San Francisco, CA
This is only our opinion… it is neither right nor wrong.
Do Gene Simmons and Paul Stanley Detest Mark? We Put a Quarter Into Mark This Week
Episode 613. Mark is primed and ready, we put a quarter in him and let him go. Plus, updates on the ever changing KISS Asylum tour Off The Soundboard… where you can purchase the CD and the merch featuring only Gene and Paul are pulled. Pophouse is listening and reacting. Purchase the CD at: https://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/UICY-80591 […]
All Your Questions About the New KISS ASYLUM Tour Off The Soundboard are Answered
Episode 612. Mark talks all about his trip to Las Vegas, hanging to some longtime KISS friends, seeing Eric Singer, Tommy Thayer and Bruce Kulick. And… he answers and we discuss the new KISS Asylum Off The Soundboard… will there be a CD version? Will there be black vinyl? Why are Bruce Kulick and Eric […]
Sebastian Bach Claims Steve Vai Filmed One of the Earliest KISS Shows Ever When He Was 15
Episode 611. Sebastian Bach joins Three Sides of the Coin this week and what great conversation! It is all KISS, with a little Van Halen thrown in. Baz starts by showing us one of his Gene Simmons Gargoyles. He shares many stories, including how Gene called him to be in a film called Crash and […]
KISS Celebrate 50 Years of Dressed To Kill & Lisa Surprises All Of Us!
Episode 610. This week we discuss the Dressed To Kill NYC audio tour. COMING SOON! DRESSED TO KILL 50TH ANNIVERSARY: BRAND NEW KISS AUDIO TOUR IN NEW YORK AND ONLINE On March 22nd, KISS will be celebrating the 50th Anniversary of their iconic Dressed To Kill album in New York City with a never before […]
KISS Release a $50,000 Sold Gold Single of Strutter! WTH!!! The KISS Army Is In Shock!
Episode 609. Our reaction to the new KISS Strutter gold records… holy crap! $50,000 for a solid gold records. We didn’t see this one coming! KISS, proudly present “Strutter” on a limited-edition, playable gold records in honor of 50 years of the single available now. KISS partners with Precious Sound to produce two versions—the ultra-rare […]
This Is What KISS Music From The Elder Should’ve Sounded Like, A New Reimagined Release of The Elder
Episode 608. Ken Nardi is back, this time talking about his reimagined Music From The Elder. This new release is the Music From The Elder the KISS Army has always wanted to hear. This is a TRUE concept album now! Ken has expanded The Elder to two discs and he didn’t just work on the […]
We Reveal What KISS is Releasing in 2025, Box Sets, Soundboard Recordings! Sort of!
Episode 607. Mark takes the time this week to discuss at bit more about the cool things coming from KISS this year. Two box sets, more Off The Soundboard recordings. The machine is cranking back up are you ready for some incredibly cool and surprising releases? Press requests please contact Michael Brandvold at www.michaelbrandvold.com Since […]
KISS Army Spain Joins to Talk the Book, Last KISS At The Garden! This Book is Amazing!
Episode 606. Javier Rueda and Mauricio Vázquez from KISS Army Spain join us to talk about their amazing book LAST KISS AT THE GARDEN, DECEMBER 1 & 2, 2023 This new book complements the one they did back in 2021: KISS DESTROYS MADISON SQUARE GARDEN, 1977-2019. After more than 250 shows on their seemingly never […]
Review Reaction: KISS Music From The Elder is Reviewed in Sounds by Geoff Barton
Episode 605. We react to another vintage review. This week it is a review of Music From The Elder in Sounds, reviewed by Geoff Barton. The review is very gushing with love, but it does recognize that it may result in career suicide. Please… we do NOT want your review of The Elder, we want […]
Review Reaction: Peter Criss Out Of Control Sounds Review from 1980
Episode 604. This week we read and react to a 1980 Sounds review of Peter Criss’ solo album Out Of Control. But… as we discuss the review and what happened , or why nothing happened, to the album and Peter Mark reveals and shares some documents from Peter’s team talking about playing live. What solo […]
What Is Heavy Metal? In 1981 Are Styx, Toto, Pat Benatar, REO Speedwagon Heavy Metal?
