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Welcome to the GCS Podcast: Igniting Your Evangelism Mastery! Are you prepared to kindle the flames of your passion for sharing the Gospel and effecting transformative change in people's lives? Your journey begins here. Allow us to introduce you to the GCS Podcast, where we embark on an exploration of the intricate art of evangelism. Here, we will navigate the intricate web of principles, practices, and processes that will empower you to become a formidable transformational evangelist. Our guide on this enlightening journey is none other than Tony Anthony, the visionary CEO of the Great Commission Society. Tony is more than an evangelist; he is a dynamic force, a highly sought-after public speaker, a published author, and a mission leader. His unwavering mission is to boldly challenge individuals across the globe to respond to the boundless love of God and to equip them with the tools necessary to disseminate the Gospel. What can you anticipate from the GCS Podcast? 1. Fresh Vision for the Lost: Tony Anthony will cultivate within you a renewed vision, enabling you to reach out to lost souls with unwavering purpose and compassion. 2. Effective Evangelism Strategies: Discover practical and effective methodologies for confidently sharing the Gospel, equipping you to make a lasting impact. 3. Church Preparation: Equip your congregation with the knowledge and resources necessary for effectively nurturing and guiding new believers, ensuring a strong foundation for their faith journey. 4. Faith Reignited: With each episode, reignite your faith and rekindle your fervor for evangelism, empowering you to inspire change in the lives of those around you. Do not miss this exceptional opportunity to deepen your comprehension of evangelism, as we collectively inspire your team to take transformative action. Tune in and unlock the potential of evangelism mastery with the GCS Podcast! https://www.gcsmissions.com https://www.greatcommissionsociety.org


United Kingdom


Welcome to the GCS Podcast: Igniting Your Evangelism Mastery! Are you prepared to kindle the flames of your passion for sharing the Gospel and effecting transformative change in people's lives? Your journey begins here. Allow us to introduce you to the GCS Podcast, where we embark on an exploration of the intricate art of evangelism. Here, we will navigate the intricate web of principles, practices, and processes that will empower you to become a formidable transformational evangelist. Our guide on this enlightening journey is none other than Tony Anthony, the visionary CEO of the Great Commission Society. Tony is more than an evangelist; he is a dynamic force, a highly sought-after public speaker, a published author, and a mission leader. His unwavering mission is to boldly challenge individuals across the globe to respond to the boundless love of God and to equip them with the tools necessary to disseminate the Gospel. What can you anticipate from the GCS Podcast? 1. Fresh Vision for the Lost: Tony Anthony will cultivate within you a renewed vision, enabling you to reach out to lost souls with unwavering purpose and compassion. 2. Effective Evangelism Strategies: Discover practical and effective methodologies for confidently sharing the Gospel, equipping you to make a lasting impact. 3. Church Preparation: Equip your congregation with the knowledge and resources necessary for effectively nurturing and guiding new believers, ensuring a strong foundation for their faith journey. 4. Faith Reignited: With each episode, reignite your faith and rekindle your fervor for evangelism, empowering you to inspire change in the lives of those around you. Do not miss this exceptional opportunity to deepen your comprehension of evangelism, as we collectively inspire your team to take transformative action. Tune in and unlock the potential of evangelism mastery with the GCS Podcast! https://www.gcsmissions.com https://www.greatcommissionsociety.org





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Sow to Reap

In an age where almost anything goes, how can we equip and empower Christians to believe and live the Christian faith, and how can we equip and empower the church to evangelise? In the book of Ecclesiastes, King Solomon describes our ignorance of the works of God and of the future. In particular, how we do not know which seeds will germinate and produce fruit. The Bible has a great deal to say about sowing and reaping, and we know that wherever there is reaping, the hard work of sowing needs to have been done first. At the time, sowing may seem unrewarding as the harvest is so many months away, but how can we expect to reap if there has been no sowing? Let's join Tony as he shares seven helpful principles to help us evangelise effectively. Support the Show.


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Decompression after Mission

For many Christians returning from mission trips, it can feel hard to settle back into normal life. We’re bursting with stories of redemption and renewal. We’ve witnessed the faith of the persecuted and the joy of the poor. We’re resolved to live generously after encountering sprawling slums and rundown orphan homes. Yet, no matter what we’ve experienced, people at home appear uninterested and just don't seem to get it. After a day or two, we are left feeling exhausted and frustrated. The feeling that life is about to go "back to normal" is depressing. Depression has a long history of being misunderstood, both by the larger culture and, unfortunately, by the church. For many of us, shame and stigma can cause us to keep our struggles with mental health issues hidden from our friends, our church communities, and even from God himself. How can Christians be clinically depressed? Is there a Biblical explanation for this? Let's join Tony as he explores four phases everyone goes through after a mission trip and explains how they can grow our maturity and faith. Support the Show.


