in formation. Giah Patel is one such person, no a flock of birds flying information, that would be just silly right? But as a person who lives and breathes Hinduism and the practices that comes from it unlocked another deeper layer. One of the more interesting things about Giahs’ practice, and I say practice, but, what I really mean in way of life is that you would never know unless she tells you, that her Hinduism is more of a spiritual experience rather than a religious one. She shares her unique view on how she approaches her faith and why eating only four almonds is part of this interesting and amazing journey. This softly spoken women, is a scientist and it is interesting listening to her match her logical and literal brain with what many may feel is an illogical belief system. So, sit back and relax and listen to Giah explain her existence in her complete and total acceptance of her spiritual self and practice. Remember if you have enjoyed this and any other of these podcast episodes, remember to comment so that we can continue to bring you the podcast that will not only entertain but educate. Give a 5 Star rating, in that way this podcast series will be pushed up to the top of the rank making it easier to find. And finally share amongst those tribes or soul families who you believe will benefit from any part of these spiritual experiences. Do this and become part of the movement Healing Humanity One Conversation At A Time. Ejay SOULGUIDE.


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Anne Jirch Future Life Progression No Spiritual Gifts As A Child

The Spiritual Café Ejay SoulGuide chats to Anne Jirch: Future Life Progression Anne Jirch is the founder of the amazing phenomenon Future Life Progression otherwise known as FLP. She talks about how she stumbled across this amazing discovery and how she made it available to others to learn how to do it too. Through her many workshops and lectures. Anne is such a down to earth character and is very earthy. Her tell it as it is style of talking is from the centre of the universe, Slough, born and bred. She describes her humble beginnings as she shares her story of how her spiritual life began. It just might surprise many of you. She is now and author of 7 books, her latest offerings which can all be found on Amazon. ‘future vision your working life’ is her latest in her pursuit in using her vast knowledge, experience and techniques from the future now to help business owners. So, sit back relax and let Anne tell her story as it is. Welcome to another thrilling, entertaining and educational episode here at The Spiritual Café. Remember if you have enjoyed this and any other of these podcast episodes, remember to comment so that we can continue to bring you the podcast that will not only entertain but educate. Give a 5 Star rating, in that way this podcast series will be pushed up to the top of the rank making it easier to find. And finally share amongst those tribes or soul families who you believe will benefit from any part of these spiritual experiences. Do this and become part of the movement Healing Humanity One Conversation At A Time.
