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Let's Learn Everything!

Science & Technology News

Science communicators Ella Hubber, Tom Lum, and Caroline Roper learn about anything and everything interesting! Each episode they teach each other about a science topic, and learn about a miscellaneous topic. Whether it's bugs on drugs, temporal illusions, or fanfiction, there's so much out there, so let's learn everything! Join our Discord, email us, and follow us everywhere at www.LetsLearnEverything.com


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Science communicators Ella Hubber, Tom Lum, and Caroline Roper learn about anything and everything interesting! Each episode they teach each other about a science topic, and learn about a miscellaneous topic. Whether it's bugs on drugs, temporal illusions, or fanfiction, there's so much out there, so let's learn everything! Join our Discord, email us, and follow us everywhere at www.LetsLearnEverything.com



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77: Light Pollution & Mistaeks

What can we learn from the most modern - but overlooked form of pollution? And can mistakes in art be something actually... good? Images we Talk About: Navajo Rug Ch'ihónít’i Ramses II Statue Ecce Homo The Original Ecce Homo 3 Versions of Ecce Homo Lincoln Memorial Mistake Timestamps: (00:00:00) Intro (00:03:25) Light Pollution (00:48:06) Mistaeks (01:37:02) Outro Support us with a Max Fun Membership! Join our Discord! We also learn about: Auctioning topics, the origins of pollution, pollution is old but light pollution is from the 1960s, the great stink, the biggest light polluter is the sun, old gas street lights used to be more like beacons than lights, the world’s getting 10% brighter each year, 80% of North American can’t see the milky way, Light Trespass, Sky Glow, light pollution makes telescopes worse, Tom’s parents hearing him scream WHY IS THERE BREAST MILK, the strange lights after the 1994 LA earthquake, amateur astronomers are vital to astronomy, light trapped moths, a 1917 study on lighthouses and bird migration, birds waking up 5 hours earlier, turtles also use moonlight navigation, just move your telescope and evolve your species it’s not our fault, “he glistens you philistine”, the big beautiful glow worm woman in the sky, street lights are like sugar light to plants, light pollution isn’t the biggest issue - but that can make it easy to ignore - and it has some easy wins! it’s solvable at the community level, Tom’s buoyancy broken hand mistake, oops I mixed up my therapy and podcast topic list, the beatles anomalies list, Michelangelo’s beautiful complaint letter poem, we are our own worst critic, the ASMR mistake was just an anomaly, Kintsugi, “it treats breakage as a part of the object’s history rather than an error or a failure to be covered up”, what’s the japanese word for mud covered boots, only god can make perfect fun facts, Ch'ihónít’i, releasing the thoughts from an object - a way out, the journey of Caroline’s darned jumper, how can you tell an old mistake was a mistake? hieroglyphic typos, oh shit control ankh control ankh, revealing an ancient mistake by mistake, Philadelphia isn’t real it can’t hurt you, the Jesus that was… made an anomaly by Gloria Gimenez, the misremembered story of Ecce Homo, art is this emotional roller coaster, wow don’t take Tom’s summary Caroline, Lincoln memorial myths, 1000 years from now a museum in Neo Egypt will carve out the lincoln memorial fix, I know a great art restoration person in spain if you need one, most mistakes are just forgotten, you need mistakes to learn, the mistake of starting this podcast, verbal kintsugi, anomalous jesus, we didn’t learn today that Ella was a contrarian. Sources: Britannica: Light Pollution 2020 Paper: A Chronology of Global Air Quality Wikipedia: The Great Stink NHM London: Increasing Light Pollution is Drowning out the Stars 2023 Paper: Light Pollution is Skyrocketing Scientific America: Light Pollution is Dimming Our View of the Sky 2009 Paper: Missing the Dark: Health Effects of Light Pollution National Parks Service: Connect with the Galaxy: A case for turning out the lights CAPE 2023: What are the Effects of Artifical Light on Human Health? An Evidence Brief 2019 Paper: Effects of Light at Night on Laboratory Animals and Research Outcomes 1918 Paper: The Destruction of Birds at the Lighthouses on the Coast of California 2021 Paper: Characteristics of Light Pollution – A case study of Warsaw (Poland) and Fukuoka (Japan) 1973 Paper: Light Pollution BBC: How light pollution disrupts plants' senses Dark Sky: Solutions to Light Pollution --- The Beatles Anomalies List Michelangelo's "Poem" Kintsugi Jill Ahlberg Yohe's Incredible Paper on Ch’ihónít’i Penn Museum's Ramses II Ancient Egyptian Literacy NYTimes on Ecce Homo The Guardian Ecce Homo Critique The Art History of Ecce Homo AP on Ecce Homo a Year Later


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Recast: The Funcanny Valley - Spellbound and Gagged

As we plan out the new year, please enjoy a recast of one of my (Tom's) favorite guest appearances on Spellbound and Gagged, hosted by the wonderful friend of the show Ellen Weatherford!


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New Year Q&A 2024/25

It's the start of the new year which means a bunch of new questions submitted by YOU! What are our favorite words from the podcast? What's it like to scrap a topic? Would we still love each other if we were worms? Things we Talk About: Contrapoints' Twilight Video Jenny Nicholson's Star Wars Hotel Video Shaun's Channel China's Artifical Sun XOXO 2024 Videos Timestamps: (00:00:00) Intro (00:07:42) Part 1 (01:13:53) Part 2 (01:54:30) Outro Support us with a Max Fun Membership! Join our Discord! We also learn about: west our weawy heads, this year we had long topics and a good spread of topics, Jono’s Q&A themes 2.0, next year I’m doing a topic on Caroline, we can neither confirm nor deny it’s the dex we know, Challengers Zone of Interest is the new Barbenheimer, games that show your personality, ahh eating your own poop has been on my list for forever, the use of pseudoscience, Caroline’s favorite word from the podcast is Quantum thanks to Tom (awww), Tom’s favorite is Kleptoparasitism, just “Light” as a topic, can we sweep Ella off her math’s feet, say hi to us! we clicked with Gretchen TOO well, the format change has been great! someone thought that with the format change one person would just not be there, next year one topic - then zero - then negative topics, Ella’s super secret question section, Head and Shoulders made these lovely locks, being non binary, Ella still collects squashed pennies, learning outside the podcast, you are a clown, actually it turns out we don’t need comedy in this show - huh, tiktok is like matches and podcast are logs, tiktok vs youtube vs podcasts, oh people are listening to this, waiting for the other fun to drop, how we resolved learning everything, 2026 is gonna be a banging year, Ella’s 2 Star review of the year.