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The Great Commission, Part 2

Most Christians agree that when Jesus told his followers to go and make disciples of all nations, he gave the church its mission until the end of the age. It is much harder, however, to gain consensus on how the church is to fulfil that mission today. The Great Commission is one of the most significant passages in the Bible – and yet somewhere along the way Christians seem to have lost confidence that the Bible actually gives the church instructions for fulfilling it. Despite the simplicity and clarity of our Lord's mandate we seem so far off course from this mission today. What fundamental truths could we be missing, and what changes do we need to make in our lives "to make disciples of all the nations"? Let's join Tony as he examines the last recorded personal instruction given by Jesus to His disciples in this concluding part of the Great Commission. Support the Show.


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The Great Commission, Part 1

When most of us think of the “Great Commission,” we start with the word “go.” The gist of Christ’s command is that we are to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations, baptising and teaching, right? But Matthew’s version of the Commissioning scene doesn’t start with “go.” The commission itself is sandwiched between two statements related to Jesus Christ: the first concerns His authority, and the second concerns His empowering presence. So, what is the mission of the church, and what does the Great Commission mean to us today? Let's join Tony as he discusses how the Commission is based on truth and examines the authority of Jesus in this first part of the Great Commission. Support the Show.


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Walking in Faith

The Christian walk is a relationship with God, so what does it mean when we don’t feel our faith? Does it mean God is distant or that perhaps He doesn’t care? Does it mean Christianity is false? The emotional connection in the Christian walk is an important one. So, what does it mean when the emotions are not there? There are times when every Christian feels like God has disappeared, when our faith feels distant and unsatisfying. What is God doing in those instances - and more importantly, how should we react? Let's join Tony as he discusses the importance of our connection with God and shares six characteristics of what it means to be walking in faith. Support the Show.


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Red, Amber, Green

One of the most frustrating and discouraging aspects of the Christian life is struggling with sin. While it’s true that we have been filled with the Holy Spirit and sin’s ultimate control over us has been broken, we still often find ourselves doing things we hate, saying things that we know are wrong, and feeling attracted to things that we know are evil. At times, the battle feels overwhelming. Sin is a reality with which we all must live. No one can escape the struggles we have with rebelling against God’s call on our lives. However, it is possible to choose whether one will vigorously fight the battle against the flesh or not. The battle can be overwhelming, but it does not have to result in demoralising defeat. How can we have victory in overcoming sin? Let's join Tony as he unpacks three practical strategies, we can use to overcome sin. Support the Show.


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Missing the mark

One of the most alarming trends in today’s society is the death of the concept of sin. As the morals in our culture deteriorate how can Christians respond? Many people understand the feeling of guilt but until they understand sin, they will not be ready for a saviour. Sin is the greatest problem facing the world, but how can we define what sin is to a postmodern generation? Let's join Tony as he defines sin and examines the difference between cheap and radical repentance. Support the Show.


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Getting ready for Christ's return

The second coming is one of the most momentous events that will ever happen, where Jesus Christ will come again to the earth personally, visibly, and bodily – to judge the living and the dead, and to complete His redemptive mission. For Christians this is a blessed hope for which we should constantly watch and pray. But how should this critical event shape our life and hope now? It is overwhelming to see the number of times throughout Scripture where the second coming is mentioned, with no less than 1200 times in the Old Testament and 300 times in the New Testament. Someday Jesus will physically return to this earth. We do not know when it will happen, but God knows exactly when this will occur. What if it were tomorrow? Would you be ready? What changes do we need to make today to get ready for Christ’s return? Let's join Tony as he shares five principles to help us get ready for the second coming. Support the Show.


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Spiritual Thresholds

How do people tend to explore faith, and what lessons can we learn from their spiritual journeys that might help us as we work to fulfil the Great Commission? Is it possible to identify specific thresholds that people encounter on their journey to knowing God personally? How do people move from a place of distrust to trust, or from feeling complacent to curious? What causes people who are closed to change to suddenly being open to change in their life? How do people move from meandering to seeking, and ultimately trusting in Christ for salvation? Let's join Tony as he answers these questions by examining five spiritual thresholds that people encounter on their faith journey. Support the Show.


