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Calvary Church Muscatine

Religion & Spirituality

Calvary Church is committed to connected people with God to be fully devoted to the cause of Christ.


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Calvary Church is committed to connected people with God to be fully devoted to the cause of Christ.





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God is Faithful

God Hardened Pharaoh’s heart, but the Israelites had been told that He will free them from the Egyptian oppression. We see God’s faithfulness to Moses and the Israelites as He prepares to liberate them from the Egyptians. There are times when we feel abandoned by our friends, by our family and even God. God never changes and is He always faithful, we are the ones that change orlose faith. God said to Joshua “As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you nor forsake you.” This promise is repeated in the book of Hebrews.


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When Things Get Worse

Moses and Aaron returned to Egypt with God’s message for Pharaoh and they said to him, “Let my people go…”; he refused. Now things go from bad to worse. The straw that was used to make bricks was previously provided by the king but now he said they are to gather their own straw, but still make their quota of bricks. Some of the Israelites appealed to Pharaoh who called them lazy and told them to go back to work. At this, Moses and Aaron were angry saying “You have put a sword in the Egyptians hands to kill us”.


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God is Able

We continue the encounter at the burning bush, between Moses and God. In spite of all of the assurances that God had given Moses, 5 times he said “No”. It is clear that at this point in his life, all of the confidence and desire for action he had when he murdered the Egyptian, is gone. He has become as meek as the sheep he is tending for his father-in-law. God insists that Moses must go to rescue the Israelites in Egypt, and so he sent Aaron, Moses’ brother as Moses’ mouthpiece, so to speak. Moses had undisputed skills as a leader and for this reason, God insisted.


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Above Us, Among Us

As we saw earlier, Moses was a foreigner in a foreign land. What happened next changed his life forever. Imagine his surprise to see a bush on fire, but the bush itself was not destroyed. A voice from the bush told him to take his shoes off as he was on holy ground. It was God speaking and He told Moses that He was sending him to rescue His people in Egypt. Moses had a number of “but Lord..” objections. How many times have we said to the Lord “but lord..” when He has asked us to do something for Him?


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In The Wilderness

When Moses was older, he saw an Egyptian beating up on one of his fellow Hebrews. Moses killed him and buried him hoping no one would see. Well, he soon found that didn’t work out too well for him. Pharaoh tried to have Moses killed but he ran away to Midian. Later Moses married Zipporah, a priest’s daughter. They had a son whom Moses named Gershom, as he was a stranger in this land of the Midianites. This reflected the dark time in Moses’ life. Meanwhile, the Egyptians continued persecuting the Israelite slaves and their cry for help was heard by God.


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The Birth of Moses

When the king of Egypt saw that the Israelites were multiplying much faster than the Egyptians, he told the Israelite midwives to kill all of the male babies but spare the girls. The midwives feared God more than they feared Pharaoh, so they ignored the command. When the Israelite population continued to rise, he ordered all Egyptians to throw all male babies into the Nile. A mother was afraid her newborn son would be killed so she wrapped him up and put him in a basket among the reeds of the Nile. Pharaoh’s daughter found him crying there and decided to keep him. She named Him Moses because she drew him out of the water. If you look at this passage in Exodus, you’ll find God had His hand in this all of the time.


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Celebration of Dan Schoepf

Today is a celebration of Pastor Dan Schoepf’s “retirement” after serving Calvary Church for 40 years and so today’s service is a little different than what we are used to. It is unusual for a pastor to serve one church community for as long as Dan has served Calvary and even more unusual still for a congregation to want him to carry on serving. His four children provide the worship music and others pay tribute to Dan’s and his wife Lea faithfully serving Our Lord with enthusiasm wrapped in humility.


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Four FAQs

Christians have many questions regarding their faith and this week Pastor Dan responds to four of the most common questions like, 1. How do I bring order to my life? 2. I still really struggle with sin. Am I a Christian? 3. The really difficult discussion with a family member who claims to be a Christian but doesn’t show it. Is he or she a Christian? Lastly we may ask in despair “Why, God? Why me? Why our neighbor? Why now?” Remember Jesus suffered on the cross so there should be no expectation that we would escape pain, suffering or despair.


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Whose Church?

A church must be place where we trust one another, and want each other to succeed, like the huddle in a football game. This is where we encourage and hold each other accountable. It also functions a a hospital, where those that are hurting are comforted and encouraged, where they can trust each other. It is not a club where one can come and go without being known. We may not like some of the programs or sermons, but remember it is Jesus’ church, not ours.


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He's Coming Back

The Day of the Lord is coming and Jesus will return on that day. Before then there are going to be those that are doing Satan’s bidding asking why hasn’t He come yet as He promised? They don’t mention that God made all things, and He will decide when the time is right. God is infinitely patient, fortunately for the scoffers, He wants everyone to be saved by His grace. Then he will destroy the earth and all in it, so make good use of the time you have to live holy and Godly lives.


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How Can I Be Sure?

We believe that once you have prayed to receive Christ, you are saved and you are in God’s fold forever. The question “How can we be sure of our salvation?” can best be answered by looking at one’s life after accepting Christ as Savior. If there is evidence of a positive change in one’s lifestyle, relationships, behavior and habits etc. after praying to accept Christ, we can be sure. It is by faith we are saved and can stand on God’s promise.


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The Substitute

Because God cannot tolerate sin, if we are to have any chance at salvation, we need a substitute, someone or something to take our place. In the Old Testament, sacrifices were offered to God as atonement for the sins of the people. God knew that we could not do it on our own, so all along His plan was to sacrifice His Son Jesus, the one who was without sin, as a substitutionary atonement for us.


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Grace by Faith Alone

This week we learn that the apostle Paul is amazed at how soon the people of Galatia are turning away from the true gospel to false teachings. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith - and this is not from yourselves, it is a gift of God-“ Any other teaching is false and when we pay attention to these false teachings, they are perverting the gospel and we will get confused and mislead. We cannot be saved by what we can do, only by what God has done.


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The Bible Says...

The Bible is the source of truth and when read, understood and applied, is useful for many of the things we do in daily life. It gives hope, because “all scripture is God-breathed”. Therefore, it is important the church’s teaching is straight out of the bible. The moment we start adding to the scriptures or leaving out of the scriptures for political correctness as an example, we are no longer teaching God’s word. Calvary has been deliberate and conscientious and consistent in this regard.


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The Great Commission

We have been given an instruction, not a hint or a suggestion, an instruction. To “Go” and make disciples, baptize them and teach them. Not teach them to gain knowledge, but to obey everything He has commanded us. He wants us to be missionaries, but we don’t need to go to the ends of the earth to be a missionary, there are opportunities right here in our own city. For those that are not able to “Go”, Jesus provides the opportunity to “Send”, that is to support in prayer and financially those willing and able to “Go”.


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Jesus Prays for Himself, His Disciples and Future Believers

Shortly before Jesus was betrayed by Judas, He and His disciples were meeting in the upper room when He began to pray. This time He prayed Himself. He prayed that God would Glorify Him so that He can Glorify the Father. He prayed also for the disciples unity, knowing that His time on earth is short, Jesus prayed that God would protect them knowing that they would encounter trials and danger. He prayed also for those who will believe through the disciples’ message.
