Greg Brown: Cockpit Adventures from the Flying Carpet-logo

Greg Brown: Cockpit Adventures from the Flying Carpet

Sports & Recreation Podcasts

Greg Brown, “the story-teller-poet-laureate of aviation” Ride along with renowned aviator, writer, and photographer Greg Brown in his light airplane, the "Flying Carpet," as he searches behind clouds for the real America, experiencing countless aerial adventures along the way. A former National Flight Instructor of the Year, Greg is author of five books, a former Barnes & Noble Arizona Author of the Month, and longtime aviation adventure columnist for AOPA Flight Training magazine. Some reviewers have compared his book, "Flying Carpet: The Soul of an Airplane," to sixties road-trip classics like "On the Road," and "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance." Says aviation author and humorist Rod Machado: “Greg thinks with the mind of a pilot, questions with the curiosity of a philosopher, and sees with the eyes of a poet.” Observes Nina Bell Allen, former “Readers Digest” Asst. Managing Editor, "You don't have to be a pilot, or even a frequent flyer, to soar with Greg Brown in [his] Flying Carpet." So buckle in and join Greg for the ride!


United States


Greg Brown, “the story-teller-poet-laureate of aviation” Ride along with renowned aviator, writer, and photographer Greg Brown in his light airplane, the "Flying Carpet," as he searches behind clouds for the real America, experiencing countless aerial adventures along the way. A former National Flight Instructor of the Year, Greg is author of five books, a former Barnes & Noble Arizona Author of the Month, and longtime aviation adventure columnist for AOPA Flight Training magazine. Some reviewers have compared his book, "Flying Carpet: The Soul of an Airplane," to sixties road-trip classics like "On the Road," and "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance." Says aviation author and humorist Rod Machado: “Greg thinks with the mind of a pilot, questions with the curiosity of a philosopher, and sees with the eyes of a poet.” Observes Nina Bell Allen, former “Readers Digest” Asst. Managing Editor, "You don't have to be a pilot, or even a frequent flyer, to soar with Greg Brown in [his] Flying Carpet." So buckle in and join Greg for the ride!





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"Waterbeds by the 1/2 Hour"

*FAN MAIL: Text Greg your comments! Grab your logbook, 'cause it's time for one of my wackiest flying adventures ever! So climb into my Flying Carpet, buckle up your seatbelts and prepare to take off on today’s episode, “Waterbeds by the 1/2 Hour!” Greg "I just finished listening to [this episode] - while driving and LAUGHED Out Loud! OMG, I don’t know [which part] was funnier…😂 It’s a great reminder to all of us that there is so much more adventure as GA pilots beyond the requirements. And you can quote me on that." -- Dorothy Schick, longtime Flight Instructor and Flight School Owner Support the Show.


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Perils of an Off-Airport Takeoff!

*FAN MAIL: Text Greg your comments! Cowboy Flying Lesson! Perils of an Off-Airport Takeoff You may remember meeting my buddy Baldy in previous Flying Carpet Podcasts, Flight #2, "Cowboy Pilot," and Flight #29, "Cowpuncher's Reunion." Well here's what happened when he suffered an inflight emergency, and then what followed. The precautionary landing went well enough, but not so the takeoff. This episode you don't want to miss!! Support the Show.


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Time Travel

*FAN MAIL: Text Greg your comments! One thing I love about flying is that there are so many dimensions to it. It might be as simple as going from point a to point B... For a meeting... Or a "hundred-dollar hamburger." But sometimes piloting takes you mystically and magically to faraway places—spiritually or across time. And that's what this story is about. So climb into my Flying Carpet, buckle up your seatbelts and prepare to takeoff on today's adventure, "Time Travel." Greg * Currently texting is a one-way feature. Please message via website or Facebook if you'd like an answer. Support the Show.


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*FAN MAIL: Text Greg your comments! As I record this, we’re just two weeks away from the 2024 total solar eclipse that will come up through Mexico and cross much of the Midwest and eastern United States. I suspect that many of you plan on flying to see this eclipse, but if you’re not, you probably should be. Plenty of people have experienced a partial solar eclipse, and a few have experienced an annular solar eclipse. But if you’ve never experienced a total solar eclipse, it’s so much more exciting and so much more memorable, that it’s something you don’t want to miss. In this episode, I’ll share the stories two previous solar eclipses I’ve experienced, which I believe you’ll find interesting and inspiring whether you’re preparing to attend the 2024 Total Eclipse, or have already experienced one. So climb into my Flying Carpet, buckle up your seatbelts and prepare for takeoff on today’s adventure, “Eclipse!” Greg Support the Show.


