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What to Say & How to Say It

Religion & Spirituality Podcas

Nina Roesner teaches us how to STOP REACTING in conflict situations, and discover how to RESPOND instead! Conquer people-pleasing, establish boundaries - create authentic relationships! This is how we learn "What to Say & How to Say It".


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Nina Roesner teaches us how to STOP REACTING in conflict situations, and discover how to RESPOND instead! Conquer people-pleasing, establish boundaries - create authentic relationships! This is how we learn "What to Say & How to Say It".



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201: End the Stalemate : Move Past Cancel Culture to Meaningful Conversations | Special Episode with Prof Tim Muehlfhoff

When was the last time you had a truly meaningful conversation? Our society is grappling with a shift. Differences of opinion have always been part of life, but today's culture sees nearly a third of individuals cutting ties over disagreements. Join Shy and special guest Prof Tim Muehlfhoff as we tackle ending the stalemate of cancel culture and fostering meaningful conversations. Check out End the Stalemate: Move Past Cancel Culture to Meaningful Conversations on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/End-Stalemate-Culture-Meaningful-Conversations/dp/1496481151. Grab our free pdf, Find Your Voice: 5 Tools to Stop Walking on Eggshells at https://greaterimpactcouples.org


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200: The Responsive Marriage: Finding the Path Out of Reactivity

When you say "I do," it's all about love, excitement, and a future filled with promise. Yet, as life settles in, clashes arise over temperament, upbringing, and expectations. What once charmed you now irks you. Conflict brews, and reactive responses become the norm. But in "The Responsive Marriage," Dr. Donald W. Welch reveals the true adversary: unmanaged reactivity. Join Shy and guest Dr. Don Welch as we explore "The Responsive Marriage: Finding the Path Out of Reactivity." Check out the book here: https://www.amazon.com/Responsive-Marriage-Finding-Path-Reactivity/dp/B0CNQXLVVB Grab our free pdf, Find Your Voice: 5 Tools to Stop Walking on Eggshells at https://greaterimpactcouples.org.


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199: 3 Ways to Boost Your Feminine Side and Connect With Your Spouse | What a Woman Needs in Her Marriage Series Part 4

Boundaries can be hard. But they don’t have to be. So today we want to give you 3 ways to rediscover your femininity & connect with your spouse. Join Shy and Nina in this enlightening episode of the "What a Woman Needs in Her Marriage Series," where they delve into practical strategies and insights to help you create and maintain boundaries that foster respect, understanding, and love in your marriage. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your relationship and discover the key to a happier, healthier marriage. Grab our free pdf, Find Your Voice: 5 Tools to Stop Walking on Eggshells at https://greaterimpactcouples.org.


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198: Why Setting Boundaries Is Important for Your Marriage Health

Struggling with setting boundaries? Here's help! Most relationship experts agree that the healthiest friendships and marriages have boundaries. What does that mean? What's it look like? If you are wondering how to change your marriage, you won't likely do it without boundaries. Join Kyle Hargrove LPC and Nina Roesner as they dig into this topic! You can reach Kyle at kylehargrove@gmail.com if you live in Texas, and be sure to grab the free resources from greaterimpact.org!


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197: 5 Ways to Overcome Your Fear of Setting Boundaries! What a Woman Needs in Her Marriage Series Part 2

Boundaries can be hard. But they don’t have to be. Join Shy and Nina in this enlightening episode of the "What a Woman Needs in Her Marriage Series," where they delve into practical strategies and insights to help you create and maintain boundaries that foster respect, understanding, and love in your marriage. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your relationship and discover the key to a happier, healthier marriage. Grab our free pdf, Find Your Voice: 5 Tools to Stop Walking on Eggshells at https://greaterimpactcouples.org.


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196: 3 Reasons You “Can’t” be Realistic with Your Spouse

Been walking on eggshells much? Caught yourself saying something to avoid hurting your spouse, but wish you could actually tell them? Join Nina and Kyle as they dig into this important topic today! Grab our free pdf, Find Your Voice: 5 Tools to Stop Walking on Eggshells at https://greaterimpactcouples.org


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WTS 195: Revive Your Relationship with These 5 Tips! | What a Woman Needs in Her Marriage Series Part 2

Boundaries can be hard. But they don’t have to be. Join Shy and Nina in this enlightening episode of the "What a Woman Needs in Her Marriage Series," where they delve into practical strategies and insights to help you create and maintain boundaries that foster respect, understanding, and love in your marriage. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your relationship and discover the key to a happier, healthier marriage. Grab our free pdf, Find Your Voice: 5 Tools to Stop Walking on Eggshells at https://greaterimpactcouples.org.


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194: The Secret to Changing Your Marriage | What a Woman Needs in Her Marriage Series Part 1

So, what will you do with the information you have today? We invite you to check out our website pdf “Find Your Voice - 5 steps to stop walking on eggshells” We also have a FREE space on Facebook if you’re new to Greater Impact and you wanna take a test run. It’s an intro to our ecourse Strengh & Dignity where we dive into more depth around respect and self-respect.


