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Unshaken Saints

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Seismic shifts in the religious and secular landscapes are destabilizing the faith of millions. Join religious educator Jared Halverson as he explores restored scripture, doctrine, history, and practice; examines patterns and pitfalls in navigating faith crisis; and wrestles with ways to make your faith unshaken. ___________ Hello my friends, I’m Jared Halverson and this is Unshaken. I’ve spent my life studying the scriptures, my professional career teaching them, and my education at a Bible-belt divinity school exploring ways they have been used and abused, attacked and defended. And I’d like to share with you some of the things I’ve learned. In March of 2020 I created a YouTube channel called Unshaken, and six months later we hit our one millionth view, as people around the world are eagerly pursuing an unshaken faith in God by immersing themselves in His word. More and more viewers have been asking for an audio-only version of the lessons on Unshaken, and this podcast is my attempt to meet those needs. What it lacks in the visuals shown on YouTube, or the polished sound of a podcast-only production, it hopefully makes up for in its accessibility to the drivers, joggers, and multi-taskers out there who want to study their scriptures “on the go.” To you, welcome to our verse-by-verse, Come Follow Me study of the scriptures. I pray that it helps your faith in Christ become unshaken. __________ Disclaimer: The content of these podcasts is the sole responsibility of their creator and does not reflect the official position of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or the Church Educational System.


United States


Seismic shifts in the religious and secular landscapes are destabilizing the faith of millions. Join religious educator Jared Halverson as he explores restored scripture, doctrine, history, and practice; examines patterns and pitfalls in navigating faith crisis; and wrestles with ways to make your faith unshaken. ___________ Hello my friends, I’m Jared Halverson and this is Unshaken. I’ve spent my life studying the scriptures, my professional career teaching them, and my education at a Bible-belt divinity school exploring ways they have been used and abused, attacked and defended. And I’d like to share with you some of the things I’ve learned. In March of 2020 I created a YouTube channel called Unshaken, and six months later we hit our one millionth view, as people around the world are eagerly pursuing an unshaken faith in God by immersing themselves in His word. More and more viewers have been asking for an audio-only version of the lessons on Unshaken, and this podcast is my attempt to meet those needs. What it lacks in the visuals shown on YouTube, or the polished sound of a podcast-only production, it hopefully makes up for in its accessibility to the drivers, joggers, and multi-taskers out there who want to study their scriptures “on the go.” To you, welcome to our verse-by-verse, Come Follow Me study of the scriptures. I pray that it helps your faith in Christ become unshaken. __________ Disclaimer: The content of these podcasts is the sole responsibility of their creator and does not reflect the official position of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints or the Church Educational System.



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Helaman 13-16: Signs of Christ's Coming

An in-depth study of Helaman 13-16, covering the ministry of Samuel the Lamanite. This lesson focuses on walls and barriers, true and false prophets, gratitude, repentance, the purpose of signs, prophecies of Christ, and more.


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Helaman 7-12: "These Are Your Days"

An in-depth study of Helaman 7-12, covering the later ministry of Nephi, son of Helaman. This lesson focuses on prayer, submission, prophets, the Johari Window, the sealing power, unwearyingness, the pride cycle, and more.


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Helaman 1-6: The Rock of the Redeemer

An in-depth study of Helaman 1-6, covering the rise of the Gadianton robbers and the ministries of Nephi and Lehi, the sons of Helaman. This lesson focuses on the War in Heaven, secret combinations, the pride cycle, the rock of the Redeemer, darkness and light, and more.


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Alma 53-63: Fighting the Good Fight

An in-depth study of Alma 53-63, covering the second half of the Book of Mormon's so-called "War Chapters." This lesson focuses on the stripling warriors, keeping covenants differently, fight or flight, the rhetoric of Moroni and Ammoron, the walking wounded, the correspondence between Moroni and Pahoran, and more.


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Alma 43-52: The Cause of Christ

An in-depth study of Alma 43-52, recounting the wars between Captain Moroni and both Zarahemnah and Amalickiah. This lesson focuses on the dangers of dissension, the power of a noble cause, the Title of Liberty, Just War theory, preparation, prophets, "poison by degrees," and more.


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Alma 39-42: Redeeming the Prodigal Son

An in-depth study of Alma 39-42, recounting Alma's teachings to his wayward son Corianton. This lesson focuses on first sins vs. worst sins, chastity, repentance, beliefs and behaviors, the resurrection and Spirit World, restoration through the Law of the Harvest, justice and mercy, the Goldilocks Zone, and more. Link to Deseret Book course on improving scripture study: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLCmB7Fm5GlgOj3T-7mE6pJStgFvbpFYga


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Alma 36-38: Real Repentance

An in-depth study of Alma 36-38, recounting Alma's teachings to his sons Helaman and Shiblon. This lesson focuses on real repentance, godly sorrow, the agony of sin, the joy of forgiveness, sugarcoating, longing for God, passing on the plates, the power of the word, pride, proving contraries, strengths and weaknesses, and more.


