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RESET with Luke Mathers

Science Podcasts

How open are you to new ideas? The RESET Podcast is about changing thought habits and finding new ways to look at life. We talk to scientists, entrepreneurs and remarkable people who have found new ways of upgrading our thought habits. Every now and then, we need a RESET and change our VISION of the world.


United States


How open are you to new ideas? The RESET Podcast is about changing thought habits and finding new ways to look at life. We talk to scientists, entrepreneurs and remarkable people who have found new ways of upgrading our thought habits. Every now and then, we need a RESET and change our VISION of the world.



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S4 Ep44 Dear Digital, We Need To Talk - Dr Kristy Goodwin

How's your relationship with the technology in your world? Are you a phone junky? Do you stress out if you are away from email for too long? Dr. Kristy Goodwin has studied the effect technology has on our lives and has evidence-based research to help you decrease the amount tech disrupts your life. You'll learn about infobesity, how technology makes us dumber and get Kristy's 4 top tips to help with tech. For more info about Kristy and her work, go to


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S4 Ep43 Stop worrying about Money - Jacqui Clarke

We all have money worries in one form or another. Jacqui Clarke is the author of the book "Stop Worrying about Money", and she explains some simple, actionable and useful ideas around how to take the stress out of your finances. We learned about "expense creep", the cost of "opening the front door" and what to do to avoid being ripped off. If you'd like to improve, maintain or take the stress out of you finances, this is a book for you. For more info go to .


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S4 Ep42 What if it’s NOT BURNOUT? - Mark Butler

Burnout gets the blame for everything at the moment. What if burnout is NOT the problem. Clinical Psychologist Mark Butler thinks we need to get curious about what's going on and look at different strategies rather than lumping everything in the burnout bucket. Contact Mark at


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S4 EP41 RESET How to Connect - Simon Lancaster

How to inspire, influence & energise. Anyone, anywhere, anytime. Scriptwriter and persuasion guru Simon Lancaster gives his incredible tips on how to connect with people using ancient tools of rhetoric. You'll learn his 6 connecting tools, and discover why things work in threes and why the shit-sandwich is a terrible tool for feedback.


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S4 Ep40 RESET Be your Own Leadership Coach - Karen Stein

Imagine if you had a coach to help you make the big decisions in life. Karen Stein is here to show you how to be your own coach. Her book "Be Your Own Leadership Coach" is full of practical, actionable tips for performing better at work and in life.


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S3 EP39 - RESET Comfort - Paul Taylor

Our brain and body is designed for a long ago time and a much different environment than what we find ourselves in now. The modern obsession with comfort is making us fat, sick and miserable. Paul Taylor is here to show us what we can do about it and how we can change. Paul is the director of the "Mind, Body, Brain Performance Institute" and the author of Death by Comfort. If you want a thought-provoking kick up your comfortable behind, have a listen to Paul and RESET your view of COMFORT.


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S3 EP38 RESET How to Listen - Oscar Trimboli

Can people be taught to be better listeners? Absolutely, according to Listening guru, Oscar Trimboli. He is passionate about using the gift of listening to bring positive change in homes, workplaces, and cultures worldwide. In this podcast, Oscar talks about distractions, how to listen deeply and how to ask questions that get people thinking. To contact Oscar, go to


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S3 EP37 RESET your relationship with TECH - Daniel Sih

What's your relationship with technology? Do you feel agitated, burnt-out or overwhelmed? If so, Daniel Sih has a few tips to help you find space in your world. He has two wonderful books on the subject of time management and technology. Spacemaker and his new book "Raising Tech-Healthy Humans". If you are curious about your relationship with technology and would like to RESET how to raise kids in a tech-healthy way, this is a podcast for you.


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RESET - Full Audiobook

RESET. When a computer is overloaded and freezes, we press Control - ALT - Delete. We can do this to our thinking too. What can I control? What should I change? (ALT) What must I delete? This book is about changing the stories we tell ourselves. If you are making stuff up, make up stuff that helps.


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#35 Joe Williams

Joe Williams is helping RESET ways of helping today's youth, particularly indigenous kids Apart from being involved with professional sport for over 15 years, Joe spends his time working to inspire youth through motivational speaking workshops. He has worked with disengaged youth in primary and secondary schools, drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres and goals


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#35 Dr James Muecke

2020 Australian of the year Ophthalmologist, Dr James Muecke talks about "sight for all" and his role as Australian of the year. He shares his views on the sugar and diabetes 2 epidemic.


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#34 RESET: Gary Fettke

RESET your diet and reverse type 2 diabetes. Orthopaedic surgeon and anti-sugar campaigner Gary Fettke shares reasons why we all need to take a look at our sugar intake.


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#33 RESET Christian "Boo" Boucousis

Have you got the "G.I.D" mindset? "Boo" Boucousis will show you how to GET IT DONE. He has taken the skills he learned to be a fighter pilot and is helping transfer them to business.


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#32 RESET: The 5 Day FAST

5 Days: No FOOD No TECH, No PEOPLE Body Science founder Greg Young and Luke talk about doing a 5 Day Fast. How sometimes a RESET means to get away from the world and reassess what you are doing. It's a game-changer.


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#31 RESET: Annie McCubbin

Why smart women make bad decisions, Annie combines humour, science, and storytelling to improve your decision making skills. She'll uncover your biases and look at why we do the things we do.


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RESET Season 2: Lynne Cazaly

"ARGH!" I'm overwhelmed. Author Lynne Cazaly RESETS how to tackle overwhelm and gives practical tips to go from drowning to achieving.


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RESET Season 2: Kate Christiansen

Curly conversations: Dive into discomfort and dare to do things differently. Kate Christiansen is the author of "Curly conversations" and gives great insights into dealing with life's challenges.


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RESET Season 2: Zoe Routh

Leadership and "People Stuff". Author, and leadership expert, Zoe Routh explains the importance of "perspective" in the workplace and how to improve accountability.


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RESET Season 2: Dylan Roos

Dylan Roos is on a mission to turn Princes into Kings. He is a coach and mentor to young men and has a wonderful outlook on growing up. We talk about mental health, resilience and the difference between the generations.


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RESET Season 2: Gabrielle Dolan

Tell me your stories. Gabrielle Dolan will help you get your message across. Her book "Magnetic Stories" illustrates the power of stories to convey your brand message.
