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The Get Up 8 Podcast

Self Development

Welcome to the Get Up 8 Podcast hosted by Eric Hodgdon. The Get Up 8 Podcast is for those who believe that thriving in life is possible no matter the adversity they face. The topics will be raw, revealing and based on resilience leadership principles. If just getting by in life, accepting that fate has a different plan for you, or you feel that thriving is not possible, the Get Up 8 Podcast is not for you. If you are ready to find your way through the fog of a challenge, level-up your resilience and stand face to face with the struggles that come at you, you are in the right place. Eric will bring the clarity of living life fully based on his years of personal experience, working with students, school administrators, and clients in both personal and corporate settings. It is up to you to see challenges with clarity in order to move through them and thrive because of them. Living in survival-mode is a choice. So is living life fully. Fall down seven times, get up 8. Let’s GO!


United States


Welcome to the Get Up 8 Podcast hosted by Eric Hodgdon. The Get Up 8 Podcast is for those who believe that thriving in life is possible no matter the adversity they face. The topics will be raw, revealing and based on resilience leadership principles. If just getting by in life, accepting that fate has a different plan for you, or you feel that thriving is not possible, the Get Up 8 Podcast is not for you. If you are ready to find your way through the fog of a challenge, level-up your resilience and stand face to face with the struggles that come at you, you are in the right place. Eric will bring the clarity of living life fully based on his years of personal experience, working with students, school administrators, and clients in both personal and corporate settings. It is up to you to see challenges with clarity in order to move through them and thrive because of them. Living in survival-mode is a choice. So is living life fully. Fall down seven times, get up 8. Let’s GO!







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EP 06 - The Life After Death Podclass - Reframing Regrets

Episode 6 – The Life After Death Podclass – Reframing Regrets Download PDF companion: I just wish I would have done more for her and told her how much she meant to me. This is what Anna told me about her friend, Sarah. Anna and Sarah knew of each other in High School, but it wasn’t until many years later that they connected on Social media. In 2013, Sarah posted that she was diagnosed breast cancer. Anna reached out and after a few get-togethers they were fast...


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EP 01 - The Life After Death Podclass - Introduction to The Life After Death Podclass

Episode 1 – Introduction to The Life After Death Podclass Download PDF companion: The loss of a loved one usually comes when you least expect It, and it’s never easy no matter who you are. Those first couple of weeks - they feel like a blur. After losing my daughter Zoi in early 2014 to suicide, I felt like I was in the “blur”. When I Look back on that time, I wish I had some clue of what to expect. I found out pretty quickly that I was woefully...


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EP 04 - The Life After Death Podclass - You're not Alone

Episode 4 – The Life After Death Podclass – You’re not Alone Download PDF companion: The impact of losing a loved one is so profound, it leaves us feeling like we’re alone in our grief. It may be that The ONE person who you want to talk to about this, or to walk with you through this, may be the one that you’ve lost. And while it may feel like you’re alone, others have been on this journey and can walk with you on yours. A few years ago I attended a men's...


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EP 05 - The Life After Death Podclass - Choosing to Survive

Episode 5 – The Life After Death Podclass – Choosing to Survive Download PDF companion: Sometimes the hardest part of losing a loved one, isn’t the loss itself, but whether or not we will survive the loss. I was reminded of why survival was so very important very soon after Zoi died. in the many handwritten letters that I received from her hospital friends, it seems that on more than one occasion, Zoi was the first person to come up to them because she could...


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EP 07 - The Life After Death Podclass - Asking the Questions

Episode 7 – The Life After Death Podclass – Asking the Questions Download PDF companion: When we lose a loved one, we ask a lot of questions. We focus on Why when it’s important to focus on what. By the time my friend Cory was 11, a few important things had happened in her life. The US NAVY issued orders for her family to move from Meridian, MS to Brunswick, ME and she had already been through 15 of nearly 30 surgeries to repair her bilateral cleft lip and...


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EP 09 - The Life After Death Podclass - What's Next?

Episode 9 – The Life After Death Podclass – What’s Next? Download PDF companion: We can’t change what happened, but we can change what happened next. 9 days after Zoi died, my house emptied out. My friends and family had to get back to their lives. And for the next several weeks, my life felt as fluid as my thoughts. It didn’t take very long to realize that I had no idea what my next steps were, and I felt really unprepared for what lie ahead. I had so many...


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EP 08 - The Life After Death Podclass - Closing the Gap Between Love and Loss

Episode 8 – The Life After Death Podclass – Closing the Gap Between Love and Loss Download PDF companion: Loss is loss. It could be a job, a relationship, your retirement, a loved one – even a pet. So, what do we do when the gap is created between love and loss? By August of 2012, I had been living on my own for 7 years after my divorce and I felt it was time to find a 4-legged companion. The moment I saw Betty, I knew she was the dog I wanted to adopt. When I...


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EP 02 - The Life After Death Podclass - Surviving the Shock

Episode 2 – The Life After Death Podclass – Surviving the Shock Download PDF companion: Getting the news that a loved one has died, hits you in a way that is indescribable, but there are ways to navigate the news to not only help you, but also help someone who did just lose a loved one. When I was 19-years old, I was in year 2 of a 2-year degree program at a small college in Northern Maine. My buddy Scott, who’ve I’ve known since the fourth grade, made the...