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76: The HaLearnDays Spectacular! 2024

It's the HaLearn Days!! We've gathered a whole bunch of fun facts from each other and from friends of the show to share the gift of laughter and learning! Images we Talk About: The Rat Car Rat Car Video Support us with a Max Fun Membership! Join our Discord! Timestamps: (00:00:00) Intro (00:07:57) Part 1 (00:59:11) Part 2 (01:37:06) Outro We also learn about: The Christmas Brussel Sprout Tradition, put christ back in halearn days, Where the Dog Ran, eclipses are more of a “huh?” moment, you might hear a frog during an eclipse - or more likely a science communicator, the turkey helicopter truth is stranger than fiction, giraffes can’t walk up anything steeper than 20 degrees, topography is important for giraffe reserves, the emu wars, Anatidaephobia, gotta define intimate, I eat and talk with tongue, our most liked tweet was from a jetlag hat, there’s nothing in the rules that says a wormhole can’t exist and a dog can’t play basketball, we got a rejection on our preprint from St Nicholas, Michel Foucault’s Elf on a Shelf, the scale of believability, when we stopped believing in santa, “Santa knows I can’t speak german”, the child psychology of Santa, William Shatner’s Halloween mask, Sleierton’s Betty Boop ghost mask, Tom finds out he’s driving a rat experiment car, the yuletide tradition of rats, rats would rather drive longer route to get food, alright “Tom Lum”, rice crispies and taco sauce, bingo bingo prison industrial complex! it’s very human to want to have tasty food, the places I would least like to have taste receptors, taste receptors and buds are different, we just discovered them on our tongues first and called them taste receptors, really our tongue has testicle and urethra receptors, screen-based phones, electronic purgatory, we will all get old, and as we say on the podcast: every year another vagina, should all our fun facts be forgot and never brought to mind, we’ll raise a cup of kindness yet, for everything. Sources: Minute Physics video on Animals during Eclipses Frog Song During Eclipse Study Wikipedia: WKRP in Cincinnati “Turkeys Away” Why Can’t Domesticated Turkeys Fly? Eureka Alert: Giraffes Struggle with Slopes The Emu War Scientific American: 80 million microbes in a Kiss Microbiome Journal: Kiss study Nature News: Shared Microbiome AIP Wormhole Definition & Paper Astronomy Today on Wormholes 2024 Paper: Children’s Belief in Santa Claus and Moral Behavior Snopes on Michael Myers Mask Snopes on Scream Mask William Shatner interview Entertainment Weekly Independant: Scientists Taught Rats to Drive BBC: Rats Taught to Drive Tiny Cars to Lower Their Stress Levels 2020 Paper: Enriched environment exposure accelerates rodent driving skills Space Shuttle: The First 20 Years NPR: Ramen Noodle Currency 2013 Paper: Taste perception: From The Tongue To The Testis NIH In Brief: How Does Our Sense of Taste Work? 1992 NYTimes Article about Cell Phones CBC Article on the First Text Message


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75: Where are We? & Carrot Propaganda

Where are we in the universe? And what can we learn from all the hilariously wrong guesses and bad maps that got us there? And just how much carrot propaganda was there? Well, we'll see a lot of posters and a few myths to debunk! Images we Talk About: Dunn's Earth & Moon Maps Herschel's Milky Way Map Wright's Island Universes Drawing The Image of M31 from 1919 First Full Image of Earth The World Carrot Museum Carrot Poster 1 Carrot Poster 2 Disney Carrot Characters Dr Carrot Timestamps: (00:00:00) Intro (00:04:44) Where are We? (00:45:11) Carrot Propaganda (01:24:04) Outro Support us with a Max Fun Membership! Join our Discord! We also learn about: we’re allowed to make up topics I guess, Samuel Dunn’s map of the Earth and moon, subtle thematic forshadowing, galactocentrism, the awkward teenage years of science, every human could see the milky way, the backbone of night, the milky origins of galaxy, Herschel’s heliocentric drawing of the milky way, Cosmic Pride, the zone of avoidance, island universes is multiverses for the middle ages, the great or not so great debate, can you debate something more interesting like moo deng, M31 the little cloud, the person whose telescope proceeds him: Edwin Hubble, “here is the letter that has destroyed my universe”, years of fighting over terminology, the World Carrot Museum, the moment this turned from a distraction into a topic, we do actually need vitamin A for night vision and eye health, you can only get vitamin A from meat… and vegetables… and fruits, the blackouts in WWII, carrots to help drivers be safer in the dark, incredible podcasts - they help you see in the blackout, Cat Eyes Cunningham, no official document shows intentionally hiding radar with carrot vision, the myth happened organically, “the war could be won on the kitchen front”, Walt Disney designed carrot mascots, if you don’t think food is political I have some posters to show you. Sources: Yale History of the Center of the Universe Library of Congress: History of Discovering the Milky Way NASA Archive of The Great Debate Hoskin's Amazing "The Great Debate: What Really Happened" Astronomy of Today Book with the Image of the M31 "Nebula" Hubble: The Realm of the Nebulae ESA Bio on Edwin Hubble NYTimes Hubble Bio Science Friday Article about Henrietta Leavitt Kragh's Fantastic "Nebulae or Galaxies? The history of a change in astronomical terminology --- NHS: Macular Health American Academy of Opthamology on Vitamin Deficiency American Optometric Society on Vitamin A Eye Health Healthline: Are Carrots Good for Your Eyes? Smithsonian Magazine: A WWII Propaganda Campaign Popularized the Myth That Carrots Help You See in the Dark Web Archive: World Carrot Museum NYT 1940: London Urges Carrot Diet For 'Blackout Blindness' NYT 1942: Blackout Hints -- From a Blackout Veteran NYT 1942: Disney Family BBC: How 'Cat's Eyes' helped change the world Britannica: One Good Fact


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Submit Your Q&A Questions!

It's everyone's favorite holiday: the day we ask you to submit your Q&A questions!! Go to www.LetsLearnEverything.com/questions and submit your questions about truly anything at all from the science to the serious to the silly!


