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Sea of Fire Ministries

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Sea of Fire Ministries seeks to engage the listener’s mind and heart with the faithful exposition of the Bible and complimentary edifying resources for the purpose of giving glory to God and strengthening the faith of His church.


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Sea of Fire Ministries seeks to engage the listener’s mind and heart with the faithful exposition of the Bible and complimentary edifying resources for the purpose of giving glory to God and strengthening the faith of His church.



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Free Will and Liberty: Defining the Terms

Today, James Meyers, III discusses two opposing theological positions regarding free will: Libertarianism and Compatibilism. Sea of Fire Ministries on YouTube


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Heroes of the Church: Martin Luther, Part 2

Today, James Meyers, III concludes our consideration of Martin Luther. Sea of Fire Ministries on YouTube


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Free Will and Liberty: Semi-Pelagianism

Having discussed Augustin’s treatment of Pelagianism, James Meyers, III turns our attention to that school of thought arising out of the Pelagian Controversy, Semi-Pelagianism. Sea of Fire Ministries on YouTube


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Heroes of the Church: Martin Luther, part 1

Today, James Meyers, III introduces the life of the great Reformer, Martin Luther. He begins by panning some contemporary analyses and proceeds through Luther’s life until just prior to the Reformation. God willing, we will consider the latter part of his life next week. Sea of Fire Ministries on YouTube


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Free Will and Liberty: Ironies and Paradoxes

Continuing what Augustin contributed in the Pelagian Controversy, James Meyers, III discusses mankind’s lost liberty as it relates to our fallen desire. Sea of Fire Ministries on YouTube


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Heroes of the Church: Contributions from St. Thomas

As James Meyers, III indicated in our previous message regarding St. Thomas, today he moves from the life of St. Thomas to some of his contributions which have heavily influenced the Church Universal and Protestantism specifically. Sea of Fire Ministries on YouTube


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Free Will and Liberty: The Pelagian Controversy

Today, James Meyers, III continues discussing the Pelagian Controversy giving more of the Augustinian perspective regarding original sin, and distinguishing between free will and liberty. Sea of Fire Ministries on YouTube


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Heroes of the Church: St. Thomas Aquinas

Today, James Meyers, III discusses the life of a man who had one of the most prolific minds of the last millennium. With all the intellectual accolades attributed, rightly or wrongly, to one or another person of seemingly profound cognition of the last thousand years, the Doctor Angelicus (Angelic Doctor/Doctor of the Angels) shines forth as an illuminating figure in history. Such is an underestimated epitaph of St. Thomas Aquinas. Sea of Fire Ministries on YouTube


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St. Augustin: The City of God

Today, James Meyers, III concludes our consideration of St. Augustin through a brief overview of his masterpiece, The City of God. Sea of Fire Ministries on YouTube


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Free Will and Liberty: Introduction

Today, James Meyers, III begins a series to consider free will as it relates to original sin. He begins with discussing some secular perspectives and introduces the Pelagian Controversy as he will continue in subsequent messages. Sea of Fire Ministries on YouTube


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Heroes of the Church: Augustin

Today, James Meyers, III discusses the life of the great theologian, Augustin. He considers Augustin’s early life until his conversion as found in his autobiography, Confessions. Sea of Fire Ministries on YouTube


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The Parable of the Tares

Today, James Meyers, III concludes his consideration of the Parable of the Sower leading into the Parable of the Wheat and Tares. What might these parables demonstrate about the world and His Church? Sea of Fire Ministries on YouTube


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Heroes of the Church: Athanasius

Today, James Meyers, III considers the fourth century Bishop of Alexandria, Athanasius. While he is mostly famous for his work, On the Incarnation, he was almost alone defending orthodoxy and stood strong amidst strong persecution, including 5 exiles totaling 17 years of 45 years as bishop. We would do well to have one like such a man in our time. Sea of Fire Ministries on YouTube


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The Parable of the Soils

Today, James Meyers, III begins a series to consider many of the parables of Christ. He begins with defining a parable and discusses the Parable of the Sower, or, as he prefers, the Parable of the Soils. Sea of Fire Ministries on YouTube


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Heroes of the Church: Polycarp

Today, James Meyers, III begins a series regarding exemplary heroes throughout Church History. In his first lecture, he discusses Polycarp, the great martyr of the second century. Sea of Fire Ministries on YouTube


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The Image of Resurrection

James Meyers, III takes a somewhat rare approach, looking back to the Old Testament going into the New, and shows how we can see the whole counsel of God in the Resurrection of Christ. Sea of Fire Ministries on YouTube


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Roman Catholicism: The Virgin Mary

Given the doctrinal and historical development of Mariology, James Meyers, III gives a very brief synopsis of Roman Catholic consideration of Mary, anticipating a series to come regarding the Virgin Mary. He then considers Mary as she is found in the Bible, and concludes with a poignant Old Testament account to illustrate some tendencies of mankind, including even God’s people. Sea of Fire Ministries on YouTube


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Christ, the Head of the Church

Following his sermon last week regarding church unity found in Christ’s prayer in John 17, James Meyers, III discusses Christ’s exaltation and glory which He gives to His bride. While we are to be the light of the world, we must always remain in the True Light, Jesus the Messiah. Sea of Fire Ministries on YouTube


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Roman Catholicism: Papal Infallibility

It may surprise many Protestants to hear that papal infallibility is a fairly recent de fide doctrine of the Roman Catholic Church. Today, James Meyers, III gives some historical context as to how this was gradually formulated. He concludes with some thoughtful considerations for the Reformed church. Note: Our apologies for the audio as the microphone was not working. Sea of Fire Ministries on YouTube


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The Church

Today, James Meyers, III preaches on the unity of the church as found in Christ’s prayer in The Gospel of John 17. As we find ourselves fragmented in a myriad of denominations and factions, we are ever and always to seek peace with the brethren as one body in our Lord Jesus Christ. Determining between true and false churches is one essential concern, which must not be negotiated. However, the unity that is truly for those who are truly in Christ, also, must be a passionate desire. Christ prayed that the church might be one. While we may be buffeted by perceptible division, let us remember we have an imperceptible union which is divine and true. May we find our oneness in Christ, and rejoice that we are the bride, still yet imperfect, but shall be without spot or wrinkle at that great feast of the saints. Sea of Fire Ministries on YouTube
