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Unpacking Israeli History

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Go behind the scenes of Israeli history with self-confessed history nerd Noam Weissman. Each week, he offers a fresh perspective on some of the most controversial and interesting events in the country’s history. If you’ve ever wanted to know more about what Israel is all about -- from multiple angles and viewpoints -- this is the podcast for you.


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Go behind the scenes of Israeli history with self-confessed history nerd Noam Weissman. Each week, he offers a fresh perspective on some of the most controversial and interesting events in the country’s history. If you’ve ever wanted to know more about what Israel is all about -- from multiple angles and viewpoints -- this is the podcast for you.



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Behind the scenes of Unpacking Israeli History

In this special episode of Unpacking Israeli History, Noam Weissman and producer Rivky Stern switch things up by engaging in an in-depth conversation about the podcast's creation, philosophy, and approach to telling the story of Israeli history.


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P3: The Aftermath - Six Days That Changed Israel Forever

The 1967 War happened more than 50 years ago. And yet, the legacy of the Six Day War still reverberates throughout the world. Israelis were convinced they were facing another Holocaust. Instead, they achieved one of the most unlikely – and legendary – military victories in history. This miniseries explores the lead-up and legacy of the 6 Day War. ~~~~ Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YAwi1kDnHEJfFp3A5FzmclHv0-f82zMvbt9Qp9ziKrY/edit ~~~~ Episode 3 of this Six Day War mini-series is generously sponsored by Michael Staenberg, and The Marcus Family Foundation, and Pam and Neil Weissman.


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P2: The Middle East At War - Six Days That Changed Israel Forever

The 1967 War happened more than 50 years ago. And yet, the legacy of the Six Day War still reverberates throughout the world. Israelis were convinced they were facing another Holocaust. Instead, they achieved one of the most unlikely – and legendary – military victories in history. This miniseries explores the lead-up and legacy of the 6 Day War. ~~~~ Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YAwi1kDnHEJfFp3A5FzmclHv0-f82zMvbt9Qp9ziKrY/edit ~~~~ Episode 2 of this Six Day War mini-series is generously sponsored by Jane & John August, Michael Staenberg, and The Marcus Family Foundation.


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P1: Lead-Up To War - Six Days That Changed Israel Forever

The 1967 War happened more than 50 years ago. And yet, the legacy of the Six Day War still reverberates throughout the world. Israelis were convinced they were facing another Holocaust. Instead, they achieved one of the most unlikely – and legendary – military victories in history. This miniseries explores the lead-up and legacy of the 6 Day War. ~~~~ Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YAwi1kDnHEJfFp3A5FzmclHv0-f82zMvbt9Qp9ziKrY/edit ~~~~ Episode 1 of this Six Day War mini-series is generously sponsored by Kim and Perry Shwachman, Michael Staenberg, and The Marcus Family Foundation.


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P3: Did Palestine's Great Revolt (1936-1939) Set the Stage for Oct 7?

Got questions about the current situation in Israel/Palestine? Almost all the answers lie in the Great Arab Revolt of 1936. How is that possible, when the modern state of Israel wasn’t even established until 1948?! This three-part series explores the roots of a seemingly intractable conflict, highlighting unknown figures and outlining what might have been. ~~~~ Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PaLZ4afLCh_f6NOFzbZz8izhX1j6FZREiJUS2uLtejw/edit ~~~~ This mini series of Unpacking Israeli History is dedicated in memory of Armand Lindenbaum, the grandson of Rav Amiel, by his wife, Jean, and children, Felice, Amiel, and Ariel Lindenbaum-Sebag.


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Iran's Surprise Attack on Israel: History and Reflections

Less than 48 hours ago, Iran launched an unprecedented military attack on Israel, its first direct attack on Israel after a decades-long “shadow” war. Iran sent hundreds of drones and missiles towards the Jewish state. So, why did Iran attack Israel, and what does all of this mean? ~~~~ Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jawT_GTJtdmIxtA3FRlO0GDg-wfipSsCUdLjkTAzV80/edit?usp=sharing


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P2: Did Palestine's Great Revolt (1936-1939) Set the Stage for Oct 7?