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iPads, Icing, & Restricted Airspace!

*FAN MAIL: Text Greg your comments! One thing I’ve learned over many years of piloting is that rarely can we plan a flight, take off, and then not need to worry about anything until we reach our destination. More often than not, circumstances arise before takeoff and en route that require planning, strategy, and tactics to get us safely where we’re going . A big part of this, too, is being prepared to land at any point… To turn around. To land at an inconvenient airport that might even be unattended. But if we’re not willing and able to make smart decisions “on the fly,” we cannot safely fly around in potentially marginal weather. This episode’s flight was great piloting adventure because we did not know over the entire three-hour flight whether we would make our destination. But when I discussed this flight with pilot friends afterwards, including some very experienced ones, I discovered that in the course of it I’d unwittingly done something innovative—an integration of new technology with what we’ve always done. Whether pilots or not, I think you’ll find it interesting. Okay, everyone, grab your logbooks, hop aboard my Flying Carpet, snug up your seatbelts, and prepare for takeoff on today’s adventure, “iPads & Icing!” **Follow the flight route at my website.** Support the Show.


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Cowpunchers Reunion: Rough Flight Home

*FAN MAIL: Text Greg your comments! You may remember meeting my cowboy buddy "Baldy" way back in Flying Carpet Podcast Flight #2, “Cowboy Pilot,” in which Jean and I were first invited to the annual "Arizona Cowpuncher’s Reunion." If you don’t remember that episode, or haven’t heard it, you might want to get to know Baldy via that episode before starting this one. Regardless, I predict you’ll get a kick joining our flying adventure to attend a unique “working cowboys” rodeo, and experiencing our piloting travails flying there and returning. Okay, everyone, hop aboard my Flying Carpet, snug up your seatbelts, and prepare for takeoff on today’s adventure, “Cowpunchers Reunion: Rough Flight Home.” Greg Support the Show.


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Bad Omen

*FAN MAIL: Text Greg your comments! There are many dimensions to piloting adventure: some are scary, most are educational, but all are memorable! Support the Show.


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Lobe Plays Sedona; Skies Filled with Music

*FAN MAIL: Text Greg your comments! “Lobe Plays Sedona; Skies filled with music.” Along with cockpit thrills and challenges, plenty of piloting adventure arises from where flying can deliver us, both physically and spiritually. That’s what today’s episode is about. Support the Show.


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*FAN MAIL: Text Greg your comments! Some Lessons a Pilot Never Forgets "So this must be vertigo." I thought. Nausea circled my gut like the snowflakes orbiting my propeller. I peered out the windshield for landmarks, but snow obscured all but a tiny spot of ground beneath me, even at an altitude of only a thousand feet. To make matters worse, my navigational radio had obviously failed. How could I possibly have drifted so far off course as it suggested, on a flight of only 40 miles? It was almost Christmas, and I was a young University of Illinois student transporting precious parts for my motorcycle, home to Champaign... Support the Show.


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Red Sports Car for a Day

*FAN MAIL: Text Greg your comments! Ride along on Greg's youthful adventures in airplanes and automobiles! Support the Show.


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Fifty Years Aloft

*FAN MAIL: Text Greg your comments! I was recently awarded the FAA’s Wright Brothers Master Pilot Award, for 50 years of safe piloting. It’s mind-boggling to consider how short the history of aviation is, that I should have personally flown for over 40% of the entire history of powered flight! In this episode I reflect on how general aviation flying has changed since I took to the skies in 1972. What’s more, today’s story kicks off a whole series of future episodes sharing many more cockpit adventures from those five decades. Something to look forward to! Okay, everyone, hop aboard my Flying Carpet, snug up your seatbelts, and prepare for takeoff on today’s adventure, “Fifty Years Aloft!” Greg PS: If you enjoy this podcast, please share with friends, and rate and review it on your favorite podcast directory! Support the Show.


