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Theology Throw Down

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

When we look on social media, we see professing Christians debating theology, but often they are more defensive than loving. Christians of all people should be able to discuss our theological differences with love and charity. We should be able to discuss our differences, knowing that we must represent Jesus Christ well. The podcasters are an example of how to discuss our theological differences. This podcast not only teaches different theological topics but does so display love and charity for one another in our differences. This is a podcast that will teach the listener how to think theologically from different positions but also teach the listener how to be a good ambassador of Jesus Christ.


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When we look on social media, we see professing Christians debating theology, but often they are more defensive than loving. Christians of all people should be able to discuss our theological differences with love and charity. We should be able to discuss our differences, knowing that we must represent Jesus Christ well. The podcasters are an example of how to discuss our theological differences. This podcast not only teaches different theological topics but does so display love and charity for one another in our differences. This is a podcast that will teach the listener how to think theologically from different positions but also teach the listener how to be a good ambassador of Jesus Christ.




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Martial Arts and Yoga

Theology Throw Down episode 35 The Christian Podcast Community podcasters discuss Christians doing martial arts and yoga. Topics discussed: Resources mentioned: A Crash Course in Yoga by Mama Bear Apologetics. Do Christians have the right of physical-self defense? This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity Give us your feedback, email us


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The Purpose of Church

Theology Throw Down episode 34 This episode covers the purpose of church. The topics covered are: This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity Give us your feedback, email us


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Alister Begg and Same-Sex Marriages

Theology Throw Down episode 33 The Christian Podcast Community gets together for a lively discussion about Alister Begg and same-sex marriages. Some topics are: Can a Christian attend a same-sex wedding? Is that even a wedding? When does Christian liberty become a watershed issue? Should Alister Begg now be marked and avoided or not? This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity Give us your feedback, email us


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Christmas Traditions

Theology Throw Down episode 32 The team discusses different Christmas traditions. This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity Give us your feedback, email us


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A Christian View of Israel and Hamas

Theology Throw Down Episode 31 The topic is the current situation between Israel and Hamas This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity Give us your feedback, email us


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End Times Discussion

Theology Throw Down episode 30 The different views of the end times are discussed. This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity Give us your feedback, email us


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Child Education: Public, Christian, or Home School?

Theology Throw Down episode 29 We discuss the differences in children’s education; public vs. Christian vs. homeschooling. Watch the documentary Schoolhouse Rocked Movie. This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity Give us your feedback, email us


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The Asbury Revival?

Discussion on what is a biblical revival, whether we should criticize the Asbury revival, and whether it was a biblical revival. This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity Give us your feedback, email us


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Analytical Tools at IF: Dr. Curt Thompson & Behavioral Neuroscience (part 1)

Thoroughly Equipped S. 2 Ep 24 Starting the final portion of our critique of the IF: Ministry; I present a message given by Dr. Curt Thompson who has been a reoccurring speaker at the IF: Conferences for the past couple of years. Dr. Curt Thompson is a Psychotherapist who has spoken on podcasts, at colleges, conferences, and YouTube channels where he teaches on the soul, shame, desire and being known in community. In this episode we review his message, Dwell, from the 2019 IF: Lead Women's...


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Is America under God’s judgment and is it too late to repent?

Theology Throw Down episode 27 The largest group yet discusses the question, is America under God’s judgment and is it too late to repent? This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity Give us your feedback, email us


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Christmas to Celebrate or Not

Theology Throw Down episode 26 The topic of Christmas covers the following topics: Some resources mentioned: Where is Christ in Christmas? Is Christmas a Pagan Rip-off? How December 25 Became Christmas Christmas Christmas: The Sacred to Santa This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity Give us your feedback, email us


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The Roman Catholic Church

Theology Throw Down episode 25 We discuss the Roman Catholic Church, its authority, view of salvation, and the after time. We end with a discussion about if the Roman Catholic Church is a cult. This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity Give us your feedback, email us


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How to Share the Gospel with People of Other Religions

Apologetics Live episode 24 Are you ready to share the gospel with people of other religions? It can seem intimidating, but this episode will give you the tools to accomplish the task. This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity Give us your feedback, email us Write us a review and tell us how we are doing. Fill out our suvery about this show. Sponsors: Logos Bible Software MyPillow or call (800) 873-0176 and use promo SFE