Got questions about the current situation in Israel/Palestine? Almost all the answers lie in the Great Arab Revolt of 1936. How is that possible, when the modern state of Israel wasn’t even established until 1948?! This three-part series explores the roots of a seemingly intractable conflict, highlighting unknown figures and outlining what might have been. ~~~~ Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PaLZ4afLCh_f6NOFzbZz8izhX1j6FZREiJUS2uLtejw/edit ~~~~ This mini series of Unpacking Israeli History is dedicated in memory of Armand Lindenbaum, the grandson of Rav Amiel, by his wife, Jean, and children, Felice, Amiel, and Ariel Lindenbaum-Sebag.


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P1: Did Palestine's Great Revolt (1936-1939) Set the Stage for Oct 7?

Got questions about the current situation in Israel/Palestine? Almost all the answers lie in the Great Arab Revolt of 1936. How is that possible, when the modern state of Israel wasn’t even established until 1948?! This three-part series explores the roots of a seemingly intractable conflict, highlighting unknown figures and outlining what might have been. ~~~~ Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PaLZ4afLCh_f6NOFzbZz8izhX1j6FZREiJUS2uLtejw/edit ~~~~ This mini series of Unpacking Israeli History is dedicated in memory of Armand Lindenbaum, the grandson of Rav Amiel, by his wife, Jean, and children, Felice, Amiel, and Ariel Lindenbaum-Sebag.


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P2: Four Obstacles To Israeli-Palestinian Peace

Welcome to the second part of our two-parter about the four seemingly-impossible obstacles that confounded Israeli and Palestinian leaders alike. Why have Israelis and Palestinians never made peace? Despite multiple peace accords, the two peoples are still at war. In this two part episode, we’ll explore the four major obstacles preventing peace: Jerusalem, borders, security, and the refugees. You’ve heard about the “right of return”? East and West Jerusalem? Security fences/walls? Then this episode is for you. ~~~~ Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z68Z6bbhV6lRkLYtRqRRn4bDQ2kByJcW4AtDpdy9pH0/edit?usp=sharing ~~~~ This episode of Unpacking Israeli History is generously sponsored by Barbara & Rick Silverman, The Marcus Family Foundation, and Michael Staenberg.


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P1: Four Obstacles To Israeli-Palestinian Peace

Why have Israelis and Palestinians never made peace? Despite multiple peace accords, the two peoples are still at war. In this two part episode, we’ll explore the four major obstacles preventing peace: Jerusalem, borders, security, and the refugees. You’ve heard about the “right of return”? East and West Jerusalem? Security fences/walls? Then this episode is for you. ~~~~ Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Z68Z6bbhV6lRkLYtRqRRn4bDQ2kByJcW4AtDpdy9pH0/edit?usp=sharing ~~~~ This episode of Unpacking Israeli History is generously sponsored by Barbara & Rick Silverman, The Marcus Family Foundation, and Michael Staenberg.


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Meet the Israeli Druze

The Druze are a tiny minority in the Jewish state, and the only community to share a so-called “Blood Covenant” with Israel’s Jews. But in 2018, the Israeli government passed a controversial Basic Law, known as the Nation-State Law, that threatened to upend this status quo. So who are the Druze? What is the Nation State Law? And what responsibility does Israel owe to its minority populations? ~~~~ Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1h-BJIIJXiWHalkCO0f1YRs15P1upVNr1plM-r0H04PA/edit ~~~~ To make a donation to Maor please visit: https://www.charidy.com/Maorla


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Who Is Hezbollah?

This is the story of Iran’s proxy in Lebanon, which has been causing trouble for Israel since its founding in 1982. As Israel’s northern border heats up and the two sides draw closer to a showdown, we investigate: who is Hezbollah, and what do they want? ~~~~ Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1d68bkgIiKIwWRCn75DGaiWry9N3Oi_rPh6-X1fn_i8Q/edit ~~~~ This episode of Unpacking Israeli History is generously sponsored by Sarala and Danny Turkel.


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Season 6, Coming Next Week!

We're back for season 6! Get ready to join Noam for a deep dive into Israeli history, shedding light on the events of today. Have thoughts, questions, or stories to share? Drop us a line at noam@jewishunpacked.com. Your email might even become part of the conversation on the show. So, what are you waiting for? Yalla, let's do this.


