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Daily Intuition

Religion & Spirituality

(Formerly Everyday Attraction & Last Self Help ) We are back! It's 2025 and we have a new format, new show title, and new co-host Lorri Gifford!! Welcome to Daily Intuition - Your Soul's Compass. We are not only going to talk about Abraham but also many other teachers and intuitive leaders. We are moving out of the information age and into the age of intuition. Your soul's guide to your Wealth, your Health, your Relationships. W.H.R are you now and W.H.R do you want? We are also launching video on Spotify and YouTube. So good to be back with you all. -big love, Rae


San Francisco, CA


(Formerly Everyday Attraction & Last Self Help ) We are back! It's 2025 and we have a new format, new show title, and new co-host Lorri Gifford!! Welcome to Daily Intuition - Your Soul's Compass. We are not only going to talk about Abraham but also many other teachers and intuitive leaders. We are moving out of the information age and into the age of intuition. Your soul's guide to your Wealth, your Health, your Relationships. W.H.R are you now and W.H.R do you want? We are also launching video on Spotify and YouTube. So good to be back with you all. -big love, Rae



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Relaunch as Daily Intuition with Rae and Lorri

Here is our first episode and so much has changed for all of us over the past years! First and foremost please welcome Lorri Gifford as my new co-host. Lorri is a gifted psychic and intuitive teacher and ready to rock this new podcast with me. If you'd like to send us an email send to dailyintuitiveshow@gmail.com or leave us a voice message at https://www.speakpipe.com/dailyintuition. We might even play it on a future episode.


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Reality Shifting with Cynthia Sue Larson

Join us with esteemed author and physicist Cynthia Sue Larsen about how we can use both spirituality and quantum science to better understand our ability to more fully impact our reality. We know Self Help is an inside job and Cynthia helps us better understand how the self and the outside world co-mingle with intention and expectation. This is fun and a little nerdy.


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How Beliefs Create Our Experiences

@Darryl Anka (channel for Bashar) talks to us about how important our understanding of beliefs are in order for us to better understand and even change our reality or experience in the physical. In Last Self Help fashion, information is power and we create a sure fire way to see what beliefs are not serving you and how to change them up for better manifestations. If your life is repeating itself with same experiences and outcomes this episodes is for YOU.


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Welcome to The Last Self Help Podcast

Why The Last Self Help Podcast? Because the guru is you. It's time to go within and connected to the infinite intelligence that resides inside you beyond the fear, beyond the past, beyond the beliefs. Together we will explore the ancient and modern wisdom of how to tap into your intuition, your highest self, your truth. Our podcast is hosted by Rae Zander and Debbianne DeRose.


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Your Natural State of Abundance—The Communion of Light

Basking is your only tasking. This wise channel reminds us of how perception is really ever our only "problem." And forgetting of who we really are ... but that, too, can be shifted.


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Surrender Often and Easy, Featuring the Communion of Light

Surrender is an active way to live your life and slip into the effortless effort-ing of divine flow. We engage www.thecommunionoflight.com to lead the way.


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From the Communion of Light: Lazy Cash—How to Work Less and Bring in More

Rae Zander introduces you to the work of Frank Butterfield and the Communion of Light. How can you align yourself with a flow of abundance? According to the Communion of Light, cash/dollars/euros come via alignment, not action. Especially not by running around. All income is passive.


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From the Communion of Light: Lazy Cash—How to Work Less and Bring in More



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From the Communion of Light: Contrast, Desire, Alignment, Allowing

Rae Zander shares information from the Communion of Light. If you are interested in channeled work, Frank Butterfield is a Master Channel who brings forth the amazing Communion of Light vortex several times a day. Check out this simple and fluid process for manifesting to your heart's content from the Communion of Light.


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From the Communion of Light: Contrast, Desire, Alignment, Allowing



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Forgiving Money With the Communion of Light

Welcome to a new and innovative episode of Everyday Attraction. We welcome the Communion of Light as they help us rethink money entirely and get into the energy of cash. We also explore the nature of forgiveness and passive income!


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Forgiving Money With the Communion of Light



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Bad Parenting?

Abraham delivers the most direct and elegant information about how to parent. Warning: This is probably the opposite of anything you have ever heard or read. Check out our website for more information.


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Bad Parenting?



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Should I Assume Everything Is Going to Be All Right?

Our hosts have a special treat. They are focused on the channel Frank Butterfield and the Communion of Light. This is life-changing infomation.


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A hack is a quick and easy way to do something to make your life easier. Can you hack the law of attraction? Discover the power of MicroBlissing and find easy ways to manifest the life of your dreams with Rae Zander and guest Debbianne DeRose.


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What About Commitment?

Our hosts discuss the light and dark sides of being committed. They explore when to lean in and when to let go.


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Oprah's Shakti Teacher, Lisa Schrader, Discusses Being in the Receiving Mode

This week Rae Zander and cohost Lisa Schrader dive in to the unlimited power of feeling satisfaction in life and how such a stance can open the doors to all you have been asking for. Lisa is an amazing teacher, coach, and leader who has changed the lives of thousands. Check out her website at awakeningshakti.com.


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Oprah's Shakti Teacher, Lisa Schrader, Discusses Being in the Receiving Mode

