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Welcome to Real Science Radio with co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams who discuss the latest in science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, geology, astronomy, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you'd get good wings.) Not only do we get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott, and easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne, but we also occasionally interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that nothing created everything.


Denver, CO


Welcome to Real Science Radio with co-hosts Bob Enyart and Fred Williams who discuss the latest in science to debunk evolution and to show the evidence for the creator God including from biology, geology, astronomy, and physics. (For example, mutations will give you bad legs long before you'd get good wings.) Not only do we get to debate Darwinists and atheists like Lawrence Krauss, AronRa, and Eugenie Scott, and easily take potshots from popular evolutionists like PZ Myers, Phil Plait, and Jerry Coyne, but we also occasionally interview the outstanding scientists who dare to challenge today's accepted creed that nothing created everything.



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The Shroud of Turin and Other Science Headlines

*Cool, Clear Water: Tune in NEXT FRIDAY to hear Dr. Gerald Pollack describe some mind blowing experiments revealing the beautiful sophistication of water! *Millions and Millions: Well a million anyway... RSR just went over 1 million views on YouTube! *X Marks the Shroud: Updating RSR's coverage, hear how Wide Angle X-Ray Scattering has dated the Shroud of Turin to around the time of Christ, and how the standard biblical refutation of a separate head cloth from John 20:7 may be explained in light of the linen cloth of Joseph of Arimathea in Matthew 27:59. *Big Bag of Nothing: Hear how the hunt for Dark Matter & WIMPs using LUX-ZEPLIN is going! *Revisiting Dr. Seyfried: Hear the latest from Dr. Pierre Kory on cancer research questioning the Somatic Mutation Theory & re-assessing the Metabolic Theory of cancer as described on RSR by Dr. Thomas Seyfried. *Cane These Hooligans! ...and the San Francisco Chronicle editorial board! The hooligans for destroying ancient sandstone formations, and the Chronical for claiming they know how they formed 40 million years ago. *Blondes Have More Follicles: It turns out his familiarity with the protective nature of melanin against UV damage of DNA was the key to helping Doug nail the Interesting Fact of the Week! *God and Elon Musk: The Wall Street Journal borrows credibility from both Jesus Christ and Elon Musk in order to get attention, and give RSR the opportunity to help Elon better understand the Bible! *Rescue Device: Hear about NASA's search for a vehicle to rescue the two astronauts that Boeing stranded on the International Space Station. *Working for Walt Brown: Astro-Alexandra makes another appearance on behalf of Walt Brown describing the sulfur found on Mars. *Melting, Modelling & Continental Formation: Fred covers another geo-physics model that argues against plate tectonics!


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Back to School with Brian Lauer

*Houston, We Have Contact: Creation Speaker Brian Lauer has been in contact with at least one child abusing school district administrator, and through her has impacted at least one deviant curriculum director with the reality of obvious errors in the Deep State textbooks. But instead of timely correction and hearty thanks, he's faced resistance and deflection, (and they didn't even drop by his booth at the Benton County Fair)! *Riddled with Errors: Brian discusses his battle to expose "errors" in the deep state school textbooks in Minnesota, (and your school district too). Hear all about inaccuracies like the 1.6% difference between the human genome and chimpanzees', how the human eye is wired "backwards", how "water equals life", and even drawings based on Ernst Haeckel's 100 years debunked fraudulent embryo illustrations, despite their discredited status. *Standard of Deception: Hear a dissembling bureaucrat defend the lies in her school's textbooks by claiming everyone involved is just "teaching to the state standard". You know, like the NAZIs at Nuremberg insisted they were "just following orders." *Lies Do Not Deserve Equal Time: Our guest emphasizes the importance of exposing falsehoods and providing students with a balanced perspective, but not balancing the truth with equal time for lies. *So Sue Me: hitherto and furthermore indemnifies any and all persons, entities their assigns or affiliates who may or may not have appeared on this segment of Real Science Radio, and who may or may not exists in fact or in reality, or otherwise, being held harmless from any and all claims, demands, liabilities, judgments, costs and expenses arising out of any claims relating to Mr. McBurney's statements regarding matters having anything at all to with anything to do with, anything at all to do with this. P


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The Final Experiment with Pastor Will Duffy

Pastor William Duffy:Fred WilliamsDoug McBurneyAgape Kingdom FellowshipThe Final Experiment Flat Earth and the Bible: :Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass? But this was Elihu speaking and not God. Astronaut in Antarctica: No Weed in Antarctica: , Flat Earth christians: Flat Earth Christians: (Big C) Flat Earth Heathens: (Big H)


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Dr. Jerry Bergman: Ethics, Education & Lies Part II