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EP 03 - The Life After Death Podclass - The Emotional Roller Coaster

Episode 3 – The Life After Death Podclass – The Emotional Roller Coaster Download PDF companion: Emotions have helped humans survive for hundreds of thousands of years. And, when we lose a loved one, our emotions can overwhelm us. What if they don’t have to? When I was 34, I lost my job. I was unprepared for the emotions that would come up – not only mine but that of my family. About a year later, my wife told me one summer evening that our marriage was over....


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EP 17 - First Responders Face Challenges Too.

First responders are faced with many challenges. And at the end of the day they roll up their fire hoses, hang up their utility belts and guns, or park the ambulances and go home. For some, they have a hard time processing what they see and experience. For some, it’s not just a job. And, for the citizens, the second responders, we too may face challenges that require resources to help us process what we experience in traumatic situations. In this episode, Eric and guest Garrett Te Slaa...


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EP 16 - Single Parent Resilience - Where are the resources?

Raising children in a 2-parent household can be challenging enough, but raising children in a single parent household requires a completely different approach. Even being a single parent by choice can be difficult. Resources may not seem available. I get it. I felt that way when I went through my divorce 12 years ago. In this episode of the The Get Up 8 Podcast, Eric and guest Tonia Adleta talk about what resources are available for single parents. Plus, Tonia provides some clarification of...


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EP 15 - The Gold Is In The Challenge

Digging deeper on an earlier episode's topic of living on Easy Street vs. Challenge way, it's important to remember that challenges will always come at us in life. And that the gold is always in the challenge, not the outcome we expect it to be. Be sure to check out this episode! -Eric's website: -Insta: @ericbhodgdon -Eric's book: A Sherpa Named Zoi - -Join us in Boston this June for the best resilience workshop on the planet, Get Up 8 Live!...


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EP 14 - Holding Space for Others - What is that?

When we are faced with difficult challenges in life, sometimes we need others to be a beacon (a guide) for us, or to hold space for us. Sometimes, our family and friends needs this of us as well. So, who do you turn to for support when you need it? And, how do we hold space for others? What does that even look like? In this episode, Eric and guest Connor Beaton talk about what holding space for others truly means. They discuss ways to appreciate to give and receive support vs just understand...


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EP 13 - Homeowner / Contractor Relationships - Where are they?

As homeowners there are times when something will break, we can’t fix it ourselves, and we have to call in a vendor or contractor to help us resolve that issue. As resilient homeowners we should not only do our due diligence in bringing in the right people, but also work to build a relationship that lasts for years with the men and women conducting the services in our homes. The same holds true for the contractors and vendors. If they want continued business with us, a new approach is...


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EP 12 - What Is The One Thing To Remember?

What’s the one thing to remember when you are faced with difficult struggles in life? This is a question that most of us haven’t even been asked before. And yet, It’s a difficult question to even ponder. When “life” comes at you, and it will, that “one thing” could be enough to help you not just get through a difficult struggle, but could also help you see a brighter future that doesn’t yet exist. In this episode, Eric and guest Leighann Amanda talk about some of those very moments when life...


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EP 11 - The Heroes Journey

We are all heroes. But, what is a heroes journey? It is navigating a big challenge or struggle, and emerging more resilient, transformed and with lessons to teach. And so, what if we truly understood the impact that these journeys had on not only our lives, but those around us? We are drawn to stories of heroes. Moreover, we have been for hundreds of thousands of years. In this podcast episode, Eric and Rooftop Leadership expert and former Green Beret LTC Scott Mann break down the heroes...


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EP 10 - Leaning into Struggle - Part 2

Leaning in to struggle is scary. Fear comes into play, doubt can throw us off, and “life” has a funny way of showing up when we least expect it to. However, It is our mindset that can help us lean into struggle - not just to survive it, but thrive because of it. In part 2 of this 2-part podcast series, Eric and guest Shelli Varela go deeper on a process Shelli calls FACES. It's the specific tips to help you stand up against the deepest challenges in life, and lean-in to them head-on! Don't...


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EP 09 - Leaning into Struggle - Part 1

Leaning in to struggle is scary. Fear comes into play, doubt can throw us off, and “life” has a funny way of showing up when we least expect it to. However, It is our mindset that can help us lean into struggle - not just to survive it, but thrive because of it. In part 1 of this 2-part podcast series, Eric and guest Shelli Varela, Toronto’s first female firefighter, get candid and talk about ways to FACE the deepest challenges in life, to lean into the struggles, head-on! You can’t miss...


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EP 08 - Are You Letting Fear-Based Decisions Stop You?

When was the last time you let a fear-based decision stop you from moving forward? Fear can make us feel like we can't do much. Fear tells us we shouldn't because "something" bad may happen. I get it. I've been there and I've missed some opportunities to thrive because I let fear get in the way of my progress. If we let fear win over us, we can't move forward. Why not kick fear to the side and do the best with what you've got. In this episode, Eric and guest Nick Davis break down some of...


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EP 07 - Do We Take Easy Street or Challenge Way?

When challenges come our way, we can take one of two paths: The first - "Easy Street". We take the opportunity to bail out when things get tough. The second - We find a way to navigate "Challenge Way" - the path that is the hardest, yet yields the most growth for us. In this episode, Eric speaks with Speaking Strategist - Kymberlee Weil (pronounced - Wile) who has faced tremendous challenge after losing 2 of her 5 senses, and what purpose she found in coming back from that. We also talk...
