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Episode 25-3: Making It – Pathway to the Majors
What does it take to make the Big Leagues? If it were only this simple. There are countless variables, and the pathway may be different for each player but there are a couple of attributes that just might increase your odds of making it. GRIT, determination, hardiness, resilience, coachability, fate and yes, some talent. All […]
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Episode 25-2: The Effort of Elite Performance – Athlete Management & the NBA
In Sport, balancing training, practice and rest and recovery has quickly become one of the most powerful tools in maximizing sport performance. Day to day, week to week, month by month micro and macro programming has changed how we manage our athletes. However, at the developmental and youth levels of sport the concept of “Athlete […]
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Episode 19-1: Ultimate Mental Performance – 2025 Kush Kick Off
Welcome to Season 19 of Krush Performance. This week we kick off 2025 with Krush Hall of Famer: The Zone Coach, Jim Fannin as we break down the Ultimate Mental Performance System. This will be the 12th consecutive year that we launch the New Year talking with Jim and for good reason Jim has spent […]
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Episode 18-12: The Holy Grail(s) of Sport Performance
Success in sport starts with one thing…Planning. Athlete Development and Player Performance is exactly like planning a trip and like any trip you need to have a well though out plan. And, if you are going to create a World Class Plan you need to have World Class Information. This week on Krush Performance I […]
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Episode 18-11: Valuing Talent in Sport
Sport is a commodities market and the #1 commodity in sport is Talent! Its like the Wild West, Guns for Hire and its BIG BUSINESS. You’ve probably hears all about it: The Largest Deal In Professional Sport History. Juan Soto, $765 Million over 15 years. With signing bonus and incentives, he will earn close to […]
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Episode 18-10: Shut Down: Maximizing Your Off-Season
One of the most important questions in sport today, What to do over your off season? The off season for me is one of the most important periods in an athlete’s annual plan. This is where you train the athlete to be a more coachable player. Annual Planning, it’s a cycle of Athlete & Player […]
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Episode 18-9: Culture Trumps Strategy Every Time
Today, you can probably pick out the organizations with great cultures with great accuracy: Kansas City Chiefs – The LA Dodgers – Vegas Knights -Celtics Or Top Schools: Stanford, Penn State, University of California Storied football Franchises: Liverpool, Barcelona FC Real Madrid, Chelea They all have a Culture of Winning / Winning Cultures. Coming off […]
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Episode 18-8: Attacking Performance: The Lifespan of the Athlete
Every athlete experiences doubt at some point. · Doubt about whether they are playing as well as they could be playing or · Whether they are progressing as fast as they feel they should be or · Whether they are going to be good enough to achieve their goals and objectives. The Good News – […]
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Episode 18-7: The Best of the Best & The Toughest of All Time
A Look at Elite & Professional Sport If you are working to compete at a higher level it is Critical that you understand what that higher level of competition looks like. You Have to Know What it Looks Like! This means much more than just watching a game on TV or attending a game or […]
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Episode 18-6: From the Rink to the Boardroom: It’s Okay Not to be Okay
This week on Krush Performance an incredible journey of perseverance, survival, teamwork and problem solving all while performing at the highest levels of Sport and Business. The Outcome: An Incredible Program that I personally believe will change how we work with, support and develop athletes. In a truly inspirational story we talk with Jason Campeau, […]
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Episode 18-5: The Essence of Getting Better
What Does it Take to be Great This week on Krush Performance we are going to take a good hard look at talent, the development of talent and ultimately what it really takes to get better at something. It’s a massive discussion with multiple layers and many areas of grey so lets review what we […]
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Episode 18-4: Creating Performance Environments: How Athletes are the Sum of Their Experiences
How Athletes are the Sum of Their Experiences You are a product of your Environment. Your athletes & players are products of their environments. So, what do we need to do to create a performance environment? Provide Meaningful Experiences! In essence you are the sum of your experiences. You are also the sum of how […]
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Episode 18-3: Elite Culture = Elite Performance
What we can learn from Cirque du Soleil How do you survive 400+ performances a year? 400 elite, exacting, sometime dangerous, mindboggling performances a year! How do you not only survive 400+ performances a year but maintain or even improve performance all while staying injury free??? Well, Teamwork, Culture and a Hyper Focus on the […]
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The Best of the Best: How do Great Athletes Happen?
What is happening in sports today? Incredible stuff that’s what. Have you ever wondered where great athletes come from or how they actually happen? What did they do that allowed them to go on to achieve greatness in sport? Coaches, Researchers, Scouts and GM’s have been trying to answer this question ever since competitive sport […]
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Power Play: Hockey Talk With The Edmonton Oilers
Welcome to Season 18 of Krush Performance Radio. As the hockey season gets underway and NHL camps open we kick off season 18 of Krush Performance talking hockey with the Medical and Performance Staff of the Edmonton Oilers. Hockey player development is a multifaceted process that requires attention to skill training, physical and mental conditioning, […]
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Episode 24-09: Play Ball – Solving Injuries in Baseball
Play Ball! The baseball season is upon us and as games kick off there is one thing that I can guarantee, Sport Medicine Clinics Coast to Coast will be Flooded with Elbow and Shoulder Injuries. One of the Greatest Issues in Sport Today, The Injury Trends In Baseball. And not just at the professional level […]
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Episode 24-08: Spring Break – Are You Ready?
Are you ready for the change? Are you prepared for new sports, the move from indoor to outdoor or transitioning from the snow & cold to the warm weather? With the spring comes a time of transition and you had better be prepared. Look at any of the major sports and you will see a […]
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Episode 24-07: The Long Game
Just how long does it take to become a Top Performer? There is an Ebb and Flow to Athlete Development, its a Long Game and there are No Short Cuts! We know the process of athlete and player development operates on a timeline. Unfortunately, if the timeline becomes skewed and/or corrupt you have NO chance […]
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Episode 24-06: Sleep Aids – The Dark Truth
“Over the Counter Sleep Aids are Useless for sleep…there is Limited evidence that any of them work…more concerning they are Sedating and Blunt Performance – That’s not what we are looking for in an Athlete..” In this episode, we go back into the Krush Archives to revisit an all important conversation with Krush Favorite Dr. […]
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Episode 24-05: Context: For Optimizing Athlete and Player Development
Context is defined as: “the interrelated conditions in which something exists or occurs.” I use the concept of context all the time in our performance programming and its very important for a number of reasons. When building programs for our athletes I call it Player Context. Player Context is a picture in time that tells […]
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