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The refill & refuel podcast

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

God still heals today and we believe He’s able, He’s willing, and He’s actively healing people all around the world. Refill and refuel with our very own Crowhurst Chaplains, Steve, Suzanne and David - straight from our weekly Healing Service at our retreat and healing centre in East Sussex. Each week they embrace the truth that God's desire is to heal and they explore what that means for us today. Each episode contains powerful information to help you grow in your relationship with God and release the healing He longs to bring in your life.


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God still heals today and we believe He’s able, He’s willing, and He’s actively healing people all around the world. Refill and refuel with our very own Crowhurst Chaplains, Steve, Suzanne and David - straight from our weekly Healing Service at our retreat and healing centre in East Sussex. Each week they embrace the truth that God's desire is to heal and they explore what that means for us today. Each episode contains powerful information to help you grow in your relationship with God and release the healing He longs to bring in your life.



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House full of glory - I fix stuff

The prophet listens to God, tells the right people and great things happen. Denis Smith Haggai


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Trapped but free

Sometimes the circumstances of life bring us to a point where we are not in a place of what we would choose or desire. We can easily feel trapped and hemmed in. Yet Psalm 16 says ‘the boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places.’ Is it possible to know God’s freedom when we find ourselves in a difficult place. John in Revelation 1, imprisoned on an island on Patmos found freedom when he found himself ‘on the Lord’s the Spirit’. The Lord’s Prayer also has surprising things to teach us! David Mayhew Revelation 1:1-19


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The feeding of the 5000+++

This miracle shows us that sometimes there is enough for the day and sometimes there is overflowing provision. Suzanne Owen Matthew 14:15-21


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Crowned with glory and honour in Christ

People are amazing! Steve uses Psalm 8 to consider how we are made in the image of God and capable of so much good. Psalm 8 John 1:1-5 & 14 Steve Gendall


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Fear God not people

What is your greatest fear? Who holds the steering wheel in your life. Julia asks these searching questions in her talk. Julia Lewis Luke 12:4-7


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Uncover the light

Uncover the light in you with 7 life-changing words from Jesus. Steve Gendall Mark 4:21-23


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Real lives, ordinary people

Steve considers Mary and how God interacts with ordinary people like us! Luke 1:26-39 Steve Clark


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The Chosen

Jesus was Chosen; King Charles is chosen; You are chosen - for a particular purpose for Almighty God. Isaiah 42:1-4 & Luke 23: 33-38 Steve Gendall


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God's love = freedom to follow

There is true freedom in knowing and receiving God's love. Steve discusses some of the obstacles that prevent us entering into a greater intimacy with Jesus. 1 John 1:1-4 & 1 John 3:1-14 Steve Gendall


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Stumbling blocks or stepping stones

We will be looking at the restoration of Peter when Jesus appeared to the disciples on the shores of lake Galilee John 21:15-22 Paul Deeming


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Doubting Thomas

In this talk Suzanne examines Thomas after the resurrection of Jesus - is he a doubter or a truth seeker? Suzanne Owen John 20:24-29


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Diving deep with Jesus

Welcome to our Maundy Thursday service all about going deeper with Jesus. John 6:1-15 Steve Gendall


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Admitting I am wrong

The theme for our 22:2 service this morning is: "Admitting I am wrong". During his talk Steve will be drawing from Galatians 1:11-24. How easy or hard do you find it to admit when you are wrong? Galatians 1:11-24 Steve Gendall


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What in me is in chains?

The healing of the Gerasene demoniac. What in me is in chains? How can Jesus break the chains to set me free? Revd Canon Sarah Chapman Mark 5:1-20


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Lies exposed - truth declared

Lies exposed and truth declared - teaching by Steve Gendall from Luke 4:1-15 Steve Gendall Luke 4:1-15


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Dispel the fog

Many folks in the Bible had encounters with God up a mountain! It is a place where we can leave the fog and mist of the valley, and get a better perspective of reality and what is around us. Moses famously met God on Mount Horeb in a burning bush. As we look at this episode from Exodus 3v1-14, we see how Moses began to get a clearer picture of who he was, who God is and what God was calling him to. God still desires today to lift the fog of our inadequacies and disappointments, and empower us with a fresh vision of who He is and what He is calling us to. David Mayhew Exodus 3:1-14


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Seeking God's heart

What is your motivation for fasting or giving up something during lent? In this talk Suzanne encourages us to examine our motivation and earnestly seek God's heart. Suzanne Owen Matthew 6: 1-6 & 16-21


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Healing of the Nobleman's Son

We are looking at the seven signs John uses in his gospel to set out why Jesus is who he says he is. Today we look at the second sign. John 4:46-54 Suzanne Owen


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A living hope

Discovering the richness of all we have in Christ Luke 24:13-32 Paul Deeming


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Am I a prodigal?

The theme for today is ‘the lost son’, the well known parable of Jesus. We will be exploring the theme of prodigal – and asking ourselves the question: am I a prodigal? Luke 15:11-32 Suzanne Owen