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Network Evangelism

When people hear the word ‘evangelism’ they often think of either a large-scale evangelistic event or cold calling at the door. But, do these evangelism methods make some Christians uncomfortable sharing their faith? Are there more fruitful methods of reaching people in our own networks? Over the years, the term "evangelism" has grown to have some negative stereotypes. But could it be time to reclaim it? What changes do we need to make, to practically equip every church member to live as a missionary? How can we create an atmosphere of expectation for every member of the church to evangelise their immediate circle of friends? Let's join Tony as he explores the idea of network evangelism and explains how this underutilised approach is both culturally appropriate and personally achievable. Support the Show.


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Obstacles to Evangelism

Most Christians seem to find Evangelism a very hard thing to do. Even the people who seem to excel and have the gift of evangelism readily confess their weakness. So, why is it so universally difficult? Differing world views can be substantial and reaching across them is not an easy task. But do you ever wonder if reaching across those barriers is even possible in todays society. In an age where predominant thinking is becoming increasingly hostile towards the Christian worldview, how can Christians bridge the widening gap and reach out across the barriers? Can we still communicate the Gospel in today’s world - and if so, what obstacles do we need to overcome? Let's join Tony as he explores five main problems that Christians face in seeking to reach the lost and shares effective Bible principles to tackle them. Support the Show.


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Rescue Plan

How do we explain the gospel to children in a way they can understand? How do we explain their need for a Saviour without watering down the details? How can we hold their attention long enough to explain what the Bible is all about? How can we be accurate yet sensitive to the fact that they need simpler explanations? Today’s presentation is broken down into 10 parts, and starts with the creation of the universe, and explains key biblical concepts: Who is God? What is God like? What is sin? Where did evil come from? Why do we need a Saviour? This presentation concludes with a clear explanation of the identity of Jesus and his amazing provision as our Saviour. The graphic details surrounding the story of salvation are handled sensitively but not watered down. At the end, children will have an explanation of who God is and what he did for mankind on the cross. It is a message of hope every child should hear. Let's join Tony as he presents the Gospel from an angle you may never have considered. Support the Show.


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Cross Cultural Evangelism

The world has 195 countries with thousands of ethnic sub-groups, that bring both challenges and opportunities for evangelism. What key questions should we be asking when considering cross-cultural evangelism? In the past it was only Christian missionaries going overseas to preach the gospel who had to understand cross-cultural evangelism, but today most of us do not have to go that far to encounter other cultures. While the Christian message does not change, the methodology for evangelism must change from culture to culture in order for the message to be clearly communicated. This raises some important questions. Can we do evangelism without understanding the culture, and what do we need to understand about a person’s cultural background to communicate the Gospel with them in a meaningful and relevant way? Let’s join Tony as he examines the way cultural background impacts our understanding of the Gospel and shares how we can cut through all manner of cultural and religious barriers. Support the Show.


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Requirements to Reach the Lost

Jesus Christ continues to be the most significant figure in history. We know how he is viewed today, but how was he viewed in his culture. His words and his methods were unlike any others, both then and now. What was it that made him so different? How did he challenge the views and the values around him? As Jesus taught the tax collectors and sinners gathered around Him, the Pharisees began to mutter to themselves about His open association with those deemed “unclean” according to the Jewish religious code. The parable of the lost sheep was Jesus’ response. The religious leaders of the day had been indifferent toward people who were lost. Jesus used the parables of the lost sheep and lost coin to illustrate how their response was wrong, especially when compared to how they would have responded toward recovering something of far less value. Jesus pointed out that the one thing that matters most to God is the lost, and when the lost are found, even one of them, all heaven rejoices and throws a party! There is more joy over one sinner coming to Jesus that over ninety-nine people being right where they’re supposed to be with God. If people matter this much to God, shouldn’t they matter this much to us? Shouldn’t we be willing to give everything needed in order to reach them? What is needed to reach the lost? Let’s join Tony as he takes a closer look at the way God responds and searches for the lost and examines how we might gain the right perspective on evangelism. Support the Show.