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Heaven & Hell

Theology Throw Down episode 23 Does hell exist? What will Heaven be like? Is there a difference between hell and the Lake of Fire? Does Satan rule hell? What is the new heaven and new earth? What about all the people that write stories and books about visiting heaven? This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity Give us your feedback, email us


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Do Babies Go to Heaven and more

Theology Throw Down episode 22 The podcasts of the Christian Podcast Community join to together to talk about do babies go to heaven, is there an age of accountability, and should we baptize young children. Get Justin Peters's book Do not Hinder Them. This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity Give us your feedback, email us


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Theology Throw Down episode 21 Baptism is a topic of much discussion and debate within Christianity. Within Christianity, there are different understandings of what baptism is, how to perform it, and who should get baptized. Some questions we will seek to answer: What is baptism? Is baptism required for salvation? Who should be baptized? Should infants be baptized? Why do some baptize infants? When should someone be baptized? What are the different modes of baptism? This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity Give us your feedback, email us Write us a review and tell us how we are doing. Sponsors: Logos Bible Software MyPillow or call (800) 873-0176 and use promo SFE


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The Lord’s Supper

Theology Throw Down episode 20 The discussion was on the Lord's Supper or the communion. There are many questions that were discussed. Some call it the Lord's Supper and others the communion. Is there really a difference? That leads to the question, what is the Lord's Supper? What is the meaning of it? There are many different views, especially if you look at the Roman Catholic Church, Lutheran, and other Protestant groups. Part of the communion is to have a time of self-reflection. Therefore, we discuss if there should be a warning before the passing of the elements. What do the elements represent? Different dominations have different views of the elements. Is the bread real bread or the physical body of Christ? Is the wine real wine or the literal blood of Christ? There is maybe the greatest difference in the area of the elements themselves. Should the bread be unleavened or could it be leavened? Some more issues arise with the question of the wine. Should it be real wine or does grape juice suffice? Could real wine if used cause a stumbling block for someone with a problem with alcohol? Churches have different opinions on how often should church celebrate the Lord's Supper? Some churches celebrate communion every week, some monthly, and others on a different schedule, so is there a right frequency? This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity Give us your feedback, email us


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Handling Unsaved People Near Death

Theology Throw Down episode 019 The team of podcasters of the Christian Podcast Community discusses how to handle dealing with an unsaved family or friend that is dying. This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity Give us your feedback, email us Write us a review and tell us how we are doing. Sponsors: Logos Bible Software MyPillow or call (800) 873-0176 and use promo SFE


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Old Testament laws for Christians?

Theology Throw Down episode 17 The Christian Podcast Community podcasters discussed how Christians apply the Old Testament laws today. Some of the big discussion points were kosher for laws, the sabbath, head coverings, and more. This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity Give us your feedback, email us


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A Church and State Discussion and Romans 13

Theology Throw Down episode 16 The Christian Podcast Community podcasters gather to discuss Romans 13 related to the relationship between church and state and how that applies. Should Christians submit to the government when they make laws like vaccines or mask mandates or make illegal conversation therapy? Conversation therapy is the idea that it would be illegal to talk someone out of homosexuality. When do we obey and when do we resist the government and how can we do that biblically. Much of this is an issue of Christian Liberty. What are the principles that rule when we should do or not do something? Some of the discussion plays into issues of medical decisions or matters of personal protection. These issues fall under the question of what is the government's role? We must first understand their role before we can answer do we submit to the authority of government. The issue of church and state has been a regularly debated topic, especially in America. However, the church serves a much different feature than the state and each has its proper function. When one or the other goes outside of their God-given function there will be problems. One of the things that often gets confused in the discussion of the separation of church and state is the difference between obedience and submission. Obedience is following a requirement where submission is an attitude. Other podcasts related to this topic: Does Romans 13 Allow Tyranny? Is Romans 13 an Excuse for Covid 19 Cowardice? Episode 12: Romans 13 and James Coates Romans 13 & Race Protests This podcast is a ministry of Striving for Eternity and all our resources Listen to other podcasts on the Christian Podcast Community Support Striving for Eternity Give us your feedback, email us Write us a review and tell us how we are doing. Sponsors: Logos Bible Software MyPillow or call (800) 873-0176 and use promo SFE
