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Authentic Living


Your Authentic Self is wise, knows the highest path for your life and has never been wounded. That’s right. You have a part of you that has never been wounded. In fact, that part is the truest essence of who you are. Would you like to access it? Do you know how to use your own internal guidance system? Would you like to have peace? How about a more meaningful life? Your authenticity can give you these seemingly miraculous gifts—but you have to know how to get there. Authentic Living with Andrea Mathews will help you raise your consciousness to the level of your own I AM by interviewing some of the great spiritual experts of today. You’ll learn how to see your true self in the midst of life’s twists and turns and be challenged to think outside the box when it comes to the mysteries of life. Can you afford to miss even one of these shows? Authentic Living airs live Wednesdays at 1 PM Pacific on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.


Birmingham, AL




Your Authentic Self is wise, knows the highest path for your life and has never been wounded. That’s right. You have a part of you that has never been wounded. In fact, that part is the truest essence of who you are. Would you like to access it? Do you know how to use your own internal guidance system? Would you like to have peace? How about a more meaningful life? Your authenticity can give you these seemingly miraculous gifts—but you have to know how to get there. Authentic Living with Andrea Mathews will help you raise your consciousness to the level of your own I AM by interviewing some of the great spiritual experts of today. You’ll learn how to see your true self in the midst of life’s twists and turns and be challenged to think outside the box when it comes to the mysteries of life. Can you afford to miss even one of these shows? Authentic Living airs live Wednesdays at 1 PM Pacific on the VoiceAmerica Empowerment Channel.




2112 11th Ave. So., Suite 218 Birmingham, AL 35205 205-328-0780

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Encore Illusions, Delusions and Lies

What is it that keeps us from living authentically? Well at least a part of it is the illusions, delusions and lies we believe that keep us from even considering that there is such a thing as the authentic Self, or that we can live an authentic life. We are so encumbered with these illusions, delusions and lies that we cannot see, are literally blind, to the authentic Self and its messages and urgings. This show is going to expose those illusions, delusions and lies for what they are, and tell the truth about the authentic Self. The truth exposed here today can create a breakthrough, so that you can begin to see, and begin to integrate the authentic Self. Don’t miss it.


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Encore The Oneness in Our Division

We hear it every day now on the news, see it in our social media sites, it’s literally everywhere: we are a divided nation. So divided are we that we have two different realities, or so it seems. One media gives us one form of reality and all the other medias give us an entirely different form of reality. This has made it possible for the people on both sides of the divide to call the other side liars—and absolutely believe that they are telling the truth. There is hate on either side of this divide. So, how will we ever get beyond it? Well, first we absolutely need leadership that does not promote the divide, but encourages our Oneness. But beyond that there is much to see in the Oneness that is a critical and deeply spiritual element of even our very division. We are going to locate and elucidate that Oneness during this show. Don’t miss it.


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Encore Who Are You Really?

We often believe the fabricated idea that we really are that which matches our reputation. We think that the person others think we are is really who we are. We strive hard, in fact, to be that person and to live with the results of being that person. If “they” (usually family of origin and significant others) believe that I’m a bad dude, then that’s what I must be and I may even be putting energy into being bad to prove that I really exist. Same with many other projections that we introject—we become a role rather than a real person. What is authenticity then? And how does one begin the process of actualizing one’s authentic Self? This is an important topic—don’t miss it.


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Encore FEAR!!

It is true that one of the things we fear the most is our own fear. We want it to go away and leave us alone. We want to feel safe, warm and cared for. We want to trust life. But fear just keeps getting in the way. We may try to outweigh it by being tough, strong and loud. We may try to erase it with drinking/drugging. We may cave to it by living in a small little hole for a lifetime. But fear--it is the monster in the closet. So, what can we do. This show will wisely offer solutions to the problem of fear. Particularly in this time when a majority of the country is living in fear--we need to know what to do about fear. Don't miss this important show.


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Encore The Politics of Love

We have learned so much about how we should love, that we don’t know much about how we are loved, and how we do love. There is so much that we should be thinking, feeling, doing in the name of love, that we don’t realize how much of it is actually false, fake, ingenuous. What is really going on behind all those shoulds? Have we yet begun to be certain that we are loved, deeply loved by the divine and the Self? Have we come to understand the specific and very individualized ways in which we love? This show is going to put us in touch with love. Be here for it.