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74: Autumn Leaves & Swearing

Why do leaves change color? No... like really? Like, show-me-the-scientific-literature-really? After all how mysterious could the answer be? And holy frick we're finally doing a topic on swearing!! What are the eras of swearing, and what is swearing actually good for? Listen to our episode of Escape this Podcast: Oceananigans pt. 3 - The Bering-toss Strait Images we Talk About: Carotenemia Hands Timestamps: (00:00:00) Intro (00:03:34) Autumn Leaves (00:53:04) Swearing (01:42:57) Outro Support us with a Max Fun Membership! Join our Discord! Congrats to Kelly & Zach on the book prize! We should write a book, chilli peppers are spicy cause mammals digest them before pooping them out, magnesium makes leaves green, it’s worth it to drop leaves because when they do work they’re so efficient, man trees are interesting, carotenemia, “yeah so if you want an unnecessary amount of detail…”, Caroline has an answer for all our questions, anthocyanins, red leaves could be aposematic, finding one explanation for a color doesn’t mean we know for sure, Tom calls the climate change turn, warmer weather keeps leaves greener in autumn (good) but there’s less sunlight to use it (bad), animals use autumn leaf colors to help with migration, wont someone think of the leaf peepers, I don’t know/we don’t know, this might be too much swearing - thats a threat and a promise, the versatility of fuck, “fuck is good”, may all your teeth fall out except one to give you a toothache, Ella read a book for this of all topics, “hmm… fuck cunt shit…”, determining a historic swear is like jazz - it’s the swear words you don’t see, stop trying to make clit a thing, Ella was totally right to put a swear warning at the top, the nuance of gender roles in ancient rome, Fuck has a beautiful equality to it, shitepokes and windfuckers, cunt used to be just a regular word for vulva, medieval ages didn’t care about shit… literally, the journey of swearing makes dull history exciting, UK US Australia swearing differences, if Ella’s dad saind cunt that’s naughty - if Tom’s dad said it they’d need to have a conversation, our swearing histories, why do we keep swearing? swearing has social benefits, swearing is intimate! swearing for emphasis and believability, we swear without thinking and yet it’s so socially complex, swearing activates different parts of the brain, the “fuck” region of our brain and the fuck region of our brain are closer than we thought, screaming neutral words as a control, swearing is why Ella is the strongest host, we still don’t know Why swearing is so powerful for us, tell us your favorite swears! review corner breaks the fourth wall. Sources: Cleaveland Clinic : Can Eating Too Many Carrots Turn Your Skin Orange? Harvard Forest: The Process of Leaf Color Change USDA: Science of Fall Colors Harvard Forest: The Biological Significance of Leaf Color Change 2022 Paper: The phenomenon of red and yellow autumn leaves: Hypotheses, agreements and disagreements 2004 Paper: Plant coloration undermines herbivorous insect camouflage Science Direct: Plant coloration undermines herbivorous insect camouflage 2004 Paper: Nature's Swiss Army Knife: The Diverse Protective Roles of Anthocyanins in Leaves 2012: Simulated herbivory advances autumn phenology in Acer rubrum 2002 Paper: Foliage color contrasts and adaptive fruit color variation in a bird-dispersed plant community CID: How Climate Change Impacts Leaf Pigments Image: Heam VS Chlorophyll --- Yiddish Curse Swearing: A Social History of Foul Language, Oaths and Profanity in English - Geoffrey Hughes Holy Shit by Mellisa Mohr Stapleton et al “The power of swearing: What we know and what we don’t” Study: Swearing as a Hypoalgesic Study: Swearing Makes you Stronger


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73: Linguist Gretchen McCulloch, Latin in Science, and Internet Linguistics

Internet linguist Gretchen McCulloch of Lingthusiasm joins us to casually answer all of our pressing linguistics questions with the most mind blowing facts. Why does science use so much dang latin, and what is so unique about internet linguistics? Images we Talk About: Gretchen's Favorite Frogs Timestamps: (00:00:00) Intro (00:10:58) Latin in Science (00:54:49) Misc & Internet Linguistics (01:22:46) Outro Support us with a Max Fun Membership! Join our Discord! We also learn about: Words that change the state of the universe, a promise is a kind of magic, “people ask me how i make a living doing linguistics and it’s very simple actually” just make podcast wagers, the language of space, space pidgin language, “that’s a great hypothesis and it’s actually hte opposite of that” sometimes the answer is imperialism! English is being used in science now how Latin was back then, the vulgate bible was latin to reach more people even the “vulgar”, you’re cousins a scribe learning latin - what are you doing a podcast? “Writing is a Technology”, writings only been invented like 4 times, writing originated as reciepts and lists, the A is an upside down ox, why invent a new letter when that means having to change the printing press - just double letter! you access computing through programming and programming is linked to language, we don’t know whether the first language was spoken or signed, french linguists once banned the discussion of the origin of language bcause it was deemed “fruitless”, it’s wild we could retrofit our brains to read and write at all, changing, linguistically accurate sesame street, “Who would know aught of art must learn, act, and then take his ease”, Ella you have goregous tripthongs, nice try Gretchen but our 69th episode was a few back, the Mini frogs, isn’t a linguistic podcast niche? you’re saying that to me in a language, Gretchen loses her words and makes perfect sense, Gretchen went back in time to give herself this mystery book, you don’t have to be the version of yourself you imagined when you were twelve, Linguistics loves undergrad researchers to explain the youths, there’s always new linguistics to study, the kids are changing language- and that’s so fascinating, linguists and polyglots are related but not the same, what makes internet language Uniquely internety, is it really internet lingo or just AAE, the internet made people write a lot more than they used to, informal and unmediated writing is uniquely internet linguistics, people have wanted a sarcasm punctuation since at least 1575, emoji are a form of gesture, postcards were sometimes numbered like twitter threads, Gretchen did Sooo much research into the literature of sarcasm, the potential for misunderstanding is the point of sarcasm, “sarcasm is this linguistic trustfall”, pushing the boundaries of what a language can be, Solresol the musical conlang, language is everything - rainbows are language, whitespace programming language,


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72: Former Cryptids & The Art of a Scary Story