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Should Israel Ransom Hostages? (Updated)

When we first released an episode on captured soldiers, back in August 2023, we had no idea that we were mere months away from the worst hostage crisis Israel had ever experienced. On October 7, 2023, Hamas murdered 1,200 people – mostly civilians – and dragged another 240 to Gaza, plunging Israel into a nightmare. Hamas did not discriminate. They took babies as young as 9 months, elderly people well into their 80s, and everyone in between. Some of those 240 hostages have been rescued or released. Some were murdered in captivity. Three were killed mistakenly by “friendly fire.” But as of December 2023, 129 remain in Gaza, their fates and welfare unknown. And the questions we raised back in August remain more relevant than ever. ~~~~ Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1tO4xtCQdNDbcO3THe1elsiNrvREOuG6FjD3gcq5hDnA/edit?usp=sharing


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Noam on the Ground: Reflections on the Israel War

Noam reflects on his meetings with survivors, evacuees, and Jewish leaders in the wake of 10/7. (Or 7/10, for the Israelis and Europeans out there.) ~~~~ Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GVNSsNxr23fIzzW7TnU3p6kGC-OxoTYkDSlAXmsd34w/edit?usp=drive_link


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Meta-Narratives of the Israel-Hamas War

The world changed on 10/7. It's too soon to know exactly how this war will play out. But in this episode, Noam offers some thoughts on how and why people choose “sides” in a conflict like this – and how to respond to the misinformation, denialism, hatred, and extremism that poisons the discourse. ~~~~ Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sfIlw07IpRwqctUMhdJdwXiauZkgkkNZa3Ns3ZY_L1w/edit?usp=sharing


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Hamas, Explained (Updated)

This episode is a re-release, with the understanding that everything has changed. You’ve heard their name. Watched their propaganda videos. Seen their bloody handiwork up close and personal. But how well do you really know the story of Hamas? This episode delves into the surprising history of Israel’s charming next door neighbor. It’s a deep dive into their history, their ideology, their legacy. Because if we want to truly understand Israeli history, we’ve got to face the parallel history that has developed alongside it. ~~~~ Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1DBe4s5ArwlF7ACLUoztotb9EarUYqK7nd1Z0pCXyMR4/edit?usp=sharing ~~~~ Unpacking Israeli History is generously sponsored by Marci and Andrew Spitzer, and this week’s episode is sponsored by Adam Neuman.


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P3: War Ends, Scars Remain - Yom Kippur War

October 6, 2023 marks the 50-year anniversary of the first day of the Yom Kippur War – perhaps Israel’s most traumatic war. This miniseries unpacks that trauma, guiding our listeners through the lead-up to the war, the battles, the behind-the-scenes geopolitical maneuvering, and the painful aftermath. The final episode of our series explores wider geopolitical implications of the war and reflects on the war’s legacy. ~~~~ Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1okcCstf6CJAouiWPPUjSUHA0Pmq3SbxZ-I8gnz7A2pA/edit?usp=sharing ~~~~ This Yom Kippur War mini-series is generously sponsored by Risa and Simcha Dauer.


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P2: Israel Turns the Tide - Yom Kippur War

October 6, 2023 marks the 50-year anniversary of the first day of the Yom Kippur War – perhaps Israel’s most traumatic war. This miniseries unpacks that trauma, guiding our listeners through the lead-up to the war, the battles, the behind-the-scenes geopolitical maneuvering, and the painful aftermath. This episode takes you onto the battlefield, exploring the tragic losses and miraculous victories of two key battles. ~~~~ Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1okcCstf6CJAouiWPPUjSUHA0Pmq3SbxZ-I8gnz7A2pA/edit?usp=sharing ~~~~ This Yom Kippur War mini-series is generously sponsored by Risa and Simcha Dauer.


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P1: Israel's Military Power Breakdown - Yom Kippur War

October 6, 2023 marks the 50-year anniversary of the first day of the Yom Kippur War – perhaps Israel’s most traumatic war. This miniseries unpacks that trauma, guiding our listeners through the lead-up to the war, the battles, the behind-the-scenes geopolitical maneuvering, and the painful aftermath. This episode explores why the war began, and describes Israel’s shock and fear on the first day of the assault. ~~~~ Sources: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1okcCstf6CJAouiWPPUjSUHA0Pmq3SbxZ-I8gnz7A2pA/edit?usp=sharing ~~~~ This Yom Kippur War mini-series is generously sponsored by Risa and Simcha Dauer.