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Encore Don't Be a Jerk

John Povlovitz comes to the Authentic Living show today to remind us of what could be the 11th commandment: “Thou shalt not be horrible.” He wants us to imagine what the world would look like if we all obeyed that command. He reminds us that the way we treat others is the most tangible and meaningful expression of our belief system. And he’s come here today to talk about his book: “If God is Love Don’t be a Jerk: Finding a Faith that Makes Us Better Humans.” In today’s world, where we see professed Christians carrying signs with Bible verses on them into the fray of an insurrection right along with Nazis and White Supremacists, one has to wonder what is happening to Christianity. John is going to tell us both what is happening and what we can do about it. Be here for this.


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Encore Integrating the Collective Shadow of America

The shadow of the American culture is exposed. We are reminded now that while we said we were a nation that supported every person’s equal right to the pursuit of happiness, rather, we were founded upon the death of over 50 million indigenous people and we built our nation on the backs of slaves. We’ve been a two-faced nation from the onset. And now we are beginning to see what we've only suspected before in all the darkness, the lies, the bribery, and the danger hidden beneath the veil of some smiling political faces. The racial unrest, the political unrest, the economy and the physical health of a nation are dependent on us to become aware, to wake up to our own collective shadow and to integrate it in a way that makes us into the nation we said we were when we started this noble experiment. This is a spiritual quest (not a religious quest) and it will require that we handle it from a spiritual perspective. Tune in to learn how we might do this spiritual work.


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Encore The Song of Silence

Why do all of the great spiritual leaders down through history and many of the present day teach of silence and stillness? Why is silence even a thing? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard, striving after a righteous life? Aren’t we supposed to be working hard to serve our brothers and sisters? Aren’t we supposed to be doing the work of growing at all times? Why do they talk about stillness? About silence? About effortless effort? Perhaps it is because silence, stillness is the answer to everything. Don’t miss this important show.


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Encore The Evolutionary Power of Relationship

One of the most important tasks of maturity is learning to live with and accept another person as is, while simultaneously holding on to one’s own authenticity. But most of us go through a few relationships with Mr. or Mrs. Wrong before we get involved with someone with whom we can actually complete that task. This should be someone we cannot control and who cannot control us. It should be someone who encourages our authenticity as we encourage theirs. But what does it take to grow to the point where we can have such a relationship? That’s the $65,000 question, as they say. Well this show is going to answer it. Be here for that.


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Encore Divinization

What if there is actually a process through which you are becoming more and more divine? If that were possible, what would it look like? How would it work? Actually what is happening is that we are becoming more and more aware of that deep authenticity that already is divine—the light within us. Be here today for a discussion of the process of divinization.


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Encore Awakenings

Many of us live our entire lives in a stupor. We are far removed from our bodies, and even further removed from our own souls. What would it be like to come to know yourself as a soul right here on planet earth? Why is it that we think that we can only come to know our own souls after we die? Even those of us who are working to get rid of ego are often doing all of that work without a true connection to soul. Your soul is your own deepest essence and while we tend to think we can come to know others intimately, we often do not know our own souls. During this show we will discuss the various forms of awakening that allow us to come to know ourselves as soul. Don’t miss it.


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Encore Oppositions

In an astrological chart we see a configuration called an opposition. It means that two distinct energies in the chart are acting in opposition to each other. Well, we have all kinds of oppositions in our lives, both internal and external. Betrayals, enemies, inner conflicts, closed doors, terminated relationships, our own inner demons and many more things seem to come up in opposition to where we’d like to go, who we’d like to be. What do we do when these things come up? How can we walk into and through such an opposition while maintaining a healthy spirituality? Do such oppositions mean that we are somehow on the wrong path? Are they meant to punish, teach or otherwise admonish us? Today we are going to explore these oppositions for the mystery of their mystical meanings. Don’t miss it.


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Encore Toward Inner and Outer Peace

Peace. We all long for peace, both inner peace and outer peace. But we cannot seem to find it internally because the external world seems to be in such chaos. So, as long as that's true, how will we ever find peace? Well, today, Karen Noe is here to give us 33 Profound Truths for Inner and Outer Peace. This interview will be based on her latest book We Consciousness: 33 Profound Truths for Inner and Outer Peace. Karen is an internationally renowned psychic medium with a two year client waiting list. So, we have much to learn from her as she offers her truths today--don't miss this opportunity to learn more about how to find and live in peace.


