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The Truth Barista

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

This creative Podcast uses an imaginary coffeehouse as the setting to talk about the issues facing our day. The Truth Barista is Pastor Jay Christianson, who is fluent in the Hebrew Traditions of the Bible and uses his knowledge to bring clear insights to bear upon the issues that define our day. The Podcast is humorous yet clearly instructive as The Truth Barista and Amazing Larry (Larry Kutzler) tackle the tough issues facing Christians today.


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This creative Podcast uses an imaginary coffeehouse as the setting to talk about the issues facing our day. The Truth Barista is Pastor Jay Christianson, who is fluent in the Hebrew Traditions of the Bible and uses his knowledge to bring clear insights to bear upon the issues that define our day. The Podcast is humorous yet clearly instructive as The Truth Barista and Amazing Larry (Larry Kutzler) tackle the tough issues facing Christians today.



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The Book of Revelation : Back to the Future, Part 35

Revelation Chapter 14 continues the stunning End Time transition with the two “harvests” as the Son of Man, Jesus, nears. These two harvests are the righteous and the wicked people in this final separation at the end of the Tribulation. Dr. Jay and Amazing Larry discuss the Rapture and which version will likely be … pre/mid/or post-Tribulation Rapture. Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista Visit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth Barista Check out the Frothy Thoughts Blog! Check out The Truth Barista Books! Check out The Truth Barista YouTube Channel!


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The Book of Revelation : Back to the Future, Part 34

Beginning with Revelation 14:6, God begins the final push against the dominion of fallen humanity that has sought to control the earth apart from God. Three angels move over the world to warn humanity about God’s swiftly approaching judgment, the fall of the global system with roots in Babylon, and the terrible retribution on those who have sworn allegiance to the Beast, the head of the wicked world system. Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista Visit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth Barista Check out the Frothy Thoughts Blog! Check out The Truth Barista Books! Check out The Truth Barista YouTube Channel!


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The Book of Revelation : Back to the Future, Part 33

In this episode, Dr. Jay and Amazing Larry discuss the 144,000 Jewish followers we first saw in Revelation Chapter 7. Here in Chapter 14, we learn more about Jesus’ entourage, this special group of believers unlike any other people in God’s Kingdom. Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista Visit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth Barista Check out the Frothy Thoughts Blog! Check out The Truth Barista Books! Check out The Truth Barista YouTube Channel!


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The Book of Revelation : Back to the Future, Part 32

At the end of Revelation 13, we were left with the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) and the Unholy Trinity (Satan, Antichrist, False Prophet), the mark of the beast, not being able to buy or sell, and the number of the beast’s name. Dr. Jay and Amazing Larry put these elements together to speculate how Revelation 13 could be fulfilled in our day. Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista Visit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth Barista Check out the Frothy Thoughts Blog! Check out The Truth Barista Books! Check out The Truth Barista YouTube Channel!


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The Book of Revelation : Back to the Future, Part 31

Dr. Jay and Amazing Larry move from discussing the geo-political “beast from the sea,” a.k.a. the Antichrist, to the False Prophet who will perform stunning supernatural miracles to deceive as many as possible. One of those miracles is an animated “image.” Our dynamic duo discusses the infamous “number of the beast’s name.” Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista Visit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth Barista Check out the Frothy Thoughts Blog! Check out The Truth Barista Books! Check out The Truth Barista YouTube Channel!


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The Book of Revelation : Back to the Future, Part 30

Why is the “beast from the sea” described as part leopard, bear, and lion? Why does it speak harmfully against the God of the Bible? Join Dr. Jay and Amazing Larry in the Ersatz Coffee Shop as they dig into John’s description of the final beast empire. Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista Visit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth Barista Check out the Frothy Thoughts Blog! Check out The Truth Barista Books! Check out The Truth Barista YouTube Channel!


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The Book of Revelation : Back to the Future, Part 29

Dr. Jay and Amazing Larry put the End Time Beast empire and its leader, the Antichrist, under the microscope. What will this empire and leader be like? What possibilities should Christians anticipate? Will Christians even be on earth during this time? To whom will you pledge your allegiance --- Jesus or the Antichrist? Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista Visit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth Barista Check out the Frothy Thoughts Blog! Check out The Truth Barista Books! Check out The Truth Barista YouTube Channel!


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The Book of Revelation : Back to the Future, Part 28

What (or who) is this horrific beast that John sees “rising out of the sea, with ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and blasphemous names on its heads” (Revelation 13:1)? Is it an empire, a person, or both? Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista Visit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth Barista Check out the Frothy Thoughts Blog! Check out The Truth Barista Books! Check out The Truth Barista YouTube Channel!


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The Book of Revelation : Back to the Future, Part 27

In this episode, Dr. Jay explores the Biblical creature called Leviathan as it relates to the Book of Revelation. Was it a real animal? Most certainly. But the beastly Leviathan is also a metaphor for nations or kingdoms. Understanding the Old Testament Leviathan and Daniel’s prophecy of beastly kingdoms explains much about the Antichrist and his final empire. Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista Visit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth Barista Check out the Frothy Thoughts Blog! Check out The Truth Barista Books! Check out The Truth Barista YouTube Channel!