Cryptids may be spooky, but what about the spooky animals that turned out to be... real?? And what makes a good spooky story? Could it be something secretly... heartwarming?? Timestamps: (00:07:15) Intro (00:04:21) Former Cryptids (00:54:25) The Art of Spooky Stories (01:52:33) Outro Support us with a Max Fun Membership! Join our Discord! We also learn about: Caroline have you never met a vampire? that was from episode number Four Three, what’s spookier than having to be known, Ella met Tom the true Cryptid, the cryptid museum was research, formerly the cryptic mascot: the Okapi, komodo dragons inspired king kong, 60 iron tipped teeth (like beavers), dragon virgin birth, yes queen life finds a way, squid squads on the hunt, only photographed in 2004, 20 years ago - don’t say that, 8 fully controllable giant tentacles, “I’m learning!” as it drags you down to the bottom of the ocean, save the whales because we need them on our team for the kraken wars, you know what’s not a cryptid? western hegemony, the head of a fox and the tail of a monkey, so many names for the jackalope across the world, are jackalopes cancer??? the Jackalope and HPV vaccine are zero degress of separation away, Ella writes a sappy ending for Tom, Ella watched The Ring at 6, being retold Evangelion in an art class, a meteor made of vampires, King’s 3 kind of scary, “don’t you like to feel the shivers?”, evangelical horror, Zhiguai - accounts of the strange, a story of a beautiful harp player, creepypastas, Ella formaly apologize for her cocktober misstep, “I see you sluts out there and I don’t want to do you any disservice, two sentence horror, the artistry of Telling a scary story, maybe the real spooky story was the friends we made along the way who were dead the whole time. Sources Guardian: Komodo Dragons ESA Journals: The Okapi of the Apadana BBC: Facts About Komodo Dragons Scientific American: Iron Tipped Teeth New Yorker: The Squid Hunter BBC Science Focus: Giant Squid Wiki: Giant Squid On the Track of Unknown Animals The Strange Adventures of Andrew Battell PBS: Fantastic Creatures Evolutionary Anthropology: Discovering Gorilla Cambridge University Press: Hanno and Gorillae Nature: The First Description of a Kangaroo National Geographic: The Myth of the Komodo Dragon’s Dirty Mouth Shope OG paper Royal Society Paper: Shope Papilloma Virus The Scientist: On the Trail of the Jackalope --- NYTimes Story on Exxon and Climate Change A History of Horror Timothy Beal Paper on Evangelical Horror Pliny The Elder's Ghost Story Liu Ming Ming on Zhiguai The Story of Liang Gan Bao In Search of the Supernatural Retelling Urban Legends Study SCP Antimemetics Division JSTOR Daily on Alvin Schwartz's Process CRR Library on Alvin Schwartz Language Arts Interview


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71: 🎂 Good Invasive Species, Rock Climbing, and Ig Interviews

For our birthday this year, we've each gifted a topic for one another! For Caroline, an environmental hot take: can invasive species ever be... good? For Tom, an entire topic about one of his favorite hobbies: rock climbing! And for Ella, interviews from the Ig Nobel Laureates this year. Support us with a Max Fun Membership! Join our Discord! Timestamps: (00:00:00) Intro (00:09:04) Good Invasive Species (00:46:31) Rock Climbing (01:18:05) Ig Nobel Interviews (02:01:14) Outro We also learn about: In podcast years we’re 60, Ella’s party hat, what’s your favorite color and least favorite invasive species, it’s my birthday also, the zebra mussel, Humanity: “Hubris et Brevi Perspicacia”, canetoads that can’t even reach the beatles, maybe Ella is biased being part of the largest invasive species: the brits, not all non-native species are invasive, the neutral long island wall lizards, should I stan or cancel the grass? you can’t get rid of the nonnative birds in hawaii without killing the native plants, knowing beneficial non-native species helps us triage the real problems, Caroline’s thesis was on this??? a traditional LLE answer: It’s Complicated, Tom simply screams, duck roll, GTA IV Trailer, songs when he was born, but how does this involve scientology? what makes us human, Live from the Ig Nobels, “Don’t Die”, sometimes you need to remember to breathe, “I mostly just watch clips on Lateral”, Blue Zones, Dr Saul Newman’s Poem, Skinner’s pigeon guided missiles somehow missed Ella, minority report for pigeons, “I’m from New York Most of the Times”, vortex energy capture, The Water Swims the Fish took years, a long winded way to say just keep swimming, the silly in the science, Tom rips up Caroline’s gift. Sources: Canal & River Trust: Zebra Mussles National Museum Australia Cane Toads in Australia Wikipedia: Beavers in Patagonia Scientific American: Hawaiian Birds The Conversation: Some ‘invasive species’ can help native ecosystems thrive. The Hawaii VINE project Hofstra University: Italian Wall Lizards Trends in Ecology and Evolution: Valuing the contributions of non-native species to people and nature Brown University Press Release Brown Daily Herald: Rebuttal --- Rock Climbing sources coming soon! --- Ig Nobel Ceremony 2024 Max Planck Institue on Blue Zones UCL on Saul Newman's Work Pre-print of Saul Newman's Paper Smithsonian Mag on the Pigeon Project NIH on Operant Conditioning APA Eminent Psychologists of the 20th Century Survey Julie Vargas Queens University Belfast Interview Jimmy Liao's Dead Trout Paper


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70: The Core of the Earth & Planned Obsolescence

