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Sports Moms United Podcast

Sports & Recreation Podcasts

Because as a sports mom, you are busy. So, I want to honor your time by "huddling" with you once a week to talk strategy. Every Friday, I will bring on an expert guest to share actionable tools, tips and strategies with you to help you raise your athlete to be nutritionally fit, physically fit and mentally fit and I'll also bring on guest experts with tips and strategies just for us Sports Moms to get organizationally fit too. In the spirit of a huddle, the podcast will be a 15-minute "break in the action" of your week to gather together to learn strategies, get motivated and celebrate with each other before going back out into our own game of life.


United States


Because as a sports mom, you are busy. So, I want to honor your time by "huddling" with you once a week to talk strategy. Every Friday, I will bring on an expert guest to share actionable tools, tips and strategies with you to help you raise your athlete to be nutritionally fit, physically fit and mentally fit and I'll also bring on guest experts with tips and strategies just for us Sports Moms to get organizationally fit too. In the spirit of a huddle, the podcast will be a 15-minute "break in the action" of your week to gather together to learn strategies, get motivated and celebrate with each other before going back out into our own game of life.



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EPISODE #52 - How Can Your Athlete Build Their Mental Muscle?

You're listening to the Sports Moms United 15 minute huddle: Episode #52 How important is it for your athlete to learn how to train their brain? Is it actually the most important skill? Listen in as I talk with Austin Byler (who played for the Arizona Diamondbacks) as he shares his experience. Austin gives us some mental training tips and tools that you and your athlete can use to get started training your brain today! Austin and I discuss... His mission for Major League University and...


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EPISODE #51 - Nobody Told Me THIS Would Happen as a Sports Mom - Brandalyn Shropshire

We could all use a little more laughter right deep belly laughs. So buckle up and get ready for this huddle because I'm chatting with a sports mom who will make you laugh and drop some wisdom as well. Brandalyn is a humorist and softball mom with a big heart and the spiritual gift of humor. Here is her recent rant and our conversation that follows. We chat (and laugh) about all these things... Tell us who you are, what you do, and why you do it? Let's have some fun and find...


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EPISODE #50 - Can Youth Sports Teach Adults Humility and Patience?

When sports shut down, we all had some downtime to refresh, but quickly we missed seeing our kids compete. Chet Arnold, the author of Bean and Baseball in Time Flies, reminds us to enjoy the journey and embrace the ups and downs. We talk about some really important ways parents can develop a positive perspective as they navigate life with their athlete. Chet and I discuss... Bean and Baseball is a book about baseball and how quickly Time Flies from the first practice to High School...


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EPISODE #49 - Is This Injury Serious Enough to go to the Emergency Room?

Your kiddo comes home from practice complaining about a sore, maybe sprained, ankle. It's kinda swollen, but nothing major. What do you do next? You just need a quick answer. Don't google it. You have another from an athletic trainer. Listen in to learn more from my conversation with certified athlete Michelle Cordero. Michelle and I talk about... What is your main goal for Athlete Remedy? Why is it so important to have a resource like Athlete Remedy? What gaps are you...


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EPISODE #48 - What Would Sports Parents Learn If We Could Read A Coach's Diary?

Get ready..this is a powerful 15-minute huddle with practical wisdom for you and your family. Who you are, what you do, and why you do it. The Coach's Diary and how it started? How much influence do you think the parent's EXAMPLE (versus just talking) has on their athlete? We talk about this... WISDOM is doing NOW what you will be happy with later. STAY READY and STAY PREPARED so that you don’t have to rush to get ready. Don’t be lazy. Don’t be complacent. Don’t be passive. Don’t...


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EPISODE #47 - Please Sports, let's do more than hashtags

Nelson Mandela said this "Sport has the power to change the world. It has the power to inspire. It has the power to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand. Sport can create hope where once there was only despair.” As a sports mom and a former athlete, I believe he is right and the sports community, in this moment of crisis, can be a place where the work of changing begins, but only if we look straight into what needs to change,...


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EPISODE #46 - Is Your Athlete Getting Enough Fuel to Run the Machine?

If your athlete was showing signs of energy imbalance, would they recognize it? Would you? This is an important topic because athletes who find their "sweet spot" and maintain an energy balance will have an edge, be less at risk for injury and set a foundation for a healthy life. In today huddle, I talk with Rebecca McConville about the topic of Relative Energy Deficit in Sport (or RED-S) We discuss how to be proactive and avoid RED-S so athletes stay in their sweet spot all season...


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EPISODE #45 - What 3 Questions Should Every Sports Parent Ask Their Athlete?

The topic of confidence always seems to surface when taking with other sports parents. How can my athlete be more confident...what about when my athlete loses confidence? But are we even asking the right questions or is there something else we should be asking? In today's huddle, I talk with Kathy Finesteen, a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, and Sports Performance Consultant, about mental health and mental performance, both for our athlete and for ourselves. She gives us very practical...


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EPISODE #44 - What Does It Really Take...

WHAT YOU’LL HEAR IN TODAY’S 15-MINUTE HUDDLE: What does it really take to play at the next level? From youth sports to professional sports, every next step requires an athlete to grow and mature. In today's huddle, I talk with Austin McCarthy, who was just named Captain of the Topeka Pilots, a team in the Northern American Hockey League. Austin candidly shares with us his insights into his hockey life as he follows his dream to one day play in the NHL. Austin and I discuss... His...