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Talking Spirits

*FAN MAIL: Text Greg your comments! Piloting is a sophisticated activity that requires a good deal of training, hand-eye coordination, planning, and application of judgment. But today’s episode focuses more on spiritual aspects of flying--that is, why we do it, rather than how we do it, and it's topped off by a crazy destination. This story is one of my personal favorites, and I hope you’ll enjoy it. Okay, everyone, hop aboard my Flying Carpet, snug up your seatbelts, and prepare for takeoff on today’s adventure, “Talking Spirits!” Support the Show.


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Captain Midnight

*FAN MAIL: Text Greg your comments! As you’ve likely heard, the final Learjet was recently delivered following almost 60 years of production. I was a kid when the Lear 23 was first introduced in 1964. Although a few other corporate jets were flying by then, most companies still motored around in relatively slow, unpressurized piston airplanes, many of them repurposed WWII-era bombers and freighters. The Lear was so sleek, sexy, and fast in comparison that it seemingly arrived from the future, revolutionizing air travel as evidenced by some 3,000 aircraft delivered over so many years. Today’s episode is a tribute to the Learjet via "Captain Midnight," one of the model’s early captains and the most dashing pilot I've ever met, who along the way inspired me and other enthusiastic kids to earn their wings in his footsteps. Support the Show.


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Backstory: Flight Instructor Hall of Fame

*FAN MAIL: Text Greg your comments! Every aviator develops mutually rewarding relationships with the flight instructors delivering his or her wings. Well, here’s the backstory of one of those relationships, that over 22 years led to the Flight Instructor Hall of Fame. It’s a story every pilot will appreciate. Read my 1999 NAFI Mentor column referenced in the Podcast. Support the Show.


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Share Your Gift of Flight!

*FAN MAIL: Text Greg your comments! Tips and tricks for introducing family and friends to general aviation flying, including some hysterical stories about how NOT to do it! Learn how to treat family and friends to their critical first airplane rides, to ensure that they enjoy themselves and want to fly with you again. Heads up that this is a live recording of a talk given several years ago, meaning audio quality is somewhat variable. But if you’ll stick with me I promise some great tips, along with some fun stories pilots at every experience level will appreciate. Okay, everyone, hop aboard my Flying Carpet, snug up your seatbelts, and prepare for takeoff on today’s adventure, “Share your Gift of Flight!” Support the Show.


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Pilgrimage to Oshkosh!

*FAN MAIL: Text Greg your comments! Everyone knows this is Oshkosh AirVenture Fly-in week, right? Well, grab your logbook, 'cause it's time for "Pilgrimage to Oshkosh," Greg Brown's Flying Carpet Podcast #18. Whether you're at AirVenture now or just wish you were, I promise you cross-country time, some laughs, and a fresh perspective! So hop in the Flying Carpet with me, and we’ll go check it out! Greg PS: If you enjoy this podcast, please share with friends! Support the Show.


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"Parlez-vous Anglais?"

*FAN MAIL: Text Greg your comments! Ever wonder what it would be like, flying yourself into a foreign country where pilot communications are transmitted in an unknown-to-you language? Well, here's your opportunity to find out! This episode marks fifty years of a treasured friendship, arising under unusual circumstances from a long-ago foreign adventure, and continued over the years through Flying Carpet adventures like this one! Support the Show.


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World War I in the Air!

*FAN MAIL: Text Greg your comments! Ever wonder what it was like to fly primitive airplanes into battle in World War I? Well, here’s your opportunity to find out! “The engine is the heart of an airplane, but the pilot is its soul,” ⸺Sir Walter Raleigh, The War in the Air, 1922 (Music by Hannis Brown) Support the Show.


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Birthday Flowers

*FAN MAIL: Text Greg your comments! When celebrating birthdays with zeros in them, flowers alone won’t do it. So when Jean marked a new decade I sought somewhere special we could fly to celebrate. “But it seems weird celebrating a big birthday in Death Valley,” she said... Check out the photos at ! (Music by Hannis Brown) Support the Show.


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Realm of the Ancients

*FAN MAIL: Text Greg your comments! Experience archaeology by Flying Carpet: Earning your wings is more than piloting an airplane; it's about where flying can take you! Don't miss this episode's photos at ! (Music by Hannis Brown) Support the Show.
