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Weekly Torah Studies

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Introducing you to new planes in spirituality, society, and self-awareness - one week at a time through the Klein Jewish Academy at HarfordChabad.org


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Introducing you to new planes in spirituality, society, and self-awareness - one week at a time through the Klein Jewish Academy at HarfordChabad.org



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Gratitude Is Good For You

The benefits of feeling and expressing gratitude are well explored. A somewhat obscure law about dedicating fields to the Temple brings us to a surprising perk: expressing gratitude can bring tangible goodness into your life.


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You're Never Alone

Even in the age of connectivity and the proliferation of something called “social media,” people have never been more lonely. A niche law in the Torah’s treatment of a servant provides a poignant companion to anyone at any time: G-d Himself


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A Jew Is A Jew, Is A Jew, Is A Jew

The Four Species we shake on the Sukkot holiday famously represent four different types of Jews. From the way the Torah describes each plant, we learn a valuable lesson about the immutable value of every Jew–regardless of what they do, or do not do.


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Prosaic Holiness

The reality of life for so many is a series of banal, mundane, and oftentimes downright unholy moments. What are we supposed to make of this frustrating situation? A lesson from the lifespan of a fruit in Jewish law teaches us that G-d is best found in precisely these moments.


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A Slice Of Perfection

To a perfectionist, it’s “all or nothing,” right? But for the pragmatist whom Judaism champions, partial perfection is already a remarkable achievement. The matzah ball soup on the last day of Passover teaches us why.


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Don't Be A Good Person

Religion can be attractive to many for one simple reason: it makes you a better person (hopefully). While not a bad argument, this isn’t the extent of Judaism’s majesty at all. The life of the hardworking and quick-to-die worker bee teaches us this valuable lesson.


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Today Is The First Day Of The Rest Of Your Life

Popular conception imagines Creation as a one-time thing, millennia ago, and just running on autopilot ever since. Chasidic thought busts that myth, teaching that Creation is a dynamic event occurring each second anew. With that in mind, every day is truly a new opportunity.


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When Ordinary is Extraordinary

Jewish holidays are all on fixed dates. But curiously, when it comes to Purim, it seems that certain aspects of the holiday can be observed on a number of different days. This interesting fact tells us that not only are holidays uniquely special; any day can be unique if we look carefully.


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We Don't Always Follow The Rules

“Slow and steady wins the race,” they said. And it’s usually true. But sometimes we can’t afford slow and steady. When teaching our children—or even ourselves—about Judaism, we must be bold and ambitious–above and beyond what would usually make sense.


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The Ultimate ROI

Any investor understands that it takes risk, effort, and a long time of seeing no return to really reap the benefits later. As we continue our millennia-long Exile and look at our Temple in ruins, think of all this time as an investment: amazing returns are coming our way.


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All Tied Up

That’s what your mother and your teacher probably told you, and surprise!–they were right. Judaism wishes to teach this to us with multiple mitzvot associated with tying knots, because when you’re all tied up with something, you’ll never forget it.


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There's No Such Thing As An Isolated Jew

Some get exhausted at or intimidated by the prospect of actively participating in the Jewish community. But the laws concerning which garments the High Priest wore in the Temple teach us that the choice has already been made: you’re in! It’s time to embrace this wonderful reality.


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If You Know Alef, Teach Alef

The Temple Menorah had golden goblets fashioned on it. The funny thing is, they were all wrong: upside-down and too narrow at their base. But they broadcast an important message: pour out whatever you know, however narrow or small it may be.


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Jewish Prepping

Some complain that Jewish experiences just “don’t talk to them.” A curious instance of recording the Torah before the Torah was even given teaches us that to maximize the experience, investing time and energy into preparation makes all the difference.


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Out of Three, One

The number “three” pops up frequently in Judaism, with G-d, the Jews, and the Torah as the ultimate three-way partnership. There’s a reason for it: One gets a lot of airtime as the ultimate number of unity, but there’s something special when three brings one and two together.


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Become a Jewish Influencer

For one fateful battle in the desert, an aging Moses did not personally lead the battle, opting to send his younger, stronger deputy instead. And for that, he was punished. Because when it comes to defending Judaism, everyone is on the front lines, no matter your age or stature.


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The Secret of Jewish Survival

Many wonder what makes the Jewish nation keep on ticking like the Energizer bunny. Answers abound, but one thing is for sure: we remain committed to our faith, and G-d keeps on providing the miracles to make it happen.


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The Elusive Fifth Element

Early Jewish thinkers taught that the entire world is made up of four elements. But then there’s an elusive fifth element that lies at the core of everything. The intricacies of Passover chametz law teach us that when it comes to our relationship with G-d, it is this fifth element He seeks.


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When Pain Spells Gain

Challenges, suffering, and pain are unfortunately regular features of life. But is it really so unfortunate? The underwhelming name of the entire second book of the Torah and its opening parshah, “Names,” provides a different message: pain brings the biggest gain.


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The Jewish Fast Day: A Time For Mourning?

You’re hungry, yearning for caffeine, and in need of a nap. Is that really what Jewish fast days were designed for? Unsurprisingly, the literature reveals that it’s actually nothing of the sort, as you’ll find in this refreshing look at what would seem to be very un-refreshing days.
