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With The Perrys

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

With The Perrys is a podcast with a whole lot of truth given in a short amount of time. Preston Perry and Jackie Hill Perry will bring their humor, honesty, and insight into conversations on everything from relationships and theology to politics, race, and parenting.


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With The Perrys is a podcast with a whole lot of truth given in a short amount of time. Preston Perry and Jackie Hill Perry will bring their humor, honesty, and insight into conversations on everything from relationships and theology to politics, race, and parenting.



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Best of WTP: Men, Marriage, Sex, and Kevin Samuels

While the podcast is on a break until summer, we're revisiting some of the Perrys’ most popular episodes.Here's an episode from June 2023 with Jackie and Preston's friend Ezekiel Azonwu. Culture discourages men from being in community, and many men are confused about their call and spiritual giftedness. But guys are crying out for discipleship and voices that are in close proximity to them who will build them up. Let’s talk about it. Subscribe to the Perrys' newsletter. To support the work of the Perrys, donate via PayPal. To advertise with the Perrys, visit WithThePerrys.com/Partner. www.withtheperrys.com www.jackiehillperry.com www.preston-perry.com


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Best of WTP: Mormonism, Homosexuality, Parenting Tips & More

While the podcast is on a break until summer, we're revisiting some of the Perrys’ most popular episodes. In this episode from February 2023, Jackie and Preston sit down and answer questions sent in from their former Patreon community. Subscribe to the Perrys' newsletter. To support the work of the Perrys, donate via PayPal. To advertise with the Perrys, visit WithThePerrys.com/Partner. www.withtheperrys.com www.jackiehillperry.com www.preston-perry.com


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Social Media Break, Slander, and Sanctification

After a fruitful yet exhausting year, the Perrys talk about the future of the podcast and their public ministry. They discuss whether or not they did too much, what they’ve learned about rhythms of rest, how God has used success and scrutiny to make them more like Jesus, and the gifts and dangers of social media. While some ministry will still continue at the start of the new year, new episodes of With The Perrys won’t be released until Summer 2025. In the meantime, be sure you’re subscribed to the newsletter for occasional updates from Jackie and Preston. Episode resources: John Piper’s sermon about what God allows: “Seven Ways God Reigns Over Evil” The Perrys’ 2024 recap: Jackie’s Bible study, Ephesians: A Study of Faith and Practice, with Lifeway Preston’s first book, How to Tell the Truth: The Story of How God Saved Me to Win Hearts—Not Just Arguments The 16-city With The Perrys podcast tour Acts 242 Conference Jackie’s EP, “Practice,” with Reach Records Preston’s Bible study, Everyday Evangelism - Bible Study Book with Video Access: Pursuing Hearts, Not Arguments, with Lifeway The ramp-up of BOLD Apparel Subscribe to the Perrys' newsletter. To support the work of the Perrys, donate via PayPal. To advertise with the Perrys, visit WithThePerrys.com/Partner. www.withtheperrys.com www.jackiehillperry.com www.preston-perry.com


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The Forgotten Art of Lament with Sarah Benibo

Today’s podcast guest, Sarah Benibo, joins Jackie and Preston to discuss the church’s relationship with lament – or lack thereof – and the reality that we can still worship God through our expression of sorrow and grief. She explains how we are to lament by pointing to N.T. Wright’s quote that says “Lament is an appeal to God based on confidence in His character.” Our lament says “God, you are good, that I know. This circumstance I’m facing is not. Help!” This Episode of With The Perrys is Sponsored by: https://ariseforwomen.com — Get this 21-day video series from Covenant Eyes completely free! https://magicspoon.com/PERRY — Get $5 off right now with code PERRY! https://uncommongoods.com/perry — Get 15% off unique gifts for everyone on your list today! Follow Sarah online: https://www.instagram.com/sarah_benibo/ https://www.sarahbenibo.com/ Subscribe to the Perrys' newsletter. To support the work of the Perrys, donate via PayPal. To advertise with the Perrys, visit WithThePerrys.com/Partner. www.withtheperrys.com www.jackiehillperry.com www.preston-perry.com