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Alma 32-35: Knowing or Believing?

An in-depth study of Alma 32-35, recounting the preaching of Alma and Amulek to the Zoramite poor. This lesson focuses on the difference between compulsion and choice, humility, knowledge vs. faith, the experiment on the word, religious epistemology, testimony vs. taste, reversing the Fall, planting the seed, God's mercy because of His Son, the "great question," math or love, sufficient grace, and more.


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Alma 30-31: Christ & Anti-Christ

An in-depth study of Alma 30-31, recounting the preaching of Korihor and the Zoramites upon the Rameumptom. This lesson focuses on targeting the Atonement, anti-religious rhetoric, irrationality and authoritarianism, rationalizing sin, the argument from design, sign-seeking, the sense of superiority, trying the virtue of the word of God, the gifts of the Spirit, and more.


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Alma 23-29: O that I Were an Angel

An in-depth study of Alma 23-29, recounting the aftermath of the missions of the sons of Mosiah among the Lamanites. This lesson focuses on reverse engineering a lifelong convert, laying down the weapons of our rebellion, granting repentance, "all we can do," erasing sin, maintaining higher moral ground, anticipatory obedience, praise or pride, glorying in God, bringing thousands, forbidding slavery, suffering because of others, divine contentment, and more.


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Alma 17-22: Instruments in the Hand of God

An in-depth study of Alma 17-22. This lesson focuses on the missions of the sons of Mosiah among the Lamanites, fellowservants, gaining trust, gathering lost sheep, Creation/Fall/Atonement, Pascal's conversion, Abish and Lamoni's queen, prioritizing mission companions, coming to know God, and more.


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Alma 13-16: Divine Restraint

An in-depth study of Alma 13-16. This lesson focuses on Alma and Amulek's mission to Ammonihah, foreordination, foreshadowings of Christ, a preparatory redemption, equality of opportunity vs. equality of outcome, anticipating the coming of Christ, true repentance, divine restraint, martyrdom, the conversion of Zeezrom, being brought into God's house, and more.


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Alma 8-12: The Greater Portion of the Word

An in-depth study of Alma 8-12. This lesson focuses on Alma's mission to Ammonihah, his companionship with Amulek, persuasion vs. authority, being true to our spiritual experiences, appealing to the better self, remembering, inviting God into our homes, types of questions, lawyercraft, the resurrection as bad news, the plan of redemption, taking the long way around, and more.


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Alma 5-7: The Mighty Change of Heart

An in-depth study of Alma 5-7. This lesson focuses on Alma's discourses in the cities of Zarahemla and Gideon, bringing about the mighty change of heart, being born again, having Christ's image engraven in our countenances, singing the song of redeeming love, being stripped of pride, teaching with passion, plainness, and permission; the infinite atonement, perfect empathy, and more.


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Mosiah 29--Alma 4: The Choice Is Yours

An in-depth study of Mosiah 29 to Alma 4. This lesson focuses on leading as judges instead of kings, honoring agency, Alma and Nehor, priesthood vs. priestcraft, easy beliefs, the Amlicites, mark vs. curse, and more.


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Mosiah 25-28: Conversion of Alma the Younger

An in-depth study of Mosiah 25-28. This lesson focuses on truly seeing each other, hearing one another's stories, becoming one, Church disclipine, the upper limit of forgiveness, the conversion of Alma and the sons of Mosiah, spreading change, and more.


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Mosiah 18-24: The Waters of Mormon

An in-depth study of Mosiah 18-24. This lesson focuses on why we need the Church, the vertical and horizontal dimensions of discipleship, finding out what people have against, the pulpit vs. the pew, suggesting change, coming home, and more.


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Mosiah 11-17: Abinadi & Noah

An in-depth study of Mosiah 11-17. This lesson focuses on filling the guilt gap with grace, questioning God and His prophets, rationalization, a teaching tangent, publishing peace, the suffering Servant, Condescension & Incarnation, Christ's dual nature, and more.


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Mosiah 7-10: Lost & Found

An in-depth study of Mosiah 7-10. This lesson focuses on Hansen's Law, getting into trouble, inquiring after the lost, preparing for the rescue, reasons people leave, seer stones, spiritual sight, overzealousness, and more.


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Mosiah 4-6: "Are We Not All Beggars?"

An in-depth study of Mosiah 4-6. This lesson focuses on applying the Atonement, being in remission, the goodness of God, the pit & the pedestal, question marks &exclamation points, the Infinite & the Intimate, giving generously, perpetual progress, children of Christ, staying changed, and more.