Bergman's Books:buy them here Mutations Creeping In: Adaptations by Design: Gain of What? Balkin' Dawkins. Spiritual Warfare Management AdviceMcBurney's Mark The War Between Creation and Evolution:


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Dr. Jerry Bergman: Ethics, Education & Lies Part I

Dr. Jerry Bergman:Fred WilliamsDoug McBurneywho has taught biology, genetics, chemistry, biochemistry, anthropology, geology, and microbiology at several Universities for over 40 years. He has 9 degrees, including 7 graduate degrees. Dr. Bergman is a graduate of Medical College of Ohio, Wayne State University in Detroit, The University of Toledo, and Bowling Green State University. He has over 1,900 publications in 14 languages and 50 books and monographs, and has taught at the Medical College of Ohio where he was a research associate in the department of experimental pathology, and he also taught at the University of Toledo, and Bowling Green State University. Do No Harm: Stem Cells & Ethics: State's Wrongs: State of the Church:in churches Real Science: Bergman's Books:buy them here


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CHIPS & Near Misses

Hosts with the Most:Fred WilliamsDoug McBurneyREAL Cosmogony Revisited:opposite rotation All Hail:asteroid near misses Working for Walt Brown:Fizz.orghave a moonWalt Brown Sourcing Amino Acids:Bennuarticle A Temptation of Christ? The Chips are Down: American Woke vs Persian Reason:are studyingseismic activity and nuclear decay rates, andtalking with RSR listenersIn the Beginning Sounding Out Creation:for mapping


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Trump, Chance & Divine Intervention

*Half an Inch From Hell: On Saturday, July 13th at 6:11pm in Butler Pennsylvania Donald Trump narrowly escaped death & eternal condemnation. If you love him, tell him he's a sinner in need of salvation. Pray this is a wake up call and that he will believe The Gospel! *Pray: for the wounded, and the families of the victims, and everyone hurt. Pray for our political leaders, (even the most wicked among them) that the peace of Christ might reign in the hearts of those who believe, and that the specter of death will cause the lost to repent! *Miraculous? Find out what the Bible says in regard to Trump's survival being miraculous, (regardless of Tim Scott's RNC embarrassment). *An Inside Job? Fred lays out the odds of a Democrat/Secret Service/Deep State conspiracy being behind the murder of Corey Comperatore and the attempted assassination of Donald Trump? *The Power of the Air: Hear a discussion of the role of media and government school indoctrination in creating an environment that fosters the kind of hatred, strife and murder witnessed on July 13th. *Policies, Procedures & Reality: Your hosts examine security measures, assess incompetence, assert negligence, and confront the sad reality that politically motivated omissions and commissions contributed to the killing at the Butler, PA Trump Rally. *Spiritual Warfare: Hear a discussion of the unseen spiritual forces at play in the making of an assassin, and in the making of a soldier for Christ.


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Alcohol Science & the Bible Pt II

*What Saith the Scriptures:and research helpSolomon Ademiluka and Bob Enyart) *Biblical Questions: *Last Call:


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Alcohol Science & the Bible Pt I

*99 Nebudchudnezzar's on the Wall: Discover the wine bottle named after the Babylonian king made famous by God in the Bible! Chronic Drinking (in Moderation): We'll tap Adrew Huberman's August 2022 video titled “What Alcohol Does to Your Body, Brain & Health” for the latest scientific data on moderate, and chronic boozing. He’s a Professor of neurobiology and ophthalmology (and a possible theist of sorts) at Stanford School of Medicine and has a popular science podcast on YouTube. He refers to a study published in Nature. *Suggested Mixers: You'll hear other scientific opinions, like these from Harvard, and the NIH (for whatever those are worth anymore) that are somewhat less dire than the study Huberman cites. *One for the Road: Listen in to learn facts you may not have known regarding how alcohol consumption affects the balance of hormones, the gut and other mood & health regulating mechanisms in your body.


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God, Biology & Engineering with Emily Reeves Ph.D.

*Emily Reeves Ph.D.: is received her B.S. in chemistry with a minor in biology from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ in 2012, and a Ph.D. in biochemistry and biophysics from Texas A&M University, in 2018. She currently collaborates on several research projects at the intersection of biology and engineering. *Big Fat Brains: If body fat is ever discovered to be an organ in and of itself it will be the fattiest... but for now the fattiest human organ remains the brain! *Going Beyond Materialism: Hear the story of Dr. Reeves' journey through the materially oriented environment of postgraduate education to inspiration by research revealing the spectacular designs of our Creator! *Another Blessing From Abraham: Consider checking out a book that was one of Emily's inspirations: An Introduction to Systems Biology by (descendant of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob ) Uri Alon. Discover design principles that govern the structure and behavior of biological networks such as gene circuits, and a quantitative theory, and a mathematical framework for understanding biological circuits. *The Real "Emily's List": Read Dr. Reeves' impressive list of published papers (just so far)! ● The Cell as an Embedded Computing System ● Application of Animal Forms in Auto Styling ● Ten Biomechanical Animal Joints Enable Extreme Performance ● A Robot Is Built Using Cockroach Biomimicry


