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Love Yourself


Dorothy Doctor goes beyond what she has been taught, helping to teach and guide you with the tools and the ability to learn how to make sound decisions in your life. In having an in-depth and open conversation about how others have found the courage and strength to overcome their own obstacles and barriers, she enables people from all walks of life to support them in taking the first steps in moving forward in their own lives. Dorothy Doctor focuses on solutions not excuses, results not cover-ups, and helps you in finding your true authentic self.


Tempe, AZ




Dorothy Doctor goes beyond what she has been taught, helping to teach and guide you with the tools and the ability to learn how to make sound decisions in your life. In having an in-depth and open conversation about how others have found the courage and strength to overcome their own obstacles and barriers, she enables people from all walks of life to support them in taking the first steps in moving forward in their own lives. Dorothy Doctor focuses on solutions not excuses, results not cover-ups, and helps you in finding your true authentic self.





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