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What if Porn Was Actually Satanic? An Honest Conversation With Ray Ortlund

Ray Ortlund is back on the podcast to discuss the topics of pornography, human dignity, sexuality, and marriage. As a pastor, Ray has come to realize that porn is the wallpaper of our culture. It’s everywhere. We’re not just looking at it; it’s looking for us. So how are we to respond and fight back with the gospel in mind? This Episode of With The Perrys is Sponsored by: https://uncommongoods.com/perry — Get 15% off unique gifts for everyone on your list today! https://liberty.edu/Perry — Get your application fee WAIVED when you start your future with Liberty University today! Grab a copy of Ray’s book, The Death of Porn: Men of Integrity Building a World of Nobility and follow him on Instagram at @rayortlund. And if you missed it, go back and listen to Ray with his wife Jani in a previous episode, Family and Parenting with Generations in Mind: A Conversation With The Ortlunds. Subscribe to the Perrys' newsletter. To support the work of the Perrys, donate via PayPal. To advertise with the Perrys, visit WithThePerrys.com/Partner. www.withtheperrys.com www.jackiehillperry.com www.preston-perry.com


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Family and Parenting with Generations in Mind: A Conversation With The Ortlunds

The “unimpressive” life you live today is really important. Even the mundane matters. God is using it and will bless you and future generations through your faithfulness. These are reminders from Ray and Jani Ortlund, who join the Perrys on the podcast to impart their wisdom from their 53-year journey in marriage and parenting. Ray founded Immanuel Church in Nashville, where he still serves as the pastor to pastors. He and Jani together steward Renewal Ministries and recently wrote a book together called To the Tenth Generation: God’s Heart for Your Family, Far into the Future. This Episode of With The Perrys is Sponsored by: www.uncommongoods.com/PERRY — Find something for everyone on your list and get 15% off! https://ariseforwomen.com — Get this 21-day video series from Covenant Eyes completely free! Follow the Ortlunds: https://www.instagram.com/rayortlund/ https://www.instagram.com/janiortlund/ https://www.threads.net/@rayortlund https://renewalministries.com/ Subscribe to the Perrys' newsletter. To support the work of the Perrys, donate via PayPal. To advertise with the Perrys, visit WithThePerrys.com/Partner. www.withtheperrys.com www.jackiehillperry.com www.preston-perry.com


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How to Be a Christian During Election Season with Justin Giboney

Justin Giboney joins the Perrys for a conversation on politics. Justin is the co-founder of the AND Campaign, a Christian civic organization for raising civic literacy among Christians so that we can engage in a better way. He talks with the Perrys about the idea that our public witness doesn’t belong to either political party, and that parties are just tools, not identities. This Episode of With The Perrys is Sponsored by: https://liberty.edu/Perry — Get your application fee WAIVED when you start your future with Liberty University today! https://fieldofgreens.com — Get 15% of your first order and FREE rush shipping when you use promo code PERRY. Follow Justin and the AND Campaign: https://www.instagram.com/justinegiboney https://www.instagram.com/andcampaign The Church Politics Podcast Resources discussed in this episode: The Pour Over: https://signup.thepourover.org/ The Free Press: https://www.thefp.com/ Breaking Points (podcast) UnHerd (podcast) Subscribe to the Perrys' newsletter. To support the work of the Perrys, donate via PayPal. To advertise with the Perrys, visit WithThePerrys.com/Partner. www.withtheperrys.com www.jackiehillperry.com www.preston-perry.com


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Christian Endurance, Fashion, and People Pleasing (A Q&A Episode)