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Bible Genealogy Controversy: Part II

*Henry B. Smith, Jr: isthe Administrative Director of the Shiloh Excavations with Associates for Biblical Research (ABR). Henry is the host of both ABR's podcast and television program, Digging for Truth. Henry was a square supervisor at the Khirbet el-Maqatir Excavations in 2012 and 2013, and at Shiloh in 2017 and 2018. Born and raised in northwestern NJ, he earned a Bachelor’s in Economics from Rutgers and later graduated from Westminster Theological Seminary with a Master of Arts in Religion degree, emphasizing apologetics and Biblical languages. He is presently a PhD student in the Biblical Studies program at Amridge University. He is presently heading up the The Genesis 5 and 11 Genealogy and Chronology Research Projectfor ABR, authoring numerous works and videos on the subject, including: Primeval Chronology Restored, The Case for the Septuagint's Chronology in Genesis 5 and 11, and On the Authenticity of Kainan, Son of Arpachshad. *Manuscript Traditions: Here is a chart of the genealogies of Genesis 5 & 11 in all three manuscripts that underlie the translations of the Bible we use today. (the Masoretic, the Septuagint, and the Samaritan Pentateuch). *Dismissing the Septuagint? Hear Bob address the topic of the Septuagint with Ann Habermill on the air, and in his Bible study through Isaiah. *Chronomessianism: Hear about the history of chronological messianic speculation at the time of Jesus, and afterward. *Motive, Means & Opportunity: Could the spiritual conflict regarding Jesus' Messiahship have inspired a calculated effort to change the texts? Hear Henry's evidence, check out the links above, and form your own opinion. *No Excuses: We're thankful to have the inerrant Word of God available to us. The Holy Spirit assures us "The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart...” (Rom 10:8) . Whether one believes in the providential preservation of the text itself, or the necessity for systematic and serious studies of the scriptures present in a variety of manuscript & translations, this we know: "the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse..." (Rom 1:1


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Bible Genealogy Controversy: Part I

*Henry B. Smith, Jr: is our guest. He's the Administrative Director of the Shiloh Excavations with Associates for Biblical Research (ABR). Henry is the host of both ABR's podcast and television program, Digging for Truth. Henry was a square supervisor at the Khirbet el-Maqatir Excavations in 2012 and 2013, and at Shiloh in 2017 and 2018. Born and raised in northwestern NJ, he earned a Bachelor’s in Economics from Rutgers and later graduated from Westminster Theological Seminary with a Master of Arts in Religion degree, emphasizing apologetics and Biblical languages. He is presently a PhD student in the Biblical Studies program at Amridge University. He is presently heading up the The Genesis 5 and 11 Genealogy and Chronology Research Project for ABR, authoring numerous works and videos on the subject, including: Primeval Chronology Restored, The Case for the Septuagint's Chronology in Genesis 5 and 11, and On the Authenticity of Kainan, Son of Arpachshad. *Manuscript Traditions: Here is a chart of the genealogies of Genesis 5 & 11 in all three manuscripts that underlie the translations of the Bible we use today. (the Masoretic, the Septuagint, and the Samaritan Pentateuch) along with Henry's slide presentation on the subject. *Begetting Matters: Minor variations, like the ones described in the stories of Cain and Abel, and Methuselah, and his son Lamech help us understand Henry's research techniques for forming his opinions regarding the various manuscript evidence regarding biblical texts. *The Controversy... Next Week! Click through the links above for lots more on the topic, and tune in for part 2 of the broadcast and hear all about the controversy surrounding the begetting ages in Genesis, and hear Henry's conclusions.