What's actually going on in the center of the Earth, and just how interesting and useful could it be? And how did the now ubiquitous Planned Obsolescence start with... bicycles?? Images we Talk About: An Early Bicycle Bilhert's Animations Timestamps: (00:00:00) Intro (00:05:06) The Core (00:58:24) Planned Obsolescence (01:45:52) Outro Support us with a Max Fun Membership! Join our Discord! We also learn about: Core Memories, we live on the zest of a lemon, there’s something neapolitan icecreamy about the Earth, Bridgmanite is 38% of the Earth, The Iron Catastrophe sounds metal as hell, an audio journey to the center of the Earth, “Eat My Ass Out Radiolab”, Earth’s Internal Heat Budget is half original energy and half nuclear, the Earth won’t cool down for at least another 10 years, the American Miscellaneous Society’s Project Mohole, in 20 years we dug 12 km and escaped the solar system, when you don’t have earthquakes- use grenades! the shadow in the center of the Earth, Inge Lehmann kicks ass, “the master of a black art”, the inner core wobbles, the core is grainy and grows faster under Indonesia, the 2 most magical things: cold beer and hand warmers, the Inner Core Nucleation Paradox, “how wonderful that we have been met with a paradox, now we have some hope of making progress” - Niels Bohr, the Earth’s magnetic dynamo, Planetary Habitability is uh pretty important, everyone say thank you to the core, the innermost inner core, sometimes the one you’re looking for has been right below you this whole time, Tom falls hook line and sinker for a sudden 175 page bicycle paper, the first bikes without pedals or steering, the boneshaker, older men used tricycles, only the rich and adventurous used bikes, the safety iphone, you’re still using a bike 8? 10% of ads had a bicycle, Bernard London coined phrase the phrase 100 years ago, Planned Obsolescence was a legal proposal, contrived durability, there’s so many flavors and they all suck, e-waste, fast fashion is a vicious cycle, please I’m so full no more obsolescence words, car scrapping, why can we only help the planet when we also make a ton of money too, I’ve never seen someone so excited over Right to Repair, what do you mean you didn’t check every country’’s legal system? Source SEG Wiki on the Layers of the Earth Forbes: Bridgmanite “Six ‘Must-Have’ Minerals for Life’s Emergence” Olsen Lecture on the Iron Catastrophe Bureaeu of Economic Geology on Mohole & Kola Science Article on Bridgmanite Britannica on Richard Dixon Oldham AMNH's Wonderful Article on Inge Lehmann & Earthquakes Don Anderson Paper Review of the Inner Core Smithsonian Mag on Inge Lehmann Excellent Review from Harvard on Lehmann's Groundbreaking Paper Geological Society of America on Super Rotation Scientific American on Core Slowing Space on Core Growth University of Leeds on the Inner Core Nucleation Paradox Scientific American on Core Paradox 2023 Paper on the Innermost Inner Core --- Science Direct: Planned Obsolescence 1984 Paper: An Economic Theory of Planned Obsolescence 1998 Paper: The Most Benevolent Machine: A Historical Assessment of Cycles in Canada 2023: A Deep Dive Into Addressing Obsolescence in Product Design: A Review IndieAuto: 1960's VW Ad PERC: Planned Obsolescence: The Good and the Bad BBC: How The Right to Repair Might Change Technology The Guardian: Planned Obsolescence: The Outrage of Our Electronic Waste Mountain CBS News: Apple is Sending Out Payments to iPhone Owners iImpacted by "Batterygate." Here's what they are getting. The Evening Standard: Apple Battery Lawsuit Iberdrola: Planned obsolescence UNITAR: Global e-Waste Monitor 2024 BBC: E-waste: Five Billion Phones to be Thrown Away in 2022 European Parliament: The Impact of Textile Production and Waste on the Environment (Infographics) The Atlantic: The Neurological Pleasures of Fast Fashion Britannica: Fast Fashion Ellen MacArthur Foundation: Fashion and the Circular Economy WRAP:...


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69: Hank Green, Sex Science, Reverse Platypi, and the First Dick Drawing

Longtime inspiration and friend of the show Hank Green joins us for a very special episode! How do colonial organisms with just one queen avoid incest? How many Ig Nobels have gone to sex science? Can the team figure out the identity of the Reverse Platypus? When was the first dick grafitti, and could the story actually be... wholesome??? Watch: The video of the unexpected moment Images we talk about: MRI of Sex Rat Pants Diagram The Phallodeum Image Venus of Hohle Fels The Debatable Dick Hadrian's Wall Dick Graffiti Vindolanda's SECVNDINVS Dick The Vindolanda Dick Nikasitimos's Dick Timestamps: (00:00:00) Intro (00:06:40) How Not to Colonial Incest (00:20:52) Ig Nobel Sex Studies (00:39:07) The Reverse Platypus (01:06:31) The First Dick Graffiti (01:33:10) Hank Questions (01:53:44) Outro Our Tea Affiliate Link! Support us with a Max Fun Membership! Join our Discord! We also learn about: Emmy award winning standup comedian Hank Green, the fellowship of the ning, the literal birds and the bees, the icelandic ant geneology app, icelandians are my favorite colonial organism, breeding flight, slay queen - happy pride everyone it’s when we’re recording this, sperm storage, queens have a life's worth of sperm and eggs inside them, Spermathica that’s my word of the day, the termite queen stores the sperm inside a king, “he’s not my boyfriend he’s my sperm storage unit”, naked mole rats may do incest but they dont have cancer! the answer is “all of the strategies somewhere”, after all reproduction is The Thing in evolution, the ribbed condom won all the prizes that year, any topic can be a sex topic if you try hard enough, I think the ancient greeks proved a gay bomb would make them more powerful, MRI Porn is a new fetish, we should study sex more, sex makes you want to pee, whatever you’re doing pee right now, The Sex Live of Pantsed Rats, would rats be sexier if they wore pants like this or this, our google history is fucked, polyester testicle sling contraception, The Awesome Polyester Scrotum Cup Club, if you’re creative they’re all sex numbers, shark live birth is metal, teamwork - what is this the lateral podcast? Jules Howard presents Duck Vagina VR, “if it’s Caecilians I’m going to be so mad”, Bizarre Beasts gave Tom a heart attack, the Reproduction DLC, Caroline falls in love with Caecilians, “they come in blue!”, all that matters is How Do They Bone! lots of non mammals give live births sharks to snakes to aphids, phallodeum: penis day! “we had to make a whole new peen word!”, phallodeum photo watermark, I haven’t looked at every caecilian penis okay! “can you make it into cheeeese thoooough”, we’ve invented a new fetish and a new delicacy, Caecillians and Sicillians have a lot in common, why are not talking about this more! “it’s not surprisingly, maybe I’m just very smart!”, 40,000 year old genital sculptures, Venus Hohle Fels, the debated dick, ah the conclusive slit! “it’s like looking for a face in a cloud”, the penis test is whether it would be confiscated in school, penis art vs penis graffiti, how many penises on Hadrian’s wall, almost one dick per mile, time to penis, “are you ready for your next penis”, Secundinus deez nuts, when Nick and Tim have sex so good they carve about it on a wall, “little special moments all over the world”, Pompeii sex graffiti, eventually this will be historic! we bully Hank into following Caroline, competing on TikTok is hard and also it’s broken, Hank derails us with a mouth coil, Hank’s science journey, counting clams for the science fair, people like seeing real science, Thanks Hank! Sources: List of Ig Nobel Prizes MRI Genitals Study Vice: MRI Sex Study Rats Having Sex in Little Outfits Study The Rat Study but Humans Sex Improves Breathing Study --- NatGeo Caecilian Overview Textbook Caecilian Overview Excellent Caecilian Reproduction Review Extensive Paper on the Phalodeum Various Non-mammal Milks The Recent Study on Caecilian Milk NYTimes...