It’s been a minute since the Perrys have recorded a Q&A episode, but we’ve got one for you this week. Jackie and Preston start off deep, talking about enduring hard things as Christ followers, including experiencing true spiritual warfare. They discuss topics such as fashion and aesthetics, finding the right church, talking to your kids about other religions, and how to differentiate between kindness and people-pleasing. This episode of With The Perrys is sponsored by: https://magicspoon.com/PERRY — Get $5 off right now with code PERRY! https://ariseforwomen.com — Get this 21-day video series from Covenant Eyes completely free! Subscribe to the Perrys' newsletter. To support the work of the Perrys, donate via PayPal. To advertise with the Perrys, visit WithThePerrys.com/Partner. www.withtheperrys.com www.jackiehillperry.com www.preston-perry.com


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Parenting Children with Special Needs and More with Megan Ashley

Megan Ashley joins the Perrys to talk about her upbringing, faith journey, and hardships of the past several years. As a mom to a child with autism, Megan believes the church should step in to support families, and she’s advocating for churches to become more conscious of special needs. Jackie, Preston and Megan Ashley also talk about the dichotomy of darkness and beauty in their city of Atlanta, discussing the hope and expectation they have for what comes of this month’s Acts 242 discipleship conference. Follow Megan Ashley on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/immeganashley/ Check out her podcast, In Totality – https://www.themeganashley.com/podcast Subscribe to the Perrys' newsletter. To support the work of the Perrys, donate via PayPal. To advertise with the Perrys, visit WithThePerrys.com/Partner. www.withtheperrys.com www.jackiehillperry.com www.preston-perry.com


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The State of the American Church: A Conversation with Pastor Philip Anthony Mitchell (Part Two)

Philip Anthony Mitchell is back for Part Two of his conversation with the Perrys, talking about problems with the American church. We're seeing a drift from Orthodox Christianity and a growing dishonor for Jesus. Rampant idolatry, insensitivity to sin, leaders who are living in open rebellion to God, people clapping in rooms as they're listening to false doctrines. People don't want to be taught... they wanted to be entertained. And because of all of that, people are increasingly Biblically illiterate. This episode of With The Perrys is sponsored by: https://fieldofgreens.com — Get 15% of your first order and FREE rush shipping when you use promo code PERRY. https://liberty.edu/Perry — Get your application fee WAIVED when you start your future with Liberty University today! Subscribe to the Perrys' newsletter. To support the work of the Perrys, donate via PayPal. To advertise with the Perrys, visit WithThePerrys.com/Partner. www.withtheperrys.com www.jackiehillperry.com www.preston-perry.com


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From Rikers to Righteous: A Conversation with Pastor Philip Anthony Mitchell

Philip Anthony Mitchell feels that he was radically brought into the Kingdom. Born in Queens, NY to Trinidadian parents, Philip found a sense of community and belonging in the streets, despite his mother and father starting a Christian ministry in the basement of their home. Now the lead pastor of 2819 Church in Atlanta, Philip sits down with the Perrys for a conversation on the urban context and darkness of his childhood, how he was changed by prison, the idea of "calling," and the deep reverence and affection he now has for the Lord. He feels like he’s gotten a second chance at life, on the backside of a lot of pain and discipline, and he shares more of his story in this episode. Stay tuned for Part 2 next week! Check out 2819 Church online (www.2819church.org) or on Instagram (www.instagram.com/2819church) Follow Philip: https://www.instagram.com/philipamitchell/ This Episode of With The Perrys is Sponsored by: https://ariseforwomen.com — Get this 21-day video series from Covenant Eyes completely free! https://magicspoon.com/PERRY — Get $5 off right now with code PERRY! Subscribe to the Perrys' newsletter. To support the work of the Perrys, donate via PayPal. To advertise with the Perrys, visit WithThePerrys.com/Partner. www.withtheperrys.com www.jackiehillperry.com www.preston-perry.com


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How to Help the Church be Sacred, Soft, and Safe with Pricelis Dominguez