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The Book of Revelation : Back to the Future, Part 26

Dr. Jay and Amazing Larry begin their discussion of the very puzzling chapter, Revelation 13. We see the rise of the infamous Antichrist, aka the Beast from the Sea. John’s description firmly locks into Daniel’s prophecy about the final beastly empire which gives us a big clue what this empire and its leader likely will be. Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista Visit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth Barista Check out the Frothy Thoughts Blog! Check out The Truth Barista Books! Check out The Truth Barista YouTube Channel!


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The Book of Revelation : Back to the Future, Part 25

What’s with this “woman clothed with the sun,” a fiery red dragon, and a baby boy in Revelation Chapter 12. Dr. Jay shares the background of this section to reveal the meaning and reality behind the past and future events that John describes. Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista Visit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth Barista Check out the Frothy Thoughts Blog! Check out The Truth Barista Books! Check out The Truth Barista YouTube Channel!


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The Book of Revelation : Back to the Future, Part 24

In this episode, the Apostle John sees a brilliant picture of a “woman clothed with the sun” who gives birth to a “son” and a “dragon” who seeks to destroy that newborn boy. What do these pictures mean? Dr. Jay shows us these images are for the 1st Century and the End Times. Join us for this remarkable revelation! Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista Visit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth Barista Check out the Frothy Thoughts Blog! Check out The Truth Barista Books! Check out The Truth Barista YouTube Channel!


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The Book of Revelation : Back to the Future, Part 23

Who are the enigmatic Two Witnesses of Revelation Chapter 11? Dr. Jay and Amazing Larry dig into these two men’s powerful ministries and what it means for the world when they finish their work. Spoiler alert! The End and Jesus’ return are very close! Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista Visit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth Barista Check out the Frothy Thoughts Blog! Check out The Truth Barista Books! Check out The Truth Barista YouTube Channel!


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The Book of Revelation : Back to the Future, Part 22

In Revelation, Chapter 11, the Apostle John introduces two very mysterious End-Time people, the Two Witnesses. Many Christians speculate about who they are … Moses and Elijah? Enoch and Elijah? Two unnamed messianic Jews who do remarkable things? We’ll only know for sure when they show up. But what’s more important than who they are, but what they do and why. Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista Visit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth Barista Check out the Frothy Thoughts Blog! Check out The Truth Barista Books! Check out The Truth Barista YouTube Channel!


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The Book of Revelation : Back to the Future, Part 21

This episode dives into Chapter 10 with the arrival of a massive, glorious spiritual being. He speaks a message, part of which John is not allowed to share. However, the messenger announces that the End has arrived and God’s wonderful plan of redemption will finally be fulfilled. Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista Visit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth Barista Check out the Frothy Thoughts Blog! Check out The Truth Barista Books! Check out The Truth Barista YouTube Channel!


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The Book of Revelation : Back to the Future, Part 20

This episode begins in Revelation 9 when the Abyss is opened and horrifying demonic creatures are released. Where did this pit and these creatures come from? Dr. Jay and Amazing Larry dig into this fascinating question and Revelation’s account of a demonic attack during the Tribulation. Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista Visit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth Barista Check out the Frothy Thoughts Blog! Check out The Truth Barista Books! Check out The Truth Barista YouTube Channel!


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The Book of Revelation : Back to the Future, Part 19

As the Trumpets sound in Revelation, Chapter 8, God’s judgments are released. Dr. Jay and Amazing Larry discuss them and their impact on humanity. Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista Visit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth Barista Check out the Frothy Thoughts Blog! Check out The Truth Barista Books!


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The Book of Revelation : Back to the Future, Part 18

The Truth Barista and Amazing Larry move into Revelation 8 – the sounding of God’s Trumpet Judgments. Are these physical or supernatural occurrences? Regardless, what’s the point of these Trumpets? They will announce God’s judgments as they are unleashed upon the world and parallel His judgments on Egypt in Exodus 7-11. Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista Visit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth Barista Check out the Frothy Thoughts Blog! Check out The Truth Barista Books!


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The Book of Revelation : Back to the Future, Part 17

The Truth Barista and Amazing Larry continue through Revelation 7. John sees a remarkable vista of a multitude of people, saved during the Great Tribulation, worshiping Jesus. Who will remain standing with the Great Shepherd, Jesus? Those who give their lives to Him. Despite the horrible conditions, this is a wonderful message of hope. Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista Visit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth Barista Check out the Frothy Thoughts Blog! Check out The Truth Barista Books!


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The Book of Revelation : Back to the Future, Part 16

Dr. Jay, the Truth Barista and Amazing Larry move into Revelation, Chapter 7, where the text takes a grand pause. Before the 7th Seal is broken to release God’s terrible and well-deserved judgments, an angel seals a special group of people - 144,000 Jewish followers of Jesus - and the Holy Spirit encourages those who will be martyred during the Tribulation time. Frothy Thoughts with the Truth Barista Visit HighBeam Ministry, The Truth Barista Check out the Frothy Thoughts Blog! Check out The Truth Barista Books!