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193: From Broken to Blessed - what you need to know NOW to fix your marriage

Don't miss this man's story about how God changed his marriage! Everyone eventually figures out how hard marriage actually is. Dr. Paul LeCompte shares tales from his book, "From Broken to Blessed - a prodigal life." You'll walk away with encouragement about how powerful God is, and how you can find the joy and peace He's worked into Paul's life. Grab your copy at Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Broken-Blessed-Prodigal-Life-ebook/dp/B0B94VRW38/ref=sr_1_1?c[…]refix=from+broken+to+blessed+paul+lecompte%2Caps%2C108&sr=8-1


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192: 3 Things You Must Do or Your Marriage Will Suffer

Your marriage is in trouble if you don't do these 3 things! In today's episode, Nina and Kyle take a deep dive into what can heal a broken marriage - what a healthy marriage needs to maintain itself, and how to start the process of healing a broken one. Grab our free pdf "Find Your Voice" at https://greaterimpactcouples.org


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191: What to Do if You’ve Lost Respect for Your Husband | Episode from The Counter Culture Mom Show

Men and women both need a combination of love and respect in their marriage. However, our modern culture has blurred the lines between genders to the point where relationships have become more confusing than ever! Nina Roesner recognizes this, and she has addressed it powerfully in her books and her ministry, Greater Impact Ministries. Nina is the executive director of the program, and she is experienced with coaching married couples who are on the brink of divorce. “Our respect for someone else should be because we’re a respectful, godly person not because we judged them as being worthy of it,” she explains. Nina offers pointers on how women can create an environment that allows their husbands to step into their role of Biblical leadership. Check out The Counter Culture Mom: https://counterculturemom.com/ Be sure to grab our free pdf, Find your voice - 5 Tools to STOP Walking on Eggshells at https://greaterimpactwives.org


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190: Where Did You Go off the Track in Your Marriage?

Are you ever surprised by the difficulties in your marriage? Today Nina & Kyle Hargrove (LPC) talk about three ways to get your marriage back on track when you run into problems. Be sure to grab our free pdf, Find your voice - 5 Tools to STOP Walking on Eggshells at https://greaterimpactwives.org


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189: 3 Ways to Clean up the Mess in Your Marriage

David and Susan both felt super frustrated with how they went about trying to solve problems. Seems like every conversation blew up in their faces with both of them hurling insults at each other. Sound familiar? There is a way to navigate conflict confidently and solve the problems in your marriage. Join Nina and Kyle as they dig into this all-too-common topic today! Grab our pdf “5 Tools to STOP Walking on Eggshells” off our website at https://greaterimpact.org


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188: 3 Things to Stop doing to Save Your Marriage



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187: 3 Ways You are Blowing Up Your Marriage

When Tina and Greg got married, like most couples, they seemed to agree on everything and didn’t have arguments. Two years into the marriage, they started have issues and didn’t know what to do. So they started the pattern of avoidance and then blowing up. What happened? Listen to this episode as Nina and Kyle explore the causes and the solutions. Be sure to grab our free pdf: Find Your Voice, 5 Tools to STOP Walking on Eggshells at https://greaterimpact.org


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186: Why Strength & Dignity Matter in Your Marriage

Women around the globe are walking a hard path, one paved with tears and also JOY, to save their marriages. Today, Nina interviews Sally, a Strength & Dignity graduate and facilitator. Learn what saved her marriage and how you can handle tough situations in yours. Sign up at https://greaterimpactwives.org


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185: 3 Ways Emotionality is Destroying Your Marriage

Carol sat stunned in silence as she read the paperwork the deputy handed her. She knew she had overreacted to Jessie’s spending too much money on a golf tournament... she knew she had upset him when he left that day, now a week ago. She had no idea he would file for divorce, however. Her chest tightened, stomach knotting, and her voice escaped her. Don't find yourself in Carol's shoes. If you are dealing with emotionality in your marriage, know if you don't handle it the escalation will continue! Listen in as Kyle and Nina talk through the three ways emotionality is destroying your marriage. Be sure to grab our free pdf: Find Your Voice, 5 Tools to STOP Walking on Eggshells at https://greaterimpact.org


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How Disrespect Damages Your Relationship and How to Resolve It

Emma and Jack are facing a problem they didn't even realize they had: not understanding each other's feelings about respect. Emma, busy with work, felt ignored, while Jack, taking care of their home, wanted appreciation. This led to tension until they figured out what the problem was. To learn more about respect in relationships, check out this episode. Discover how a small change can make a big difference and learn the secrets to a happy marriage! Listen to this episode as Nina and Kyle explore the causes and the solutions. Be sure to grab our free pdf: Find Your Voice, 5 Tools to STOP Walking on Eggshells at https://greaterimpact.org


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183: When You Are Over Being Strong and Resilient

Jake and Emma found themselves at a crossroads. The weight of constant strength and resilience, which had long defined their journey together, had become a silent burden. One evening, as they sat in the soft glow of their living room, Emma sighed, breaking the unspoken agreement to always be the pillar of strength. Jake, sensing her weariness, encouraged her to share what was on her mind. Emma hesitated, but the floodgates opened when she realized Jake was there not only as her partner but as a fellow traveler in vulnerability. She spoke about the fatigue of always being strong, the pressure to have it all together. Jake listened, not with solutions, but with understanding. The conversation wasn't about fixing things; it was about acknowledging the human need for vulnerability. Learn how to navigate this chapter, watch this episode now with Nina and Shy!


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182: Are Your Emotions Demolishing Your Marriage?

Sarah and Mark used to be really happy, but things got tough. They started arguing a lot and not talking about how they felt. It made their love feel hard. Learn how emotions, when handled with care and understanding, could be the catalyst for growth and a stronger, more profound connection. Watch this episode now!