Many of us have experienced hurt within the church or have had seasons of disconnection from a local faith community. Even if we haven’t, we probably see areas where our current church context could be improved. So what does a healthy church look like and how can we be a part of its flourishing? Pricelis Dominguez talks with the Perrys about her own church experience, discussing things like pastoral red flags, how Scripture ought to be used, discerning church preferences versus priorities, and remaining hopeful in seasons of despair. Check out Pricelis’ new book, Being a Sanctuary: The Radical Way for the Body of Christ to Be Sacred, Soft, and Safe – https://www.pricelispd.com/basbook And there’s still time to grab tickets to Sowers Summit 2024, happening September 26-28 in New York City (and available via livestream). With The Perrys listeners get $45 off in-person registration (use code PERRYS) or $25 off virtual tickets (use code PERRYSPOD). https://www.sowerssummit.com/ Subscribe to the Perrys' newsletter. To support the work of the Perrys, donate via PayPal. To advertise with the Perrys, visit WithThePerrys.com/Partner. www.withtheperrys.com www.jackiehillperry.com www.preston-perry.com


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Emotional Idolatry (With The Perrys Podcast Tour)

You know the word ‘emotional’ – we’ve all got feelings – and you’ve heard the term ‘idolatry.’ But it’s rare that we hear the two words as a phrase together. Emotions are not wrong – having them is evidence that we’re created in the image of God. But if we’re not careful, emotions can dictate our world and realities instead of God’s truth. This week’s episode is a segment from the With The Perrys 2024 podcast tour. The NYC audience was polled for a topic they wanted to hear about and “emotional idolatry” was their pick. We’ve brought this conversation to the podcast feed for everyone to enjoy. This Episode of With The Perrys is Sponsored by: https://ariseforwomen.com — Get this 21-day video series from Covenant Eyes completely free! Subscribe to the Perrys' newsletter. To support the work of the Perrys, donate via PayPal. To advertise with the Perrys, visit WithThePerrys.com/Partner. www.withtheperrys.com www.jackiehillperry.com www.preston-perry.com


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Boy Mom Stuff, Preaching, and Other Gems with Priscilla Shirer

Young men today want to be poured into, and Priscilla Shirer’s new movie is all about the power of prayer and discipleship in a boy's life. In this episode, Priscilla talks with the Perrys about parenting boys and how God has taught her to surrender her comfort in the “rough and tumble” of them growing up to be men. What did Priscilla’s parents do to instill deep faith and closeness as a family? What has been her biggest burden in ministry? It’s all in this episode. Watch the trailer for “The Forge,” in theaters now – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8JA9dvdlraw This Episode of With The Perrys is sponsored by: https://dwellbible.com/perry — Get an exclusive 25% discount today! Subscribe to the Perrys' newsletter. To support the work of the Perrys, donate via PayPal. To advertise with the Perrys, visit WithThePerrys.com/Partner. www.withtheperrys.com www.jackiehillperry.com www.preston-perry.com


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How to Wrestle with God with Lisa Fields

Wrestling with God is a normal part of the Christian faith. We can’t grow in our relationship with God without questioning Him. But many of us run from hard questions or feel discouraged and angry when the answers we find are not emotionally satisfying to us. This week’s guest, Lisa Fields, has a conversation with the Perrys about learning how to wrestle well with God instead of leaving the faith. This Episode of With The Perrys is Sponsored by: https://www.covenanteyes.com — Try Victory by Covenant Eyes FREE for 30 days with promo code PERRYS! https://magicspoon.com/PERRY — Get $5 off right now with code PERRY! Check out Lisa’s new book When Faith Disappoints: The Gap Between What We Believe and What We Experience. Follow Lisa on social media: https://www.instagram.com/lisavfields Visit Jude3Project.org to learn more about the Christian apologetics organization Lisa founded to help Black Christians specifically know what they believe and why they believe it. Subscribe to the Perrys' newsletter. To support the work of the Perrys, donate via PayPal. To advertise with the Perrys, visit WithThePerrys.com/Partner. www.withtheperrys.com www.jackiehillperry.com www.preston-perry.com