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Encore What to do with Conflicted Feelings

It is hard enough to have one overwhelming emotion take over our thoughts and behaviors. But it is even more difficult for most of us to have two or three very opposite emotions. Our thoughts tell us that we should argue for these positions so that one of the emotions “wins.” But is that really what is the most effective plan? Is it possible that conflicted emotions can help us to heal, even help us to plan our lives in some way? Well, today we are going to be talking to Relationship Strategist and Emotional Fitness coach Jennifer Williams to answer some of these questions. If you have ever experience conflicted feelings, this show is for you. Don’t miss it.


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Encore The Wild, Wild Wisdom of Life

How do we even begin to trust a life in which there is so much worldwide suffering? People say, “Trust the process,” but what does that mean, and how do we trust it? We’ve all entered this wild, wild ride of life filled with all manner of amazing blessings and difficult challenges. Why are we here? What is the point? Given the suffering of the world, some would say that no one should ever leave home. Yet we do, we not only leave our homes but we risk falling in love, we get into committed relationships and we have children. We work jobs toward certain goals we may or may not attain. We challenge life, in fact, as much as life challenges us. How do we do that? What is it in us that is willing to take all those risks? Whatever it is, it is a powerful force and allows us to receive the wisdom, the wild, wild wisdom of life. Today, we are going to get in touch with that wild wisdom, increasing everyone’s vibrational energy. Don’t miss it.


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Encore Inhabiting Heaven NOW

There are many stories out there from those who have experienced a near-death experience, who tell us that life goes on after death as peace and joy. Many mediums who also inform us that life goes on after death as peace and joy. Some who even inform us that we can have, in the here and now, some of that same peace and joy. But is it possible to inhabit heaven even as we live here on planet earth? If so, what would that look and feel like? We live in a dual mindset, an either/or, good/evil, peace/war mindset. But is that really the truth of our life here on earth? Tune in today. Maybe YOU can learn to inhabit heaven NOW.


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Encore False Prophets

We’ve all heard the media reports about cult leaders causing tremendous harm to their followers. But that’s not the kind of false prophecy we are going to be talking about today. Prophecy is truth telling with regard to the nature of the divine and the self. False prophecy is lying with regard to the nature of the divine and self. We all have false prophets within us. And today we are going to differentiate the false from the true prophets within us. Where are we lying to ourselves with regard to the nature of the divine and the self? For to the degree to which we are lying to ourselves, that is the degree to which we lack clear direction, clear guidance about our lives. Don’t miss this one.


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Encore Surrender as Personal Empowerment

Typically we don’t think of surrender as a form of empowerment. We think of surrender in terms of defeat, waving the white flag and feeling forever after that like the loser. But surrender is allowing the soul to be itself. Surrender is allowing the authentic Self to run the life. Surrender is getting in the zone. The problem is most of us don’t know how or when to do it. We don’t know how to “let go.” We don’t know how to get into the flow of our own authenticity. This show is not only going to define surrender in its deepest most essential meaning, but it is going to demonstrate the how’s and the when’s of surrender. Don’t miss it.


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Encore Spiritual Abuse, What It is and How to Heal From It

The terms spiritual abuse have, thus far, only been used to describe how Christian leaders abuse church members. But spiritual abuse runs far deeper and wider than can be described by any one religion. Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit. While it's true that your spirit--your soul--can't really be damaged, it's also true that you can be split off from any conscious awareness of your spirit--and that's what spiritual abuse does. It is possible to live a life complete bereft of any conscious awareness of one's own spirit. That's what spiritual abuse can do. It can happen in any religion, in the spiritual but not religious population, in New Age followers, in New Thought followers, in the Human Potential Movement, and in our homes, in our schools and in our workplaces. Anywhere there is spirit there can be abuse of that spirit. But it can also be healed. Let's talk about it--it's time.


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Encore Spiritual Abuse, What It is and How to Heal From It

The terms spiritual abuse have, thus far, only been used to describe how Christian leaders abuse church members. But spiritual abuse runs far deeper and wider than can be described by any one religion. Spiritual abuse is abuse of the human spirit. While it's true that your spirit--your soul--can't really be damaged, it's also true that you can be split off from any conscious awareness of your spirit--and that's what spiritual abuse does. It is possible to live a life complete bereft of any conscious awareness of one's own spirit. That's what spiritual abuse can do. It can happen in any religion, in the spiritual but not religious population, in New Age followers, in New Thought followers, in the Human Potential Movement, and in our homes, in our schools and in our workplaces. Anywhere there is spirit there can be abuse of that spirit. But it can also be healed. Let's talk about it--it's time.