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Episode #43: Can You Emotionally Disconnect from Your Athlete's Sports?

CONTINUE THE HUDDLE WE LOVE HEARING FROM YOU! If you have a question about today’s episode (or want to ask a question of your own for the podcast), you can email me at or head on over to the Sports Moms United Facebook Community


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EPISODE #42 - How We Bridge the Expectation Gap Between Coach and Parent

Ever feel like the communication gap between a coach, you, and your athlete is the size of the Grand Canyon? It happens. Hey, we're emotional, complex humans, right? In today's huddle, I talk to Ian Goldberg who is a passionate sports dad, youth sports coach and Founder of Ian created an APP to get parents & coaches communicating....talking and sharing information without emotional baggage, judgment, blame, and shame. Say what? Yep, we can do it. If you don't use this tool...


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EPISODE #41 - Do You Know Your Athlete's Triggers?

Do you know your athlete's triggers? What makes them anxious? Are you saying or doing things that actually hurt them when your intentions are to help? In today's huddle, I talk with Teisha Womack, who played college basketball at Seton Hall and then professionally in Poland. She went on to get her Master's in Sports Psychology and now works with athletes on improving their mental skills. This is a conversion you don't want to miss and you'll want to pass along to other sports mamas and...


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EPISODE #40 - What Type of Sports Parent Are YOU?

Nick and I discuss... Who he is, what he does and why he does it. Why he started The Reformed Sports Parent platform and when he realized he needed to change. How being vulnerable with his boys was a turning point. When he realized it was more about him than his kids he realized he needed to step back and make some changes. How he reached out to others to see if others were feeling like this and so many others were at very high levels. Why parents are feeling the pressure of the...


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EPISODE #39 - Is Your Athlete Specializing Too Early?

Can you feel it? The pressure is high. The fear of missing out is real, but what happens to your athlete when they specialize too early? In today's huddle, I talk with Brett Klika from SPIDERfit kids about the very real dangers of early sports specialization. Brett shares important insights with us from his extensive background working with youth athletes all the way to professional athletes. Stay with us for this's information you'll need. Brett shares with us... Why he...


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EPISODE #38 - Is Yelling and Screaming at Athletes the Best Way to Coach or Parent?

Does yelling at athletes prepare them well for the world after sports? Does it really" toughen them up"? Is this the best way to coach/parent? In today's huddle, I bring back J.P. Nerbun, a mentor, writer, coach, and sports consultant. who is, most importantly, I am a husband and father. We talk about what happens when we lead with love, both as a coach and parent, and some practical ways we can change the default response from yelling and screaming to setting high standards and leading...


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EPISODE #37 - What Happens When Your Athlete Doesn't Eat Properly?

Did you know that food is more than just fuel for our athletes, it's information their body uses to perform and to stay injury free? So what happens when our athlete doesn't eat properly? In today's huddle, we talk with sports dietitian, Amy Dirks. Amy is a mom of 2 daughters playing sports and Amy herself was a D1 volleyball player at Arkansas State . She also was Sporting KC's first sports dietitian. Listen in for her great tips and tools! Amy tells us... About her food philosophy: Eat...


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EPISODE #36 - How Do We Change the Default from ME to WE in Youth Sports?

Welcome to the Sports Moms 15 minute huddle Dr. Rob shares... Who he is, what he does, and why he does it. Why he holds sport and the vehicle of sport as sacred. What is the Hinge? We are always one moment or one person away from connecting who we are with who we are going to become. Why having a coach is so important. Rob shares his hinge moment during a triathlon and how it led to the question he asks "Would You Stop"? A better us is what makes a better you. It's not about being...


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EPISODE #35 - What does Love-Powered Leadership Look Like in Sports?

What if there were a proven Coaching & Sports-Parenting Philosophy that would help your student-athlete have more joy, passion, confidence, and success on and off the field? Would you want to hear about it? In today's huddle, I talk with Andrew Simpson from Player's Fitness and Performance about the love-powered leadership philosophy and it's growing movement in youth sports. Andrew Simpson shares... Who he is, what he does and why he does it. What is Love-Powered Leadership? What...


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EPISODE #34 - The Power of Love in the Pursuit of Excellence

Being a sports mom is awesome and challenging all at once. We often stress out and become overwhelmed because we are focusing on things that are completely out of our control. We choose fear over love. On today's episode, I talk with Stacie Mahoe, who is a sports mama of 8 about the power of love in the pursuit of excellence. This shift in focus can be a gamechanger for our athlete and for us! CONTINUE THE HUDDLE WE LOVE HEARING FROM YOU! If you have a question about today’s episode...


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Episode #33 - Is Your Athlete At Risk for a Knee Injury?

We buy our children all the best equipment for their sports but are we protecting their bodies in the right way if we just focus on external equipment. What about equipping their bodies to be injury free? On today's episode, I talk with Dr. Leslie De-ro-zure , who is IS A DOCTOR OF PHYSICAL THERAPY, a SPORTS INJURY PREVENTION EXPERT, AND BOARD CERTIFIED ORTHOPEDIC SPECIALIST. We talk about ACL injuries and how to be proactive to keep an athlete's ACL strong. CONTINUE THE HUDDLE WE LOVE...