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It’s Giving Self-Righteous

Have you ever thought you were a better Christian than other Christians? We can all be self-righteous at times, but it’s bad theology. We can’t compare our spiritual maturity to that of other Christ followers, who are also flawed human beings – we must compare ourselves to Christ. In this episode, the Perrys walk us through the theology that moves us to have more gracious, less judgmental spiritual walks. Subscribe to the Perrys' newsletter. To support the work of the Perrys, donate via PayPal. To advertise with the Perrys, visit WithThePerrys.com/Partner. www.withtheperrys.com www.jackiehillperry.com www.preston-perry.com


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Stewarding Influence and Liberties

How do you steward your influence? This is a valuable question for every Christian. If you’ve been called out of darkness into His marvelous light, that is your platform to display His goodness. You have influence, even if you’re not a public figure, and others are watching. The Perrys discuss what it looks like to steward your time, finances, resources and relationships too. This Episode of With The Perrys is Sponsored by: https://www.covenanteyes.com — Try Victory by Covenant Eyes FREE for 30 days with promo code PERRYS! Subscribe to the Perrys' newsletter. To support the work of the Perrys, donate via PayPal. To advertise with the Perrys, visit WithThePerrys.com/Partner. www.withtheperrys.com www.jackiehillperry.com www.preston-perry.com


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Church Girl with Dr. Sarita Lyons

Dr. Sarita Lyons has written a book to encourage Black women specifically – based on their unique lived experience – and she sits down with the Perrys to talk about it. She also shares about her faith journey of spiritual confusion. When she went to college, she started to embrace African spiritualism with the Christian faith of her childhood but quickly learned that you can’t mix Jesus with false gods. Church Girl: A Gospel Vision to Encourage and Challenge Black Christian Women, is available for pre-order now, or grab it wherever you buy books on August 20, 2024. Follow Dr. Sarita Lyons: https://www.instagram.com/drsaritalyons/ Subscribe to the Perrys' newsletter. To support the work of the Perrys, donate via PayPal. To advertise with the Perrys, visit WithThePerrys.com/Partner. www.withtheperrys.com www.jackiehillperry.com www.preston-perry.com


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Spouses Don’t Compete, They Complement

We are all uniquely gifted and charged to use our gifts for the glory of God, both inside and outside the home. How can we use our gifts effectively while also helping our partner to flourish? What does it look like for husbands and wives to support each other without ego or insecurity getting in the way? The Perrys discuss how it takes both humility and love for spouses to support each other well. Also in this episode, the Perrys talk about Preston’s DISCIPLE hat. It sells out quickly, but keep an eye out here. This Episode of With The Perrys is Sponsored by: https://magicspoon.com/PERRY — Get $5 off right now with code PERRY! https://www.covenanteyes.com — Try Victory by Covenant Eyes FREE for 30 days with promo code PERRYS! Subscribe to the Perrys' newsletter. To support the work of the Perrys, donate via PayPal. To advertise with the Perrys, visit WithThePerrys.com/Partner. www.withtheperrys.com www.jackiehillperry.com www.preston-perry.com


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Best of WTP – What We Wish We Knew About Sex

With the podcast tour this month, there will be a short break in recording new content, so let’s revisit some of the Perrys’ most popular episodes. What do you think about sex? It has serious physical, social, emotional, and spiritual implications. It’s the closest physical bond two human beings can have. It can bring forth both life and destruction. We’ve seen sex misused and perverted, but there’s beauty to be explored, and the Perrys discuss that idea in this episode. Subscribe to the Perrys' newsletter. To support the work of the Perrys, donate via PayPal. To advertise with the Perrys, visit WithThePerrys.com/Partner. www.withtheperrys.com www.jackiehillperry.com www.preston-perry.com