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Facts & Trends

A vast majority of churches go for years without seeing even one person coming to Christ in faith. By almost any metric, churches across the world are much less evangelistic today than they were in the recent past. Do you ever feel the church has let the world down? The apostle Peter told believers to always have a ready answer for the hope that we have, but in these changing and very strange times that directive can be difficult. We see the pattern in the early church where every day the Lord added to them those who were being saved. Yet, in too many churches today, our congregations are reaching no one for Christ in the course of an entire year. What can we do differently to better reach the unsaved in our community? How do we respond to a generation that is lost, and appears to enjoy its quandary? Many of us know of friends or loved ones who seem so hard to reach with the Gospel because they enjoy their lives. How can we properly approach these friends? Let's join Tony as he exposes some of the key reasons why churches are not reaching the lost with the Gospel and shares how we might gain the right perspective on evangelism. Support the Show.


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Strength of Conviction

Today, there are many who would identify themselves as Christians, yet the Christian life for so many is rooted in convenience rather than Biblical convictions. Convictions are an expression of faith, and Christians often talk about a sense of conviction that grows when God’s word does its work. But what does it mean to be “convicted” of something? The Oxford English dictionary defines the word ‘conviction’ as “a firmly held belief or opinion”, something you cling to so strongly that it impacts the way you think and the way you live your life. Someone has put it this way, “a belief is what you hold, but a conviction is what holds you”. Conviction is an incredibly valuable yet increasingly rare trait that the early Christians appeared to have a lot of. First century Christians had a difficult life, but through conviction and faith they spread the Gospel across the known world. Conviction is a powerful motivator, and it is what is needed today in a world filled with difficult questions and very few answers. But can the conviction of Christians conquer the world again? How can we cultivate a strong Biblical conviction? What kind of process is needed to bring a person to faith in Christ? Let's join Tony as he shares a powerful testimony that will encourage you to cultivate the habit of anchoring your convictions in the Bible. Support the Show.


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The Fifth Column

In an age where almost anything goes, without careful attention churches can easily drift from their founding mission. How can we prevent this from happening, and how can we equip and empower the church to evangelise? Jesus was clear that our job as Christians is to proclaim the Gospel and disciple those who are saved, and yet so many churches fail to carry out their founding mission. Perhaps the greatest danger is when a Church doesn’t realise this has happened. Why is “mission drift” so common among Christian ministries? How does it happen, and how can it be prevented? How can we reach people with the message of Jesus Christ and prepare them to further the spread of the Gospel? Let's join Tony as he shares a practical strategy to guard both you and your church from “mission drift”. Support the Show.


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Good Friday message in the face of COVID-19

For the first time in our lives, churches around the world will be celebrating Easter this weekend by not gathering together. It’s a tragic picture of these sad and scary days. Yet it’s similar in several ways to what happened on the very first Easter. The scientific community is racing to find a COVID-19 vaccine to give a vague promise to humanity of immortality based upon chemical changes and formulas, but until science can find a solution for the problem of sin, it will not find a solution for the problem of death. Every Religion and Philosophy in the world agrees that their founders have never come out of death in the resurrection! It is only Christianity that finds hope in an empty tomb! Is there any hope for us today? Did Jesus rise from the dead? Does it really matter if Jesus was raised from the dead or not? What evidence is there and why is the resurrection so important? Let's join Tony as he examines the compelling evidence for the resurrection and explains why it is relevant for us today. Support the Show.


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A Run on the Roman Road, Part 2

In many places the Bible describes the fate of the unsaved in terrible, fearful terms. Yet, when we speak to others about what it means to be a Christian, our tendency is to shy away from mentioning what the Gospel compels us to accept as truth. Laws protect our general safety and ensure our rights as citizens against abuses. While some laws might give us pause, most people understand and uphold laws, and would have no hesitation speaking about them. Some Christians feel that using the Law in evangelism can be harsh and unloving – but is it right to feel that way? Is there a way to speak to the lost in a friendly way that’s non-intimidating, to reason with people by addressing the conscience, rather than addressing the intellect – a place of contention. Let's join Tony as he shares the conclusion of his message entitled “A Run on the Roman Road”. Support the Show.


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A Run on the Roman Road, Part 1

As Christians, we know we should share our faith with others and communicating our faith in Christ should be the most natural thing in the world. However, many people feel very intimidated at the thought of sharing the Gospel with a stranger. What has caused this dilemma, and how do we overcome it? Sometimes we forget that Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” We often live as if the labourers are plentiful, but the harvest is few. Evangelism is a spiritual discipline, and we need to be intentional and deliberate in seeking ways to share the Gospel with those who don’t know Jesus. But, what do we need to do to prioritise evangelism and how do we go about practicing it? Let's join Tony as he explores how we can pursue evangelism and missional living with joy and intentionality. Support the Show.