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DNA & Dark Matter, & the Pre-Flood World with Ryan Williams

DNA & Dark Matter, & the Pre-Flood World with Ryan Williams *Monster Millipede: Ryan Williams joins Fred in the studio to discuss the latest Creation Magazine from Creation Ministries International! Hear how the pre-flood world was home to GIANT millipedes, dragonflies, and scorpions! *Plasma NOT Dark Matter: The four states of matter in creation help define reality, and include plasma, which eliminates the necessity for dark matter, dark energy, (or the tooth fairy) to explain galaxy rotation velocities. *DNA Denies Evolution: The discovery of a DNA folding mechanism reveals the intricate programming of DNA and the challenges it poses to evolutionary models. Short and Sweet: Check out the latest RSR video "short" showing how some people just can't handle the truth; that the sophistication of the topoisomerase enzymes and the zinc finger protein refute evolution. *Webb Upsets Hubble (again): The James Webb telescope continues to intensify the CRISIS in Big Bang cosmology, particularly in relation to the Hubble constant and the alleged rate of universe expansion. *Flesh Eating Wildcats: Listener discretion advised! (Especially cat lovers). But seriously folks... the extinction of the Scottish wildcat supports the biblical classification scheme of "kinds" and refutes secular assertions regarding the diversity of speciation. *Dolphin's Detectors: The dolphin's ability to detect electric fields is another in a growing list of observed evidence that refutes vestigial structures and organs, and supports the reality of sophisticated design in God's Creation. *Under Pressure: Data resulting from a scientist spending 93 days at the bottom of the Atlantic, raises interesting questions about atmospheric pressure before Noah's flood.


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Eggshells, Aliens and Mushy Brains

*Aliens, A.I. and Original Material: Hear how the "godfather of A.I." is just another arrogant communist! Plus, get RSR's theory for why A.I. might be keeping us from meeting all those space aliens! (Compare it to that of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester, and you be the judge). *Not so Interesting Celebrity of the Week: What fish can be born a boy, then become a girl? It's the same kind of fish (the one with the culturally subversive friend named Dori) in Finding Nemo ; ) *Millions, Billions & Trillions: are lots! How much! Lot's! (especially trillions)! *Support RSR: Speaking of millions! Now that the government classifies anyone who earns a million dollars in their lifetime a "millionaire", we call upon all you potential millionaires out there to donate or subscribe to keep RSR on the air! *Racing on Eggshells: Hear all about racemization and the preservation of amino acids from a biblical, and from a secular perspective, and you be the judge! *Mushy Brains: Evolutionists always love to see headlines that allege things took place over 10,000 years ago. *Dim Side of Moon: Hear NASA Administrator Bill Nelson speak for all bureaucrats regarding their expertise in the fields for which they manage bureaus. *How "Random" Points to God: God uses randomness in His design, (and men mimic Him to bring us the latest ideas and technologies!


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Scientific Evidences that Prove the Bible

In part II of RSR's Evidences of the Bible series, Fred & Dominic review the Scientific Evidences section of the Evidences of the Bible website. * Top scientific discoveries already covered in the Bible include: [Also see Part 1 - Archeology and Medical Evidences that Prove the Bible]


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Archeology and Medical Evidences that Prove the Bible

* Fred is joined by special guest Dominic Enyart to review Fred's Evidences of the Bible website. They highlight how the Bible is 100% in-step with archeological discoveries. They also cover medical evidences that shows the Bible was well ahead of its time. * Top archeological discoveries discussed that confirm the Bible include: * Medical evidences known before their time that confirm the Bible's accuracy include: See Part II - Scientific Evidence for the Bible.


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Satanist Admits: Common Descent is Dead! with Sal Cordova

*God vs the Globalists: Here at RSR we are against Global Governance because God "hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation." *Sal Cordova: is *Missing the Orchard for the Tree:amilies of proteins are grouped together because of their homology as shown by bioinformatic toolsin his debate


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RSR at the Homeschool Convention Part II

*Man on the Street: *Man at the Homeschool Conference: *Shooting for the Moon:Southwest Baptist University *No Apologies, Just Apologetics:Apologia


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Homeschool Science Exposes Atheist's Ignorance

RSR at the Homeschool Convention *Man on the Street: *Man at the Homeschool Conference: *Shooting for the Moon: Southwest Baptist University *No Apologies, Just Apologetics: Apologia


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The Future of Earth (Part II w/Pastor Kevin Lea)

*Pastor Kevin Lea: RSR hosts Fred Williams & Doug McBurney welcome Pastor Kevin Lea of Calvary Church Port Orchard WA to discuss The future of Planet Earth in regard to asteroid collisions, celestial exploration, and Hydroplate Theory! : The professoriate at Northern Arizona University is not sure how or where the asteroid Bennu could have formed, but Bible Believer Kevin Lea offers the best explanation for its formation, (and its other features) that we've heard so far. *Catastrophic Paradigm: Pastor Lea shares his concerns for flood models that deviate from the biblical text, require extra-biblical miracles, and are almost certain to follow secular models like Plate Tectonics into the ash-heap of history. : Pastor Lea reminds us that our ultimate mission on earth, (and in space) is to declare the Glory of God, and to offer everyone the opportunity to come to a saving knowledge, and belief in the LORD Jesus Christ.