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68: Phrenology & Lego

It's an infamous pseudoscience, but what haven't we learned from the rise and fall of Phrenology? And Lego are ubiquitous, which means there's a lot to learn and a lot of nuance for our love of these stackable bricks. Things we Talk About: The Phrenology Pamphelet The Lego Cullen House Lego Seismometer CERN Lego Device The Brick Experiment Channel Timestamps: (00:00:00) Intro (00:03:32) Phrenology (00:56:34) Lego (01:38:25) Outro Support us with a Max Fun Membership! Join our Discord! We also learn about: Get the lego phrenology set now! just listing all the lego sets, academic racism, the head wasn’t always so important, the Cardiocentric Hypothesis, Minds Behind the Brain, ancient egyptians just tossed the brain, Aristotle thought the brain was a radiator to keep the heart from overheating, the brain doesn't Look like it does anything, Galen suggested the brain might be important actually, sperm for brains, Caroline enjoys tricking us by saying a person’s good ideas first, Cephelocentric Hypothesis, mapping the brain in the 1600s, NOT related to the frenulum, buzz feed phrenology quizzes, flexing your brain so hard it breaks your skull, Tom is proven to be not funny, our desire for personality tests and fortune telling, travelling phrenology salesmen, there shouldn’t be medical celebrities, phrenology was a passion of the elites, reading an actualy travelling phrenology sheet, “differently bumped”, edibnugrh fringe was a lot less fun when it was the phrenology capital, we checked and it’s actually mozambique have the best brains - just gotta take the L on this one, Marie Jean Pierre Flourens kicked ass and helped kill Phrenology with real science, it comes in like a fad and leaves like a fad, I only liked phrenology before it was cool, the scammers are making our racism look bad! we’re not harsh enough about phrenology, “repoliticizing” phrenology, when it’s built its just one thing but when its pieces it can be anything, shirtless lego jacob, 20,000 lego sets, Play Well - Le go, after enough fires lets just stop using wood, stud and tube design, the lego To Kill a Mockingbird set, mindstorm was ahead of its time, Caroline’s got their lego driver’s license from legoland, lego nerd culture, adults without kids spend more, “transbranding”, Ella had to read so much corporate jargon but it’s impossible to not talk about their business strategies , lego seismograph outside the eras tour, CERN lego, their story is better than ours dad, instructions for a lego skin cell printer, LEGO: expensive for toys - cheap for science equipment! David Aguilla’s prosthetic project, Tracey Williams’ Lego Lost at Sea project, plastic’s resilience is a positive and a negative, lego replay and reuse, this is a trust test of nuance and both things being true at the same time. Sources: Minds Behind the Brain: A History of the Pioneers and Their Discoveries by Stanley Finger The University of Queensland: Understanding the Brain: A Brief hHistory Brain Beats Heart: A Cross-Cultural Reflection Merriam Webster: Phrenology The Antlantic: The Shape of Your Head and the Shape of Your Mind Britannica: Phrenology Smithsonian Insider: Study Finds Facial Structure of Men and Women Has Become More Similar Over Time 2005 Paper: The Reliability of Sex Determination of Skeletons From Forensic Context in the Balkans The Guardian: Archaeology’s Sexual Revolution 2018 Paper: An Empirical, 21st Century Evaluation of Phrenology Carnegie Mellon University: Phrenology 2021 Paper: Phrenology and the Average Person, 1840–1940 The University of Edinburgh: Phrenology and Edinburgh Gina Rippon: When Bigger Isn’t Always Better: How History Got The Female Brain Wrong Auguste Comte and John Stuart Mill on Sexual Equality The Guardian: Django Unchained and the racist science of phrenology 2007 Paper: Marie Jean Pierre Flourens (1794–1867): An Extraordinary Scientist of His Time --- Lego Twilight Cullen House Brick Architect: Number of Lego...


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Recast: LLE on SIF - Eeny, meeny, miny, moe

While we're sending Tom "Well Wissage" and a speedy recovery, enjoy Ella & Caroline on this tremendous episode of one of our sibling shows on the network, Secretly Incredibly Fascinating!


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67: Epigenetics & The Overlooked World Games

You may have heard Epigenetics used as a buzzword, but what is it really? Is it something we know about, something still new, or... both? And what in the world are the World Games, and what makes them better than the Olympics? Links we Talk About: Ella's SciShow Video on X Chromosome Diseases Sport Casting Fin Swimming Haudenosaunee Flag Christopher Root's Incredible Paper on the Colonization of Lacrosse The Adorable NYMuseum Haudenosaunee Video Timestamps: (00:00:00) Intro (00:04:21) Epigenetics (00:57:40) The World Games (01:50:54) Outro Support us with a Max Fun Membership! Join our Discord! We also learn about: Ella passes her driving exam Tom’s not bitter about John Oliver, what is y’alls familialarity, epi- meaning on top of, epigentics are like tabs or blacked out text in the book of your DNA, epigentics stop your brain from turning into bone, oh did other people help Rosalind Franklin with the double helix? bases and double helixes and histones, literally blocking DNA from being read, epigentics are less cyberpunk and more exercise is good for you, epigentics is why you go blind from masturbating, it’s simpler in animals, “I’ve been here the whole time!”, “you’re enough Tom”, 2 X chromosomes means you have an extra, X Inactivation, Calico Cats are Genetic Mosaics, your epigentic markers are like your browsing cookies: you clear them before giving them to someone, are pollinators plant cucks? Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance, is it nature or nurture? generational trauma doesn’t have to be epigenetic to be real, inherited cherry blossom mouse sensitivity, the effects are subtle, Ella might have a high epigenetic age from her rock and roll lifestyle, this is so new there’s so much we don’t know, the epigenetic advice: healthy diet and exercise, how different could the world games be? casting for sport, wait did you hear me say break dancing is this a bit, the worst SEO for a name ever, Rugby 7s started at the World Games, the World Games are as old as Beyoncé, let’s do our own thing we’ll definitely be more popular than the olympics, tried at the hague? we sure did! at the least the World Games are being honest about it being a bumpy ride, the “Memorandum of Understanding” reads like a parenting agreement, grouping by sport not nation, the curse of hosting the olympics, reviving forgotten sports like Tug of War, wait who was first?? guys come on have some respect for yourself! breaking records with fins, shark skin suits aren’t biomimicry, tech doping, fin swimming and barebow archery, murderball is an official world game sport, the NYTimes officially called lacrosse “frat boy” sport, mile long hundred person lacrosse, of course sports are spiritually healing, colonizing lacrosse, Haudenosaunee - the people of the long house, Tom cut it with the sad voice tell us what happened, “we wouldn’t be here without their medicine game… they need to be there”, we’ll have to see if the olympics accept the Haudenosaunee, if your games are as old as beyonce you dont have to worry about breaking tradition, “nothing is silly, everything should be respected and held up”, Ella goes OFF and takes over the topic. Sources: Chromosome Structure Aboud et al. What Is Epigenetics? Nature: Types of Epigenetic Modifications Study on Exercise and Epigenetics Nature: Diet and Epigenetics Macdonald: Epigenetic Imprinting Nature: When Imprinting goes wrong Basta & Pandya: The Beautiful X Chromosome Getting the Right Amount of X Review on X Inactivation Calico Cat X Chromosome Inctivation PBS: Lamarckian Evolution Cell: Transgeneration Epigenetic Inheritence How Epigenetics are Wiped Clean Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance Prisoners of War Study TEI Dutch Famine Study TEI Study Children of Holocaust Survivers TEI Cherry Blossom Mice Study Epigenetic Clock Review --- Casting Federation Records World Games Website: About 1993 World Games at The Hague The Olympic "Memorandum of...