Episode 603. This week we discuss a post in the Three Sides of the Coin Facebook Group The post is a Heavy Metal chart from Sounds magazine, May 9, 1981. Boy did it open a can of worms… so much debate about bands on this list not being heavy metal. Well, what is heavy metal? […]
“Kiss doing Frank Zappa doing Kiss” New Music Express Rock And Roll Over Review from 1977
Episode 602. NME January 15, 1977 KISS Rock And Roll Over (Casablanca Import) MUCH, MUCH against my better nature I must admit to having had quite a laugh listening to this one. Kiss however are pushing themselves into amusingly ghastly quarters in the numbered vault. Once considered the very crust of hopeful predictions of outlasted […]
Lisa Martini Was in a Episode of Gene Simmons Family Jewels, that Never Aired
Episode 601. We answer more of your questions this week. Tommy is nearly fired, again. And Lisa reveals she was filmed for an episode of Gene Simmons Family Jewels that never aired. Forget the haters, we won! Press requests please contact Michael Brandvold at www.michaelbrandvold.com Since launching in 2012 Three Sides of the Coin has […]
Show 600! Clickbait Headline, OMG What Did Someone Just Say! You Will Freak Out!
Episode 600. 600 episodes! This episode is spent answering as many of your questions as possible. And wow do you have some great questions! Forget the haters, we won! Press requests please contact Michael Brandvold at www.michaelbrandvold.com Since launching in 2012 Three Sides of the Coin has been viewed or listened to over 6,000,000 times. […]
Five KISS Things We Are Each Thankful For. What Are You Thankful For?
Episode 599. This week is our Thanksgiving episode… Five things (KISS) we are each most thankful for. 1) Song (again, thankful for not favorite) 2) Album 3) Tour 4) Era 5) Memory Play along and share what you are most thankful for. Forget the haters, we won! Press requests please contact Michael Brandvold at www.michaelbrandvold.com […]
0:05 / 1:03:23 Music Fans, Why Can’t We All Just Get Along! Respect Other Opinions.
Episode 598. Mark suggested this week’s discussion… respecting the opinions of other people. We start by discussing the comments Blackie Lawless made regarding censorship at his recent NYC show. People can have different opinions and different beliefs and still get along, still be respectful. And of course this sort of behavior is nothing new to […]
Secret Facts Most Fans Don’t Know About KISS? Yeah, Pretty Much No.
Episode 597. Idolator recently shared a new story titled, KISS Finally Admits The Truth About Their Band Name + Other Secret Facts Most Fans Don’t Know. We went through this list so see if there were any secret facts we didn’t know. Sorry, but most of this article is filled with “duh!” moments. But join […]
Ace Frehley solo that is as devastating as that incredible break in Slade’s Mama Weer All Crazee Now
Episode 596. We discuss Creem Magazine’s review of Rock N Roll Over… you need to sit through seven paragraphs of “what the hell is he talking about” before we get to the actually album review, but it is worth it! KISS – Rock And Roll Over by Billy Altman Creem Magazine Feb 1977 In the […]
The Hotter Than Hell Fan Remix, How it Happened, How it Was Done
Episode 595. Ken Nardi, known on YouTube as FranKENstein, brings his passion to Three Sides of the Coin to discuss his Hotter Than Hell fan remix. Why he did it? How he did it? What other projects is he working on? Forget the haters, we won! Press requests please contact Michael Brandvold at www.michaelbrandvold.com Since […]
WTF is Wrong with Some of You People! It is Just a Opinion. Do Not Open Your Mouth Until You Listen!
Episode 594. What the f is wrong with some of you people? Do you understand just how foolish you look when you comment on an episode and you haven’t listened to it first? When you react based on how someone else is reacting? When you offer your opinion of a show that you didn’t listen […]