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Truth Matters Church

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Truth Matters Church is a Bible teaching ministry dedicated to the expository study of Scripture. This means we go verse by verse, examining God's Word in context historically and how it relates to us today. For more information, visit us at


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Truth Matters Church is a Bible teaching ministry dedicated to the expository study of Scripture. This means we go verse by verse, examining God's Word in context historically and how it relates to us today. For more information, visit us at





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Our Beloved Fellow Servant (Col. 1:7-8)

Every Christian, and especially those in church leadership, must be a faithful servant to all, as modeled by Epaphras in Colossae.


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Bearing Fruit (Col. 1:5-6)

In this devotional, we see how the apostle Paul touches on one of the most important evidences true believers will experience in their walk with Christ- bearing fruit.


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Hope Laid Up In Heaven (Col. 1:3-5a)

God reserves an eternal hope for us in heaven, protected through a faith in Christ, which He mercifully grants us, for a salvation to be revealed at the proper time. Truly an amazing promise-


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The Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Col. 1:3)

Throughout scripture we see the relationship in the Godhead clearly defined where there is God the Father and Christ the Son. Scripture does not combine these two distinct persons, nor does it mix-up their relationship, and neither should we-


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By The Will Of God (Col. 1:1-2)

In the opening two verses of Colossians, we learn more about the necessity of submitting to God's will, and we get a glimpse into the heavenly relationship between the Father and Son.


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Introduction to Colossians

As we begin our new devotional series in Colossians, let's look at the audience, history, culture, and setting of the church, as well as the author's purpose in writing this letter.


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Greet Every Saint (Phil. 4:21-23)

Closing out our series in Philippians, we see how all who have true saving faith in Christ hold an equal position as saints, and the importance of fellowship with other believers.


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A Fragrant Aroma (Phil. 4:18-20)

Paul teaches that when we give, our sacrifice rises to heaven as though a fragrant aroma to God through Christ, and that our love, obedience, and generosity ultimately brings God glory.


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Giving and Receiving (Phil. 4:14-17)

Only one church supported Paul's work to spread the gospel and help him in his time of need, and this presents us with a good reminder to give generously to those who work hard to share Christ and disciple believers.


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I Can Do All Things (Phil. 4:10-13)

-I can do all things through Him who strengthens me.- This statement is often quoted out of context. What Paul states here is not about winning a football game or building a successful business,-in fact, far from it.


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Dwell On These Things (Phil. 4:8-9)

How can we combat the world's constant attacks which aim to take away from 'the peace of God that surpasses all comprehension'-- Paul tells us exactly what we need to keep our minds focused on.


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The Peace of God (Phil 4:7)

How can we find a lasting peace from God that surpasses all comprehension-- The apostle Paul gives us four important tasks we must do if we hope to find this peace and greater confidence in our salvation.


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Be Anxious for Nothing (Phil. 4:6)

We all know how easily worry creeps into our minds. However, Paul said to be anxious for nothing. So how can we put away worry and anxiety-- We find the answer in today's passage.


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Rejoice in the Lord, Always! (Phil 4:4-5)

Paul says we must rejoice in the Lord always, but how can we find joy in difficult seasons-- We find the answer as we exposit this well-known passage in Philippians.


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In the Book of Life (Phil. 4:2-3)

God has written the name of every true Christian in a heavenly book, and since before the earth was formed and even a thousand years from now, those who abide in Christ are perfectly sheltered in the Savior-


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4th Seal: Rider on the Green Horse (Rev. 6:8)

Wrapping up our study of the Four Horsemen described in Revelation 6, today we look at the rider on the pale green horse, his purpose and authority, and how this impacts end times prophecies.


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Stand Firm in the Lord (Phil. 4:1)

Turning to the fourth chapter of his letter to the Philippians, Paul shared his affection and love with this church, and offered a pastoral exhortation to remain strong in the faith.


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3rd Seal: Rider on the Black Horse (Rev 6:6-7)

At the opening of the 3rd Seal, we are told of a rider on a black horse. Many commentaries say this means a great famine, but is that true-- You might be surprised to see what the original biblical text has to say-


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Citizens of Heaven (Phil. 3:20-21)

As believers, we are adopted into God's family and given citizenship in heaven- And thus, we no longer have any need to lust after the things of this world but instead must eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.


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The Four Horsemen & Seals 1 and 2 (Rev 6:1-4)

Today we look into the opening of the first and second Seals and the riders on the white and red horses, as described in Revelation 6. What we see is that the Old Testament and good biblical exegesis is key to understanding how this prophecy will play out.