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66: What is a Species & What is UK Voting?

It's a word we say all the time but... what IS a species? How has it been used in the past, and could the different answers all be right? And how does voting work in the UK? It starts with voting for knights, and could hopefully end in the future with something even better. Images we Talk About: Ella's Zoom Moustache Timestamps: (00:00:00) Intro (00:04:23) What is a Species? (01:01:54) UK Voting (01:50:46) Outro Support us with a Max Fun Membership! Join our Discord! We also learn about: Jenny Lec, the definition we know is wrong, has anyone taken my title On The Origin of Species? This is my favorite! Oh shit… generic and specific, thinking of species as logical units, Kingdom Phylum Friends Acquaintances Work Friends Genus Species, the anime dewey decimal system, dark fungi, the cognitive dissonance of science at the time, even Darwin didn’t have a good definition of species, 1942 is when the common species definition was popularized, Biological - Evolutionary - Genetic definition of species, species gerrymandering, there is only 1 species of giraffe but should there be 4? policy first science, you don’t need hard definitions to do amazing things, nature is constantly doing kickflips over our no skateboarding signs, you really put your whole polizzy into naming that hybrid, a ring of banging around the himalayans, ring species in actuality look like a biblically accurate angel, let’s just ask what definitions scientists use, you can’t tell if fossils ever fucked, we only knew about human neandrethal interbreeding since 2010, what’s so wrong with having multiple species definitions? there’s a lot to biology! in between “there’s one answer” and “there’s no answers” is “there’s many answers”, Lizzy Poll, you can just call an election early?? in the UK you just vote for your member of parliament, it’s actually really weird to have a separate vote for president, every 2 steps forward is brought 1 step back by “the monster raving loony party”, Elmo think women no need to vote, the house senate and president, coalitions, tea cups with electoral college members on them, electing knights in the first parliament in 1264, bloc voting lets you pick your top favorites, Cromwell was the first Footloose, we had discovered quantum physics before women could vote, First Past the Post was only establish in 1948 in the UK, what are the positives of First Past the Post and cockroaches? please let us loose to bash FPTP, tactical voting, Australia has a version of Ranked Choice, Tom finally gets to wax poetic about Ranked Choice Voting, france’s 2 round voting, if the definition of species should match the task why not the type of voting system? the 2011 voting reform attempt, it’s been the foundation of this country for generation, try ranked choice voting on smaller scales and locally, Ella falls in love with herself, happy hour gender confusion Sources Carl Zimmer for NYT "What is a Species Really?" Aristotle's Use of Species and Genus Queiroz on Ernst Mayer and Species Definitions Montana State on Linneus and Species Definitions Dark Fungi Ernst Mayer's Modern Excellent "Systematics And The Origin Of Species" Paper Debating Darwin's Definition of Species Bird Interbreeding Scientific American on Wolf Species The Greenish Warbler Broken Ring Species Stankowski and Ravinet's Amazing "Quantifying the use of Species Concepts" NHM "Are Neandrethals the Same Species as Us" --- Sky News: General Election Explained UK Parliament: Voting Systems in the UK Electoral Reform Party: How Long Have We Used First Past the Post? 2019 Paper: Electoral Systems and Electoral Reform in Historical Perspective by David Klemperer Parliament UK: Magna Carta PDF: UK Parliament and the Monarchy UK Parliament: Women get the Vote BBC: Voting System in the UK UK Parliament: Proportional Representation The Guardian: ‘Disproportionate’ UK Election Results Boost Calls to Ditch First Past the Post The Conversation: The Conservatives May...


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The Best of Everything 2023-2024

After much deliberation, the academy (listeners of the podcast) has voted on the best topics from the past year! If this is your first episode, you'll get a sampling of our favorite moments of science and sillyness, and if you're a long time listener, you'll hear some behind the scenes thoughts about the topics, as well as... a secret teaser at the very end?? Images we Talk About: The Jacobin Pigeon The Pouter Pigeon Timestamps: (00:04:37) Intro (00:03:59) Part 1 (00:55:00) Part 2 (01:51:28) Outro Support us with a Max Fun Membership! Join our Discord! We also learn about: you gotta listen to the best ofs for the rock paper scissors drama, I’m not sure if Ella remembers our names, it’s not the same joke it’s a Call Back, superseding my superseded theories, Tom’s jokes are like the rain - you walk on through and hope it stops quickly, it gets Jalapeno business, I miss Comedy, Ella claimed review corner but keeps forgetting it, the art of topic writing is explaining but also what not to explain, our favorite topics of each others, wrote down the idea for public domain day the year before, Tom goofs up the La La Land Joke, ohh did you just finish episode 50? maybe, thanks everyone for the nice messages, Mum! “those stupid awards”, they’re all great episodes, we learned who in our family listens to our show, you guys wanna learn about ants??


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65: Black Holes 101 & Tattoos

What happens when a star collapses to a point of near infinite gravity? And just how hard could that be to actually... find? And why do we love tattoos so much, and how long have human beings across the world been loving them too? Check out Tom's first long form video that's finally out! Images we Talk About: The Crab Nebula First Image of a Black Hole Photo of OUR Black Hole, Sagiratius A Ancient Siberian Tattoo Timestamps: (00:00:00) Intro (00:02:47) Black Holes 101 (00:57:51) Tattoos (01:43:53) Outro Support us with a Max Fun Membership! Join our Discord! We also learn about: black holes are massive (mass) but not massive (size), nothing can escape a black hole, supermassive black hole by muse, the closest black hole is 1000 light years away so we don’t need to worry about them too much, matter can’t escape the Plunging Region, does your McDonald also have black holes? stellar evolution, “they’re just big gassy balls doing nuclear fusion”, the fusion in a star pushes against the gravity keeping it in equilibrium, Caroline’s fear of the sun expanding, stellar corpse, a neutron star is just made of neutrons - that can’t be right, if you add too much flour (mass) this will turn into an atomic bomb (black hole), stop saying massive and start saying voluptuous to avoid confusion, one in every thousand stars could be a blac khole, “surely that’s not sustainable” “have I got news for you about the future of all things”, theorizing a black hole in 1783, we only get the word Black Hole in 1964, betting on Signus X1, finding black holes by nearby objects’ bright hot death screams, it took 2 years to process the black hole image, sorry I think it looks like a butthole, Sagitarius A - our galaxies butthole, deslicious spaghettification, we’re all being spaghettified, I’m being raviolified here! where do you go in a black hole? into a topic for another day, “tom saw the topic on me”, no inheritance until you tattoo me onto your butt, Caroline got a tattoo to honor pigeons, the above skin - the skin - and the below skin, phagocytosis, microphages contain and become the tattoo! “the art is your immune system” and we only knew this in 2018, Ötzi the Iceman had 57 tattoos, ella regrets letting us guess what tattoos he had, ritualistic and therapeutic tattoos, egyptian women tattoos, old preserved siberian tattoo, the painted picts, Tattoo comes from the Tahitian word Tatau, famed tattoo afficianado Charles Darwin, the meaning of polynesian tattoos, sailor tattoos were inspired by polynesians but adapted to things meaningful to them, sailor tattoos were like sailing achievements, shark repeller tattoos, ancient greek tattoos were literally “skin-stigmas”, stigma affects culture and culture affects stigma in a feedback loop, “true on all accounts for my case”, gender norms in tattoos, “ooh another means by which to put down women don’t mind if I do”, biases in the workplace,”it’s literally only skindeep”, tattoos are so personal and human of course you can’t assume or speak to all of them, they’re an art and they’re universal across cultures. Sources: NASA: Black Holes Science News Explores: What are black holes? Gravitational Collapse Overview Goddard Space Flight Centre: The Life Cycles of Stars: How Supernovae Are Formed Britannica: End States of Stars Britannica: Evolution of High Mass Stars Britannica: Origin of Chemical Elements BBC Bitesize: The Lifecycle of Stars (GCSE Resource) NASA: Neutron Stars Are Weird Science News Explores: A Short History of Black Holes Astronomy: A Brief History of Black Holes Lind Hall Library: John Michell American Museum of Natural History: The Country Parson Who Conceived of Black Holes University of Chicago: Black Holes Explained Astronomy: Cygnus X-1- The Black Hole that Started it All Event Horizon Telescope: Astronomers Reveal First Image of the Black Hole at the Heart of Our Galaxy 1978 Article: A Supermassive Object in Galaxy M87 Space.Com: Where do Black Holes Lead...


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64: Tom Scott, Human Acceleration, and Failed Videos

How fast can a regular human accelerate from 0-60? How can you learn to love roller-coasters? And is there a terrifying experience Ella's done that even Tom Scott hasn't?? After having us on his show for so long, it's finally time for Tom Scott to join us on our show! Videos we Talk About: Tom Scott's Amazing Roller Coaster Video Tom Scott's Failed Video Video Timestamps: (00:00:00) Intro (00:04:15) Human Acceleration (00:50:03) Roller-coasters and Failed Videos (01:18:05) Outro Support us with a Max Fun Membership! Join our Discord! We also learn about: herding cats and children, Thanks for the compliment you can leave now, UK metric is a mess, milk is just a blur cause it’s PastYourEyes, both Tom’s can’t be like this, stopping the angular velocity pedants, what’s so hard about orbital mechanics it’s not rocket science, this is a question full of "um actually"s, the longest second of Tom Scott’s life in the Mythen car, “would you do it again” “oh in a heartbeat”, just frame cars as IRL speedrunning, “oh my god she got sub 1 second”, please prove me wrong so I can ride it, steam catapulting a plane, the Nevis Catapult might win if you believe the hype, all politely saying roller coasters, “roller coaster nerds are like train nerds but worse”, running coasters at 100%, calibrating the weights of cars, British politeness way under-markets stealth, “I’ve done something Tom Scott hasn’t done??”, the experimental Nürburgring coaster that only operated for 4 days, Do-Dodonpa the “rattly bastard” that broke bones, dragsters going 0-60 in half a second stunned us to silence, you could buy the nitro X2 for less than a tesla but you do get to drive a tesla more than twice, “I reserve the right to turn this into a video essay”, our roller coaster journeys, dread and expectation, Ella loves the fear, “this is the worst thing I’ve ever done, YES”, LLE live episode on a roller coaster, Dick & Dom in da Bungalow sounds like a parody of something british, only americans will remember Raccoon Barrel from the Barrell Brothers! “It has been a metaphor which is possibly the highest priase I can give something like that”, making a video about failed videos “you only get to pull that trick once”, Tom’s one shot Netherlands drone video, “it was a Look How Clever I Am video”, ideally it’s both clever content and cleverly shot, “the content has to be worth it”, it’s like OKGO - matching content with production, the ratchet of quality, “the frustration I feel is a compliment to David”, “i left everything on the table”, 3 of us just mimed sword swallowing, "not a great mime"


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Pride Merch & Voting for the Best of Everything!

It's Pride and Poll-jedice! For pride month we have some pride merch including an amazing design by Caroline, with proceeds going to Pride in Stem! Also, toss in your vote to defend the honor of your favorite topic for the next Best Of Everything episode! All of this is at LetsLearnEverything.com
